UnsafeMutablePointer.pointee and didSet properties - swift

I got some unexpected behavior using UnsafeMutablePointer on an observed property in a struct I created (on Xcode 10.1, Swift 4.2). See the following playground code:
struct NormalThing {
var anInt = 0
struct IntObservingThing {
var anInt: Int = 0 {
didSet {
print("I was just set to \(anInt)")
var normalThing = NormalThing(anInt: 0)
var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer(&normalThing.anInt)
ptr.pointee = 20
print(normalThing.anInt) // "20\n"
var intObservingThing = IntObservingThing(anInt: 0)
var otherPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer(&intObservingThing.anInt)
// "I was just set to 0."
otherPtr.pointee = 20
print(intObservingThing.anInt) // "0\n"
Seemingly, modifying the pointee on an UnsafeMutablePointer to an observed property doesn't actually modify the value of the property. Also, the act of assigning the pointer to the property fires the didSet action. What am I missing here?

Any time you see a construct like UnsafeMutablePointer(&intObservingThing.anInt), you should be extremely wary about whether it'll exhibit undefined behaviour. In the vast majority of cases, it will.
First, let's break down exactly what's happening here. UnsafeMutablePointer doesn't have any initialisers that take inout parameters, so what initialiser is this calling? Well, the compiler has a special conversion that allows a & prefixed argument to be converted to a mutable pointer to the 'storage' referred to by the expression. This is called an inout-to-pointer conversion.
For example:
func foo(_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
ptr.pointee += 1
var i = 0
print(i) // 1
The compiler inserts a conversion that turns &i into a mutable pointer to i's storage. Okay, but what happens when i doesn't have any storage? For example, what if it's computed?
func foo(_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
ptr.pointee += 1
var i: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { print("newValue = \(newValue)") }
// prints: newValue = 1
This still works, so what storage is being pointed to by the pointer? To solve this problem, the compiler:
Calls i's getter, and places the resultant value into a temporary variable.
Gets a pointer to that temporary variable, and passes that to the call to foo.
Calls i's setter with the new value from the temporary.
Effectively doing the following:
var j = i // calling `i`'s getter
i = j // calling `i`'s setter
It should hopefully be clear from this example that this imposes an important constraint on the lifetime of the pointer passed to foo – it can only be used to mutate the value of i during the call to foo. Attempting to escape the pointer and using it after the call to foo will result in a modification of only the temporary variable's value, and not i.
For example:
func foo(_ ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
return ptr
var i: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { print("newValue = \(newValue)") }
let ptr = foo(&i)
// prints: newValue = 0
ptr.pointee += 1
ptr.pointee += 1 takes place after i's setter has been called with the temporary variable's new value, therefore it has no effect.
Worse than that, it exhibits undefined behaviour, as the compiler doesn't guarantee that the temporary variable will remain valid after the call to foo has ended. For example, the optimiser could de-initialise it immediately after the call.
Okay, but as long as we only get pointers to variables that aren't computed, we should be able to use the pointer outside of the call it was passed to, right? Unfortunately not, turns out there's lots of other ways to shoot yourself in the foot when escaping inout-to-pointer conversions!
To name just a few (there are many more!):
A local variable is problematic for a similar reason to our temporary variable from earlier – the compiler doesn't guarantee that it will remain initialised until the end of the scope it's declared in. The optimiser is free to de-initialise it earlier.
For example:
func bar() {
var i = 0
let ptr = foo(&i)
// Optimiser could de-initialise `i` here.
// ... making this undefined behaviour!
ptr.pointee += 1
A stored variable with observers is problematic because under the hood it's actually implemented as a computed variable that calls its observers in its setter.
For example:
var i: Int = 0 {
willSet(newValue) {
print("willSet to \(newValue), oldValue was \(i)")
didSet(oldValue) {
print("didSet to \(i), oldValue was \(oldValue)")
is essentially syntactic sugar for:
var _i: Int = 0
func willSetI(newValue: Int) {
print("willSet to \(newValue), oldValue was \(i)")
func didSetI(oldValue: Int) {
print("didSet to \(i), oldValue was \(oldValue)")
var i: Int {
get {
return _i
set {
willSetI(newValue: newValue)
let oldValue = _i
_i = newValue
didSetI(oldValue: oldValue)
A non-final stored property on classes is problematic as it can be overridden by a computed property.
And this isn't even considering cases that rely on implementation details within the compiler.
For this reason, the compiler only guarantees stable and unique pointer values from inout-to-pointer conversions on stored global and static stored variables without observers. In any other case, attempting to escape and use a pointer from an inout-to-pointer conversion after the call it was passed to will lead to undefined behaviour.
Okay, but how does my example with the function foo relate to your example of calling an UnsafeMutablePointer initialiser? Well, UnsafeMutablePointer has an initialiser that takes an UnsafeMutablePointer argument (as a result of conforming to the underscored _Pointer protocol which most standard library pointer types conform to).
This initialiser is effectively same as the foo function – it takes an UnsafeMutablePointer argument and returns it. Therefore when you do UnsafeMutablePointer(&intObservingThing.anInt), you're escaping the pointer produced from the inout-to-pointer conversion – which, as we've discussed, is only valid if it's used on a stored global or static variable without observers.
So, to wrap things up:
var intObservingThing = IntObservingThing(anInt: 0)
var otherPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer(&intObservingThing.anInt)
// "I was just set to 0."
otherPtr.pointee = 20
is undefined behaviour. The pointer produced from the inout-to-pointer conversion is only valid for the duration of the call to UnsafeMutablePointer's initialiser. Attempting to use it afterwards results in undefined behaviour. As matt demonstrates, if you want scoped pointer access to intObservingThing.anInt, you want to use withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:).
I'm actually currently working on implementing a warning (which will hopefully transition to an error) that will be emitted on such unsound inout-to-pointer conversions. Unfortunately I haven't had much time lately to work on it, but all things going well, I'm aiming to start pushing it forwards in the new year, and hopefully get it into a Swift 5.x release.
In addition, it's worth noting that while the compiler doesn't currently guarantee well-defined behaviour for:
var normalThing = NormalThing(anInt: 0)
var ptr = UnsafeMutablePointer(&normalThing.anInt)
ptr.pointee = 20
From the discussion on #20467, it looks like this will likely be something that the compiler does guarantee well-defined behaviour for in a future release, due to the fact that the base (normalThing) is a fragile stored global variable of a struct without observers, and anInt is a fragile stored property without observers.

I'm pretty sure the problem is that what you're doing is illegal. You can't just declare an unsafe pointer and claim that it points at the address of a struct property. (In fact, I don't even understand why your code compiles in the first place; what initializer does the compiler think this is?) The correct way, which gives the expected results, is to ask for a pointer that does point at that address, like this:
struct IntObservingThing {
var anInt: Int = 0 {
didSet {
print("I was just set to \(anInt)")
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &intObservingThing.anInt) { ptr -> Void in
ptr.pointee = 20 // I was just set to 20
print(intObservingThing.anInt) // 20


Directly assign UnsafePointer

Can somebody please explain to me what I'm missing here?
let index: Int32 = 100
Why is this not okay:
// Use of extraneous '&'
let ptr = &index // Type inference?
Or even:
// Use of extraneous '&'
let ptr: UnsafePointer<Int32> = &index
But this is:
func point(num: UnsafePointer<Int32>) -> UnsafePointer<Int32> {
return num
let ptr = point(num: &index)
This would be the simple equivalent of this in C:
int index = 100;
int *ptr = &index;
Do I really have to define a function that literally takes the referenced value and passes back the very same reference? Something feels wrong about it. It seems like I'm missing something here, maybe even fundamental.
How do I assign an UnsafePointer to the memory address of the type it is (Int32 in this case)???
Ultimately what I'm attempting to accomplish is, I need to write several various structures into a binary file. The variable index would be a property of a structure. The path I'm going down now involves a file OutputStream. I don't mind receiving suggestions on this, but gets out of scope of the original question.
I don't know the precise rationale, but presumably let ptr = &index isn't allowed because there's no guarantee that you can dereference ptr without invoking undefined behaviour (assuming index isn't a global or static stored variable – the only cases where Swift guarantees stable and unique pointer values).
Unlike other languages, Swift doesn't guarantee that a local variable will remain initialised until the end of the scope it's declared in – the optimiser is free to deinitialise it earlier. Allowing let ptr = &index would therefore make it far too easy to write unsound code.
It's worth noting that your example of:
func point(num: UnsafePointer<Int32>) -> UnsafePointer<Int32> {
return num
let ptr = point(num: &index)
is also unsound. Attempting to dereference ptr from let ptr = point(num: &index) is undefined behaviour, as the inout-to-pointer argument conversion produces a temporary pointer only valid for the duration of the function call.
If you want a scoped temporary pointer to a value, you can use withUnsafePointer(to:) – for example:
func baz() {
var foo = 5
withUnsafePointer(to: &foo) { ptr in
// use `ptr` here – do not escape it!
// In Swift 4.2 you can also use `withUnsafePointer(to:)` on let constants.
let bar = 5
withUnsafePointer(to: bar) { ptr in
// use `ptr` here – do not escape it!
Note that the pointer is only valid for the duration of the closure – attempting to escape it will lead to undefined behaviour.

Can a swift computed property getter mutate a structure?

I have a struct wrapping a var data:[T] that also supplies some statistics on the internal Array. One statistic is the max value, which can be an expensive operation because it requires searching the every element to determine the max value-- so I'd like to cache the max value and only recalculate it if I need to:
private mutating func getMax()->T? {
if let m=maxValue {
return m
else if data.count>0 {
return maxValue
else {
return nil
That seems to work fine as a method, but I can't figure out how to do the same thing as a computed property.
var max:T? {return getMax()}
leads to a complaint that the accessor needs to be marked "mutating" because getMax() is mutating (actually I'd put the getMax code into the property accessor, but it's easier to not rewrite the code here).
Xcode suggests I rewrite the code thusly:
var max:T? mutating {return getMax()}
which then flags another problem and Xcode suggests putting a semicolon before mutating which leads to a suggestion to put another semicolon after mutating and then yet another semicolon after mutating and it's clear the compiler isn't even trying to help but just has a semicolon fetish.
Is there a way to write a computed property that permits caching values or am I stuck writing this as a method?
The correct syntax, despite the compiler's suggestions, would be:
var max:T? {
mutating get {return getMax()}

Capturing a struct reference in a closure doesn't allow mutations to occur

I am trying to see if I can use structs for my model and was trying this. When I call vm.testClosure(), it does not change the value of x and I am not sure why.
struct Model
var x = 10.0
var m = Model()
class ViewModel
let testClosure:() -> ()
init(inout model: Model)
testClosure =
() -> () in
model.x = 30.5
var vm = ViewModel(model:&m)
An inout argument isn't a reference to a value type – it's simply a shadow copy of that value type, that is written back to the caller's value when the function returns.
What's happening in your code is that your inout variable is escaping the lifetime of the function (by being captured in a closure that is then stored) – meaning that any changes to the inout variable after the function has returned will never be reflected outside that closure.
Due to this common misconception about inout arguments, there has been a Swift Evolution proposal for only allowing inout arguments to be captured by #noescape closures. As of Swift 3, your current code will no longer compile.
If you really need to be passing around references in your code – then you should be using reference types (make your Model a class). Although I suspect that you'll probably be able to refactor your logic to avoid passing around references in the first place (however without seeing your actual code, it's impossible to advise).
(Edit: Since posting this answer, inout parameters can now be compiled as a pass-by-reference, which can be seen by looking at the SIL or IR emitted. However you are unable to treat them as such due to the fact that there's no guarantee whatsoever that the caller's value will remain valid after the function call.)
Instances of the closure will get their own, independent copy of the captured value that it, and only it, can alter. The value is captured in the time of executing the closure. Let see your slightly modified code
struct Model
var x = 10.0
mutating func modifyX(newValue: Double) {
let this = self
let model = m
x = newValue
// put breakpoint here
//(lldb) po model
//▿ Model
// - x : 30.0
//(lldb) po self
//▿ Model
// - x : 301.0
//(lldb) po this
//▿ Model
// - x : 30.0
var m = Model()
class ViewModel
let testClosure:() -> ()
init(inout model: Model)
model.x = 50
testClosure =
{ () -> () in
model.x = 30
let mx = m.x
let mx2 = m.x
Here is what Apple says about that.
Classes and Structures
A value type is a type that is copied when it is assigned to a
variable or constant, or when it is passed to a function. [...] All
structures and enumerations are value types in Swift
Structures and enumerations are value types. By default, the properties of a value type cannot be modified from within its instance methods.
However, if you need to modify the properties of your structure or
enumeration within a particular method, you can opt in to mutating
behaviour for that method. The method can then mutate (that is,
change) its properties from within the method, and any changes that it
makes are written back to the original structure when the method ends.
The method can also assign a completely new instance to its implicit
self property, and this new instance will replace the existing one
when the method ends.
Taken from here

Initialize local variable inside closure

Is it possible to initialize a variable in a closure? Specifically, the following code gives an error:
func doSomething(todo: (Void -> Void)) -> Void {
var i: Int
doSomething( { i = 3} )
because i is captured before being initialized. Of course, I can always just use default initialization for the variable and skipping that is most of the time a microoptimization, but I'm wondering.
In the end I've gone with an implicitly unwrapped optional var i: Int!,
thanks to #Laffen and #dfri for pointing me in the right direction. Using an optional should be the best way in the majority of cases.
If no default value is set for the initialization, you should append the ? to make this an optional.
var i: Int?
func someFunc(){
i = 1
Note: To enhance the readability of this answer together with the comment made by #dfri, I've included the comment in the answer:
Perhaps worth mentioning that i is now an implicitly unwrapped optional, so it's possible for i to take a value nil, whereafter trying to access nil-valued i will not prompt compile time warning, however yielding a runtime exception. E.g., i=nil ... print(i). For this case, I find it safer to let i be a "regular" optional, in which case compiler will prompt you for unwrapping (and you can do this in a safe manner rather than implicitly using forced unwrapping ! by default: e.g. var i: Int? .... print(i ?? "nil")), or, safely print "nil" if not unwrapped.
If you move the print(i) inside the closure then it works.
func doSomething(todo: (Void -> Void)) -> Void {
var i: Int
doSomething( { i = 3} )
If the value is not mutated outside the closure Swift will make a copy of that value and so the i referred to outside the doSomething is different from the one inside the doSomething.

How to create a UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>

I'm working with a C API from Swift and for one of the methods that I need to call I need to give a
More Info:
Swift Interface:
public func presage_predict(prsg: presage_t, _ result: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>) -> presage_error_code_t
Original C:
presage_error_code_t presage_predict(presage_t prsg, char*** result);
Generally, if a function takes a UnsafePointer<T> parameter
then you can pass a variable of type T as in "inout" parameter with &. In your case, T is
which is the Swift mapping of char **. So you can call the C function
var prediction : UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>> = nil
if presage_predict(prsg, &prediction) == PRESAGE_OK { ... }
From the documentation and sample code of the Presage library I
understand that this allocates an array of strings and assigns the
address of this array to the variable pointed to by prediction.
To avoid a memory leak, these strings have to be released eventually
To demonstrate that this actually works, I have taken the first
part of the demo code at presage_c_demo.c and translated it
to Swift:
// Duplicate the C strings to avoid premature deallocation:
let past = strdup("did you not sa")
let future = strdup("")
func get_past_stream(arg: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Int8> {
return UnsafePointer(past)
func get_future_stream(arg: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> UnsafePointer<Int8> {
return UnsafePointer(future)
var prsg = presage_t()
presage_new(get_past_stream, nil, get_future_stream, nil, &prsg)
var prediction : UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>> = nil
if presage_predict(prsg, &prediction) == PRESAGE_OK {
for var i = 0; prediction[i] != nil; i++ {
// Convert C string to Swift `String`:
let pred = String.fromCString(prediction[i])!
print ("prediction[\(i)]: \(pred)")
This actually worked and produced the output
prediction[0]: say
prediction[1]: said
prediction[2]: savages
prediction[3]: saw
prediction[4]: sat
prediction[5]: same
There may be a better way but this runs in playground and defines a value r with the type you want:
func ptrFromAddress<T>(p:UnsafeMutablePointer<T>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
return p
var myInt:Int8 = 0
var p = ptrFromAddress(&myInt)
var q = ptrFromAddress(&p)
var r = ptrFromAddress(&q)
What's the point of defining ptrFromAddress, which seems like it does nothing? My thinking is that the section of the Swift interop book which discusses mutable pointers shows many ways to initialize them by passing some expression as an argument (like &x), but does not seem to show corresponding ways where you simply call UnsafeMutablePointer's initializer. So let's define a no-op function just to use those special initialization methods based on argument-passing
While I believe the method above is correct, it was pointed out by #alisoftware in another forum that this seems to be a safer and more idiomatic way to do the same thing:
var myInt: Int8 = 0
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&myInt) { (var p) in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&p) { (var pp) in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(&pp) { (var ppp) in
// Do stuff with ppp which is a UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>>>
It's more idiomatic because you're using the function withUnsafeMutablePointer which is supplied by the Swift standard library, rather than defining your own helper. It's safer because you are guaranteed that the UnsafeMutablePointer is only alive during the extent of the call to the closure (so long as the closure itself does not store the pointer).