Eclipse EGit Not Opening File Comparison - eclipse

I am using Eclipse (Photon 4.8.0) for a Git project. Before committing, I have been double clicking the files which appear in the unstaged changes section of the Git Staging View to remind myself of what I have changed before writing the commit message (I'm still new to Git so occasionally I will do several things before remembering that I have to commit my changes). However, double clicking on the file today merely opens the file, rather than opening the comparison view. I can still open the comparison view by right clicking the file and selecting Compare with Index but this takes more time and is frustrating.
As far as I know, I haven't changed any settings (not intentionally anyway). Can someone explain to me how to get back the behaviour I was seeing before please?

Make sure, in the Git Staging view toolbar the Compare Mode button is pressed.
See also EGit User Guide of the History view with the same icon.


SourceTree Won't Show All My Changes

I want to commit my works. But when I want to see what I changed and wrote them into commit message, I saw some of my changes won't show.
What is the problem?
Change The Maximum Lines And Size In Options
Tools > Options > Diff
Change Max Diff Line Count
Change Size Limit (Text)
I'm adding this answer as another possible cause of SourceTree "only showing the change history for a single file". This was annoying me for quite a while. No settings changes would display more than one file. THEN, I realised that the commit summary is actually a panel which slides up over the file list. ZOMG.
Make sure your filter is setup correctly:
For me the filter bugged out and while the main text said "Pending files", the dropdown had nothing selected.
Size Update For the latest ScourceTree
ScourceTree -> Preferences -> Diff -> Size limit(text)
Make sure that you copy the last version of your project, the one that you want to commit, to the directory of your repositories that you set for SourceTree. Replace the old project with the new one then open SourceTree
Open SourceTree, click commit, select all the files that you want to commit, which will probably be all the files you see (becuase SourceTree shows the changed files after you click commit).
On the Puush button on the top you'll se a red notification icon which means that you didn't push the last commit. Once you do that, your changes must be visible on BitBucket and SourceTree
Another possible reason:
Make sure Ignore whitespace in the diff view is not enabled.
If it is not a Pending issue or an options issue mentioned above, make sure Mercurial wasn't inadvertently checked if you're using it with Git. It will manifest in a similar way. If so, you're going to need to deinstall & re-install.

Compare changes with latest from repo

Eclipse shows me with the symbol > which files I have modified, after the last repository update. Before commiting, I want to see the changes I made.
When I go right click->Team->Synchronize with repository I get exactly what I want. The problem is, I only get the view for this one file I clicked. I need to change the view back to Java, to be able to chose the next modified file.
Is it possible, to compare all modified files, one by one, with the latest edition from the repository, without changing the view after each file?
Instead of right clicking a specific file, you can right click the entire project and perform the same operation you describe.

ECLIPSE Subclipse: Occasional error with file selection in synchronize view

I am using Eclipse JUNO with the subclipse plugin.
Generally it works quite well. To commit files to the SVN repository you synchronize to check the changes you have made. Select the files you want to commit, add a comment and simply commit it.
Usually the selected files are then properly committed.
However, sometimes the selected files view in the commit window do not correspond to the actually selected files in the synchronize view. Instead it simply indicates all files in the project's file directory.
If you don't notice and commit you end up committing dozens of files/directories you do not want or need to commit.
I have tried all sorts of things to try and make it do that so that I know which chain of actions triggers it so I can avoid it but of course it never does it when you try.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing it or experienced the same? It is definitely not that the selected files are no longer selected. I could clearly see that selection still being active on the left hand side synchronization view but still the commit window was showing a full file selection.
Any help/suggestion much appreciated.
I finally figured it out. Whatever file selection you do is overridden by a folder selection at a higher level => if you accidentally mark the project's main folder all files are transferred.
In the end it is Very simple and logical. The only nuisance is that the specific files you selected at a lower level are highlighted in the commit window's file selection view as well so if you look at the view superficially you get the impression only your selected files will be committed.

Animate commits inside IDE to learn codebase, an idea?

Go back in time in the codebase and see the commits as an animated explanation of how the codebase was formed. a great way to get into a open source project?
For insance if you could play this inside Eclipse, so that the comments the time and the reason for the commit become clear.
Is there such a thing?
A static (i.e. non-animated) version of "going back in time" is EGit blame (annotations):
Selecting the Team > Show Annotations action on file selections will open the editor and display an annotation ruler with commit and author information for each line in a file.
Hovering over the ruler will display a pop-up showing the commit id, author, committer, and the commit message.

Eclipse with Subversive - regular svn diff view

Previously I've used command line SVN without any wrappers.
Few days ago I switched to Eclipse with Subversive and have problems with diffs.
Team Sync perspective with Compare view is OK, but it displays whole file, not just changes.
Where I can find something similar to "svn diff" output? I need only changes.
Eclipse Compare views show the entire file which makes sense, as its a GUI. In the Compare view, there are buttons in the top right that enable you to skip from diff to diff (down and up), and the right-hand margin shows locations. So, while its not exactly the same as the command-line, its just as functional. Also, it gives you context for the changes, not just the changed line.
If you need to output a report, that's a little different. You might be able to just click int the top pane, type Ctl-A to select all, Ctl-C to copy, and then paste into a text editor. That might give you just the changes.