I think since the last update of Visual Studio Code (v 1.31), I don't see uncide emojis in the vscode terminal.
That means, when I try to console.log for example "🐶", it gives me the following output: "�".
console.log(🐶) // -> returns � in the console
Does anyone know how to fix this?
As the title suggests, I need help removing the type suggestion used in the Visual studio code print commands. I am currently using Java and in each println I always have something like s: before the contents of the brackets. Like: System.out.printf (s: ...); here, how can I remove this suggestion? Thanks =)
I'm trying to run a few queries on MongoDB playground extension. According to the documentation, the output of the queries should be shown in a terminal. However, A new file is opening up to display the result and the playground output tab of the terminal is empty.
How do I get it to show the result in the terminal?
Use print() or console.log() command
Note that print and console.log will print in the VS Code Output
panel, while the result of the playground is displayed in an editor.
See https://www.mongodb.com/community/forums/t/print-function-in-vscode-extension-is-missing/103118/2
Hope this will help whoever looking for the solution.
Go to View , select "open View.." and type "playground output".
enter image description here
In VS Code, When I select Format Document With... then choose Prettier - Code Formatter, I get the following error:
Command 'Format Document' resulted in an error (No loader specified for extension ".cjs", so searchPlaces item ".prettierrc.cjs" is invalid)
From what I can gather this has something to do with underlying TypeScript in VS Code not having a loader available for .cjs files and Prettier searching for prettierrc.cjs but I can't quite see how that all fits together, or how to work around it.
Has anyone else encountered, found a work around or solved this or a similar issue in VS Code?
I tried disabling the Prettier VS Code extension and enabling it again and that fixed the issue for me.
Credits #NikolajDamLarsen
Whenever my VSCode outputs anything to the terminal, even something simple like "Hello World", it appends about 500 blank lines after the output
I have no idea why this happens, but it's new and I didn't make any changes to my settings or otherwise. I looked over my settings in VScode but I didnt see anything that could be related.
Even something as simple as -> "fmt.Println("Hello world")" displays this error.
The problem appears to be related to VS code, it has nothing to do with the actual code being run...
I expect the output to be what the output should be, but instead its whatever the output should be plus about 500 lines of blank text.
Here's an example of what this issue looks like:
My typescript files are usually littered with console.log commands to output values at various stages of execution. Is there a VS Code extension that automatically collapses .log commands when they are not clicked on?
there's an extension to delete them on per document basis. nikhilmutkekar.removeconsolelogs
this for atomenter link description here (for vscode is the same)
Still not sure about how to collapse them in the editor, but for the console output in the browser, console.group() and console.groupEnd() work well.
console.log('First log');
console.log('Second log');
console.log('Third log');