Modulus Switching in SEAL library - seal

Conventionally, modulus switching is primarily used to make the noise growth linear, as opposed to exponential. However, in the BFV examples, it has been introduced as a tool to shave off primes (thereby reducing the bitlength of coefficient modulus) and improve computational efficiency.
Does it help in reducing noise growth in the BFV scheme as well? Will I observe exponential growth in noise without (manually) switching modulus?

In BFV you don't need to do modulus switching because exponential noise growth is prevented by the scale invariance property. The main benefit of it is therefore in improving computational performance and perhaps communication cost.
For example, in some simple protocol Alice might encrypt data and send it to Bob who computes on it and sends the result back. If Alice only needs to decrypt the result, the parameters can just as well be as small as possible when Alice receives the result, so Bob should switch to smallest possible parameters before sending the data back to Alice to minimize the communication cost.


Should we do learning rate decay for adam optimizer

I'm training a network for image localization with Adam optimizer, and someone suggest me to use exponential decay. I don't want to try that because Adam optimizer itself decays learning rate. But that guy insists and he said he did that before. So should I do that and is there any theory behind your suggestion?
It depends. ADAM updates any parameter with an individual learning rate. This means that every parameter in the network has a specific learning rate associated.
But the single learning rate for each parameter is computed using lambda (the initial learning rate) as an upper limit. This means that every single learning rate can vary from 0 (no update) to lambda (maximum update).
It's true, that the learning rates adapt themselves during training steps, but if you want to be sure that every update step doesn't exceed lambda you can than lower lambda using exponential decay or whatever.
It can help to reduce loss during the latest step of training, when the computed loss with the previously associated lambda parameter has stopped to decrease.
In my experience it usually not necessary to do learning rate decay with Adam optimizer.
The theory is that Adam already handles learning rate optimization (check reference) :
"We propose Adam, a method for efficient stochastic optimization that
only requires first-order gradients with little memory requirement.
The method computes individual adaptive learning rates for different
parameters from estimates of first and second moments of the
gradients; the name Adam is derived from adaptive moment estimation."
As with any deep learning problem YMMV, one size does not fit all, you should try different approaches and see what works for you, etc. etc.
Yes, absolutely. From my own experience, it's very useful to Adam with learning rate decay. Without decay, you have to set a very small learning rate so the loss won't begin to diverge after decrease to a point. Here, I post the code to use Adam with learning rate decay using TensorFlow. Hope it is helpful to someone.
decayed_lr = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate,
global_step, 10000,
0.95, staircase=True)
opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(decayed_lr, epsilon=adam_epsilon)
Adam has a single learning rate, but it is a max rate that is adaptive, so I don't think many people using learning rate scheduling with it.
Due to the adaptive nature the default rate is fairly robust, but there may be times when you want to optimize it. What you can do is find an optimal default rate beforehand by starting with a very small rate and increasing it until loss stops decreasing, then look at the slope of the loss curve and pick the learning rate that is associated with the fastest decrease in loss (not the point where loss is actually lowest). Jeremy Howard mentions this in the deep learning course and its from the Cyclical Learning Rates paper.
Edit: People have fairly recently started using one-cycle learning rate policies in conjunction with Adam with great results.
Be careful when using weight decay with the vanilla Adam optimizer, as it appears that the vanilla Adam formula is wrong when using weight decay, as pointed out in the article Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization .
You should probably use the AdamW variant when you want to use Adam with weight decay.
A simple alternative is to increase the batch size. A larger number of samples per update will force the optimizer to be more cautious with the updates. If GPU memory limits the number of samples that can be tracked per update, you may have to resort to CPU and conventional RAM for training, which will obviously further slow down training.
From another point of view
All stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizers, including Adam, have randomization built and have no guarantees of reaching a global minima
After several
times of reduction, a satisfying local extremum will be obtained.
so using learning decay will not help reach global minima as it is supposed to help.
Also if you used it the learning rate will eventually become very
small, and the algorithm will become ineffective.

How can I improve the performance of a feedforward network as a q-value function approximator?

I'm trying to navigate an agent in a n*n gridworld domain by using Q-Learning + a feedforward neural network as a q-function approximator. Basically the agent should find the best/shortest way to reach a certain terminal goal position (+10 reward). Every step the agent takes it gets -1 reward. In the gridworld there are also some positions the agent should avoid (-10 reward, terminal states,too).
So far I implemented a Q-learning algorithm, that saves all Q-values in a Q-table and the agent performs well.
In the next step, I want to replace the Q-table by a neural network, trained online after every step of the agent. I tried a feedforward NN with one hidden layer and four outputs, representing the Q-values for the possible actions in the gridworld (north,south,east, west).
As input I used a nxn zero-matrix, that has a "1" at the current positions of the agent.
To reach my goal I tried to solve the problem from the ground up:
Explore the gridworld with standard Q-Learning and use the Q-map as training data for the Network once Q-Learning is finished
--> worked fine
Use Q-Learning and provide the updates of the Q-map as trainingdata
for NN (batchSize = 1)
--> worked good
Replacy the Q-Map completely by the NN. (This is the point, when it gets interesting!)
-> FIRST MAP: 4 x 4
As described above, I have 16 "discrete" Inputs, 4 Output and it works fine with 8 neurons(relu) in the hidden layer (learning rate: 0.05). I used a greedy policy with an epsilon, that reduces from 1 to 0.1 within 60 episodes.
The test scenario is shown here. Performance is compared beetween standard qlearning with q-map and "neural" qlearning (in this case i used 8 neurons and differnt dropOut rates).
To sum it up: Neural Q-learning works good for small grids, also the performance is okay and reliable.
-> Bigger MAP: 10 x 10
Now I tried to use the neural network for bigger maps.
At first I tried this simple case.
In my case the neural net looks as following: 100 input; 4 Outputs; about 30 neurons(relu) in one hidden layer; again I used a decreasing exploring factor for greedy policy; over 200 episodes the learning rate decreases from 0.1 to 0.015 to increase stability.
At frist I had problems with convergence and interpolation between single positions caused by the discrete input vector.
To solve this I added some neighbour positions to the vector with values depending on thier distance to the current position. This improved the learning a lot and the policy got better. Performance with 24 neurons is seen in the picture above.
Summary: the simple case is solved by the network, but only with a lot of parameter tuning (number of neurons, exploration factor, learning rate) and special input transformation.
Now here are my questions/problems I still haven't solved:
(1) My network is able to solve really simple cases and examples in a 10 x 10 map, but it fails as the problem gets a bit more complex. In cases where failing is very likely, the network has no change to find a correct policy.
I'm open minded for any idea that could improve performace in this cases.
(2) Is there a smarter way to transform the input vector for the network? I'm sure that adding the neighboring positons to the input vector on the one hand improve the interpolation of the q-values over the map, but on the other hand makes it harder to train special/important postions to the network. I already tried standard cartesian two-dimensional input (x/y) on an early stage, but failed.
(3) Is there another network type than feedforward network with backpropagation, that generally produces better results with q-function approximation? Have you seen projects, where a FF-nn performs well with bigger maps?
It's known that Q-Learning + a feedforward neural network as a q-function approximator can fail even in simple problems [Boyan & Moore, 1995].
Rich Sutton has a question in the FAQ of his web site related with this.
A possible explanation is the phenomenok known as interference described in [Barreto & Anderson, 2008]:
Interference happens when the update of one state–action pair changes the Q-values of other pairs, possibly in the wrong direction.
Interference is naturally associated with generalization, and also happens in conventional supervised learning. Nevertheless, in the reinforcement learning paradigm its effects tend to be much more harmful. The reason for this is twofold. First, the combination of interference and bootstrapping can easily become unstable, since the updates are no longer strictly local. The convergence proofs for the algorithms derived from (4) and (5) are based on the fact that these operators are contraction mappings, that is, their successive application results in a sequence converging to a fixed point which is the solution for the Bellman equation [14,36]. When using approximators, however, this asymptotic convergence is lost, [...]
Another source of instability is a consequence of the fact that in on-line reinforcement learning the distribution of the incoming data depends on the current policy. Depending on the dynamics of the system, the agent can remain for some time in a region of the state space which is not representative of the entire domain. In this situation, the learning algorithm may allocate excessive resources of the function approximator to represent that region, possibly “forgetting” the previous stored information.
One way to alleviate the interference problem is to use a local function approximator. The more independent each basis function is from each other, the less severe this problem is (in the limit, one has one basis function for each state, which corresponds to the lookup-table case) [86]. A class of local functions that have been widely used for approximation is the radial basis functions (RBFs) [52].
So, in your kind of problem (n*n gridworld), an RBF neural network should produce better results.
Boyan, J. A. & Moore, A. W. (1995) Generalization in reinforcement learning: Safely approximating the value function. NIPS-7. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
André da Motta Salles Barreto & Charles W. Anderson (2008) Restricted gradient-descent algorithm for value-function approximation in reinforcement learning, Artificial Intelligence 172 (2008) 454–482

Neural Networks back propogation

I have gone through neural networks and have understood the derivation for back propagation almost perfectly(finally!). However, I had a small doubt.
We are updating all the weights simultaneously, so what is the guarantee that they lead to a smaller cost. If the weights are updated one by one, it would definitely lead to a lesser cost and it would be similar to linear regression. But if you update all the weights simultaneously, might we not cross the minima?
Also, do we update the biases like we update the weights after each forward propagation and back propagation of each test case?
Lastly, I have started reading on RNN's. What are some good resources to understand BPTT in RNN's?
Yes, updating only one weight at the time could result in decreasing error value every time but it's usually infeasible to do such updates in practical solutions using NN. Most of today's architectures usually have ~ 10^6 parameters so one epoch for every parameter could last enormously long. Moreover - because of nature of backpropagation - you usually have to compute loads of different derivatives in order to compute derivative with respect to a parameter given - so you will waste a lot of computations when using such approach.
But the phenomenon which you mention has been noticed a long time ago and there are some ways in dealing with it. There are two most common issues connected with it:
Covariance shift: it's when error and weight updates of a layer given strongly depends on output from previous layer, so when you update it - the results in the next layer might be different. The most common way to deal with this problem right now is Batch normalization.
Nolinear function vs Linear Differentation: it's quite uncommon when you think about BP but derivative is a linear operator which might generate a lot of problems in gradient descent. The most countintuitive example is the fact that if you multiply your input by a constant then every derivative will also be multiplied by the same number. This may lead to a lot of problems but most of recent methods of learning do a great job in dealing with it.
About BPTT I stronly recomend you Geoffrey Hinton course about ANN and especially this video.

Neural Nets: computing weight deltas is a bottleneck

After profiling my Neural Nets' code I've realized that the method, which computes the weight changes for each arc in the network (-rate*gradient + momentum*previous_delta - decay*rate*weight), already given the gradient, is the bottleneck (55% inclusive samples).
Is there any trick to compute these values in a efficient manner?
This is normal behaviour. I am assuming that you are using an iterative process to solve the weights at each evolution step (such as backpropagation?). If the number of neurons is large and the training (back-testing) algorithm is short, then it is normal that weight mutation such as this will consume a larger fraction of compute time during training of the neural network.
Did you get this result using a simple XOR problem or similar? If so, you will probably find that if you start to solve more complex problems (such as pattern detection in multidimensional arrays, image processing, etc.) that those functions will begin to consume an insignificant fraction of compute time.
If you are profiling, I would suggest you profile with a problem that is closer to the purpose for which the neural network is designed (I am guessing you didn't design it to solve XOR or play tic tac toe) and you will probably find that optimising code such as -rate*gradient + momentum*previous_delta - decay*rate*weight is more or less a waste of time, at least this is my experience.
If you do find that this code is compute-intensive in real-world applications then I would suggest trying to reduce the number of times this line of code is executed via structural changes. Neural network optimization is a rich field and I can't possibly give you useful advise from such a broad question, but I will say that if your program is unusually slow, you're unlikely to see significant improvements by tinkering at such low-level code. I will however suggest the following from my own experience:
Consider parallelisation. Many search algorithms such as those implemented in back-propagation techniques are amenable to parallel attempts to improve convergence. As weight-adjustments are identical in terms of computation demand for a given network, think static loops in Open MP.
Modify the convergence criterion (the critical convergence rate before you stop adjustments of weights) to perform less of these calculations
Consider an alternative to deterministic solutions such as back-propagations, which are slightly more prone to local optimisation anyway. Consider gaussian mutation (All things being equal gaussian mutation will 1) reduce time spent on mutation relative to backtesting 2) increase convergence time and 3) be less prone to getting caught in local minima of the error search space)
Please note that this is a non-technical answer to what I have interpreted as a non-technical question.

Neural Network learning rate and batch weight update

I have programmed a Neural Network in Java and am now working on the back-propagation algorithm.
I've read that batch updates of the weights will cause a more stable gradient search instead of a online weight update.
As a test I've created a time series function of 100 points, such that x = [0..99] and y = f(x). I've created a Neural Network with one input and one output and 2 hidden layers with 10 neurons for testing. What I am struggling with is the learning rate of the back-propagation algorithm when tackling this problem.
I have 100 input points so when I calculate the weight change dw_{ij} for each node it is actually a sum:
dw_{ij} = dw_{ij,1} + dw_{ij,2} + ... + dw_{ij,p}
where p = 100 in this case.
Now the weight updates become really huge and therefore my error E bounces around such that it is hard to find a minimum. The only way I got some proper behaviour was when I set the learning rate y to something like 0.7 / p^2.
Is there some general rule for setting the learning rate, based on the amount of samples? :
Subject: What learning rate should be used for
In standard backprop, too low a learning rate makes the network learn very slowly. Too high a learning rate
makes the weights and objective function diverge, so there is no learning at all. If the objective function is
quadratic, as in linear models, good learning rates can be computed from the Hessian matrix (Bertsekas and
Tsitsiklis, 1996). If the objective function has many local and global optima, as in typical feedforward NNs
with hidden units, the optimal learning rate often changes dramatically during the training process, since
the Hessian also changes dramatically. Trying to train a NN using a constant learning rate is usually a
tedious process requiring much trial and error. For some examples of how the choice of learning rate and
momentum interact with numerical condition in some very simple networks, see
With batch training, there is no need to use a constant learning rate. In fact, there is no reason to use
standard backprop at all, since vastly more efficient, reliable, and convenient batch training algorithms exist
(see Quickprop and RPROP under "What is backprop?" and the numerous training algorithms mentioned
under "What are conjugate gradients, Levenberg-Marquardt, etc.?").
Many other variants of backprop have been invented. Most suffer from the same theoretical flaw as
standard backprop: the magnitude of the change in the weights (the step size) should NOT be a function of
the magnitude of the gradient. In some regions of the weight space, the gradient is small and you need a
large step size; this happens when you initialize a network with small random weights. In other regions of
the weight space, the gradient is small and you need a small step size; this happens when you are close to a
local minimum. Likewise, a large gradient may call for either a small step or a large step. Many algorithms
try to adapt the learning rate, but any algorithm that multiplies the learning rate by the gradient to compute
the change in the weights is likely to produce erratic behavior when the gradient changes abruptly. The
great advantage of Quickprop and RPROP is that they do not have this excessive dependence on the
magnitude of the gradient. Conventional optimization algorithms use not only the gradient but also secondorder derivatives or a line search (or some combination thereof) to obtain a good step size.
With incremental training, it is much more difficult to concoct an algorithm that automatically adjusts the
learning rate during training. Various proposals have appeared in the NN literature, but most of them don't
work. Problems with some of these proposals are illustrated by Darken and Moody (1992), who
unfortunately do not offer a solution. Some promising results are provided by by LeCun, Simard, and
Pearlmutter (1993), and by Orr and Leen (1997), who adapt the momentum rather than the learning rate.
There is also a variant of stochastic approximation called "iterate averaging" or "Polyak averaging"
(Kushner and Yin 1997), which theoretically provides optimal convergence rates by keeping a running
average of the weight values. I have no personal experience with these methods; if you have any solid
evidence that these or other methods of automatically setting the learning rate and/or momentum in
incremental training actually work in a wide variety of NN applications, please inform the FAQ maintainer
Bertsekas, D. P. and Tsitsiklis, J. N. (1996), Neuro-Dynamic
Programming, Belmont, MA: Athena Scientific, ISBN 1-886529-10-8.
Darken, C. and Moody, J. (1992), "Towards faster stochastic gradient
search," in Moody, J.E., Hanson, S.J., and Lippmann, R.P., eds.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 1009-1016. Kushner, H.J., and Yin,
G. (1997), Stochastic Approximation Algorithms and Applications, NY:
Springer-Verlag. LeCun, Y., Simard, P.Y., and Pearlmetter, B.
(1993), "Automatic learning rate maximization by online estimation of
the Hessian's eigenvectors," in Hanson, S.J., Cowan, J.D., and Giles,
C.L. (eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5, San
Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 156-163. Orr, G.B. and Leen, T.K.
(1997), "Using curvature information for fast stochastic search," in
Mozer, M.C., Jordan, M.I., and Petsche, T., (eds.) Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 9,Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pp.
Archive-name: ai-faq/neural-nets/part1
Last-modified: 2002-05-17
Maintainer: (Warren S. Sarle)
Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Warren S. Sarle, Cary, NC, USA.
A simple solution would be to take the average weight of a batch instead of summing it. This way you can just use a learning rate of 0.7 (or any other value of your liking), without having to worry about optimizing yet another parameter.
More interesting information about batch updating and learning rates can be found in this article by Wilson (2003).