is there Uber delivery API? - uber-api

I want to add feature in my app to delver products from user to another. from home to home. Can I use Uber API instead of building it from scratch. If so please provide me with a documentation.
I've searched in Uber APIs Documentation but I couldn't find. could you please help me??

No- there is not an Uber delivery API. There used to be a limited API, but the overall service shut down:


Is there any way to connect with Uber Eats?

I found a 2017 question about integrating with the Uber Eats API, which said there was no public API for it. Since then, is there anything new about integrating with Uber Eats? Is there any way in Uber's own API to get data related to the Uber Eats application?
Uber hasn't released a public API for it... There are alternatives to do so.
Sending Activity request to the uber eats application and wait for the Activities result. For which the documentation is given below,.
Android Documentation
You can launch an instance of the application using instant app.

Uber API integration

Im curious as to how advanced the API is and what are my options when creating the API? My company is creating an online concierge for Vegas and I wanted to use Uber API for pickup and dropoffs to nightlife venues.
Please look at the Uber developer website: which lists different use cases, solutions, showcases, etc. To begin integrating look at the 'docs' section.
StackOverflow should be for a specific technical coding questions. If you have anything like that, please follow up with a new question.

How to test the Uber deep links API?

we are developping an app which gives the user a list of travel proposals. The list will also include a travel proposal with Uber.
To book a Uber travel, our app will start the Uber app over the deep links API. After booking the user will be able to jump back to our app with the trip branding feature.
How can we test this? Does Uber provide a test app? Or do we have to use the productive app for this?
Thank you for a reply.
You can test using the production app by generating a deep link from your app. See more details in the deep linking documentation.

Google analytics, adwords, facebook data on my server

I've got client who has several different websites, each website having Google analytics account.
Our marketing department is also running Google Adwords/Facebook/Instagram ads for each of those websites.
I want data/leads from Google and Facebook on my local server. I also want real-time data that should automatically update from Google & Facebook with fixed time interval.
I've been Googling and experimenting with the Analytics API docs, but no luck.
Any one please help me to find better solution.
#This question is not for this website but I didn't find any other option.
Thank you.
There are several services that your are looking for. Use this info like a getting started. Every service has his own simplicities and complexities.
Use Campaign Performance Report to download your campaign's metrics. See examples in PHP, Java, Python, etc.
Use RealTime API to get real time data. See examples
Use Core Reporting API to get general data. See examples
There is a very useful tool: Query Explorer to see Analytics API working
Facebook / Instagram
Use Ads Insights API to download your campaigns's metrics. See examples

Facebook Continued Flow Lead Ads: How to get whitelisted?

We'd like to use the Facebook Continued Flow Lead Ads API. Integrating it into our website was quite easy. The Continued Flow Test Tool was helpful.
The last step missing is how to integrate our endpoint - the Follow Up URL - in campaigns.
In the Facebook Continued Flow Lead Ads API, the documentation says that
This feature is available by whitelist only.
Since Facebook's support doesn't provide this information, maybe someone over here can help me?
How does one get whitelisted?
As far as I know you have to go through an internal process with a FB account manager or one of the technical managers of the Lead Ads project to get your ad account whitelisted for continued flow use. I checked if this might be exposed on the FB App Review process but it's not yet, so I recommend contacting your account manager if you have one or otherwise trying to go through FB support.
in order to be whitelisted you need to have:
Managed account
$50K+ monthly spent
You can apply through this link which is available publicly -