Error when restoring PostGIS database: "type geometry does not exist" - postgresql

So a colleague of mine is leaving our company and he used pg_dump (indirectly, through pgAdmin III) to dump his local database. He put the .backup file on the company server, and I'm now using pg_restor (indirectly, through pgAdmin III) to restore his tables into the company database.
But I noticed that only the tables without a geometry were restored.
When looking closely at the logs, I noticed that the error was the following (sorry about the French locale):
pg_restore: [programme d'archivage (db)] could not execute query: ERREUR: le type « geometry » n'existe pas
LIGNE 3 : geom geometry(Point,5699),
La commande était : CREATE TABLE cbt_poste (
id integer NOT NULL,
geom geometry(Point,5699),
nom_du_pos character varying(32),
Basically, it states that the type Geometry does not exist. But when I create a table with a Geometry column, in whatever schema of the database, it works successfully.
So my problem is essentially:
When I create a table with a Geometry column, everything works...
But when pg_restore creates a table with a Geometry column, everything happens as if the PostGIS extension never had existed.
Any experience of this kind of issue?

I may assume, there's no PostGIS extension installed at the database, where you're trying to restore the dump. That's why spatial data types (geometry, in particular) are not getting recognized. You may try to install PostGIS and retry pg_restore.

See if you have postgis installed writing this in psql:
SELECT PostGIS_full_version();
if not installed, you can install it following the instructions in postgis install instructions
If you have postgis installed, you need to make sure the extension is available in your database, if it is not, you can create it with:


Importing sql dump from postgresql 9.6 to postgresql 10

I have a website with a Postgis database. I access to it with phpPgAdmin with postgreSQL 9.6. I want to export my database to keep a local backup.
I exported it like that:
Then I want to import it in PgAdmin 4 v2.1, with PostgreSQL 10. In my SQL file I changed the owner name from observatoire-vienne to postgres. I created an empty spatial database.
I selected the query tool and ran the query with my sql file.
The error message is:
ERROR: ERREUR: la fonction public._st_dumppoints(public.geometry, integer[]) n'existe pas
Which means:
Error: the function public._st_dumppoints(public.geometry, integer[]) does not exist
I can’t find a similar problem in previous posts.
My question is: Is it due to Postgres versions? Does someone have the solution?

Postgresql: Can't access to file « $libdir/postgis-2.1 » no such file or directory

I guess this is a known issue but since I have used a script that removed my postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1, I'm now unable to get rid of this SQL error under Debian.
Can't access to file « $libdir/postgis-2.1 » no such file or directory
I've done the following:
- Remove new unwanted postgresql-9.5-postgis-2.2 package installed
- Reinstalling postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1, postgresql-9.4-postgis-scripts and postgis
- Using SQL: ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE TO '2.1.4' --under postgres user
- Using SQL: ALTER EXTENSION postgis_topology UPDATE TO '2.1.4' --under postgres user
And SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions; returns
postgis 2.1.4 2.1.4 PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions.
But still this message when accessing object like tables that uses geometry type.
Any idea?
Finally "solve" the issue compiling from source postgis 2.2.2 (that also requires gdal, proj4 and geos) and then issuing
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
since DROP EXTENSION postgis; tells me postgis wasn't present anymore.
And finally:
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_topology UPDATE TO '2.2.2';
Got access again to my geom data and functions from PostgreSQL 9.4. It seems that compiling from source updated correctly the variable path for postgresql and installed /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/lib/ that wasn't present anymore (for as well), even with (re)installing from apt-get.
Hope this will help.
First run (as postgres administrator) in the database that needs it (\c your-database-name):
If this returns successfully, then check what version you have
SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();
If however, the server returns that it cannot find the extension postgis, then run
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
and again check by running
SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();
If you are using ubuntu
Enter in postgres interactive shell by using below command
sudo -u postgres psql
\c database_name;
SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();

ERROR: function addgeometrycolumn(unknown..), when inserting sql file in to postgis database

I am trying to import the spatial file in to my database
Firstly i have created a database using postgis template as below
createdb -T template_postgis database_name;
I have postgis installed already on my machine
POSTGIS="2.1.1 r12113" GEOS="3.3.3-CAPI-1.7.4" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.9.0, released 2011/12/29" LIBXML="2.7.8" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" TOPOLOGY RASTER
Postgres version : psql (9.3.2, server 9.1.11)
Secondly i have converted the spatial file in to sql file as below
shp2pgsql -s 3425 Aspire.shp test_for_shape_data database_name > shapefile_data.sql
And now i am trying to import this sql file(shapefile_data.sql) in to my database(database_name) like below
psql -d database_name username -f shapefile_data.sql
But i am getting the following error
user#user:~/user/spice$ psql -d psql -d database_name username -f shapefile_data.sql
psql:shapefile_data.sql:30: NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "test_for_shape_data_gid_seq" for serial column "test_for_shape_data.gid"
psql:shapefile_data.sql:31: NOTICE: ALTER TABLE / ADD PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test_for_shape_data_pkey" for table "test_for_shape_data"
psql:shapefile_data.sql:32: ERROR: function addgeometrycolumn(unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, integer) is not unique
LINE 1: SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','test_for_shape_data','geom','42...
HINT: Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts.
psql:shapefile_data.sql:33: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
psql:shapefile_data.sql:34: ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Why it is telling me that i don't have AddGeometryColumn function even though i have created the database with postgis template ?
So how to avoid this ?
Also when i try to manually enable the postgis functions its telling that already exists
database_name=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
ERROR: type "spheroid" already exists
database_name=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
ERROR: required extension "postgis" is not installed
So how to clear this error and insert the shapefile sql file in to database ?
It sounds like you've got an old PostGIS install that was created from an SQL script, pre-extension support. It probably only has some of the functionality and features you expect. This sort of behaviour can occur when you've got a PostGIS 1.5 schema and a PostGIS 2.0 install, etc.
Try creating your DB from template0 instead, and running CREATE EXTENSION postgis; then doing a restore. I suspect your template_postgis contains an old version of the extension schema.
See the PostGIS upgrade guide.

Enable PostGIS extension error

I have PostGIS 2.0.4 installed with PostgreSQL 9.2.4, trying to enable spatial database extension with the following command:
but encountered an error -
ERROR: must be owner of type spheroid
What is this spheroid type? How could I enable it?
Well, I still couldn't find a solution so I had to remove everything and reinstall again. Now I am getting a new error saying:
ERROR: could not load library "/usr/pgsql-9.2/lib/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
I have no luck google out an answer to this. It seems is a Oracle library? Why it has something to do with PostgreSQL?
Try logging in as a db superuser. On Linux the following should work on most distros:
sudo postgres psql [dbname]
Then ownership and permissions can be effectively ignored. In general I would recommend doing this for most extension installations as this usually requires superuser privileges anyway.
I know this is an ancient question, but I want an answer here for the next time I run into it!
Drop the tables spatial_ref_sys and geometry_columns. They shouldn't be tables in your schema. In my case, they got created as an artefact of using DotNet to create Entity Framework models from a SQL Server database, then using EF to recreate the DB in Postgres.
sudo postgresql psql [dbname] -c "drop table spatial_ref_sys; drop table geometry_columns; create extension postgis;"

Postgis installation: type "geometry" does not exist

I am trying to create table with Postgis. I do it by this page. But when I import postgis.sql file, I get a lot of errors:
ERROR: type "geometry" does not exist
Does anybody know how can I fix it?
I had the same problem, but it was fixed by running following code
In detail,
open pgAdmin
select (click) your database
click "SQL" icon on the bar
run "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" code
If the Postgis-Extension is loaded, then your SQL perhaps does not find the geometry-type because of missing search-path to the public schema.
SET search_path = ..., public;
in the first line of your scsript. (replace ... with the other required search-paths)
You can do it from terminal:
psql mydatabasename -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis";
To get psql to stop on the first error, use -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 (which is off by default, which is why you see many errors). For example:
psql -U postgres -d postgis -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -f postgis.sql
The actual error is something like "could not load library X", which can vary on your situation. As a guess, try this command before installing the sql script:
(you might need to prefix with sudo depending on your system). This command updates the paths to all system libraries, such as GEOS.
This error may also occur if you try to use postgis types on another schema rather than public.
If you are creating you own schema, using postgis 2.3 or higher and encounter this error, do the following as stated here:
CREATE extension postgis;
UPDATE pg_extension
SET extrelocatable = TRUE
WHERE extname = 'postgis';
SET SCHEMA my_schema;
UPDATE TO "2.5.2next";
UPDATE TO "2.5.2";
SET search_path TO my_schema;
Then you can proceed to use postgis functinalities.
You must enable the extension on your database.
psql my_database -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
You also need to ensure that the user you are trying to use the postgis extension as, has access to the schema where postgis is setup (which in the tutorials I read is called 'postgis').
I just had this error, and it was solved because I had only given a new user access to the database. In the database I'd created, I ran:
grant all on schema postgis to USERNAME;
And this solved this error
run this query first:
The answers here may solve your problem, however if you already have postgis enabled on your DB, the issue may be that you are trying to restore a postgis table (with a geometry column) into a schema other than where your postgis extension is enabled. In pgAdmin you can click on the postgis extension and see which schema is specified. If you are trying to restore a table with geometry column into a different schema, you might get this error.
I resolved this by altering my postgis extension - however I'm not sure if that was necessarily the best way to do it. All I know is that it allowed me to restore the table.
First make sure you have (matching to pg version: psql -V) postgis installed:
sudo apt install postgis postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.3
Just before tables creation add:
db.engine.execute('create extension postgis')
This has already been answered but I wanted to add a more thorough answer that explains why certain commands work, and in what circumstances to use them, and of course, how to figure out which circumstances you are in.
First, you need to check that PostGIS is actually installed on your box. When connected to postgres, such as via psql, run:
SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();
If it's not installed, look up distro- and version-specific instructions for installing PostGIS and install it.
Assuming PostGIS is installed, the error is usually the result of not having "created" (this is an unfortunately misleading use of language, the effect is more like "enabling" the extension) the extension for the particular database. The way PostgreSQL is set up, by default new databases do not come with any extensions enabled, and you need to enable ("create") them per-database. In order to do this you need to run the following command.
It only needs to be run once:
I think you need superuser privileges for the particular database in question, in order to run this command.
Assuming postgres is configured so that the permissions allow, you can execute this command from the command line by running the following command:
psql my_database -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
You may need to use the -U flag and specify a user.
In some cases, however, the extension may have already been created, and installed under a different schema than public, and the problem may be one of permissions. This can arise like in the situation #mozboz describes, if you create a new user but don't give it access to the schema. To detect this case, look for a separate schema in the database, with a table called spatial_ref_sys, as this is created when the extension is created.
In this case you may need to run, when connected to the database:
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO username;
In my experience, this situation is rare, and I have never found any reason to set things up this way. The schema_name is often, but not always postgis. By default if you run the first command here, it will create the extension under the public schema.
I think USAGE is usually sufficient for most cases, but you might want to grant more privileges if you want the user to be able to actually edit data; the only time this has ever come up for me was adding new projections to spatial_ref_system, but even this is rare as by default that table includes most commonly used projections.
cursor.execute('create extension postgis')
in your python program, using a current cursor from psycopg2.
My experience was I was trying to load the ism file to a different file than "public". I initialised the postgis extension on another schema other than public. So that didn't work. So finally I had to remove the extension, and than created the postgis extension in public. After that I could load the osm into my new schema
Osm always looks for the extension file in public, irregardless of where u intend to install the osm files in another schema
Verify the public search_path is not included for the user:
SELECT usename, useconfig from pg_user;
-- { search_path=pg_catalog, public }
-- public, topology
Method #1: SET the search_path to public
SET search_path = "public";
geom_1 GEOMETRY,
geom_2 GEOMETRY(Polygon, 4326) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE sample_geom
OWNER TO root;
Method #2: Use the qualified object name for the GEOMETRY object type (public.GEOMETRY)
geom_1 public.GEOMETRY,
geom_2 public.GEOMETRY(Polygon, 4326) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE sample_geom
OWNER TO root;
Source: Demystifying Schemas & search_path through Examples
Using pgAdmin 4,you can sort this:
Click on the SQL query button (or go to Tools >
Query Tool).
Enter the following query into the query text field to load the PostGIS spatial extension and Click the Play button in the toolbar (or press F5) to “Execute the query.”
Succesful feedback
Now confirm that PostGIS is installed by running a PostGIS function:
SELECT postgis_full_version();