pq: sorry, too many clients already - postgresql

I am getting pq: sorry, too many clients already error when I am calling the GetMessages() multiple times.
Please find the updated code:
main() code
func main() {
dbConn, err := InitDB()
if err != nil {
Log.Error("Connection Error: ", err.Error())
defer dbConn.Close()
go run()
var input string
Database connection code is:
func InitDB()(*sql.DB, error) {
connectionString := fmt.Sprintf("user=%v password='%v' dbname=%v sslmode=disable", USER, PASSWORD, DATABASE)
db, err = sql.Open(DRIVER, connectionString)
return db, err
run goroutine:
func run() {
for {
messages, err := GetMessages()
if err != nil {
Log.Error("Connection Error: ", err.Error())
GetMessages() function code:
func GetMessages() (messages []string, err error) {
rows, err := db.Query(`SELECT message1, message2, message3, message4, message5,
message6, message7, message8, message9, message10, message11, message12, message13,
message14, message15, message16, message17, message18, message19, message20, message21,
message22, message23, message24, message25, message26, message27, message28, message29,
message30, message31, message32, message33, message34, message35, message36, message37,
message38, message39, message40, message41, message42, message43, message44, message45,
message46, message47, message48 FROM table1 WHERE id=1`)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("Query error", err)
return messages, err
var pointers []interface{}
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
pointers = make([]interface{}, 48)
messages = make([]string, 48)
for i, _ := range pointers {
pointers[i] = &messages[i]
err = rows.Scan(pointers...)
if err != nil {
Log.Error("Failed to scan row", err)
return messages, err
return messages, nil
I checked this answer and I have used scan but still it isn't working
Issue was in another function. I was using db.Query without closing the returned rows object and was repeatedly calling that function. I've updated my code; used db.Exec instead of db.Query and it's working now. Thank you so much #mkopriva for this answer. :)

Try setting SetMaxOpenConns. The default is 0 (unlimited). This may be causing the issue. It would help if you also had SetConnMaxLifetime; otherwise, Postgres will start holding connections longer, and you will notice an increase in memory usage.

I've had the same problem with my postgres / golang project.
Eventually, this example worked flawlessly, without "eating" any DB connections:
// example params
firstName := "Jeremy"
lastName := "Baker"
// setup statement
stmt, err := db.Prepare(
lastname) VALUES($1, $2)
RETURNING id`) // id is the primary key of table: user
if err != nil {
return err
defer stmt.Close()
// execute statement
var userID string
err = stmt.QueryRow(
if err != nil {
return err


Receiving error(*errors.errorString) *{s: "pq: unexpected DataRow in simple query execution"}

The error
(*errors.errorString) *{s: "pq: unexpected DataRow in simple query execution"}
appears after the line with the commentary. Didn't find any solution online. Since stackoverflow asks for more details, this is an update query that is supposed to update a todo and a list of subtasks in the database. The exact error is in the question topic. I post the complete code for the function that returns the error.
func (t *TodoTable) UpdateTodo(ctx context.Context, todo *Todo, t_id int) error {
tx, err := t.sqlxdb.BeginTxx(ctx, &sql.TxOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
rollback_err := func(err error) error {
if err2 := tx.Rollback(); err2 != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v; %v", err, err2)
return err
row := tx.QueryRowxContext(ctx, "UPDATE todos SET todo_name=$1, deadline=$2, updated_at=$3 WHERE todo_id=$4 returning todo_id", todo.TodoName, todo.Deadline, todo.UpdatedAt, t_id)
if row.Err() != nil {
return rollback_err(err)
var subs_ids []int
// Getting subs ids from database
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT sub_id FROM subs WHERE todo_id=%d", t_id)
rows, err := tx.Query(query)
if err != nil {
if rows != nil {
for rows.Next() {
var sub_id int
err = rows.Scan(&sub_id)
if err != nil {
subs_ids = append(subs_ids, sub_id)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return rollback_err(err)
// Updating subs
for i, sub := range todo.Subs {
_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE subs SET sub_name='%s' WHERE sub_id=%d", sub.Sub_name, subs_ids[i]))
if err != nil {
return rollback_err(err)
return nil

Efficient transaction wrapper function with mongodb go driver

I'm currently integrating the transaction logic into my go+mongodb api.
I already created this example endpoint. It allows you to retrieve a user document and send it back to the client with json encoding.
func GetUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := mux.Vars(r)["user-id"]
objectId, _ := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
user, err := UserById(objectId)
if err != nil {
// ...
// do some stuff with the user, whatever
// eventually send it back
func UserById(id primitive.ObjectID) (models.StoredUser, error) {
session, err := mongoClient.StartSession()
if err != nil {
return models.StoredUser{}, fmt.Errorf("failed starting session for transaction | %s", err.Error())
defer session.EndSession(context.TODO())
callback := func(ctx mongo.SessionContext) (any, error) {
res := usersCollection.FindOne(
"_id": id,
if res.Err() != nil {
return models.StoredUser{}, fmt.Errorf("failed querying db | %s", res.Err())
return res, nil
result, err := session.WithTransaction(context.TODO(), callback)
if err != nil {
return models.StoredUser{}, fmt.Errorf("failed executing transaction | %s", err.Error())
asserted := result.(*mongo.SingleResult)
var ret models.StoredUser
if err := asserted.Decode(&ret); err != nil {
return models.StoredUser{}, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing user data in struct | %s", err.Error())
return ret, nil
Here are the big steps :
Parse the request content to get the user id
Create a session to perform the transaction
Declare the callback function using the id argument
Call the callback function from a transaction
Get back the *mongo.SingleResult as an interface{} and parsing it back to its original type
Decode the bson document contained in the *mongo.SingleResult to put it in the return struct
This function works, but is very verbose. The code is very duplicated.
I wonder if there is a way of not repeating the same code for each function I wanna make. My previous wrapper function attempts didn't lead to anything, as I actually need the variables where they are now at each call.
Still, the steps 2 and 5 especially seem very redundant and inefficient.
Anyone got any idea ?
Ok I found the following :
func Transaction(callback func(ctx mongo.SessionContext) (any, error)) (any, error) {
session, err := mongoClient.StartSession()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed creating session | %s", err.Error())
defer session.EndSession(context.TODO())
res, err := session.WithTransaction(ctx, callback)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed executing transaction | %s", err.Error())
return res, nil
Let's say i want then to fetch user objects :
func GetUsers() ([]models.User, error) {
callback := func(ctx mongo.SessionContext) (any, error) {
res, err := usersCollection.Find(ctx, bson.M{})
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed querying users collection | %s", err.Error())
var ret []models.User
if err := res.All(context.TODO(), &ret); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed parsing results in struct | %s", err.Error())
return ret, nil
result, err := Transaction(callback)
if err != nil {
return []models.User{}, fmt.Errorf("failed executing transaction | %s", err.Error())
classes, _ := result.([]models.StoredClass)
return classes, nil

Mongo-Driver Should I use InsertMany or InsertOne

I am creating a Rest CRUD HTTP server written in Go. My error is I am getting this message from the database connection: "context deadline exceeded".
I have a CreateUsers() function to insert multiple users into the database. Currently, I am inserting one user at time:
func CreateUsers(users []*models.User) ([]primitive.ObjectID, error) {
client, ctx, cancel := database.GetConnection()
defer cancel()
defer client.Disconnect(ctx)
var userIds []primitive.ObjectID
if len(users) == 0 {
log.Printf("No users to create")
return userIds, errors.New("no users to create")
for _, user := range users {
user.ID = primitive.NewObjectID()
hashedPassword, err := utils.HashPassword(user.Password)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error while hashing password: %v", err)
return userIds, err
user.Password = hashedPassword
result, err := client.Database("users").Collection("users").InsertOne(ctx, user)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error while creating user: %v", err)
return userIds, err
oid := result.InsertedID.(primitive.ObjectID)
userIds = append(userIds, oid)
return userIds, nil
My database connection (database.GetConnection) is something like:
func GetConnection() (*mongo.Client, context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
client, err := mongo.NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI(connectionURI))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error while creating client: %v", err)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), connectionTimeout*time.Second)
err = client.Connect(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cluster connection error: %v", err)
err = client.Ping(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cluster ping error")
log.Println("connected to mongodb")
return client, ctx, cancel
Note: connectionTimeout is equal to 5.
I am not sure but the time exceeded error may be related to the InsertOne() approach. So, instead of focusing in solving that error I should be asking how to parse the []models.User into bson.D{} documents to pass them as parameters to InsertMany().
I think another advantage of using InsertMany approach is the query time will be way below. Any suggestions?

Postgres pgx driver hangs on commit

I have a function that updates records in table and requests it using pgx Postgres driver. This function hangs on commit. Is there any ideas why does it happen? Why I can't use transactions in this case?
Of course, as the query is atomic I can remove transactions. But it's still unclear—why it happens and what to do if I need a transaction.
func (r *Repository) GetUpdatedItems(ctx context.Context, filters []string) ([]Item, error) {
conn, err := r.pool.Acquire(ctx)
// error handling
defer conn.Release()
tx, err := conn.Begin(ctx)
// error handling
defer func() {
closeCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
_ = tx.Rollback(closeCtx)
query := fmt.Sprintf(`UPDATE %s
SET fieldOne = $1, fieldTwo = $2
WHERE otheField = '' OR otherField IS NULL
RETURNING fieldOne, fieldTwo, otheField, someMoreField;`,
r.tableName, sqlArray(aggregatesTypes))
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, query, filters[0], filters[1])
// error handling
defer rows.Close()
var retItems []reaper.Item
for rows.Next() {
var fieldOne string
var fieldTwo string
var otheField string
var someMoreField string
if err := rows.Scan(&id, &fieldOne, &fieldTwo, &otheField, &someMoreField); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to scan item: %w", err)
item := Item{
FieldOne: fieldOne,
FieldTwo: fieldTwo,
OtheField: otheField,
SomeMoreField: someMoreField
retItems = append(retItems, item)
if err := tx.Commit(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to commit transaction: %w", err)
return retItems, nil
tx.Query must be used instead of conn.Query.
Thanks for the help!

How to handle duplicate unique index error?

I'm using MongoDB. Code to add data to the collection:
type User struct {
Firstname string `json:"firstname" bson:"firstname"`
Lastname *string `json:"lastname,omitempty" bson:"lastname"`
Username string `json:"username" bson:"username"`
RegistrationDate primitive.DateTime `json:"registrationDate" bson:"registrationData"`
LastLogin primitive.DateTime `json:"lastLogin" bson:"lastLogin"`
var client *mongo.Client
func AddUser(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
collection := client.Database("hattip").Collection("user")
var user User
_ = json.NewDecoder(request.Body).Decode(&user)
insertResult, err := collection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), user)
if err != nil {
// here i need to get the kind of error.
fmt.Println("Error on inserting new user", err)
} else {
func main() {
client = GetClient()
err := client.Ping(context.Background(), readpref.Primary())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Couldn't connect to the database", err)
} else {
router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/person", AddUser).Methods("POST")
err = http.ListenAndServe("", router)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Server is listening...")
} else {
func GetClient() *mongo.Client {
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://")
client, err := mongo.NewClient(clientOptions)
if err != nil {
err = client.Connect(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return client
If I add a record with a username that already exists in the database, I get -
Error on inserting new user multiple write errors: [{write errors:
[{E11000 duplicate key error collection: hattip.user index:
username_unique dup key: { username: "dd" }}]}, {}]
in the line fmt.Println("Error on inserting new user", err) The record with the string dd in the username field is already there, and the username field is a unique index.
I want to be sure that the error is exact E11000 error (a repeating collection of key errors).
So far i compare err to whole error string that appears on duplication of a unique field, but it's completely wrong. If there is a way to get error code from err object, or there are other ways to solve this problem?
Also, i found mgo package, but to use it properly i have to learn it, rewrite current code and so on, but honestly, it looks good:
if mgo.IsDup(err) {
err = errors.New("Duplicate name exists")
According to the driver docs, InsertOne may return a WriteException, so you can check if the error is a WriteException, and if it is so, then check the WriteErrors in it. Each WriteError contains an error code.
if we, ok:=err.(WriteException); ok {
for _,e:=range we.WriteErrors {
// check e.Code
You can write an IsDup based on this.