Typesafe config loads wrong configuration - scala

So the problem is really simple and I hope solution will be as well.
So basically I have two configuration files application.conf and dev.conf. I'm passing my config files from command line like that sbt -Dconfig.file=dev.conf.
The problem is when I use ConfigFactory.load from main object(the one which extends App) it loads config I passed via command line(in this case dev.conf), but when I load the config from different object it loads default application.conf.
Can I load somehow config passed from arguments from any object?

When you run your application with the runMain SBT task, then by default SBT won't create a separate JVM for your code. This has several consequences around the application lifecycle, and of course with regard to system properties as well.
In general, your approach should work, as long as your build configuration does not enable forking. However, I think the better approach would be to actually rely on forking and specify the system property explicitly. This is guaranteed to work. To do this, you need to set the fork setting in the run task to true, and then add a JVM command line option:
Compile / run / fork := true,
Compile / run / javaOptions += "-Dconfig.file=dev.conf",
Don't forget to restart SBT after that. You won't need to pass the config.file property to SBT with this approach; rather, it is controlled by the javaOptions setting, as in the example above.


Change the sbt log level on only my machine in perpetuity?

Every time I use sbt the first thing I do is set the log level to Error:
$ sbt
// ... sbt loads
[my_project] $ error
[my_project] $
Several places on SO and elsewhere recommend adding this to either your build.sbt or your sbt.boot.properties:
set logLevel in run := Level.Error
But I'm working in a shared project with many developers and I don't want to change the log level for everyone, just me! I do currently use SBT_OPTS to tailor sbt's memory usage on my machine, and this may potentially be an option but I can't find any guidance on what format to pass options via SBT_OPTS except for Java things like pass -Dkey=val directly to the java runtime and memory parameters like -Xmx8G.
sbt --help indicates that .sbtopts may also be a potential option:
.sbtopts if this file exists in the current directory, its contents
are prepended to the runner args
But as far as I can tell there are no method to specify command-line "runner args" that set the log level to Error, only for setting the log level to debug via --debug.
I'm a little stumped, I've identified at least two potential avenues (SBT_OPTS and .sbtopts) for passing machine-specific customization to sbt, but do either of these support setting the log level to Error? Or is there a third avenue I'm missing, maybe some elusive ~/.sbt, that I could use to set my machine's sbt log level to Error?
Put the following in $HOME/.sbt/1.0/global.sbt
logLevel := Level.Error
All available log level options are:
Thanks #maxkar for leading me to this solution

how to disclude development.conf from docker image creation of play framework application artifact

Using scala playframework 2.5,
I build the app into a jar using sbt plugin PlayScala,
And then build and pushes a docker image out of it using sbt plugin DockerPlugin
Residing in the source code repository conf/development.conf (same where application.conf is).
The last line in application.conf says include development which means that in case development.conf exists, the entries inside of it will override some of the entries in application.conf in such way that provides all default values necessary for making the application runnable locally right out of the box after the source was cloned from source control with zero extra configuration. This technique allows every new developer to slip right in a working application without wasting time on configuration.
The only missing piece to make that architectural design complete is finding a way to exclude development.conf from the final runtime of the app - otherwise this overrides leak into production runtime and obviously the application fails to run.
That can be achieved in various different ways.
One way could be to some how inject logic into the build task (provided as part of the sbt pluging PlayScala I assume) to exclude the file from the jar artifact.
Other way could be injecting logic into the docker image creation process. this logic could manually delete development.conf from the existing jar prior to executing it (assuming that's possible)
If you ever implemented one of the ideas offered,
or maybe some different architectural approach that gives the same "works out of the box" feature, please be kind enough to share :)
I usually have the inverse logic:
I use the application.conf file (that Play uses by default) with all the things needed to run locally. I then have a production.conf file that starts by including the application.conf, and then overrides the necessary stuff.
for deploying to production (or staging) I specify the production/staging.conf file to be used
This is how I solved it eventually.
conf/application.conf is production ready configuration, it contains placeholders for environment variables whom values will be injected in runtime by k8s given the service's deployment.yaml file.
right next to it, conf/development.conf - its first line is include application.conf and the rest of it are overrides which will make the application run out of the box right after git clone by a simple sbt run
What makes the above work, is the addition of the following to build.sbt :
PlayKeys.devSettings := Seq(
"config.resource" -> "development.conf"
Works like a charm :)
This can be done via the mappings config key of sbt-native-packager:
mappings in Universal ~= (_.filterNot(_._1.name == "development.conf"))
See here.

Set the stack size for SBT

I'm running SBT using my specially built Scala. My built Scala Compiler will do a lot of things at runtime, with a lot of function calls, which can be recursive.
So when I run SBT using my built Scala Compiler, stack overflows after a long time. I try to set -J-Xss when starting SBT. But that doesn't work.
I encountered the problem with SBT heap size before. And many posts says setting -J-Xmx when starting SBT won't change the JVM heap size because it is overridden by the default SBT memory options.
How to set heap size for sbt?
Now, I wonder whether -J-Xss can be overridden by default SBT options, just like -J-Xmx being overridden. Or I should simply try to set -J-Xss larger?
There are a number of ways to do this, but it depends what you are trying to achieve. If you want larger heap for running tests for instance, look at the secondary approach undertaken here.
First you can simply set the environment variable SBT_OPTS which SBT will natively look for while loading itself, and this should override any settings that you want to specify.
export SBT_OPTS = "-Xmx1G;-Xms256m;...";
Custom launcher
The other way to achieve the same is to basically create a custom SBT launching script. Have a look at the example here.
For testing
If you want to modify the testing options, you need to use javaOptions in ThisBuild ++= Seq("-Xmx1g", ...). For them to even be run, you always need to have fork in Test := true, which will create a forked JVM for running tests. Without that, the options specified will not be honoured.

Load Different Config File per Task on SBT

I am trying to load different config file per task in sbt, for example I want to be able to run a task like:
sbt devRun
and loads src/main/resources/application.dev.conf while running:
sbt run
will load src/main/resources/application.conf.
As I understand it, we can load different application.conf when running test by putting it on src/test/resource/application.conf, but using different config file for different task (or scope) will need some code on SBT.
I've been trying to google around and usually the suggestion is to use it on run task like:
$ sbt run -Dconfig.resources="application.dev.conf"
But as far as I understand, the above will only load different config on runtime. I have multiple projects with lots of config file. I want to load them dynamically, based on scope / task. What's the best way to do this?
Thanks before.
You can(must) use the javaOptions setting. It represents Java options when sbt runs a forked JVM, e.g. it runs tests in a different JVM process(by default).
javaOptions in Test += "-Dconfig.resource=" + System.getProperty("config.resource", "application.test.conf")
Instead of Test plug in whatever config you have. If you don't explicitly pass a config.resource parameter it will use application.test.conf.

Playframework settings depending on environment

I'm using playframework 2.1-RC2. First of all I've seen all the similar questions, so I followed the common instruction of separating application.conf file per environment. So I have application.test.conf and I run tests this way:
play -Dconfig.file=./conf/application.test.conf "test"
I tried different combinations, like
play -Dconfig.file=./conf/application.test.conf ~test
play -Dconfig.file=conf/application.test.conf ~test
Still no luck, it just does not get picked, default one (application.conf) is instead.
From the other side, if I do
play -Dconfig.file=./conf/application.dev.conf "run"
then application picks the right config.
So how can I specify the test configuration file?
I found the most robust way to specifiy this in a cross-platform compatible manner is to include it directly in the Build.scala:
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
javaOptions in Test += "-Dconfig.file=conf/test.conf",
Bonus: configure once and forget ;-)
Another approach is to override method on GlobalSettings / Global named onLoadConfig and that enables you to have control where your app will look for your configuration.
So in one of our application I have this setup below for my conf/ folder.
conf/application.conf --> configurations common for all environment
conf/dev/application.conf --> configurations for development environment
conf/test/application.conf --> configurations for testing environment
conf/prod/application.conf --> configurations for production environment
With that, you are able to implement inheritance like setup for configuration, you have common and 3 others for specific environment mode.
The code inside your onLoadConfig method should just load main configuration and set correct fallback configuration specific to your environment then return the configuration instance like below:
**return new Configuration(baseConfig.withFallback(envConfig));**
Try check this blog post for complete snippet of the code.
I hope this helps.