Japanse characters unreadable - unicode

I am working on my thesis and got acces to a database that was used by Japanese scientists. They included some readme files, but the text that was supposed to be in Japanese, is displayed in characters like these:
I've tried everything to convert them to Japanese characters, but I can't get it right. De database is from 1999, maybe that makes it harder to convert it?
Does anybody know how to fix this?

So you have a text file, but with these strange characters ? Does your text editor allow you to change the page encoding ?
For exemple, in Atom, once your text file is open, you can switch the page encoding using the status bar: Atom knows (but perhaps it is inherited from the host system) Shift JIS, CP 932 and EUC-JP, which seem to be all related to japanese character encoding.
Maybe you can find helpful details from this page ?
But even once done, I guess you have to find out a native speaker in order to tell you if the results make sense...


Identify hidden non-UTF8 encoded characters

I am working in postgreSQL database and I have text column which in various languages like russian, chineses, korean, english etc. Although our application handles these languages well, we are having a issue dealing with non-UTF-8 characters.
For example, if you see the image from notepad++ where I have done Encoding > Encode in UTF-8, it neatly shows all the non-recognizable characters.
However, we are facing issue marking such records as non-process-able in postgres. Something like a flag should also do but I am trying something like below but it flags the valid russian records as well whereas notepad++ explicitly shows the hidden/non-UTF-8 characters.
Weird thing about these characters are that they do not show up regular select query but when I convert them to "UTF-8", those show up like below.
Tried something like this (below query) but it does not seem to work i.e give me the desired output. Expectation is to set a flag to such records which have invalid hidden HTML references but not lose the valid text like the valid russian sentence in the snapshot. Should be able to distinctly identify only such texts.
select text, text ~ '[^[:ascii:]]', text ~ '^[\x00-\x7F]*$'
from sample_data;
Sample Data -
"Я не наркоман. Это у меня всегда, когда мне афигитительно. А если серьёзно, это интересно,…"
"Ya le dieron amor a la foto de instagram de mi #UberCALAVERITA?"
"Executive Admininstrative Assistant in Toronto, ON for a Group"
"Сегодня валютные стратеги BMO обновили прогнозы по основным валютам на ближайшие пять кварталов (на конец периода): читать далее…"
"Flicitations Gestion d'actifs pour 6 Trophes #FundGradeA+2016 de fonds communs de placement :"
This answer might help you go back to fix problems. It doesn't directly help you to go forward in the direction you are asking about.
Looking at Flicitations and F\302\202licitations, the escapes look like octal, which is possibly a presentation choice of your "IDE" and/or the convert_to function. From octal, \302\202 is 0xC2 0x82, decoding as UTF-8 gives U+0082. In Unicode, that's a control character, in ISO 8859-1 it's a non-character, either might explain why some renderings make it invisible or take no space.
Now, Google tells me that Flicitations is almost like a French word, Félicitations. So, perhaps there is a character set and encoding where é is encoded as 0x82. Wikipedia helps here—Indeed there is: IBM850, which has been used for some French text.
So, it seems that someone has mishandled the user's text, causing data loss. The fundamental rule of text encoding is that text bytes must be read with the same encoding they were written with. Don't guess; Ask, or reference a standard, specification, documentation, or convention. Maybe you can go back and find the misbehaving process/code—at least that would prevent future data loss.
"Dealing with non-UTF-8 characters": There aren't really any non-UTF-8 characters. UTF-8 is an encoding of the Unicode character set. There are areas with exceptions but, practically speaking, Unicode has all characters, and UTF-8 can encode them all. So, if you think there are non-UTF-8 characters, the writer is either non-compliant or the reader is using the wrong encoding.

Found some square boxes in a xliff file and not sure what they are?

I'm looking at a xliff file and found some weird boxes which I don't know what they are? (Please see screenshot)
Do you guys have any ideas what the weird bug boxes are?
Thank you very much and I'm looking forward to your reply!
I have never seen that character, but here is how I would go about finding out what it is:
The first thing to do is to check the source and target language of the XLIFF file, which should be defined in the XLIFF header. Perhaps this character is a valid character in either the source or the target language script.
The next step depends on whether you can contact the person who created the XLIFF file. If yes, you can show them what the file looks like for you and ask them if the file has perhaps been garbled during transmission.
If not, you could check the encoding of the XLIFF file. If it is UTF-16, just open the file in a hex editor, find the code point for this character, and look it up on unicode.org. If the file is encoded as UTF-8 open it in Notepad++ (or any other text editor that allows you to change the encoding), convert it to UTF-16, then proceed as described above.
If you don't know the encoding of the file it becomes a matter of guessing. You can look at some other <trans-units> (assuming that there are more than this one in your XLIFF file): if they contain other extended characters and they are displayed correctly your editor has probably guessed the right encoding, and you can convert to Unicode and look up the character code. Different text editors have different ways of guessing encodings: try a few.
It's possible that those characters are the result of an encoding conversion error, which are commonly called mojibake.
It's also possible this is some sort of emoji or unusual glyph that's not rendering correctly in your editor. This would be unusual, but given that it appears to be a UI string, it might be possible.

Decoding Korean text files from the 90s

I have a collection of .html files created in the mid-90s, which include a significant ammount of Korean text. The HTML lacks character set metadata, so of course all of the Korean text now does not render properly. The following examples will all make use of the same excerpt of text .
In text editors such as Coda and Text Wrangler the text displays as
╙╦ ╝№бя└К ▓щ╥НВь╕цль▒Ф ▓щ╥НВь╕цль▒Ф
Which in the absence of character set metadata in < head > is rendered by the browser as:
ÓË ¼ü¡ïÀŠ ²éÒ‚ì¸æ«ì±” ²éÒ‚ì¸æ«ì±”
Adding euc-kr metadata to < head >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">
Yields the following, which is illegible nonsense (verified by a native speaker):
沓 숩∽핅 꿴�귥멩レ콛 꿴�귥멩レ콛
I have tried this approach with all historic Korean character sets, each yielding similarly unsuccessful results. I also tried parsing and upgrading to UTF-8, via Beautiful Soup, which also failed.
Viewing the files in Emacs seems promising, as it reveals the text encoding a lower level. The following is the same sample of text:
\323\313 \274\374\241\357\300\212
\262\351\322\215\202\354\270\346\253\354\261\224 \262\3\
How can I identify this text encoding and promote it to UTF-8?
All of those octal codes that emacs revealed are less than 254 (or \376 in octal), so it looks like one of those old pre-Unicode fonts that just used it's own mapping in the ASCII range. If this is right, you'll just have to try to figure out what font it was intended for, find it and perhaps do the conversion yourself.
It's a pain. Many years ago I did something similar for some popular pre-Unicode Greek fonts: http://litot.es/unicode-converter/ (the code: https://github.com/seanredmond/Encoding-Converter)
In the end, it is about finding the correct character encoding and using iconv.
iconv --list
displays all available encodings. Grepping for "KR" reveals at least my system can do CSEUCKR, CSISO2022KR, EUC-KR, ISO-2022-KR and ISO646-KR. Korean is also BIG5HKSCS, CSKSC5636 and KSC5636 according to Wikipedia. Try them all until something reasonable pops out.
Even if this thread is old, it's still an issue, and not having found a way to convert the files in bulk (outside of using a Korean version of Windows7), now I'm using Naver, which has a cloud service like Google docs and if you upload those weirdly encoded files there, it deals with them very well. I just edit and copy the text, and it's back to being standard when I copy it elsewhere.
Not the kind of solution I like, but it might save a few passers-by.
You can register for the cloud account with an ID, even if you do not live in SKorea by the way, there's some minimal english to get by.

Convert non english characters into Unicode (UTF-8)

I copied large amount of text from another system to my PC. When I viewed the text in my PC, it looked weird. So I copied all the fonts from the other PC and installed them in mine too. Now the text looks okay, but actually it seems that is not in Unicode. For example, if I copy the text and paste in another UTF-8 supported editor such as Notepad++, I get English characters ("bgah;") only like shown below.
How to convert this whole text into unicode text, like the one below. So I can copy the text and paste anywhere else.
The above text was manually obtained using http://www.google.com/transliterate/indic/Tamil
I need this conversion to be done, so I can copy them into database tables.
'Ja-01' is a font with a custom 'visual encoding'.
That is to say, the sequence of characters really is "bgah;" and it only looks like Tamil to you because the font's shapes for the Latin characters bg look like பெ.
This is always to be avoided, because by storing the content as "bgah;" you lose the ability to search and process it as real Tamil, but this approach was common in the pre-Unicode days especially for less-widespread scripts without mature encoding standards. This application probably predates widespread use of TSCII.
Because it is a custom encoding not shared by any other font, it is very unlikely you will be able to find a tool to convert content in this encoding to proper Unicode characters. It does not appear to be any standard character ordering, so you will have to look at the font (eg in charmap.exe) and note down every character, find the matching character in Unicode and map between them.
For example here's a trivial Python script to replace characters in a file:
mapping= {
u'a': u'\u0BAF', # Tamil letter Ya
u'b': u'\u0BAA', # Tamil letter Pa
u'g': u'\u0BC6', # Tamil vowel sign E (combining)
u'h': u'\u0BB0', # Tamil letter Ra
u';': u'\u0BCD', # Tamil sign virama (combining)
# fill in the rest of the mapping information here!
with open('ja01data.txt', 'rb') as fp:
data= fp.read().decode('utf-8')
for char in mapping:
data= data.replace(char, mapping[char])
with open('utf8data.txt', 'wb') as fp:
The font you found is getting you into trouble. The actual cell text is "bgah;", it gets rendered to பெயர் because you found a font that can work with 8-bit non-Unicode characters. So reading it or pasting it into Notepad++ is going to produce "bgah;" since that's the real text. It can only ever be rendered properly again by forcing the program that displays the string to use that same font.
Ditch the font and enter Unicode so it looks like this:
"bgah" looks like a Baamini based system, which is pre-unicode. It was popular in Canada (and the SL Tamil diaspora in general) in the 90s.
As the others mentioned, it looks like a custom visual encoding that mimics the performance of a foreign script while maintaining ASCII encoding.
Google "Baamini to unicode convertor". The University of Colombo seems to have put one up: http://www.ucsc.cmb.ac.lk/ltrl/services/feconverter/?maps=t_b-u.xml
Let me know if this works. If not, I can ask around and get something for you.
You could first check whether the encoding is TSCII, as this sounds most probable. It is an 8-bit encoding, and the fonts you copied are probably based on that encoding. Check out whether the TSCII to UTF-8 converter at SourceForge is suitable. The project there is called “Any Tamil Encoding to Unicode” but they say that only TSCII is supported for now.

Hebrew characters processed by HTML Tidy turn into gibberish

I'm using HTML Tidy Online (http://infohound.net/tidy/) to tidy up some very old and messed up HTML file which contains some Hebrew characters. Whenever the page is processed by Tidy the output turns Hebrew characters into gibberish, even after changing encoding methods in the settings. Using different settings, I do manage to get the same output with the Hebrew characters as unicode entities.
I Googled around for a possible solution but found none.
I had a couple ideas in mind, but I'm not sure exactly how to approach them, if at all (maybe someone has a better solution).
I thought maybe I could (after processing the page) scan the page for unicode entities and replace them with the corresponding Hebrew characters (in a systematic way, of course).
Maybe I could take the HTML Tidy source code and modify it to output Hebrew characters appropriately. The problem with this is that I doubt I am knowledgeable enough to even get started on something like this.
I had a similar problem. Document in UTF-8, containing unicode characters. HTML Tidy turned them into HTML entities. This in HTMLTIDY.CFG fixed it:
char-encoding: utf8
input-encoding: utf8
output-encoding: utf8
Hope it helps.
The website http://infohound.net/tidy/ that you are using has a "Char encoding" clause at the bottom right. You need to choose utf-8, but first you need to make sure that the page is encoded in UTF-8 in your test editor. In Notepad++ for example, you can go to Encoding > Convert to UTF-8 without BOM.