How to skip tests in certain jenkins builds? - scala

My jenkinsfile looks like this:
stage('Build Scala Code and Generate Dockerfile') {
container('sbt') {
sh "sbt -batch myapp/docker:stage"
For certain deployments [debugging] I would like to skip tests so that the build happens faster. Is there a way to do this in sbt? I am using the sbt docker plugin.

If you are adding a boolean parameter DEBUG to tell Jenkins, that you are doing a debug deployment, you could change your stage like this:
stage('Build Scala Code and Generate Dockerfile') {
container('sbt') {
sh "sbt ${params.DEBUG ? 'set test in Test := {}' : ''} -batch myapp/docker:stage"
Edit: since don't want a parameter, this might be better for you:
stage('Build Scala Code and Generate Dockerfile') {
container('sbt') {
sh "sbt 'set test in Test := {}' -batch myapp/docker:stage"


Can't run flutter build from Jenkins

I tried to run a flutter build from jenkins using the following pipeline code :
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
bat 'C:\\path_to_doc\\flutter_dev\\flutter\\bin\\flutter.bat build web -t "C:\\path_to_doc\\lib\\src\\main\\main.dart"'
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'C:\\path_to_doc\\build\\web\\index.html', fingerprint: true, followSymlinks: false
I got this error in jenkins :
I tried to write the flutter build code in a bat file in the root of my flutter project, and then execute this file on the pipeline code, got the same error.
What is the correct way to proceed to avoid this error ?
Jenkins has a habit of reverting to the initial workspace directory for each separate command. Try setting the directory after your steps{ line:
dir('C:\\path_to_doc\\flutter_dev\\flutter\\bin\\') {
bat 'flutter.bat build web -t "C:\\path_to_doc\\lib\\src\\main\\main.dart"'
This will ensure that your script will run in this location. So if your pubspec.yaml is in this location, it should be able to find it. In any case, this is a problem with the directory, so if this doesn't work, some manual debugging would be necessary to see what went wrong.

Run a task after run

I start some docker containers before executing run to start my play-framework project:
run in Compile := (run in Compile dependsOn(dockerComposeUp)).evaluated
Now I'd like to tear down all docker containers using dockerComposeDown when play stops. Any ideas on how to accomplish on this?
I've already gone through Doing something after an input task, but that starts the containers and immediatly stops them again. (In fact it even stops the containers before starting them.) Here is what I tried:
run in Compile := {
(run in Compile dependsOn(dockerComposeUp)).evaluated
A different approach is to call your docker task sequentially to run task. You could achieve this as described below:
lazy val testPrint = taskKey[Unit]("showTime")
testPrint := {
println("Test print.")
lazy val testRun = taskKey[Unit]("test build")
testRun := {
Def.sequential((runMain in Compile).toTask(" com.mycompany.MainClass "), testPrint).value
First define the testPrint task which in your case could be the dockerTask and then define testRun which will run both tasks sequentially. To run this just do sbt testRun. After execution it should print out "Test print."

How to execute Scala script from Gradle?

I have a Scala script that looks something like:
exec scala "$0" "$#"
Console.println("Hello, world!")
Is there some way in Gradle to set the version of Scala to be used, have it implicitly set SCALA_HOME, and execute the script?
There is no built-in feature for this. The way to tackle this is to declare two tasks: A Copy task that downloads the Scala distribution and unpacks it to a local directory, and an Exec task that sets the SCALA_HOME environment variable to the copy task's output directory and executes your script.
Here is an example of executing Scala from Gradle. It is a nascent attempt to build a plugin using Scalafmt. Of note is how nasty it is to use static values.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.geirsson:scalafmt-core_2.11:0.4.2'
task scalafmt << {
String target = "object FormatMe { List(Split(Space, 0).withPolicy(SingleLineBlock(close)), Split(Newline, 1).withPolicy{ case Decision(t#FormatToken(_, `close`, _), s) => Decision(t, List(Split(Newline, 0)))}.withIndent(2, close, Right)) }"
def config = org.scalafmt.config.ScalafmtConfig$.MODULE$.default
def range = scala.collection.immutable.Set$EmptySet$.MODULE$
println org.scalafmt.Scalafmt.format(target, config, range).formattedCode()
I know this is not quite on topic but I couldn't find anywhere else to put this and I hope it is of some value to people who ended up here for the same reason I did.
Gradle has an Exec task in which you can set the environment to be passed to the new process. You could pass SCALA_HOME through that.

How to fix "Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?" in Jenkins

I am getting the error "Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did tests run?" when trying to send unit test results by email. The reason is that I have a dedicated Jenkins job that imports the artifacts from a test job to itself, and sends the test results by email. The reason why I am doing this is because I don't want Jenkins to send all the developers email during the night :) so I am "post-poning" the email sending since Jenkins itself does not support delayed email notifications (sadly).
However, by the time the "send test results by email" job executes, the tests are hours old and I get the error as specified in the question title. Any ideas on how to get around this problem?
You could try updating the timestamps of the test reports as a build step ("Execute shell script"). E.g.
cd path/to/test/reports
touch *.xml
mvn clean test
via terminal or jenkins. This generates new tests reports.
The other answer that says cd path/to/test/reports touch *.xml didn't work for me, but mvn clean test yes.
Updating the last modified date can also be achieved in gradle itself is desired:
task jenkinsTest{
inputs.files test.outputs.files
def timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
test.testResultsDir.eachFile { it.lastModified = timestamp }
As mentioned here:
Here's an updated version for Jenkinsfile (Declarative Pipeline):
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh 'make build'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'make test'
script {
def testResults = findFiles(glob: 'build/reports/**/*.xml')
for(xml in testResults) {
touch xml.getPath()
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'build/libs/**/*.jar', fingerprint: true
junit 'build/reports/**/*.xml'
Because gradle caches results from previous builds I ran into the same problem.
I fixed it by adding this line to my publish stage:
sh 'find . -name "TEST-*.xml" -exec touch {} \\;'
So my file is like this:
stage('Unit Tests') {
sh './gradlew test'
stage('Publish Results') {
// Fool Jenkins into thinking the tests results are new
sh 'find . -name "TEST-*.xml" -exec touch {} \\;'
junit '**/build/test-results/test/TEST-*.xml'
Had same issue for jobs running repeatedly (every 30 mins).
For the job, go to Configure, Build, Advanced and within the Switches section add:
This worked for me
Navigate to report directory cd /report_directory
Delete all older report rm *.xml
Add junit report_directory/*.xml in pipeline
Rerun the test script , navigate to Build Number → Test Result
Make sure you have one successful build without any failure, only after this you can able to see the reports
Make sure that you have mentioned the correct path against "Test report XMLs" under jenkins configuration, such as "target/surefire-reports/*.xml"
There is no need to touch *.xml as jenkins won't complain even though test results xml file does not change.
if you use Windows slave, you can 'touch' results using groovy pipeline stage with powershell:
powershell 'ls "junitreports\\*.*" | foreach-object { $_.LastWriteTime = Get-Date }'
It happens if you are using a test report which is not modified by that job in that run.
In case for test purpose if you are testing with already created file then, add below command inside jenkins job under Build > Execute Shell
chmod -R 775 /root/.jenkins/workspace/JmeterTest/output.xml
echo " " >> /root/.jenkins/workspace/JmeterTest/output.xml
Above command changes timestamp of file hence error wont display.
Note: To achieve same in Execute Shell instead of above, do not try renaming file using move mv command etc. it won't work , append and delete same for change file timestamp only works.
For me commands like chmod -R 775 test-results.xml or touch test-results.xml does not work due to permission error. As work around use is to set new file in test report settings and command to copy old xml report file to new file.
you can add following shell command to your "Pre Steps" section when configure your job on Jenkins
mvn clean test
this will clean the test
Here's an updated version of the gradle task that touch each test result files.
From Jenkins pipeline script, just call "testAndTouchTestResult" task instead of "test" task.
The code below is with Kotlin syntax:
tasks {
register("testAndTouchTestResult") {
setDescription("touch Test Results for Jenkins")
doLast {
val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
fileTree(test.get().reports.junitXml.destination).forEach { f ->
The solution for me was delete node_modules and change node version (from 7.1 to 8.4) on jenkins. That's it.

ScalaTest in sbt: is there a way to run a single test without tags?

I know that a single test can be ran by running, in sbt,
testOnly *class -- -n Tag
Is there a way of telling sbt/scalatest to run a single test without tags? For example:
testOnly *class -- -X 2
it would mean "run the second test in the class. Whatever it is". We have a bunch of tests and no one bothered to tag them, so is there a way to run a single test without it having a tag?
This is now supported (since ScalaTest 2.1.3) within interactive mode:
testOnly *MySuite -- -z foo
to run only the tests whose name includes the substring "foo".
For exact match rather than substring, use -t instead of -z.
If you run it from the command line, it should be as single argument to sbt:
sbt 'testOnly *MySuite -- -z foo'
I wanted to add a concrete example to accompany the other answers
You need to specify the name of the class that you want to test, so if you have the following project (this is a Play project):
You can test just the Login tests by running the following command from the SBT console:
test:testOnly *LoginServiceSpec
If you are running the command from outside the SBT console, you would do the following:
sbt "test:testOnly *LoginServiceSpec"
I don't see a way to run a single untagged test within a test class but I am providing my workflow since it seems to be useful for anyone who runs into this question.
From within a sbt session:
test:testOnly *YourTestClass
(The asterisk is a wildcard, you could specify the full path com.example.specs.YourTestClass.)
All tests within that test class will be executed. Presumably you're most concerned with failing tests, so correct any failing implementations and then run:
... which will only execute tests that failed. (Repeating the most recently executed test:testOnly command will be the same as test:testQuick in this case, but if you break up your test methods into appropriate test classes you can use a wildcard to make test:testQuick a more efficient way to re-run failing tests.)
Note that the nomenclature for test in ScalaTest is a test class, not a specific test method, so all untagged methods are executed.
If you have too many test methods in a test class break them up into separate classes or tag them appropriately. (This could be a signal that the class under test is in violation of single responsibility principle and could use a refactoring.)
Just to simplify the example of Tyler.
test:-prefix is not needed.
So according to his example:
In the sbt-console:
testOnly *LoginServiceSpec
And in the terminal:
sbt "testOnly *LoginServiceSpec"
Here's the Scalatest page on using the runner and the extended discussion on the -t and -z options.
This post shows what commands work for a test file that uses FunSpec.
Here's the test file:
package com.github.mrpowers.scalatest.example
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class CardiBSpec extends FunSpec {
describe("realName") {
it("returns her birth name") {
assert(CardiB.realName() === "Belcalis Almanzar")
describe("iLike") {
it("works with a single argument") {
assert(CardiB.iLike("dollars") === "I like dollars")
it("works with multiple arguments") {
assert(CardiB.iLike("dollars", "diamonds") === "I like dollars, diamonds")
it("throws an error if an integer argument is supplied") {
it("does not compile with integer arguments") {
assertDoesNotCompile("""CardiB.iLike(1, 2, 3)""")
This command runs the four tests in the iLike describe block (from the SBT command line):
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z iLike
You can also use quotation marks, so this will also work:
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "iLike"
This will run a single test:
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "works with multiple arguments"
This will run the two tests that start with "works with":
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "works with"
I can't get the -t option to run any tests in the CardiBSpec file. This command doesn't run any tests:
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -t "works with multiple arguments"
Looks like the -t option works when tests aren't nested in describe blocks. Let's take a look at another test file:
class CalculatorSpec extends FunSpec {
it("adds two numbers") {
assert(Calculator.addNumbers(3, 4) === 7)
-t can be used to run the single test:
testOnly *CalculatorSpec -- -t "adds two numbers"
-z can also be used to run the single test:
testOnly *CalculatorSpec -- -z "adds two numbers"
See this repo if you'd like to run these examples. You can find more info on running tests here.