Getting around invariant result type in State - scala

I would like to define a State that builds a concrete subtype of a trait, as per decodeFoo:
sealed trait Foo
case class Bar(s: String) extends Foo
case class Baz(i: Int) extends Foo
val int: State[Seq[Byte], Int] = State[Seq[Byte], Int] {
case bs if bs.length >= 4 =>
bs.drop(4) -> ByteBuffer.wrap(bs.take(4).toArray).getInt
case _ => sys.error(s"Insufficient data remains to parse int")
def bytes(len: Int): State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] = State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] {
case bs if bs.length >= len => bs.drop(len) -> bs.take(len)
case _ => sys.error(s"Insufficient data remains to parse $len bytes")
val bytes: State[Seq[Byte], Seq[Byte]] = for {
len <- int
bs <- bytes(len)
} yield bs
val string: State[Seq[Byte], String] = String(_, Charset.forName("UTF-8")))
val decodeBar: State[Seq[Byte], Bar] =
val decodeBaz: State[Seq[Byte], Baz] =
val decodeFoo: State[Seq[Byte], Foo] = int.flatMap {
case 0 => decodeBar
case 1 => decodeBaz
This will not compile as State is defined in cats as type State[S, A] and the compiler responds:
Error:(36, 15) type mismatch;
found :[Seq[Byte],FooBarBaz.this.Bar]
(which expands to)[cats.Eval,Seq[Byte],Seq[Byte],FooBarBaz.this.Bar]
Note: FooBarBaz.this.Bar <: FooBarBaz.this.Foo, but class IndexedStateT is invariant in type A.
You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5)
case 0 => decodeBar
I can work around this by widening the definitions of decodeBar & decodeBaz to be of type State[Seq[Byte], Foo]. Is that the best way forward? Or can I take a different approach that avoids widening these types?

Functor.widen should do the trick. Full compilable example (with kind-projector):
import cats.Functor
object FunctorWidenExample {
locally {
sealed trait A
case class B() extends A
val s: State[Unit, B] = State.pure(new B())
val t: State[Unit, A] = Functor[State[Unit, ?]].widen[B, A](s)
in your case, it would be something like:
val decodeFoo: State[Seq[Byte], Foo] = int.flatMap {
case 0 => Functor[State[Seq[Byte], ?]].widen[Bar, Foo](decodeBar)
case 1 => Functor[State[Seq[Byte], ?]].widen[Bar, Foo](decodeBaz)
Other possible work-arounds
(not really necessary, just to demonstrate the syntax that might be less known):
Explicit type ascriptions:
val decodeFoo: State[Seq[Byte], Foo] = int.flatMap {
case 0 => => (x: Foo))
case 1 => => (x: Foo))
Using <:< as method (those things actually do have a meaningful apply):
val decodeFoo: State[Seq[Byte], Foo] = int.flatMap {
case 0 => Bar <:< Foo)
case 1 => Baz <:< Foo)


In scala, how to pattern match against an inlined expression?

In scala, a pattern matching for a class has to be conducted in the following way:
val clz: Class[_] = ???
clz match {
case v if clz == classOf[String] =>
// do something
case v if clz == classOf[Int] =>
// do something
The boilerplate code v if clz == is really redundant and I'd like to have them removed or reduced, since functions like classOf[String] and classOf[int] can be inlined and used like constant. So how can I do this?
There is some support, mostly in relation to array element types:
scala> import reflect.ClassTag
import reflect.ClassTag
scala> val c: Class[_] = classOf[Int]
c: Class[_] = int
scala> (ClassTag(c): Any) match { case ClassTag.Boolean => "bool" case ClassTag.Int => "int" }
res0: String = int
but the use case is to simplify type tests
scala> def f[A: ClassTag] = ("abc": Any) match { case _: A => "A" case _ => "other" }
f: [A](implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[A])String
scala> f[Int]
res1: String = other
scala> f[String]
res2: String = A
Maybe one argument for classTag not looking like a stable id is that classOf[C] evaluated in different classloaders don't compare equal.

Scala: How to use Functors for multi type parameter trait

I have and ADT which is basically a wrapper over Function1:
case class Abstract[M[_], A, B](f:M[A] => M[B]) {
def fn: M[A] => M[B] = { case x: M[A] => f(x) }
I want to map over these, so I defined a Functor like so:
trait AbstractAPI[E] {
type AbsO[T] = Abstract[List, E, T]
// type AbsO[T] = Abstract[List, _, T] => does not work (?)
implicit val abstractO: Functor[AbsO] = new Functor[AbsO] {
def map[A, B](fa: AbsO[A])(f: A => B): AbsO[B] = {
new Abstract(fa.fn andThen { x: List[A] =>{ y => f(y) } })
Now, to actually map over an Abstract, I'd need AbstractAPI[Int], like
case object IntAbstractAPI extends AbstractAPI[Int]
object A {
import IntAbstractAPI._
val f:List[Int] => List[String] = { case x: List[Int] =>{ _.toString.toLowerCase } }
val hey = (new Abstract(f)).map{ x => x.toInt }
object A extends AbstractAPI[Int] {
val f:List[Int] => List[String] = { case x: List[Int] =>{ _.toString.toLowerCase } }
val res = (new Abstract(f)).map{ x => x.toInt }.map{ _.toFloat + 10f }
// Abstract[List, Int, Float] = Abstract(<function1>)
However, in this pattern, I'd have to define case objects for every possible E. Here are my questions:
Is this the correct way to use Functors?
How can I automate the creation of the case objects for every possible E (or make the compiler infer it?)
Edit 1:
Further clarification: The above implementation works, but this one does not:
object A extends AbstractAPI {
val f:List[Int] => List[String] = { case x: List[Int] =>{ _.toString.toLowerCase } }
val res = (new Abstract(f)).map{ x => x.toInt }.map{ _.toFloat + 10f }
// Abstract[List, Int, Float] = Abstract(<function1>)
gives compilation error:
value map is not a member of Abstract[List,Int,String]
I assume this is because the compiler is not able to derive a functor for Abstract[List,Int,String]?
You can derive a functor for type parameters that you don't care about.
import cats.Functor
import cats.syntax.functor._
And I'll rename second type parameter on Abstract to X, it'll help
case class Abstract[M[_], X, A](f: M[X] => M[A]) // forget the fn bit for now
You can create typeclass instances not only with a val, but also with a def. It is allowed to have type parameters and also take other implicit (but only implicit) parameters.
type Abs1[X] = ({ type L[A] = Abstract[List, X, A] })
/*implicit*/ def abstract1[X]: Functor[Abs1[X]#L] = new Functor[Abs1[X]#L] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Abstract[List, X, A])(f: A => B): Abstract[List, X, B] =
Abstract(mx => fa.f(mx).map(f))
If map is all you need from a List, you can generalize further for any M[_] that has a Functor instance. Also placing it into a companion object of Abstract enables it to be found without additional imports / inheritance / etc.
object Abstract {
// Abstract.MX[M, X]#L can be replaced with Abstract[M, X, ?] if you use kind-projector
type MX[M[_], X] = ({ type L[A] = Abstract[M, X, A] })
implicit def genericFunctor[M[_]: Functor, X] = new Functor[MX[M, X]#L] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Abstract[M, X, A])(f: A => B): Abstract[M, X, B] =
Abstract(mx => fa.f(mx).map(f)) // the implementation is the same
And it works, if you import instances for whatever your M[_] is
assert {
import cats.instances.list._ // get Functor[List]
// map is automatically picked up from Functor[Abstract[List, Int, ?]]
.map(Vector.range(0, _))
.f(List(1, 2, 3)) == List("0", "01", "012")
assert {
import cats.instances.option._
.map(_ min 42)
.map(i => Range(i, i + 3))
.f(Some(11)) == Some(Range(11, 14))
You can try the code there
Answering your second question, you could try this implicit AbstractAPI[T] factory:
implicit def abstractAPI[T]: AbstractAPI[T] = new AbstractAPI[T] {}
Any required implicit evidence for AbstractAPI[T] should work, e.g:
def f[T : AbstractAPI]: Unit = ()

Overcoming Scala Type Erasure For Function Argument of Higher-Order Function

Essentially, what I would like to do is write overloaded versions of "map" for a custom class such that each version of map differs only by the type of function passed to it.
This is what I would like to do:
object Test {
case class Foo(name: String, value: Int)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string() = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map(func: Int => Int) = Foo(, func(f.value))
def map(func: String => String) = Foo(func(, f.value)
def main(args: Array[String])
def square(n: Int): Int = n * n
def rev(s: String): String = s.reverse
val f = Foo("Test", 3)
val g =
val h =
Of course, because of type erasure, this won't work. Either version of map will work alone, and they can be named differently and everything works fine. However, it is very important that a user can call the correct map function simply based on the type of the function passed to it.
In my search for how to solve this problem, I cam across TypeTags. Here is the code I came up with that I believe is close to correct, but of course doesn't quite work:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object Test {
case class Foo(name: String, value: Int)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string() = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map[A: TypeTag](func: A => A) =
typeOf[A] match {
case i if i =:= typeOf[Int => Int] => f.mapI(func)
case s if s =:= typeOf[String => String] => f.mapS(func)
def mapI(func: Int => Int) = Foo(, func(f.value))
def mapS(func: String => String) = Foo(func(, f.value)
def main(args: Array[String])
def square(n: Int): Int = n * n
def rev(s: String): String = s.reverse
val f = Foo("Test", 3)
val g =
val h =
When I attempt to run this code I get the following errors:
[error] /src/main/scala/Test.scala:10: type mismatch;
[error] found : A => A
[error] required: Int => Int
[error] case i if i =:= typeOf[Int => Int] => f.mapI(func)
[error] ^
[error] /src/main/scala/Test.scala:11: type mismatch;
[error] found : A => A
[error] required: String => String
[error] case s if s =:= typeOf[String => String] => f.mapS(func)
It is true that func is of type A => A, so how can I tell the compiler that I'm matching on the correct type at runtime?
Thank you very much.
In your definition of map, type A means the argument and result of the function. The type of func is then A => A. Then you basically check that, for example typeOf[A] =:= typeOf[Int => Int]. That means func would be (Int => Int) => (Int => Int), which is wrong.
One of ways of fixing this using TypeTags looks like this:
def map[T, F : TypeTag](func: F)(implicit ev: F <:< (T => T)) = {
func match {
case func0: (Int => Int) #unchecked if typeOf[F] <:< typeOf[Int => Int] => f.mapI(func0)
case func0: (String => String) #unchecked if typeOf[F] <:< typeOf[String => String] => f.mapS(func0)
You'd have to call it with an underscore though: _). And it may throw match errors.
It may be possible to improve this code, but I'd advise to do something better. The simplest way to overcome type erasure on overloaded method arguments is to use DummyImplicit. Just add one or several implicit DummyImplicit arguments to some of the methods:
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string() = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map(func: Int => Int)(implicit dummy: DummyImplicit) = Foo(, func(f.value))
def map(func: String => String) = Foo(func(, f.value)
A more general way to overcome type erasure on method arguments is to use the magnet pattern. Here is a working example of it:
sealed trait MapperMagnet {
def map(foo: Foo): Foo
object MapperMagnet {
implicit def forValue(func: Int => Int): MapperMagnet = new MapperMagnet {
override def map(foo: Foo): Foo = Foo(, func(foo.value))
implicit def forName(func: String => String): MapperMagnet = new MapperMagnet {
override def map(foo: Foo): Foo = Foo(func(, foo.value)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string = s"${}: ${f.value}"
// Might be simply `def map(func: MapperMagnet) =`
// but then it would require those pesky underscores ` _)`
def map[T](func: T => T)(implicit magnet: (T => T) => MapperMagnet): Foo =
This works because when you call map, the implicit magnet is resolved at compile time using full type information, so no erasure happens and no runtime type checks are needed.
I think the magnet version is cleaner, and as a bonus it doesn't use any runtime reflective calls, you can call map without underscore in the argument:, and also it can't throw runtime match errors.
Now that I think of it, here magnet isn't really simpler than a full typeclass, but it may show the intention a bit better. It's a less known pattern than typeclass though. Anyway, here is the same example using the typeclass pattern for completeness:
sealed trait FooMapper[F] {
def map(foo: Foo, func: F): Foo
object FooMapper {
implicit object ValueMapper extends FooMapper[Int => Int] {
def map(foo: Foo, func: Int => Int) = Foo(, func(foo.value))
implicit object NameMapper extends FooMapper[String => String] {
def map(foo: Foo, func: String => String) = Foo(func(, foo.value)
implicit class FooUtils(f: Foo) {
def string = s"${}: ${f.value}"
def map[T](func: T => T)(implicit mapper: FooMapper[T => T]): Foo =, func)

Scala generic type matching

Frequently, I find myself doing pattern matching such as this
val foo: Foo = ...
foo match {
case bar: Bar => Some(bar)
case _ => None
I want to make this shorter.
val foo: Foo = ...
optInstance[Foo, Bar](foo)
Possibility 1 - direct translation
def optInstance[A, B <: A](a: A) = a match {
case b: B => Some(b)
case _ => None
// warning: abstract type pattern B is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
Possibility 2 - try-catch
def optInstance[A, B <: A](a: A) =
try {
} catch {
case e: ClassCastException => None
// no warnings
Possiblility 3 - if-else
def optInstance[A, B <: A](a: A) =
if(a.isInstanceOf[B]) {
} else {
// no warnings
None of them work. (Scala 2.11.2)
Is there a generic way of writing
foo match {
case bar: Bar => Some(bar)
case _ => None
(If not, is there at least a shorter way?)
Just add an implicit ClassTag for your first implementation:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
def optInstance[A, B <: A : ClassTag](a: A): Option[B] = a match {
case b: B => Some(b)
case _ => None
sealed trait Foo
case object Bar extends Foo
case object Baz extends Foo
scala> optInstance[Foo, Bar.type](Bar)
res4: Option[Bar.type] = Some(Bar)
scala> optInstance[Foo, Bar.type](Baz)
res5: Option[Bar.type] = None
Cleaner way using implicit value class:
implicit class AsOpt[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def asOpt[B <: A : scala.reflect.ClassTag]: Option[B] = a match {
case b: B => Some(b)
case _ => None
val seq: Seq[Int] = Seq.empty
seq.asOpt[List[Int]] // Option[List[Int]] = Some(List())
seq.asOpt[Vector[Int]] // Option[Vector[Int]] = None
Without a generic function you can use Option and collect:
class Foo
class Bar extends Foo
class Baz extends Foo
scala> val foo: Foo = new Bar
scala> Some(foo).collect { case b: Bar => b }
res1: Option[Bar] = Some(Bar#483edb6b)
scala> val baz: Foo = new Baz
scala> Some(baz).collect { case b: Bar => b }
res3: Option[Bar] = None

How do I use pattern matching with parametrized traits?

I have trouble with Scala traits and type erasure. I have this trait:
trait Meta[T] {
def ~=(e: T): Boolean
Now I want to use pattern matching to check for this case:
(m,i) match {
case (x:Meta[T], y: T) if x ~= y => println ("right")
case _ => println ("wrong")}
The T from x: Meta[T] should be the type of y or y should be a subtype of T.
If the types don't match I get an ClassCastException. But x ~= y should not be executed if the types are not correct. Is there a away around this or do I have to catch the exception and handle it that way?
I made an running example as short as possible:
trait Meta[T] {
type t = T
def ~=(e: T): Boolean
sealed abstract class A
case class Ide(s: String) extends A
case class MIde(s: String) extends A with Meta[A] {
def ~=(e: A) = e match {
case e: Ide => true
case e: MIde => false
sealed abstract class B
case class Foo(s: String) extends B
object Test {
def m = MIde("x")
def i = Ide("i")
def f = Foo("f")
def main[T](args: Array[String]) {
(m, i) match {
case (x: Meta[T], y: T) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
// -> right
(m, f) match {
case (x: Meta[T], y: T) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
// -> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
// Examples.Foo cannot be cast to Examples.A
UPDATE: added alternative at the end.
You are experiencing the limitations of pattern matching when it comes to generic types, due to type erasure.
All is not lost however. We can rely on ClassManifests to implement a generic method to convert your classes to a target type T (and another similar on to convert to Meta[T]):
trait Meta[T] { this: T =>
type t = T
def metaManifest: ClassManifest[T]
def ~=(e: T): Boolean
abstract sealed class Base {
def as[T:ClassManifest]: Option[T] = {
if ( classManifest[T].erasure.isAssignableFrom( this.getClass ) ) Some( this.asInstanceOf[T] )
else None
def asMeta[T:ClassManifest]: Option[T with Meta[T]] = {
this match {
case meta: Meta[_] if classManifest[T] <:< meta.metaManifest => as[T].asInstanceOf[Option[T with Meta[T]]]
case _ => None
abstract sealed class A extends Base
case class Ide(s: String) extends A
case class MIde(s: String) extends A with Meta[A] {
val metaManifest = classManifest[A]
def ~=(e: A) = e match {
case e: Ide => true
case e: MIde => false
sealed abstract class B extends Base
case class Foo(s: String) extends B
Let's test this in the REPL:
res17: Option[A] = Some(MIde(x))
scala> m.asMeta[A]
res18: Option[A with Meta[A]] = Some(MIde(x))
res19: Option[A] = Some(Ide(i))
scala> i.asMeta[A]
res20: Option[A with Meta[A]] = None
res21: Option[A] = None
scala> f.asMeta[A]
res22: Option[A with Meta[A]] = None
Sounds good. Now we can rewrite our pattern matching from this:
(m, i) match {
case (x: Meta[T], y: T) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
to this:
(m.asMeta[T],[T]) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
So your example would now look like this:
object Test {
val m = MIde("x")
val i = Ide("i")
val f = Foo("f")
def test[T:ClassManifest]() {
(m.asMeta[T],[T]) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
// -> right
(m.asMeta[T],[T]) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
UPDATE: if setting explictly metaManifest everytime you mix Meta is not an option, you can let scala automtically infer it by passing it implictly in Metas constructor. This means that Meta must now be a class, and as a consequence A and B (and all similar types that must appear as Meta's type parameter) must now be traits, as you can't mix 2 classes. So you are basically swapping a restriction for another one. Choose your favorite one.
Here we go:
abstract sealed class Meta[T]( implicit val metaManifest: ClassManifest[T] ) { this: T =>
type t = T
def ~=(e: T): Boolean
trait Base {
def as[T:ClassManifest]: Option[T] = {
if ( classManifest[T].erasure.isAssignableFrom( this.getClass ) ) Some( this.asInstanceOf[T] )
else None
def asMeta[T:ClassManifest]: Option[T with Meta[T]] = {
this match {
case meta: Meta[_] if classManifest[T] != ClassManifest.Nothing && classManifest[T] <:< meta.metaManifest => as[T].asInstanceOf[Option[T with Meta[T]]]
case _ => None
trait A extends Base
case class Ide(s: String) extends A
case class MIde(s: String) extends Meta[A] with A {
def ~=(e: A) = e match {
case e: Ide => true
case e: MIde => false
trait B extends Base
case class Foo(s: String) extends B
object Test {
val m = MIde("x")
val i = Ide("i")
val f = Foo("f")
def test[T:ClassManifest]() {
(m.asMeta[T],[T]) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
(m.asMeta[T],[T]) match {
case (Some(x), Some(y)) if x ~= y => println("right")
case _ => println("wrong")
Finally, if neither solution suits you, you could try another one: instead of mixing Meta[T] with T, just wrap it. Meta[T] would then just be wrapper to T, and you could even add an implicit conversion from Meta[T] to its wrapped value, so that an instance of Meta[T] can effectively be used like an instance of T almost transparently.