Update Netbeans 8.1 module project template - netbeans

How do you update a netbean modules project template after you make changes to the project you used for the template.
I saw a blog post from 2007 saying to modify the build.xml but the way its shown is completely different to what things are now.
Blog post: https://blogs.oracle.com/geertjan/managing-netbeans-project-templates
I would hope recreating the entire module from scratch wouldn't be the standard way by this time nearly 12 years later.


JavaFX program to JAR, been trying to do this for days

Can anyone help me convert this javaFX application into an actual application using JAR, becuase ive been trying to convert it to a JAR for days and it just comes up with error after error. I just want to make an exe but i know how to do that, the JAR ive been trying to make and it makes it, but it never runs, just errors, a million of them.
Here's my github repo https://github.com/Amarnath-someperson/JavaFX-Physics-App with the code in JavaFX-Physics-App/PhysicsApp/src/main/java/com/example/physicsapp/
Creating jars for JavaFX apps is not well supported and you just should not do it. Instead look here https://stackoverflow.com/tags/javafx/info in the Packaging section and create a real app bundle and installer.
I recommend taking a look at this Github repo: https://github.com/wiverson/maven-jpackage-template
It contains a working projekt using Maven, JavaFX 17 and Java 17. Running maven install creates an installer and a runnable exe file. As soon as you get it running, making the necessary changes for your project should not be too difficult.
Asking others to do the complete work for you probably is a bit too much in my opinion. You will need to get a basic understanding of how the packaging works to maintain your project anyway, so I hope this is enough to get you started.
Packaging your application as jar is only useful up to Java(FX) 8, since JavaFX is not included in most JREs after that. So, while it is easy to create the jar, non-developers won't be able to run it.

Difficulties to make package and import (importedNamespace) working when I have several files in XText

I am trying to implement the package/import mechanism into my DSL.
It works perfectly when I have a single file but not with different files.
Even the 15 Minutes Tutorial doesn't work for me. I don't manage to make it work even by coping/pasting the code from the website. I only modify the grammar file.
I tried to investigate this problem further, but found nothing relevant on the Internet.
I noticed that the resource set contains only the current files edited, not the other files present in the project. To see that, I add this line of code in the validator and the scope provider: println(context.eResource.resourceSet.resources).
From my understanding of how XText works, I expected to get one resource for each file present inside the project.
When I create the project, I usually create a "General Project". But I got the same issue with a Java one.
Here my configuration:
macOS Mojave, v. 10.14.1
Eclipse DSL Tools v. 2018-09 (4.9.0)
Xtext v.2.16.0v20181203-0514
JDK 1.8
Thanks a lot for your help.
As suggested by #ChristianDietrich in his comment, the project build was off. After turning it on, the import works perfectly.

Creating playN project

I'm getting some problem in understanding playN project, can someone explain how to create a playN project or point me to a link that has enough documentation. I've used the playN samples. its really confusing. Does someone has a link that has proper documentation for playN??
I beleive it is possible to create new playn projects based on this guide: http://code.google.com/p/playn/wiki/GettingStarted#Creating_a_new_project
Also, this is a related question: Unable to create skeleton PlayN project in Eclipse
Here a good guide:
And a better one which i used:
Updated: installation Guide
And here the PlayN automated installer!
Now just Extract the zip file to any folder ( make sure you extract though, do not run from the zip ) and run Install.cmd
Now it is simply a matter of answering a couple Yes/No questions, and (optionally) point the installer at your JDK folder and telling it where you want PlayN to be installed. Except the gotcha… read about that below before running the install!

Skinning Drools Guvnor

I am fairly new to Jboss 5.1 and Guvnor 5.3 and have been trying to figure out how to change the look and feel of Guvnor. I haven't been able to find a solution and may be missing something. I realize you can edit the CSS file, but I'm looking for a way to edit it while seeing what I'm doing.
If you just want to edit the CSS-file then I would use FireBug in Firefox or Chromes dev tools to see my changes immediately and then copy the changes to the CSS-file. I should warn you that it is not possible to edit everything using the CSS.
For bigger changes you need to clone the source codes and compile your own war [1]. Some experience in GWT and java will not hurt here. I recommend using one of the tags in the Guvnor GitHub repository as your base. The master can be unstable. Check the README [2] for how to set up the project in your IDE. To build the war you need to run "mvn -Dfull clean install" the wars will be in the guvnor-distribution-wars -folder.
[1] https://github.com/droolsjbpm/guvnor
[2] https://github.com/droolsjbpm/droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/blob/master/README.md

Moving my GWT, GAE installation into my project for source control

I use the google plugin for eclipse with GWT and Appengine libraries. Every so often I upgrade one of the libraries, which currently involves:
I install the update somewhere on my HD
I add the update as an alternative SDK in eclipse, with a generic name
I update the project settings to point to the new generic name
I commit the changed settings files (which do NOT include the upgraded library) to our source control
The problem here are in unfortunate steps 5-7:
5 Everyone else's builds stop working past the change,
6 I go from machine to machine, repeating steps 1 and 2, and
7 I think for the nth time, "I should really find a way to automate this."
I'm here for the elusive step 8: Actually automating this. I want to include the SDK in my source control, so when I switch between versions or set up shop on a new machine, the relevant SDKs are automatically installed and downloaded. I don't want to have to configure eclipse settings at all. In my ideal situation, I am willing to install Eclipse and the GPE on each machine, but after that I just want to clone my repository and go.
I've tried doing this by removing the GWT library from my build settings, copying the entire GWT installation folder into the root of my project, and adding gwt-user.jar and gwt-dev.jar to the build path from there. This almost works, but eclipse complains that it can't find gwt-servlet.jar (even though it exists precisely where it claims to be looking for it!). There also seem to be other magical settings I don't understand.
Finally, the question: If this is the right track, what settings do I need to manually control? If this is the wrong track, what's the right one?
+1 good question. This may or may not answer your question, but I can share with you what I do. I also work with GAE and GWT.
I just include the SDK .tar/.zip files in my repository, remove the version numbers from the filename, and update it when I want to move to a new version. If that version migration fails, I can easily revert to the old SDKs. I also use GXT and a bunch of other GWT extensions, so my problem is even worse than yours. I don't use eclipse for GAE nor GWT, so I can't relate to the problems you are having there. If you don't want to have to configure eclipse every time, then don't use eclipse.
Disclaimer: I hate eclipse.