Sum Column values based on datenum in Matlab - matlab

I am wondering if there is an efficient way of grouping/summing column values of a matrix based on a serial number date column (in years) in Matlab version 2013. To illustrate my point, assuming the data looks like:
737421 3
737106 -1
737222 4
736084 7
726105 -2
726442 4
One is expecting to get:
*PS:Using the aggregate function may solve this issue in a recent version of Matlab
Thanks in advance

This would be my approach:
x = [737421 3
737106 -1
737222 4
736084 7
726105 -2
726442 4]; % data
[~, ~, u] = unique(datestr(x(:,1), 'yyyy'), 'rows', 'stable'); % convert to years as
% a 2D char array, and then get unique labels of each year (row) preseving order
y = accumarray(u, x(:,2)); % compute sums grouped by those labels

You can just index the date and sum the values, which would be straight forward. The problem would be the size of the array to search. If it is very large you can make a tree out of the data for the date would be the Node and you can put the idx into the array as the value at that node. Then search the tree for the starting date and ending date, which will give the you index range in the array to sum. Building the tree and searching is easy and there are examples online.
x = [737421 3
737106 -1
737222 4
736084 7
726105 -2
726442 4]; % data
idx = x(:,1) >= 737421 & x(:,1) <= 737222;
out = sum(x(idx,2));
% Just updating to give one of the values to be correct.
% There would have to be a for loop to check every
% year range so #Luis Mendo is the best solution.
idx = x(:,1) >= 737106 & x(:,1) <= 737421; % index for each year
out = sum(x(idx,2));


Efficient way to get the value that is the most duplicated in a Matrix

I am trying to get the value that is the most duplicated (and the percentage of times that it is duplicated). Here is an example:
A = [5 5 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8];
mostduplicatevalue(A) should return 8 and the percentage is 4/length(A).
I am currently doing the following (see below), but it takes approx 5/6 seconds to obtain the result for a matrix of 1300*5000. What is a better way to achieve this result?
function [MostDuplicateValue, MostDuplicatePerc] = mostduplicatevalue(A)
% What is the value that is duplicates the most and what percentage of the
% sample does it represent?
% Value that is Most Duplicated
tbl = tabulate(A(:));
[~,bi] = max(tbl(:,2));
MostDuplicateValue = tbl(bi,1);
MostDuplicatePerc = tbl(bi,3)/100;
Here is one possible answer:
function [MostDuplValue, MostDuplPerc, MostDuplCount] = mostduplicatevalue(A)
% What is the value that is duplicates the most and what percentage of the
% sample does it represent?
[MostDuplValue,MostDuplCount] = mode(A(:));
MostDuplPerc = MostDuplCount / sum(sum(~isnan(A)));
Solution based on first sorting the array (very costly operation) and then finding the longest streak of the same number with diff. Empirically it seems to be slightly faster (takes about 2/3 of the duration of your proposal at 1300x5000). Has the side benefit that if multiple numbers occur the most, it will return all of them.
% sort array and pad it with -inf and inf
B = [-inf; sort(A(:)); inf];
% find indexes where the streak of each number begins
C = find(diff(B));
% count the length of the streaks
D = diff(C);
% extract the numbers with the longest streak
MostDuplValue = B(C(logical([0; D==max(D)])));
% calc percentage of most occuring value
MostDuplPerc = max(D)/numel(A);

Count occurrences of an event by date

I am facing an issue with counting number of occurrences by date, suppose I have an excel file where the data is as follows:
1/1/2001 23
1/1/2001 29
1/1/2001 24
3/1/2001 22
3/1/2001 23
My desired output is:
1/1/2001 3
2/1/2001 0
3/1/2001 2
Though 2/1/2001 does't appear in the input, I want that included in the output with 0 counts. This is my current code:
[Value, Time] = xlsread('F:\1km\fire\2001- 02\2001_02.xlsx','Sheet1','A2:D159','',#convertSpreadsheetExcelDates);
data=[tm val];
% a=(datestr(tm));
T = T1:T2;
[~, idx] = ismember(tm_all,data(:,1));
% idx=idx';
out = tm_all(idx);
The ismember function does not seem to work, because the length of tm_all is 274 and the size of data is 158x2
I suggest you to use datetime instead of datenum for converting your date strings into a serial representation, this can make (not only) the whole computation much easier:
tm = datetime({
Once you have obtained your datetime vector, the calculation can be achieved as follows:
% Create a sequence of datetimes from the first date to the last date...
T = (min(tm):max(tm)).';
% Build an indexing of every occurrence to the regards of the sequence...
[~,idx] = ismember(tm,T);
% Count the occurrences for every occurrence...
C = accumarray(idx,1);
% Put unique dates and occurrences together into a single variable...
res = table(T,C)
Here is the output:
res =
___________ _
01-Jan-2001 3
02-Jan-2001 0
03-Jan-2001 2
For more information about the functions used within the computation:
accumarray function
ismember function
On a side note, I didn't understand whether your dates are in dd/MM/yyyy or in MM/dd/yyyy format... because with the latter, you cannot have that output using my approach, and you should also implement an algorithm for detecting the current month and then splitting your data over a monthly (and eventually yearly, if your dates span over 2001) criterion instead:
tm = datetime({
M = month(tm);
M_seq = (min(M):max(M)).';
[~,idx] = ismember(M,M_seq);
C = accumarray(idx,1);
res = table(datetime(2001,M_seq,1),C)
res =
Var1 C
___________ _
01-Jan-2001 3
01-Feb-2001 0
01-Mar-2001 2
I'll first give the code and then explain step by step.
[Value, Time] = xlsread('stack','A1:D159','',#convertSpreadsheetExcelDates);
data=[tm val];
T = T1:T2;
[~, idx] = ismember(tm_all,data(:,1)); % get indices
[occurence,dates]= hist(data(:,1),unique(data(:,1))); % count occurences of dates from file
t = [0;data(:,1)]; % add 0 to dates (for later because MATLAB starts at 1
[~,idx] = ismember(t(idx+1),dates); % get incides
q = [0 occurence]; % add 0 to occurence (for later because MATLAB starts at 1
occ = q(idx+1); % make vector with occurences
out = [tm_all' occ']; % output
idx of ismember is an 1xlength(tm_all) vector that at position i contains the lowest index of where tm_all(i) is found in data(:,1). So take for example A = [1 2 3 4] and B = [1 1 2 4] then for [~,idx] = ismember(A,B) the result will be
idx = [1 3 0 4]
because A(1) = 1 and the first 1 in B is found at posistion 1. If a number in A doesn't occur in B, then the result will be 0.
[occurence,dates]= hist(data(:,1),unique(data(:,1))); gives the number of occurences for the dates.
t = [0;data(:,1)]; adds a zero in the beginning so tlooks like:
'date 1'
'date 2'
'date 3'
'date 4'
Why this is done, will be explained next.
t(idx+1) is a vector that is 1xlength(tm_all), and is kind of a copy of tm_all except that when a date doesn't occur in the file, the date is zero. How does this work? t(i) gives you the value of t at position i. So t( 1 5 4 2 9) is a vector with the values of t at positions 1, 5, 4, 2 and 9. Remember idx is the vector that contains the incides of the of the dates in data(:,1). Because Matlab indexing starts at 1, idx+1 is needed. The dates in data':,1) then must also be increased. That's done by adding the zero in the beginning.
[~,idx] = ismember(t(idx+1),dates); is the same as before, but idx now contains the indices of dates.
q = [0 occurence]; again adds a zero occ = q(idx+1); is the row of occurences of the dates.

MATLAB: Applying vectors of row and column indices without looping

I have a situation analogous to the following
z = magic(3) % Data matrix
y = [1 2 2]' % Column indices
z =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
y represents the column index I want for each row. It's saying I should take row 1 column 1, row 2 column 2, and row 3 column 2. The correct output is therefore 8 5 9.
I worked out I can get the correct output with the following
x = 1:3;
for i = 1:3
result(i) = z(x(i),y(i));
However, is it possible to do this without looping?
Two other possible ways I can suggest is to use sub2ind to find the linear indices that you can use to sample the matrix directly:
z = magic(3);
y = [1 2 2];
ind = sub2ind(size(z), 1:size(z,1), y);
result = z(ind);
We get:
>> result
result =
8 5 9
Another way is to use sparse to create a sparse matrix which you can turn into a logical matrix and then sample from the matrix with this logical matrix.
s = sparse(1:size(z,1), y, 1, size(z,1), size(z,2)) == 1; % Turn into logical
result = z(s);
We also get:
>> result
result =
Be advised that this only works provided that each row index linearly increases from 1 up to the end of the rows. This conveniently allows you to read the elements in the right order taking advantage of the column-major readout that MATLAB is based on. Also note that the output is also a column vector as opposed to a row vector.
The link posted by Adriaan is a great read for the next steps in accessing elements in a vectorized way: Linear indexing, logical indexing, and all that.
there are many ways to do this, one interesting way is to directly work out the indexes you want:
v = 0:size(y,2)-1; %generates a number from 0 to the size of your y vector -1
ind = y+v*size(z,2); %generates the indices you are looking for in each row
zinv = z';
>> ans =
8 5 9

Indices of constant consecutive values in a matrix, and number of constant values

I have a matrix with constant consecutive values randomly distributed throughout the matrix. I want the indices of the consecutive values, and further, I want a matrix of the same size as the original matrix, where the number of consecutive values are stored in the indices of the consecutive values. For Example
original_matrix = [1 1 1;2 2 3; 1 2 3];
output_matrix = [3 3 3;2 2 0;0 0 0];
I have struggled mightily to find a solution to this problem. It has relevance for meteorological data quality control. For example, if I have a matrix of temperature data from a number of sensors, and I want to know what days had constant consecutive values, and how many days were constant, so I can then flag the data as possibly faulty.
temperature matrix is number of days x number of stations and I want an output matrix that is also number of days x number of stations, where the consecutive values are flagged as described above.
If you have a solution to that, please provide! Thank you.
For this kind of problems, I made my own utility function runlength:
function RL = runlength(M)
% calculates length of runs of consecutive equal items along columns of M
% work along columns, so that you can use linear indexing
% find locations where items change along column
jumps = diff(M) ~= 0;
% add implicit jumps at start and end
ncol = size(jumps, 2);
jumps = [true(1, ncol); jumps; true(1, ncol)];
% find linear indices of starts and stops of runs
ijump = find(jumps);
nrow = size(jumps, 1);
istart = ijump(rem(ijump, nrow) ~= 0); % remove fake starts in last row
istop = ijump(rem(ijump, nrow) ~= 1); % remove fake stops in first row
rl = istop - istart;
assert(sum(rl) == numel(M))
% make matrix of 'derivative' of runlength
% don't need last row, but needs same size as jumps for indices to be valid
dRL = zeros(size(jumps));
dRL(istart) = rl;
dRL(istop) = dRL(istop) - rl;
% remove last row and 'integrate' to get runlength
RL = cumsum(dRL(1:end-1,:));
It only works along columns since it uses linear indexing. Since you want do something similar along rows, you need to transpose back and forth, so you could use it for your case like so:
>> original = [1 1 1;2 2 3; 1 2 3];
>> original = original.'; % transpose, since runlength works along columns
>> output = runlength(original);
>> output = output.'; % transpose back
>> output(output == 1) = 0; % see hitzg's comment
>> output
output =
3 3 3
2 2 0
0 0 0

reformatting a matrix in matlab with nan values

This post follows a previous question regarding the restructuring of a matrix:
re-formatting a matrix in matlab
An additional problem I face is demonstrated by the following example:
depth = [0:1:20]';
data = rand(1,length(depth))';
d = [depth,data];
d = [d;d(1:20,:);d];
Here I would like to alter this matrix so that each column represents a specific depth and each row represents time, so eventually I will have 3 rows (i.e. days) and 21 columns (i.e. measurement at each depth). However, we cannot reshape this because the number of measurements for a given day are not the same i.e. some are missing. This is known by:
dd = sortrows(d,1);
for i = 1:length(depth);
e(i) = length(dd(dd(:,1)==depth(i),:));
From 'e' we find that the number of depth is different for different days. How could I insert a nan into the matrix so that each day has the same depth values? I could find the unique depths first by:
From this, if a depth (from unique) is missing for a given day I would like to insert the depth to the correct position and insert a nan into the respective location in the column of data. How can this be achieved?
You were thinking correctly that unique may come in handy here. You also need the third output argument, which maps the unique depths onto the positions in the original d vector. have a look at this code - comments explain what I do
% find unique depths and their mapping onto the d array
[depths, ~, j] = unique(d(:,1));
% find the start of every day of measurements
% the assumption here is that the depths for each day are in increasing order
days_data = [1; diff(d(:,1))<0];
% count the number of days
ndays = sum(days_data);
% map every entry in d to the correct day
days_data = cumsum(days_data);
% construct the output array full of nans
dd = nan(numel(depths), ndays);
% assing the existing measurements using linear indices
% Where data does not exist, NaN will remain
dd(sub2ind(size(dd), j, days_data)) = d(:,2)
dd =
0.5115 0.5115 0.5115
0.8194 0.8194 0.8194
0.5803 0.5803 0.5803
0.9404 0.9404 0.9404
0.3269 0.3269 0.3269
0.8546 0.8546 0.8546
0.7854 0.7854 0.7854
0.8086 0.8086 0.8086
0.5485 0.5485 0.5485
0.0663 0.0663 0.0663
0.8422 0.8422 0.8422
0.7958 0.7958 0.7958
0.1347 0.1347 0.1347
0.8326 0.8326 0.8326
0.3549 0.3549 0.3549
0.9585 0.9585 0.9585
0.1125 0.1125 0.1125
0.8541 0.8541 0.8541
0.9872 0.9872 0.9872
0.2892 0.2892 0.2892
0.4692 NaN 0.4692
You may want to transpose the matrix.
It's not entirely clear from your question what your data looks like exactly, but the following might help you towards an answer.
Suppose you have a column vector
day1 = 1:21';
and, initially, all the values are NaN
day1(:) = NaN
Suppose next that you have a 2d array of measurements, in which the first column represents depths, and the second the measurements at those depths. For example
msrmnts = [1,2;2,3;4,5;6,7] % etc
then the assignment
day1(msrmnts(:,1)) = msrmnts(:,2)
will set values in only those rows of day1 whose indices are found in the first column of msrmnts. This second statement uses Matlab's capabilities for using one array as a set of indices into another array, for example
d([9 7 8 12 4]) = 1:5
would set elements [9 7 8 12 4] of d to the values 1:5. Note that the indices of the elements do not need to be in order. You could even insert the same value several times into the index array, eg [4 4 5 6 3 4] though it's not terribly useful.