Kafka local state store of multiple partitions - apache-kafka

I am using kafka processor api and I create a state store from a topic of 3 partitions(I have 3 brokers), I have 1 instance of stream. I wonder to know when I get local state store, can I get all keys? Why certain keys work but certain don't? Is it normal?
Thank you

The number if application instances does not matter for this case. Because the input topic has 3 partitions, the state store is created with 3 shards. Processing happens with 3 parallel tasks. Each task instantiates a copy of your topology, processes one input topic partition, and uses one shard.
Compare: https://kafka.apache.org/21/documentation/streams/architecture
If you want to access different shards, you can use "Interactive Queries" feature for key/value lookups (and key-range queried) over all shards.
Also, the is the notion of a global state store, that would load data from all partitions into a single store (not sharding). However, it provided different semantics compared to "regular" stores, because store updates are not time-synchronized with the other processing.


How does KStreams handle state store data when adding additional partitions?

I have one partition of data with one app instance and one local state store. It's been running for a time and has lots of stateful data. I need to update that to 5 partitions with 5 app instances. What happens to the one local state store when the partitions are added and the app is brought back online? Do I have to delete the local state store and start over? Will the state store be shuffled across the additional app instance state stores automatically according to the partitioning strategy?
Do I have to delete the local state store and start over?
That is the recommended way to handle it. (cf https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/streams/developer-guide/app-reset-tool.html) As a matter of fact, if you change the number of input topic partitions and restart your application, Kafka Stream would fail with an error, because the state store has only one shard, while 5 shards would be expected given that you will have 5 input topic partitions now.
Will the state store be shuffled across the additional app instance state stores automatically according to the partitioning strategy?
No. Also note, that this also applies to your data in your input topic. Thus, if you plan to partition your input data by key (ie, when writing into the input topic upstream), old records would remain in the existing partition and thus would not be partitioned properly.
In general, it is recommended to over-partitions your input topics upfront, to avoid that you need to change the number of partitions later on. Thus, you might also consider to maybe go up to 10, or even 20 partitions instead of just 5.

Kafka Stateful Stream processor with statestore: Behind the scenes

I am trying to understand Stateful Stream processor.
As I understand in this type of stream-processor, it maintains some sort of state using State Store.
I came to know, one of the ways to implement State Store is using RocksDB. Assuming the following topology (and only one processor being stateful)
A->B->C ; processor B as stateful with local state store and changelog enabled. I am using low level API.
Assuming the sp listens on a single kafka topic, say topic-1 with 10 partitions.
I observed, that when the application is started (2 instances in different physical machines and num.stream.threads = 5), then for state store it creates directory structure which
has something like below:
0_0 , 0_1, 0_2.... 0_9 (Each machines has five so total 10 partitions).
I was going through some online material where it said we should create a StoreBuilder and attach it topology using addStateStore() instead of creating a state store within a processor.
Ref also: org.apache.kafka.streams.state.Store
I didn't understand what is the difference in attaching a storeBuilder to topology vs actually creating a statestore within processor. What is the differences between them?
The second part: For statestore it creates directory like: 0_0, 0_1 etc. Who and how it gets created? Is there some sort of 1:1 mapping between the kafka topics (at which sp is listening) ande the number of directories that gets created for State Store?
I didn't understand what is the difference in attaching a storeBuilder to topology vs actually creating a statestore within processor. What is the differences between them?
In order to let Kafka Streams manage the store for you (fault-tolerance, migration), Kafka Streams needs to be aware of the store. Thus, you give Kafka Streams a StoreBuilder and Kafka Streams creates and manages the store for you.
If you just create a store inside your processor, Kafka Streams is not aware of the store and the store won't be fault-tolerant.
For statestore it creates directory like: 0_0, 0_1 etc. Who and how it gets created? Is there some sort of 1:1 mapping between the kafka topics (at which sp is listening) ande the number of directories that gets created for State Store?
Yes, there is a mapping. The store is shared base in the number of input topic partitions. You also get a "task" per partition and the task directories are name y_z with y being the sub-topology number and z being the partition number. For your simple topology you only have one sub-topology to all directories you see have the same 0_ prefix.
Hence, you logical store has 10 physical shards. This sharding allows Kafka Streams to mirgrate state when the corresponding input topic partition is assigned to a different instance. Overall, you can run up to 10 instanced and each would process one partition, and host one shard of your store.

Kafka Streams : Sharing globalStateStore across topologies

I have a Spring boot application that uses Processor API to generate a Topology and also a addGlobalStateStore to the same topology.
I want to create another topology (and hence another KafkaStreams) for reading from another set of topics and want to share the previously created store in the new topology. By share I mean that the underlying state store should be the same for both topologies. Any data written from one topology should be visible in the other.
Is that possible without writing wrapper endpoints to access the state store e.g. REST calls?
Or does my usecase need an external state store e.g. redis?
No, you can't share the state stores across topologies. Instead if possible, you can break down your topologies as sub-topologies and that will make it available across all the processors defined.
If that is not possible for you, you can use external storage.
According to Stream Partitions and Tasks:
Sub-topologies (also called sub-graphs): If there are multiple
processor topologies specified in a Kafka Streams application, each
task only instantiates one of the topologies for processing. In
addition, a single processor topology may be decomposed into
independent sub-topologies (or sub-graphs). A sub-topology is a set of
processors, that are all transitively connected as parent/child or
via state stores in the topology. Hence, different sub-topologies
exchange data via topics and don’t share any state stores. Each task
may instantiate only one such sub-topology for processing. This
further scales out the computational workload to multiple tasks.
This means that sub-topologies (hence topologies too) can't share any state stores.
Solution for your scenario:
create a single KafkaStreams instance with its topology containing everything you otherwise would put in your 2 distinct topologies. This will determine the creation of a single task for the entire topology (because of that store usage); there'll be no sub-topology because you are using a store used by both initially distinct topologies. This also means that the entire topology can be run by a single thread only (this is the main drawback), can't be splitted in sub-topologies to be run by multiple threads - this doesn't mean that the topology as a whole can't be run by multiple threads depending on the chosen parallelism (num.stream.threads).

Kafka Streams processors - state store and input topic partitioning

I would like to fully understand the rules that kafka-streams processors must obey with respect to partitioning of a processor's input and its state(s). Specifically I would like to understand:
Whether or not it is possible and what are the potential consequences of using a key for the state store(s) that is not the same as the key of the input topic
Whether or not state store keys are shared across partitions, i.e. whether or not I will get the same value if I try to access the same key in a processor while it is processing records belonging to two different partitions
I have been doing some research on this and the answers I found seem not to be very clear and sometimes contradictory: e.g. this one seems to suggest that the stores are totally independent and you can use any key while this one says that you should never use a store with a different key than the one in the input topic.
Thanks for any clarification.
You have to distinguish between input partitions and store shards/changelog topic partitions for a complete picture. Also, it depends if you use the DSL or the Processor API, because the DSL does some auto-repartitioning but the Processor API doesn't. Because the DSL compiles down to the Processor API, I'll start with this.
If you have a topic with let's say 4 partitions and you create a stateful processor that consumes this topic, you will get 4 tasks, each task running a processor instance that maintains one shard of the store. Note, that the overall state is split into 4 shards and each shard is basically isolated from the other shards.
From an Processor API runtime point of view, the input topic partitions and the state store shards (including their corresponding changelog topic partitions) are a unit of parallelism. Hence, the changelog topic for the store is create with 4 partitions, and changelog-topic-partition-X is mapped to input-topic-partition-X. Note, that Kafka Streams does not use hash-based partitioning when writing into a changelog topic, but provides the partition number explicitly, to ensure that "processor instance X", that processes input-topic-partition-X, only reads/write from/into changelog-topic-partition-X.
Thus, the runtime is agnostic to keys if you wish.
If your input topic is not partitioned by keys, messages with the same key will be processed by different task. Depending on the program, this might be ok (eg. filtering), or not (eg, count per key).
Similar to state: you can put any key into a state store, but this key is "local" to the corresponding shard. Other tasks, will never see this key. Thus, if you use the same key in a store on different tasks, they will be completely independent from each other (as if they would be two keys).
Using Processor API, it's your responsibility to partition input data correctly and to use stores correctly, depending on the operator semantics you need.
At DSL level, Kafka Streams will make sure that data is partitioned correctly to ensure correct operator semantics. First, it's assumed that input topics are partitioned by key. If the key is modified, for example via selectKey() and a downstream operator is an aggregation, Kafka Streams is repartitioning the data first, to insure that records with the same key are in the same topic partition. This ensures, that each key will be used in a single store shard. Thus, the DSL will always partition the data such that one key is never processed on different shards.

Kafka Streams - all instances local store pointing to the same topic

We have the following problem:
We want to listen on certain Kafka topic and build it's "history" - so for specified key extract some data, add it to already existing list for that key (or create a new one if it does not exist) an put it to another topic, which has only single partition and is highly compacted. Another app can just listen on that topic and update it's history list.
I'm thinking how does it fit with Kafka streams library. We can certainly use aggregation:
msgReceived.map((key, word) -> new KeyValue<>(key, word))
.groupBy((k,v) -> k, stringSerde, stringSerde)
(k, v, stockTransactionCollector) -> stockTransactionCollector + "|" + v,
stringSerde, "summaries2")
.to(stringSerde, stringSerde, "transaction-summary50");
which creates a local store backed by Kafka and use it as history table.
My concern is, if we decide to scale such app, each running instance will create a new backed topic ${applicationId}-${storeName}-changelog (I assume each app has different applicationId). Each instance start to consume input topic, gets a different set of keys and build a different subset of the state. If Kafka decides to rebalance, some instances will start to miss some historic states in local store as they get a completely new set of partitions to consume from.
Question is, if I just set the same applicationId for each running instance, should it eventually replay all data from the very same kafka topic that each running instance has the same local state?
Why would you create multiple apps with different ID's to perform the same job? The way Kafka achieves parallelism is through tasks:
An application’s processor topology is scaled by breaking it into multiple tasks.
More specifically, Kafka Streams creates a fixed number of tasks based on the input stream partitions for the application, with each task assigned a list of partitions from the input streams (i.e., Kafka topics). The assignment of partitions to tasks never changes so that each task is a fixed unit of parallelism of the application.
Tasks can then instantiate their own processor topology based on the assigned partitions; they also maintain a buffer for each of its assigned partitions and process messages one-at-a-time from these record buffers. As a result stream tasks can be processed independently and in parallel without manual intervention.
If you need to scale your app, you can start new instances running the same app (same application ID), and some of the already assigned tasks will reassigned to the new instance. The migration of the local state stores will be automatically handled by the library:
When the re-assignment occurs, some partitions – and hence their corresponding tasks including any local state stores – will be “migrated” from the existing threads to the newly added threads. As a result, Kafka Streams has effectively rebalanced the workload among instances of the application at the granularity of Kafka topic partitions.
I recommend you to have a look to this guide.
My concern is, if we decide to scale such app, each running instance will create a new backed topic ${applicationId}-${storeName}-changelog (I assume each app has different applicationId). Each instance start to consume input topic, gets a different set of keys and build a different subset of the state. If Kafka decides to rebalance, some instances will start to miss some historic states in local store as they get a completely new set of partitions to consume from.
Some assumptions are not correct:
if you run multiple instances of your application to scale your app, all of them must have the same application ID (cf. Kafka's consumer group management protocol) -- otherwise, load will not be shared because each instance will be considered an own application, and each instance will get all partitions assigned.
Thus, if all instanced do use the same application ID, all running application instance will use the same changelog topic name and thus, what you intend to do, should work out-of-the box.