Scala - Fill "null" column with another column - scala

I want to replicate the problem mentioned here in Scala DataFrames. I have tried using the following approaches, to no success so far.
Col1 Col2
null S
Expected Output
Col1 Col2
S <---- S
Approach 1
val output ="A", Seq("col1"))
The fill method does not take a column as the (first) input.
Approach 2
val output = df.where(df.col("col1").isNull)
I cannot find a suitable method to call after I have identified the null values.
Approach 3
val output = =>
column._2 match {
case "null" => (column._2 -> 0)
I get a StringType error.

I'd use when/otherwise, as shown below:
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
("A", "M"), ("B", "K"), (null, "S")
).toDF("Col1", "Col2")
df.withColumn("Col1", when($"Col1".isNull, $"Col2").otherwise($"Col1")).show
// +----+----+
// |Col1|Col2|
// +----+----+
// | A| M|
// | B| K|
// | S| S|
// +----+----+


Dynamic dataframe with n columns and m rows

Reading data from json(dynamic schema) and i'm loading that to dataframe.
Example Dataframe:
scala> import spark.implicits._
import spark.implicits._
scala> val DF = Seq(
(1, "ABC"),
(2, "DEF"),
(3, "GHIJ")
).toDF("id", "word")
someDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [number: int, word: string]
|id | word|
| 1| ABC|
| 2| DEF|
| 3| GHIJ|
Column count and names can be anything. I want to read rows in loop to fetch each column one by one. Need to process that value in subsequent flows. Need both column name and value. I'm using scala.
for i, j in df.iterrows():
print(i, j)
Need the same functionality in scala and it column name and value should be fetched separtely.
Kindly help.
df.iterrows is not from pyspark, but from pandas. In Spark, you can use foreach :
.foreach{_ match {case Row(id:Int,word:String) => println(id,word)}}
Result :
I you don't know the number of columns, you cannot use unapply on Row, then just do :
.foreach(row => println(row))
Result :
And operate with row using its methods getAs etc

Scala filter out rows where any column2 matches column1

Hi Stackoverflow,
I want to remove all rows in a dataframe where column A matches any of the distinct values in column B. I would expect this code block to do exactly that, but it seems to remove values where column B is null as well, which is weird since the filter should only consider column A anyway. How can I fix this code to perform the expected behavior, which is remove all rows in a dataframe where column A matches any of the distinct values in column B.
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(scala.math.BigDecimal(1) , null),
(scala.math.BigDecimal(2), scala.math.BigDecimal(1)),
(scala.math.BigDecimal(3), scala.math.BigDecimal(4)),
(scala.math.BigDecimal(4), null),
(scala.math.BigDecimal(5), null),
(scala.math.BigDecimal(6), null)
).toDF("A", "B")
// correct, has 1, 4
val to_remove = df
// incorrect, returns 2, 3 instead of 2, 3, 5, 6
val final = df.filter(!df.col("A").isin(to_remove.col("B")))
// 4 != 2
assert(4 === final.collect().length)
isin function accepts a list. However, in your code, you're passing Dataset[Row]. As per documentation
it's declared as
def isin(list: Any*): Column
You first need to extract the values into Sequence and then use that in isin function. Please, note that this may have performance implications.
scala> val to_remove = df.filter(df.col("B").isNotNull).select(df("B")).distinct()
to_remove: Array[java.math.BigDecimal] = Array(1.000000000000000000, 4.000000000000000000)
scala> val finaldf = df.filter(!df.col("A").isin(to_remove:_*))
finaldf: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = [A: decimal(38,18), B: decimal(38,18)]
| A| B|
|5.000000000000000000| null|
|6.000000000000000000| null|
Change filter condition !df.col("A").isin(to_remove.col("B")) to !df.col("A").isin(*)
Check below code.
val finaldf = df
| A| B|
|5.000000000000000000| null|
|6.000000000000000000| null|

Select a literal based on a column value in Spark

I have a map:
val map = Map("A" -> 1, "B" -> 2)
And I have a DataFrame. a column in the data frame contains the keys in the map. I am trying to select a column in a new DF that has the map values in it based on the key:
val newDF =, lit("|"),
lit(map.get(col(ColumnWithKey).toString()).get) as newColumn)
But this is resulting in the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported literal type class scala.None$ None
I made sure that the column ColumnWithKey has As and Bs only and does not have empty values in it.
Is there another way to get the result I am looking for? Any help would be appreciated.
The Problem in this statement (besides syntax problems)
val newDF =, lit("|"),
lit(map.get(col(ColumnWithKey).toString()).get) as newColumn)
is that col(ColumnWithKey) will not take the value of a specific row, but is only given by the schema, i.e. has a constant value.
In your case I would suggest to join your map to your dataframe :
val map = Map("A" -> 1, "B" -> 2)
val df_map = map.toSeq.toDF("key","value")
val DfThatContainsTheKeyColumn = Seq(
| A|1|
| A|1|
| B|2|
| B|2|
You can use case classes to make it easy. This is an example:
Given this input
val givenMap = Map("A" -> 1, "B" -> 2)
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(1, "A"),
(2, "A"),
(3, "B"),
(4, "B")
).toDF("col_a", "col_b")
Above code looks like:
| 1| A|
| 2| A|
| 3| B|
| 4| B|
givenMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(A -> 1, B -> 2)
import spark.implicits._
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col_a: int, col_b: string]
The code that you need will look like:
case class MyInput(col_a: Int, col_b: String)
case class MyOutput(col_a: Int, col_b: String, new_column: Int)[MyInput].map(row=> MyOutput(row.col_a, row.col_b, givenMap(row.col_b))).show()
With the case classes you can cast your df and use object notation to access to your column values within a .map. Above code will output:
| 1| A| 1|
| 2| A| 1|
| 3| B| 2|
| 4| B| 2|
defined class MyInput
defined class MyOutput
You can lookup a map using key from a column as,
val map = Map("A" -> 1, "B" -> 2)
val df = spark.createDataset(Seq("dummy"))
.withColumn("key",lit("A")){ row =>
val k = row.getAs[String]("key")
val v = map.getOrElse(k,0)
}.toDF("key", "value").show(false)
Result -
|A |1 |
You can look up a map present inside a column using a literal key using Column.getItem, please see an example below.
val mapKeys = Array("A","B")
val mapValues = Array(1,2)
val df = spark.createDataset(Seq("dummy"))
//A dataframe with Map is created.
//A map is looked up using a hard coded String key.
|value|key|keys |values|map |lookUpTheMap|
|dummy|A |[A, B]|[1, 2]|[A -> 1, B -> 2]|1 |
To look up a map present inside a column based on another column containing the key - you can use an UDF or use map function on the dataframe the way I am showing below.
//A map is looked up using a Column key.{ row =>
val m = row.getAs[Map[String,Int]]("map")
val k = row.getAs[String]("key")
val v = m.getOrElse(k,0)
}.toDF("map","key", "value").show(false)
|map |key|value|
|[A -> 1, B -> 2]|A |1 |
I think a simpler option could be to use typedLit:
val map = typedLit(Map("A" -> 1, "B" -> 2))
val newDF =, lit("|"),
map(col(ColumnWithKey))) as newColumn)

Spark withColumn - add column using non-Column type variable [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to add a constant column in a Spark DataFrame?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
How can I add a column to a data frame from a variable value?
I know that I can create a data frame using .toDF(colName) and that .withColumn is the method to add the column. But, when I try the following, I get a type mismatch error:
val myList = List(1,2,3)
val myArray = Array(1,2,3)
.withColumn("myArray", myArray)
Type mismatch, expected: Column, actual: Array[Int]
This compile error is on myArray within the .withColumn call. How can I convert it from an Array[Int] to a Column type?
The error message has exactly what is up, you need to input a column (or a lit()) as the second argument as withColumn()
try this
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit
val myList = List(1,2,3)
val myArray = Array(1,2,3)
.withColumn("myArray", typedLit(myArray))
Not sure withColumn is what you're actually seeking. You could apply lit() to make myArray conform to the method specs, but the result will be the same array value for every row in the DataFrame:
myList.toDF("myList").withColumn("myArray", lit(myArray)).
// +------+---------+
// |myList| myArray|
// +------+---------+
// | 1|[1, 2, 3]|
// | 2|[1, 2, 3]|
// | 3|[1, 2, 3]|
// +------+---------+
If you're trying to merge the two collections column-wise, it's a different transformation from what withColumn offers. In that case you'll need to convert each of them into a DataFrame and combine them via a join.
Now if the elements of the two collections are row-identifying and match each other pair-wise like in your example and you want to join them that way, you can simply join the converted DataFrames:
myArray.toSeq.toDF("myArray"), $"myList" === $"myArray"
// +------+-------+
// |myList|myArray|
// +------+-------+
// | 1| 1|
// | 2| 2|
// | 3| 3|
// +------+-------+
But in case the two collections have elements that aren't join-able and you simply want to merge them column-wise, you'll need to use compatible row-identifying columns from the two dataframes to join them. And if there isn't such row-identifying columns, one approach would be to create your own rowIds, as in the following example:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val df1 = List("a", "b", "c").toDF("myList")
val df2 = Array("x", "y", "z").toSeq.toDF("myArray")
val rdd1 ={
case (row: Row, id: Long) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ id)
val df1withId = spark.createDataFrame( rdd1,
StructType(df1.schema.fields :+ StructField("rowId", LongType, false))
val rdd2 ={
case (row: Row, id: Long) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ id)
val df2withId = spark.createDataFrame( rdd2,
StructType(df2.schema.fields :+ StructField("rowId", LongType, false))
df1withId.join(df2withId, Seq("rowId")).show
// +-----+------+-------+
// |rowId|myList|myArray|
// +-----+------+-------+
// | 0| a| x|
// | 1| b| y|
// | 2| c| z|
// +-----+------+-------+

Comparing two array columns in Scala Spark

I have a dataframe of format given below.
movieId1 | genreList1 | genreList2
1 |[Adventure,Comedy] |[Adventure]
2 |[Animation,Drama,War] |[War,Drama]
3 |[Adventure,Drama] |[Drama,War]
and trying to create another flag column which shows whether genreList2 is a subset of genreList1.
movieId1 | genreList1 | genreList2 | Flag
1 |[Adventure,Comedy] | [Adventure] |1
2 |[Animation,Drama,War] | [War,Drama] |1
3 |[Adventure,Drama] | [Drama,War] |0
I have tried this:
def intersect_check(a: Array[String], b: Array[String]): Int = {
if (b.sameElements(a.intersect(b))) { return 1 }
else { return 2 }
def intersect_check_udf =
udf((colvalue1: Array[String], colvalue2: Array[String]) => intersect_check(colvalue1, colvalue2))
data = data.withColumn("Flag", intersect_check_udf(col("genreList1"), col("genreList2")))
But this throws error
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Failed to execute user defined function.
P.S.: The above function (intersect_check) works for Arrays.
We can define an udf that calculates the length of the intersection between the two Array columns and checks whether it is equal to the length of the second column. If so, the second array is a subset of the first one.
Also, the inputs of your udf need to be class WrappedArray[String], not Array[String] :
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val same_elements = udf { (a: WrappedArray[String],
b: WrappedArray[String]) =>
if (a.intersect(b).length == b.length){ 1 }else{ 0 }
.show(truncate = false)
|movieId1|genreList1 |genreList2 |test|
|1 |[Adventure, Comedy] |[Adventure] |1 |
|2 |[Animation, Drama, War]|[War, Drama]|1 |
|3 |[Adventure, Drama] |[Drama, War]|0 |
val df = List((1,Array("Adventure","Comedy"), Array("Adventure")),
(2,Array("Animation","Drama","War"), Array("War","Drama")),
Here is the solution converting using subsetOf
val spark =
import spark.implicits._
val data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
)).toDF("movieId1", "genreList1", "genreList2")
val subsetOf = udf((col1: Seq[String], col2: Seq[String]) => {
if (col2.toSet.subsetOf(col1.toSet)) 1 else 0
data.withColumn("flag", subsetOf(data("genreList1"), data("genreList2"))).show()
Hope this helps!
One solution may be to exploit spark array builtin functions: genreList2 is subset of genreList1 if the intersection between the two is equal to genreList2. In the code below a sort_array operation has been added to avoid a mismatch between two arrays with different ordering but same elements.
val spark = {
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
(1, Array("Adventure","Comedy"), Array("Adventure")),
(2, Array("Animation","Drama","War"), Array("War","Drama")),
(3, Array("Adventure","Drama"), Array("Drama","War"))
).toDF("movieId1", "genreList1", "genreList2")
The output is
|movieId1| genreList1| genreList2|flag|
| 1| [Adventure, Comedy]| [Adventure]| 1|
| 2|[Animation, Drama...|[War, Drama]| 1|
| 3| [Adventure, Drama]|[Drama, War]| 0|
This can also work here and it does not use udf
import spark.implicits._
val data = Seq(
).toDF("movieId1", "genreList1", "genreList2")
.withColumn("flag",when($"size" === lit(0), 1) otherwise(0))
Spark 3.0+ (forall)
forall($"genreList2", x => array_contains($"genreList1", x)).cast("int")
Full example:
val df = Seq(
(1, Seq("Adventure", "Comedy"), Seq("Adventure")),
(2, Seq("Animation", "Drama","War"), Seq("War", "Drama")),
(3, Seq("Adventure", "Drama"), Seq("Drama", "War"))
).toDF("movieId1", "genreList1", "genreList2")
val df2 = df.withColumn("Flag", forall($"genreList2", x => array_contains($"genreList1", x)).cast("int"))
// +--------+--------------------+------------+----+
// |movieId1| genreList1| genreList2|Flag|
// +--------+--------------------+------------+----+
// | 1| [Adventure, Comedy]| [Adventure]| 1|
// | 2|[Animation, Drama...|[War, Drama]| 1|
// | 3| [Adventure, Drama]|[Drama, War]| 0|
// +--------+--------------------+------------+----+