Operator or function to simplify enum associated value in Swift - swift

I cannot figure out if there is a way to convert an enum case into one of it's associated values or returning a nil in any kind of generic way that could be applied to an enum. It seems like it should be possible at least theoretically.
What I want to do..
let value: TestClass1? = model .> TestEnum.one
// do something
What I am doing now..
if case .one(value: let value) = self.model {
// do something
guard case .one(value: let value) = self.model else {
//handle case where self.model != .one
//do something
Does not compile:
infix operator .>
func .><T,U>( _expression: T, _case: (U) -> T) -> U? {
guard case _case(let u) = _expression else { return nil }
return u
Test case:
class TestClass1 {}
class TestClass2 {}
enum TestEnum {
case one(value: TestClass1)
case two(value: TestClass2)
struct TestStruct {
let model: TestEnum = .one(value: TestClass1())
func function() -> TestClass1? {
// what I want to do
return model .> TestEnum.one
If anyone has any ideas on how to make the above operator function work I'd love any suggestions.


Swift: Protocol `static var foo: Self` and enums

Simplified example
Take a look at this simple protocol
protocol FooOwner {
static var foo: Self { get }
I would like an enum to conform to said protocol, and in my opinion this ought to work, since the static syntax SomeTypeConformingToFooOwner.foo should result in an instance of SomeTypeConformingToFooOwner and in the case where SomeTypeConformingToFooOwner is a enum.
enum Foo: FooOwner { // Type 'Foo' does not conform to protocol FooOwner
case foo
The workaround is this ugly thing:
protocol FooOwner {
static var fooOwner: Self { get }
enum Foo: FooOwner {
case foo
static var fooOwner: Foo {
return Foo.foo
Do you have a nicer workaround for enum conforming to protocols with static vars?
Real use case
protocol StringConvertibleError: Swift.Error {
static var invalidCharactersError: Self { get }
protocol StringConvertibleErrorOwner {
associatedtype Error: StringConvertibleError
protocol StringConvertible {
var value: String { get }
/// Calling this with an invalid String will result in runtime crash.
init(validated: String)
init(string value: String) throws
static func validate(_ string: String) throws -> String
// MARK: - Default Implementation Constrained
extension StringConvertible where Self: CharacterSetSpecifying, Self: StringConvertibleErrorOwner {
static func validate(_ string: String) throws -> String {
guard Self.allowedCharacters.isSuperset(of: CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)) else {
throw Error.invalidCharactersError
// Valid
return string
struct HexString: StringConvertible, CharacterSetSpecifying, StringConvertibleErrorOwner {
static var allowedCharacters = CharacterSet.hexadecimal
let value: String
init(validated unvalidated: String) {
do {
self.value = try HexString.validate(unvalidated)
} catch {
fatalError("Passed unvalid string, error: \(error)")
extension HexString {
enum Error: StringConvertibleError {
static var invalidCharactersError: Error {
return Error.invalidCharacters
case invalidCharacters
So it's the last part that I would like to change to:
extension HexString {
enum Error: StringConvertibleError {
case invalidCharacters
Since I have many similar types to HexString.
Yes of course obviously I can use one shared Error enum, but I would like to have one specific enum per type.
SE-0280 solves this - if accepted. It is currently in review.
Edit 1
Great news, SE-0280 has been accepted.
This might not fully match OP's issue, but as it seems somewhat related, I'm throwing it out there in case it helps.
In my case, I cared about some cases, but other cases could be ignored (or handled in a common way).
I admit my approach is not elegant and requires a lot of boiler plate, but it got me past a similar problem.
// Given these enums, we want a protocol that matches enums with
// 'foo' and 'bar' cases.
enum FooFriends {
case foo // conforms
case bar // conforms
case baz // don't really care
enum FooBar {
case foo // conforms
case bar // conforms
// We wish we could do this:
protocol FooBarWish {
case foo // or static var foo: Self { get }
case bar // or static var bar: Self { get }
// Workaround
// the boiler plate
enum FooBarProxy {
case foo
case bar
case other
protocol FooBarProtocol {
func getProxy() -> FooBarProxy
extension FooFriends: FooBarProtocol {
func getProxy() -> FooBarProxy {
switch self {
case .foo:
return .foo
case .bar:
return .bar
return .other
extension FooBar: FooBarProtocol {
func getProxy() -> FooBarProxy {
switch self {
case .foo:
return .foo
case .bar:
return .bar
// Usage
// Instead of the ideal case (which won't work)
let fooBarOrFooFriend1: FooBarWish = FooFriends.foo
let fooBarOrFooFriend2: FooBarWish = FooBar.bar
// We can get by with
let fooBarProxy1 = FooFriends.foo.getProxy()
let fooBarProxy2 = FooBar.bar.getProxy()
// Verification
func checkIt(_ foobar: FooBarProxy) {
switch foobar {
case .foo:
print("it was foo")
case .bar:
print("it was bar")
case .other:
print("it was neither")
// =>
// it was foo
// it was bar

Filtering an array based on a Swift enum with an associated value - w/o mentioning the associated value

I have an enum with associated value for some of the cases:
enum Foo {
case a
case b
case c(String?)
I also have a struct with this enum as a variable
struct Bar {
var foo: Foo
I then have an array of this objects
let array:[Bar] = [Bar(foo: .a), Bar(foo: .c(nil)), Bar(foo: .c("someString"))]
I want to create a function that operates on a subset of this array, based on the cases it receives something like
func printOnly(objectsWithCase: Foo)
So far its pretty simple, but now here's the catch: for this operation I WANT TO IGNORE the associated value.
I would like to make this function be able to take .c case without mentioning an associated value, as if to say "give me the ones with .c regardless of the associated values".
I other words - I'd like to pass in something like .c(_) (this doesn't work of course) and have it return (print in this case) both Bar(foo: .c(nil)) and Bar(foo: .c("someString"))
So far, I only came up with changing the functions declaration to take the filtering closure instead of the cases like this:
func printArray(array: [Bar], condition: (Bar) -> Bool) {
let tmp = array.filter(condition)
I'm wondering if there's a way to do this in Swift, while passing the cases and not the condition block ?
You can use the underscore as a wild card in pattern matching operations:
array.filter {
switch $0.foo {
case .a: return true // keep a
case .b: return false // reject b
case .c(_): return true // keep c, regardless of assoc. value.
While this is not technically what you ask for (I don't think there's any way to achieve this with enums), you can write a "fake" enum that contains a wildcard c that will match anything you want. This will give you the exact same syntax.
1) Replace Foo with the following
struct Foo: Equatable {
let rawValue: String
let associatedObject: String?
let isWildcard: Bool
fileprivate init(rawValue: String, associatedObject: String?, isWildcard: Bool) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
self.associatedObject = associatedObject
self.isWildcard = isWildcard
static var a: Foo {
return Foo(rawValue: "a", associatedObject: nil, isWildcard: false)
static var b: Foo {
return Foo(rawValue: "b", associatedObject: nil, isWildcard: false)
static var c: Foo {
return Foo(rawValue: "c", associatedObject: nil, isWildcard: true)
static func c(_ value: String?) -> Foo {
return Foo(rawValue: "c", associatedObject: value, isWildcard: false)
func ==(left: Foo, right: Foo) -> Bool {
// Match rawValue + associatedObject unless we have a wildcard
return (left.rawValue == right.rawValue)
&& (left.associatedObject == right.associatedObject || left.isWilcard || right.isWildcard)
2) Implement your printOnly function with ==
func printOnly(objects: [Bar], with match: Foo) {
objects.filter { $0.foo == match }.forEach { print($0) }
3) Success
printOnly(objects: array, with: .c) // [.c(nil), .c("someString")]
The main drawback of this method, besides the additional boilerplate code, is that you are forced to create an enum value that should not be allowed. This method puts the responsibility on you to use it only as a wildcard, and not as a real enum value. It will also not guarantee you that other enum cases cannot be created, although you should be able to mitigate that by making the only initializer fileprivate.
Otherwise, this gives you exactly the same interface and features an enum would give you, you can define your cases just as before
let array = [Bar(foo: .a), Bar(foo: .c(nil)), Bar(foo: .c("Hello")]
Finally, you can still use it inside a switch, except you will always need to add a default statement.
switch Foo.c("Hello") {
case .a:
case .b:
case .c: // will match .c(nil) and .c("someString")
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
enum Foo {
case a
case b
case c(String?)
struct Bar {
var foo: Foo
let array:[Bar] = [Bar(foo: .a), Bar(foo: .c(nil)), Bar(foo: .c("someString"))]
func printArray(array: [Bar], condition: (Bar) -> Bool) {
let tmp = array.filter(condition)
printArray(array: array) { bar in
switch bar.foo {
case .c:
return true
return false
printArray(array: array) { bar in
if case let Foo.c = bar.foo {
return true
return false
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
enum Foo: Equatable {
case a
case b
case c(String?)
func ==(lhs: Foo, rhs: Foo) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.a, .a), (.b, .b), (.c, .c):
return true
return false
struct Bar {
var foo: Foo
let array:[Bar] = [Bar(foo: .a), Bar(foo: .c(nil)), Bar(foo: .c("someString"))]
func printArray(array: [Bar], condition: (Bar) -> Bool) {
let tmp = array.filter(condition)
func printOnly(objectsWithCase wantedCase: Foo) {
printArray(array: array) { bar in
if wantedCase == bar.foo {
return true
} else {
return false

Using array of protocol in Swift class' generics

Is there any way to use array of protocol's generic?
For example,
/* I want to use protocol like below,
* but I can't because protocol is not concrete
* so cannot make array of it */
class MyClass<T where T:MyProtocol, T:[MyProtocol]> {
let result: T
protocol MyProtocol {
init(with: String)
class SpecialThing: MyProtocol {
let appleWatch: AppleWatch
init(with: String) {
self.appleWatch = AppleWatch(with)
class SampleClass {
func test {
typealias listCallback = (MyClass<[SpecialThing]>, NSError) -> ()
typealias oneCallback = (MyClass<SpecialThing>, NSError) -> ()
There can be one object or array of protocol's subclass.
I think "typealias" does not help me.
I want to find something more simple way.....
My first issue with this is that the type signature is wrong:
class MyClass<T where T:MyProtocol, T:[MyProtocol]>
That's the same type of thing as doing:
let t: String
let t: [String]
t = String("foo")
The compiler will complain because you are redefining T, once as a MyProtocol and again as an array of MyProtocol. You can't have both, you can only have one.
Answer: Use a construct like Either:
enum Either<T, U>
case Left(T)
case Right(U)
var leftValue: T?
if case .Left(let leftValue) = self
return leftValue
return nil
var rightValue: U?
if case .Right(let rightValue) = self
return rightValue
return nil
Allowing for:
class MyClass<T: MyProtocol>
let result: Either<T, [MyProtocol]>

How to check for Enum types in Swift?

I am writing a serializer that can serialize enums and other Swift types (strings, objects, etc.). So I need to check if an Any parameter passed into my serializer is an Enum or something else. It seems like the only way to do this in Swift is using reflection. Does the code below seem reasonable or is there a better way to check for Enum types?
enum Things {
case Thing1
case Thing2
let something:Any = Things.Thing1
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: something)
if (mirror.displayStyle == .Enum) {
print("Reflected type is Enum") // works
Since Mirror.displayStyle is an optional enumeration, preferably use conditional unwrapping and type checking in same statement.
You could extend Mirror.displayStyle by an .equals method to make it readily accessible in case you want to do this enum check frequently.
extension Mirror.DisplayStyle {
func equals(displayCase: Mirror.DisplayStyle) -> Bool {
return self == displayCase
enum Things {
case Thing1
case Thing2
let something:Any = Things.Thing1
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: something)
/* short form: using nil coalescing and ternary conditional operator */
mirror.displayStyle?.equals(.Enum) ?? false ? print("Reflected type is an Enum") : ()
/* another option: or using if-let */
if let _ = mirror.displayStyle?.equals(.Enum) {
print("Reflected type is an Enum")
Note that you needn't explicitly create and store a Mirror instance for this check, but can do it all in one expression, for some instance something of type Any:
Mirror(reflecting: something).displayStyle?.equals(.Enum) ?? false ? print("Reflected type is an Enum") : ()
Finally, if you're just interesting in doing some simple action base on the DisplayStyle case of different Any instances, you could create a function that switches over the different cases of this enum. Below, the "simple action" just prints the case.
func foo(mirror: Mirror) {
if let dispStyle = mirror.displayStyle {
switch(dispStyle) {
case .Class: print("Reflected type is a Class")
case .Collection: print("Reflected type is a Collection")
case .Dictionary: print("Reflected type is a Dictionary")
case .Enum: print("Reflected type is an Enum")
case .Optional: print("Reflected type is an Optional")
case .Set: print("Reflected type is a Set")
case .Struct: print("Reflected type is a Struct")
case .Tuple: print("Reflected type is a Tuple")
let something: Any = Things.Thing1
foo(Mirror(reflecting: something))
See also Language Reference for Mirror.DisplayStyle.
enum Things {
case Thing1
case Thing2
let something:Any = Things.Thing1
something.dynamicType == Things.self // true
update based on discussion ..
protocol P {}
enum Things:P {
case Thing1
case Thing2
enum Things2:P{
case Things21
let something:Any = Things.Thing1
something.dynamicType == Things.self // true
if let p = something as? P {
let somethingelse: Any = Things2.Things21
if let p = somethingelse as? P {

Unwrapping either one of two types in Swift

I have a method which does exactly the same thing for two types of data in Swift.
To keep things simple (and without duplicating a method) I pass AnyObject as an argument to my method which can be either of these two types. How to I unwrap it with an || (OR) statement so I can proceed? Or maybe this done otherwise?
func myFunc(data:AnyObject) {
if let data = data as? TypeOne {
// This works fine. But I need it to look something like unwrapping below
if let data = data as? TypeOne || let data = data as? TypeTwo { // <-- I need something like this
// Do my stuff here, but this doesn't work
I'm sure this is trivial in Swift, I just can't figure out how to make it work.
You can't unify two different casts of the same thing. You have to keep them separate because they are two different casts to two different types which the compiler needs to treat in two different ways.
var x = "howdy" as AnyObject
// x = 1 as AnyObject
// so x could have an underlying String or Int
switch x {
case let x as String:
case let x as Int:
default: break
You can call the same method from within those two different cases, if you have a way of passing a String or an Int to it; but that's the best you can do.
func printAnything(what:Any) {
switch x {
case let x as String:
case let x as Int:
default: break
Of course you can ask
if (x is String || x is Int) {
but the problem is that you are no closer to performing an actual cast. The casts will still have to be performed separately.
Building on Clashsoft's comment, I think a protocol is the way to go here. Rather than pass in AnyObject and unwrap, you can represent the needed functionality in a protocol to which both types conform.
This ought to make the code easier to maintain, since you're coding toward specific behaviors rather then specific classes.
I mocked up some code in a playground that shows how this would work.
Hopefully it will be of some help!
protocol ObjectBehavior {
var nickname: String { get set }
class TypeOne: ObjectBehavior {
var nickname = "Type One"
class TypeTwo: ObjectBehavior {
var nickname = "Type Two"
func myFunc(data: ObjectBehavior) -> String {
return data.nickname
let object1 = TypeOne()
let object2 = TypeTwo()
Find if that shared code is exactly the same for both types. If yes:
protocol TypeOneOrTypeTwo {}
extension TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedCode() {
print("Hello, I am instance of \(self.dynamicType).")
extension TypeOne: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {}
extension TypeTwo: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {}
If not:
protocol TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedMethod()
extension TypeOne: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedMethod() {
// code here:
extension TypeTwo: TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
func thatSharedMethod() {
// code here:
And here you go:
func myFunc(data: AnyObject) {
if let data = data as? TypeOneOrTypeTwo {
data.thatSharedCode() // Or `thatSharedMethod()` if your implementation differs for types.
You mean like this?
enum IntOrString {
case int(value: Int)
case string(value: String)
func parseInt(_ str: String) -> IntOrString {
if let intValue = Int(str) {
return IntOrString.int(value: intValue)
return IntOrString.string(value: str)
switch parseInt("123") {
case .int(let value):
print("int value \(value)")
case .string(let value):
print("string value \(value)")
switch parseInt("abc") {
case .int(let value):
print("int value \(value)")
case .string(let value):
print("string value \(value)")
int value 123
string value abc