how to interpret regression equation with log transformed indpendent variable and some(not all) dependent variables are log transformed - linear-regression

how to interpret below linear regression equation
I tried the same logic as the log-log model but it is giving me a wrong answer


Getting covariance matrix in Spark Linear Regression

I have been looking into Spark's documentation but still couldn't find how to get covariance matrix after doing linear regression.
Given input training data, I did a very simple linear regression similar to this:
val lr = new LinearRegression()
val fit =
Getting regression parameters is as easy as fit.coefficients but there seems to be no information on how to get covariance matrix.
And just to clarify, I am looking for function similar to vcov in R. With this, I should be able to do something like vcov(fit) to get the covariance matrix. Any other methods that can help to achieve this are okay too.
The explanation on how to get covariance matrix from linear regression is discussed in detail here. Standard deviation is easy to get as it is provided by fit.summary.meanSsquaredError. However, the parameter (X'X)-1 is hard to get. It would be interesting to see if this can be used to somehow calculate the covariance matrix.
Although the whole covariance matrix is collected on the driver, it is not possible to obtain it without making your own solver. You can do that by copying WLS and setting additional "getters".
Closest you can get without digging into the code is lrModel.summary.coefficientStandardErrors that is based on diagonal of inverted matrix (A^T * W * A) which is based on upper triangular matrix (covariance).
I don't think that is enough so sorry about that.

Logistic regression: Logit of a quadratic function

I have a new question concerning logistic regression. In the usual case the logistic regression for observation i is:
where p(x) denotes the response variable that is True/False, 1/0 and so on.
Now I have a data set where I want to apply logistic regression (with a lasso / penalty), but by construction I know that some variables are correlated. Is there a way of doing a regression such that:
I work in Matlab using the commands glmnet() and lassoglm() with the family = 'binomial'.
Thank you in advance.

Linear regression line in MATLAB scatter plot

I am trying to get the residuals for the scatter plot of two variables. I could get the least squares linear regression line using lsline function of matlab. However, I want to get the residuals as well. How can I get this in matlab. For that I need to know the parameters a and b of the linear regression line
Use the function polyfit to obtain the regression parameters. You can then evaluate the fitted values and calculate your residuals accordingly.
Basically polyfit performs least-squares regression for a specified degree N which, in your case will be 1 for straight line regression. The regression parameters are returned by the function and you can use the other function polyval to get the fitted values from the regression parameters
If you have the curve fitting toolbox, type cftool and press enter and the GUI will appear.
You can use this tool to find a linear polynomial fit for a given data set, as well as many other fits.

MATLAB: Plot integral using quad/quadl

I would like to know if anybody knows how I can plot an integral calculated using quad/quadl, or if this is possible.
I read that I can set the trace parameter to be non-zero, and this results in the information of each iteration being provided, but I'm not sure how and if I can use the information to plot an integral.
quad and quadl do not compute an integral function anyway, i.e., an integral as a function of the parameter. And since tools like this work iteratively, refining their estimate until it satisfies a tolerance on the global value, they are not easily made to produce the plot you desire.
You can do what you desire by using a differential equation solver to generate the solution, ode45 for example.

Matlab - bug with linear discriminant analysis

I run
Y_testing_obtained = classify(X_testing, X_training, Y_training);
and the error I get is
Error using ==> classify at 246
The pooled covariance matrix of TRAINING must be positive definite.
X_training is 1550 x 5 matrix. Can you please tell me what this error means, i.e. why is it appearing, and how to work around it?
Explanation: When you run the function classify without specifying the type of discriminant function (as you did), Matlab uses Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Without going into too much details on LDA, the algorithms needs to calculate the covariance matrix of X_testing in order to solve an optimisation problem, and this matrix has to be positive definite (see Wikipedia: Positive-definite matrix). The underlying assumption is that your data is represented by a multivariate probability distribution, which always has a positive definite covariance matrix unless one or more variables are exact linear combinations of the others.
To solve your problem: It is possible that one of your variables is a linear combination of the others. You can try selecting a sensible subset of your variables, or perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the training data and then classify using the first few principal components. Or, you could specify the type of discriminant function and choose one of the two naive Bayes classifiers, for example:
Y_testing_obtained = classify(X_testing, X_training, Y_training, 'diaglinear');
As a side note, you also need to have more observations (rows) than variables (columns), but in your case this is not the problem as you seem to have 1550 observations and 5 variables.
Finally, you can also have a look at the answers posted to a similar question on the Matlab forum.
Try regularizing the data using cvshrink function in Matlab