How to implement this design in swift 4 all the data are scrollable horizontally and vertically - swift4

I have to imbed this in my tableView . data is scrolling horizontally and vertically .

Better you can use UICollectionView for horizontal and vertical scrolling.


How to have a vertical collectionView on top of a tableView in the same scrollView programmatically?

So I have a vertical collectionView using CompositionalLayout and a tableView.
How can I add the collectionView on top of the tableView?
So that the user would scroll down the collectionView and when reached the bottom of it scroll down the tableView?
I tried to put them both in a stackView, with fillEqually but that would just the screen in two with two individual scrolls.
Why not just define all the view to be a collection view with custom layout? Im sure you can achieve the same ui. You can also try wrapping them in a scroll view but this approach has its own difficulties

Uiscrollview scrolls horizontally and vertically

I have UI textview inside UIscrollView, so UIscrollview scrolls horizontally and vertically at the same time. is there any way to disable scrolling in horizontal way and enable scrolling to the vertical way ?
thank you
If your scrollView scrolls horizontally, that's means that your textView or another subview is wider than the scrollView's frame.

unnecessary horizontal scroll xcode

I have implemented a UIScrollView, which has a content view. Content view contains the UILables to display texts. Eventhough i have the necessary vertical scrollview for long paragrpahs, there is an unnecessary horizontal scrollview as well.
In this case, position the control view horizontally center in container. This should prevent the horizontal scroll.

Scroll UICollectionView on both sides horizontal as well as vertical

How to scroll UICollectionView on both sides horizontally and vertically. How is it possible, please guide.
Thanks inadvance.
According to the Discussion in RWForums for How to scroll UICollectionView in any direction ?
"The grid layout scrolls
along one axis only, either horizontally or vertically."
Check out the two-part tutorial from Ray Wenderlich that uses a table view, but it demonstrates how to have cells within a section scroll horizontally, while the sections scroll vertically :
1) Part-1
2) Part-2

How to create a horizontal transparent scroll bar?

I am trying to create something like this (look at the time), you can basically slide it horizontally.
Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to do this in iOS?
You'd use UIScrollView which you can constrain to just horizontal movement. The Scrolling demo may help to get you started.
It is pretty easy:
create a scrollview with frame of (xOrigin,yOrigin,SCREEN WIDTH,Height).
set the content size to (CONTENT WIDTH, Height).
setShowsHorizontolScrollIndicator to no to hide the scroll indicator.
Note: Width of the contentSize property should be greater than the frame width to make it horizontally scrollable.