Sealed trait and dynamic case objects - scala

I have a few enumerations implemented as sealed traits and case objects. I prefer using the ADT approach because of the non-exhaustive warnings and mostly because we want to avoid the type erasure. Something like this
sealed abstract class Maker(val value: String) extends Product with Serializable {
override def toString = value
object Maker {
case object ChryslerMaker extends Vendor("Chrysler")
case object ToyotaMaker extends Vendor("Toyota")
case object NissanMaker extends Vendor("Nissan")
case object GMMaker extends Vendor("General Motors")
case object UnknownMaker extends Vendor("")
val tipos = List(ChryslerMaker, ToyotaMaker, NissanMaker,GMMaker, UnknownMaker)
private val fromStringMap: Map[String, Maker] = => s.toString -> s).toMap
def apply(key: String): Option[Maker] = fromStringMap.get(key)
This is working well so far, now we are considering providing access to other programmers to our code to allow them to configure on site. I see two potential problems:
1) People messing up and writing things like:
case object ChryslerMaker extends Vendor("Nissan")
and people forgetting to update the tipos
I have been looking into using a configuration file (JSON or csv) to provide these values and read them as we do with plenty of other elements, but all the answers I have found rely on macros and seem to be extremely dependent on the scala version used (2.12 for us).
What I would like to find is:
1a) (Prefered) a way to create dynamically the case objects from a list of strings making sure the objects are named consistently with the value they hold
1b) (Acceptable) if this proves too hard a way to obtain the objects and the values during the test phase
2) Check that the number of elements in the list matches the number of case objects created.
I forgot to mention, I have looked briefly to enumeratum but I would prefer not to include additional libraries unless i really understand the pros and cons (and right now I am not sure how enumerated compares with the ADT approach, if you think this is the best way and can point me to such discussion that would work great)
Thanks !

One idea that comes to my mind is to create an SBT SourceGenerator task.
That will read an input JSON, CSV, XML or whatever file, that is part of your project and will create a scala file.
// ----- File: project/VendorsGenerator.scala -----
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
* An SBT task that generates a managed source file with all Scalastyle inspections.
object VendorsGenerator {
// For demonstration, I will use this plain List[String] to generate the code,
// you may change the code to read a file instead.
// Or maybe this will be good enough.
final val vendors: List[String] =
val generatorTask = Def.task {
// Make the 'tipos' List, which contains all vendors.
val tipos =
.map(vendorName => s"${vendorName}Vendor")
.mkString("val tipos: List[Vendor] = List(", ",", ")")
// Make a case object for each vendor.
val vendorObjects = { vendorName =>
s"""case object ${vendorName}Vendor extends Vendor { override final val value: String = "${vendorName}" }"""
// Fill the code template.
val code =
"package vendors",
"sealed trait Vendor extends Product with Serializable {",
"def value: String",
"override final def toString: String = value",
"object Vendors extends (String => Option[Vendor]) {"
"private final val fromStringMap: Map[String, Vendor] = => v.toString -> v).toMap",
"override def apply(key: String): Option[Vendor] = fromStringMap.get(key.toLowerCase)",
// Save the new file to the managed sources dir.
val vendorsFile = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "vendors.scala"
IO.writeLines(vendorsFile, code)
Now, you can activate your source generator.
This task will be run each time, before the compile step.
// ----- File: build.sbt -----
sourceGenerators in Compile += VendorsGenerator.generatorTask.taskValue
Please note that I suggest this, because I have done it before and because I don't have any macros nor meta programming experience.
Also, note that this example relays a lot in Strings, which make the code a little bit hard to understand and maintain.
BTW, I haven't used enumeratum, but giving it a quick look looks like the best solution to this problem
I have my code ready to read a HOCON file and generate the matching code. My question now is where to place the scala file in the project directory and where will the files be generated. I am a little bit confused because there seems to be multiple steps 1) compile my scala generator, 2) run the generator, and 3) compile and build the project. Is this right?
Your generator is not part of your project code, but instead of your meta-project (I know that sounds confusing, you may read this for understanding that) - as such, you place the generator inside the project folder at the root level (the same folder where is the file for specifying the sbt version).
If your generator needs some dependencies (I'm sure it does for reading the HOCON) you place them in a build.sbt file inside that project folder.
If you plan to add unit test to the generator, you may create an entire scala project inside the meta-project (you may give a look to the project folder of a open source project (Yes, yes I know, confusing again) in which I work for reference) - My personal suggestion is that more than testing the generator itself, you should test the generated file instead, or better both.
The generated file will be automatically placed in the src_managed folder (which lives inside target and thus it is ignored from your source code version control).
The path inside that is just by order, as everything inside the src_managed folder is included by default when compiling.
val vendorsFile = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "vendors.scala" // Path to the file to write.`
In order to access the values defined in the generated file on your source code, you only need to add a package to the generated file and import the values from that package in your code (as with any normal file).
You don't need to worry about anything related with compilation order, if you include your source generator in your build.sbt file, SBT will take care of everything automatically.
sourceGenerators in Compile += VendorsGenerator.generatorTask.taskValue // Activate the source generator.
SBT will re-run your generator everytime it needs to compile.
"BTW I get "not found: object sbt" on the imports".
If the project is inside the meta-project space, it will find the sbt package by default, don't worry about it.


Object not found when is in src_managed folder

This is (I think) a different question from Type not found: type .. when type is in src_managed folder.
I am building from sbt, 1.1.1, I have set up a code generation task in sbt that is runnign as expected and creaing a number of files with the same structure.
package com.a3.traffic
package object Vendor
And they are imported in other files as:
import com.a3.traffic.Vendor._
The files are generated under src_managed. I have tried two different setups
src_managed / main / Vendor
src_managed / main / scala / com / a3 / traffic / Vendor
In both cases I get the following error:
[error] /Users/luis/IdeaProjects/SparkTrafficAllocation/core/src/main/scala/com/a3/traffic/Params.scala:5:28: object Vendor is not a member of package com.a3.traffic
[error] import com.a3.traffic.Vendor._
I can fix that by moving the generatd code to src / main / scala / com / a3 / traffic / Vendor (that is with the rest of my code) but then I get this.
[error] /Users/luis/IdeaProjects/SparkTrafficAllocation/core/target/scala-2.11/src_managed/main/scala/com/a3/traffic /Vendor/Vendor.scala:3:16: package is already defined as package object Vendor
[error] package object Vendor {
I find this quite puzzling. The objects defined in src_managed can not be seen from my code, but it can see what is in the package.How can I make the objects in src_managed available to the rest of the package?
I created a minimal project to show this
I am using a name / package.scala / package.scala => object name as the original name.scala case class / case object was not working.
The problem is in here.
def generator (x: Country) = {
generateADT("Vendor", x.vendor)
generateADT("InstallationType", x.installationType)
Remember that your task MUST returns a Seq with the ALL Files that were generated!.
And, your generateADT each return a Seq of one File, and as such, you are returning only the Seq of the last call (which in this case is InstallationType), that is why your Vendor is not found!
You can check that by commenting the second line, which will make the first line the return, in that case the Vendor will be found!
There a couple of ways to fix this, the most simple & elegant (IMHO) would be this:
def generator (x: Country): List[File] =
("Vendor", x.vendor),
("InstallationType", x.installationType)
).map((generateADT _).tupled)
def generateADT (base: String, d: Descriptor): File = {
// ...
// The path really does not matter, as long as it is inside the src_managed folder.
val adtFile = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / s"${base}.scala"
IO.writeLines(adtFile, code)
PS: As an advice, you should explicitly put the return type of all functions/methods. Not only it will help the type inference of other things, also it will avoid a couple of compile errors and will increase the readability of your code.

How do I change a project's id in SBT 1.0?

I have a bunch of SBT 0.13 project definitions that look like this:
lazy val coreBase = crossProject.crossType(CrossType.Pure).in(file("core"))
.jvmConfigure(_.copy(id = "core"))
.jsConfigure(_.copy(id = "coreJS"))
lazy val core = coreBase.jvm
lazy val coreJS = coreBase.js
(Mostly because I'm resentful about having to maintain Scala.js builds and don't want to have to type the JVM suffix every time I'm changing projects, etc.)
This doesn't compile in SBT 1.0 because Project doesn't have a copy method now.
Okay, let's check the migration guide.
Many of the case classes are replaced with pseudo case classes generated using Contraband. Migrate .copy(foo = xxx) to withFoo(xxx).
Cool, let's try it.
build.sbt:100: error: value withId is not a member of sbt.Project
So I asked on Gitter and got crickets.
The links for the 1.0 API docs actually point to something now, which is nice, but they're not very helpful in this case, and trying to read the SBT source gives me a headache. I'm not in a rush to update to 1.0, but I'm going to have to at some point, I guess, and maybe some helpful person will have answered this by then.
(This answer has been edited with information about sbt 1.1.0+ and sbt-crossproject 0.3.1+, which significantly simplify the whole thing.)
With sbt 1.1.0 and later, you can use .withId("core"). But there's better with sbt-crossproject 0.3.1+, see below.
I don't know about changing the ID of a Project, but here is also a completely different way to solve your original issue, i.e., have core/coreJS instead of coreJVM/coreJS. The idea is to customize crossProject to use the IDs you want to begin with.
First, you'll need to use sbt-crossproject. It is the new "standard" for compilation across several platforms, co-designed by #densh from Scala Native and myself (from Scala.js). Scala.js 1.x will allways use sbt-crossproject, but it is also possible to use sbt-crossproject with Scala.js 0.6.x. For that, follow the instructions in the readme. In particular, don't forget the "shadowing" part:
// Shadow sbt-scalajs' crossProject and CrossType from Scala.js 0.6.x
import sbtcrossproject.{crossProject, CrossType}
sbt-crossproject is more flexible than Scala.js' hard-coded crossProject. This means you can customize it more easily. In particular, it has a generic notion of Platform, defining how any given platform behaves.
For a cross JVM/JS project, the new-style crossProject invocation would be
lazy val coreBase = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform)
.jvmConfigure(_.copy(id = "core"))
.jsConfigure(_.copy(id = "coreJS"))
lazy val core = coreBase.jvm
lazy val coreJS = coreBase.js
Starting with sbt-crossproject 0.3.1, you can simply tell it not to add the platform suffix for one of your platforms. In your case, you want to avoid the suffix for the JVM platform, so you would write:
lazy val coreBase = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform)
lazy val core = coreBase.jvm
lazy val coreJS = coreBase.js
and that's all you need to do!
Old answer, applicable to sbt-crossproject 0.3.0 and before
JVMPlatform and JSPlatform are not an ADT; they are designed in an OO style. This means you can create your own. In particular, you can create your own JVMPlatformNoSuffix that would do the same as JVMPlatform but without adding a suffix to the project ID:
import sbt._
import sbtcrossproject._
case object JVMPlatformNoSuffix extends Platform {
def identifier: String = "jvm"
def sbtSuffix: String = "" // <-- here is the magical empty string
def enable(project: Project): Project = project
val crossBinary: CrossVersion = CrossVersion.binary
val crossFull: CrossVersion = CrossVersion.full
Now that's not quite enough yet, because .jvmSettings(...) and friends are defined to act on a JVMPlatform, not on any other Platform such as JVMPlatformNoSuffix. You'll therefore have to redefine that as well:
implicit def JVMNoSuffixCrossProjectBuilderOps(
builder: CrossProject.Builder): JVMNoSuffixCrossProjectOps =
new JVMNoSuffixCrossProjectOps(builder)
implicit class JVMNoSuffixCrossProjectOps(project: CrossProject) {
def jvm: Project = project.projects(JVMPlatformNoSuffix)
def jvmSettings(ss: Def.SettingsDefinition*): CrossProject =
jvmConfigure(_.settings(ss: _*))
def jvmConfigure(transformer: Project => Project): CrossProject =
Once you have all of that in your build (hidden away in a project/JVMPlatformNoSuffix.scala in order not to pollute the .sbt file), you can define the above cross-project as:
lazy val coreBase = crossProject(JVMPlatformNoSuffix, JSPlatform)
lazy val core = coreBase.jvm
lazy val coreJS = coreBase.js
without any need to explicitly patch the project IDs.

Is it possible to ignore JVM-only properties and safely export to JavaScript?

I have a basic project setup following this Play with ScalaJS example. Other examples I have found using this same pattern would separate the case classes (models) from what would traditionally be their companion objects. That is, the case class would live in the "shared" sub-project, and the "companion object" (really just some object) would live in the "server" sub-project.
It would be highly preferable to keep these two within the same file (i.e. put important stuff in the real companion object), as it is very convenient to place type-class instances there and have them resolve properly. For example:
case class User(id: Int, name: String)
object User {
val default = User(1, "Guest")
// I need this for the back-end, but don't need to export to JS
implicit val reads: Reads[User] = ...
Unfortunately, this leads to a linking error, as the Reads type exists solely on the JVM (just one of many). But, if I were to move val reads into a different file, the implicit resolution of Reads[User] would break throughout the "server" sub-project, without adding explicit imports (which would be annoying).
Is it possible to explicitly ignore certain properties in the ScalaJS export, while still allowing them to compile for the JVM? I'd like the User case class to export, and possibly even other properties of its companion object, but others that exist on the JVM only could be ignored without disrupting the front-end.
The way I have worked around this in the past (in the Scala.js codebase itself), is by a PlattformExtensions trait that mix into the cross compiled object but is different for JVM and JS:
object User extends UserPlattformExtensions {
val default = User(1, "Guest")
In your JVM project:
trait UserPlattformExtensions {
implicit val reads: Reads[User] = ???
In your JS project:
trait UserPlattformExtensions
In your file organization (with a standard cross project), this would look like the following:
There are no dependency issues, since to the compiler, the source files are assembled as follows:
sources in projectJVM:
sources in projectJS:
So to each individual compilation run, this whole construct is simply an object that inherits from a trait. Which source directories the sources come from do not matter to the compilation.

Extracting the complete call graph of a scala project (tough one)

I would like to extract from a given Scala project, the call graph of all methods which are part of the project's own source.
As I understand, the presentation compiler doesn't enable that, and it requires going down all the way down to the actual compiler (or a compiler plugin?).
Can you suggest complete code, that would safely work for most scala projects but those that use the wackiest dynamic language features? for the call graph, I mean a directed (possibly cyclic) graph comprising class/trait + method vertices where an edge A -> B indicates that A may call B.
Calls to/from libraries should be avoided or "marked" as being outside the project's own source.
See my macro paradise derived prototype solution, based on #dk14's lead, as an answer below. Hosted on github at
Here's the working prototype, which prints the necessary underlying data to the console as a proof of concept.
How This Works
I have adapted the concepts from #dk14 on top boilerplate from macro paradise.
Macro paradise lets you define an annotation that will apply your macro over any annotated object in your source code. From there you have access to the AST that the compiler generates for the source, and scala reflection api can be used to explore the type information of the AST elements. Quasiquotes (the etymology is from haskell or something) are used to match the AST for the relevant elements.
More about Quasiquotes
The generally important thing to note is that quasiquotes work over an AST, but they are a strange-at-first-glance api and not a direct representation of the AST (!). The AST is picked up for you by paradise's macro annotation, and then quasiquotes are the tool for exploring the AST at hand: you match, slice and dice the abstract syntax tree using quasiquotes.
The practical thing to note about quasiquotes is that there are fixed quasiquote templates for matching each type of scala AST - a template for a scala class definition, a template for a scala method definition, etc. These tempaltes are all provided here, making it very simple to match and deconstruct the AST at hand to its interesting constituents. While the templates may look daunting at first glance, they are mostly just templates mimicking the scala syntax, and you may freely change the $ prepended variable names within them to names that feel nicer to your taste.
I still need to further hone the quasiquote matches I use, which currently aren't perfect. However, my code seems to produce the desired result for many cases, and honing the matches to 95% precision may be well doable.
Sample Output
found class B
class B has method doB
found object DefaultExpander
object DefaultExpander has method foo
object DefaultExpander has method apply
which calls Console on object scala of type package scala
which calls foo on object DefaultExpander.this of type object DefaultExpander
which calls <init> on object new A of type class A
which calls doA on object a of type class A
which calls <init> on object new B of type class B
which calls doB on object b of type class B
which calls mkString on object[String, Seq[String]](((tag: logTag) => "[".+(Util.getObjectName(tag)).+("]")))(collection.this.Seq.canBuildFrom[String]) of type trait Seq
which calls map on object tags of type trait Seq
which calls $plus on object "[".+(Util.getObjectName(tag)) of type class String
which calls $plus on object "[" of type class String
which calls getObjectName on object Util of type object Util
which calls canBuildFrom on object collection.this.Seq of type object Seq
which calls Seq on object collection.this of type package collection
It is easy to see how callers and callees can be correlated from this data, and how call targets outside the project's source can be filtered or marked out. This is all for scala 2.11. Using this code, one will need to prepend an annotation to each class/object/etc in each source file.
The challenges that remain are mostly:
Challenges remaining:
This crashes after getting the job done. Hinging on
Need to find a way to ultimately apply the magic to entire source files without manually annotating each class and object with the static annotation. This is rather minor for now, and admittedly, there are benefits for being able to control classes to include and ignore anyway. A preprocessing stage that implants the annotation before (almost) every top level source file definition, would be one nice solution.
Honing the matchers such that all and only relevant definitions are matched - to make this general and solid beyond my simplistic and cursory testing.
Alternative Approach to Ponder
acyclic brings to mind a quite opposite approach that still sticks to the realm of the scala compiler - it inspects all symbols generated for the source, by the compiler (as much as I gather from the source). What it does is check for cyclic references (see the repo for a detailed definition). Each symbol supposedly has enough information attached to it, to derive the graph of references that acyclic needs to generate.
A solution inspired by this approach may, if feasible, locate the parent "owner" of every symbol rather than focus on the graph of source files connections as acyclic itself does. Thus with some effort it would recover the class/object ownership of each method. Not sure if this design would not computationally explode, nor how to deterministically obtain the class encompassing each symbol.
The upside would be that there is no need for macro annotations here. The downside is that this cannot sprinkle runtime instrumentation as the macro paradise rather easily allows, which could be at times useful.
It requires more precise analysis, but as a start this simple macro will print all possible applyies, but it requires macro-paradise and all traced classess should have #trace annotation:
class trace extends StaticAnnotation {
def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro tracerMacro.impl
object tracerMacro {
def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = {
import c.universe._
val inputs =
def analizeBody(name: String, method: String, body: c.Tree) = body.foreach {
case q"$expr(..$exprss)" => println(name + "." + method + ": " + expr)
case _ =>
val output = inputs.head match {
case q"class $name extends $parent { ..$body }" =>
class $name extends $parent {
..${ {
case x#q"def $method[..$tt] (..$params): $typ = $body" =>
analizeBody(name.toString, method.toString, body)
case x#q"def $method[..$tt]: $typ = $body" =>
analizeBody(name.toString, method.toString, body)
case x => sys.error(x.toString)
#trace class MyF {
def call(param: Int): Int = {
if(true) call3(param) else cl()
def call2(oaram: Int) = ???
def cl() = 5
def call3(param2: Int) = ???
Output (as compiler's warnings, but you may output to file intead of println):
Warning:scalac: call2
Warning:scalac: call3
Warning:scalac: cl
Of course, you might want to c.typeCheck(input) it (as now expr.tpe on found trees is equals null) and find which class this calling method belongs to actually, so the resulting code may not be so trivial.
P.S. macroAnnotations give you unchecked tree (as it's on earlier compiler stage than regular macroses), so if you want something typechecked - the best way is surround the piece of code you want to typecheck with call of some your regular macro, and process it inside this macro (you can even pass some static parameters). Every regular macro inside tree produced by macro-annotation - will be executed as usual.
The basic idea in this answer was to bypass the (pretty complex) Scala compiler completely, and extract the graph from the generated .class files in the end. It appeared that a decompiler with sufficiently verbose output could reduce the problem to basic text manipulation. However, after a more detailed examination it turned out that this is not the case. One would just get back to square one, but with obfuscated Java code instead of the original Scala code. So this proposal does not really work, although there is some rationale behind working with the final .class files instead of intermediate structures used internally by the Scala compiler.
I don't know whether there are tools out there that do it out of the box (I assume that you have checked that). I have only a very rough idea what the presentation compiler is. But if all that you want is to extract a graph with methods as nodes and potential calls of methods as edges, I have a proposal for a quick-and-dirty solution. This would work only if you want to use it for some sort of visualization, it doesn't help you at all if you want to perform some clever refactoring operations.
In case that you want to attempt building such a graph-generator yourself, it might turn out much simpler than you think. But for this, you need to go all the way down, even past the compiler. Just grab your compiled .class files, and use something like the CFR java decompiler on it.
When used on a single compiled .class file, CFR will generate list of classes that the current class depends on (here I use my little pet project as example):
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter;
import akka.pattern.PipeToSupport;
import akka.pattern.package;
import scala.Function1;
import scala.None;
import scala.Option;
import scala.PartialFunction;
(very long list with all the classes this one depends on)
import scavenger.backend.worker.WorkerCache$class;
import scavenger.backend.worker.WorkerScheduler;
import scavenger.backend.worker.WorkerScheduler$class;
import scavenger.categories.formalccc.Elem;
Then it will spit out some horribly looking code, that might look like this (small excerpt):
public PartialFunction<Object, BoxedUnit> handleLocalResponses() {
return SimpleComputationExecutor.class.handleLocalResponses((SimpleComputationExecutor)this);
public Context provideComputationContext() {
return ContextProvider.class.provideComputationContext((ContextProvider)this);
public ActorRef scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master() {
return this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master;
public void scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master_$eq(ActorRef x$1) {
this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_master = x$1;
public ActorRef scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy() {
return this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy;
public void scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy_$eq(ActorRef x$1) {
this.scavenger$backend$worker$MasterJoin$$_masterProxy = x$1;
public ActorRef master() {
return MasterJoin$class.master((MasterJoin)this);
What one should notice here is that all methods come with their full signature, including the class in which they are defined, for example:
So if you need a quick-and-dirty solution, it might well be that you could get away with just ~10 lines of awk,grep,sort and uniq wizardry to get nice adjacency lists with all your classes as nodes and methods as edges.
I've never tried it, it's just an idea. I cannot guarantee that Java decompilers work well on Scala code.

dynamically create class in scala, should I use interpreter?

I want to create a class at run-time in Scala. For now, just consider a simple case where I want to make the equivalent of a java bean with some attributes, I only know these attributes at run time.
How can I create the scala class? I am willing to create from scala source file if there is a way to compile it and load it at run time, I may want to as I sometimes have some complex function I want to add to the class. How can I do it?
I worry that the scala interpreter which I read about is sandboxing the interpreted code that it loads so that it won't be available to the general application hosting the interpreter? If this is the case, then I wouldn't be able to use the dynamically loaded scala class.
Anyway, the question is, how can I dynamically create a scala class at run time and use it in my application, best case is to load it from a scala source file at run time, something like interpreterSource("file.scala") and its loaded into my current runtime, second best case is some creation by calling methods ie. createClass(...) to create it at runtime.
Thanks, Phil
There's not enough information to know the best answer, but do remember that you're running on the JVM, so any techniques or bytecode engineering libraries valid for Java should also be valid here.
There are hundreds of techniques you might use, but the best choice depends totally on your exact use case, as many aren't general purpose. Here's a couple of ideas though:
For a simple bean, you may as well
just use a map, or look into the
DynaBean class from apache commons.
For more advanced behaviour you could
invoke the compiler explicitly and
then grab the resulting .class file
via a classloader (this is largely
how JSPs do it)
A parser and custom DSL fit well in
some cases. As does bean shell
Check out the ScalaDays video here:
which demonstrates the use of Scala as a JSR-223 compliant scripting language.
This should cover most scenarios where you'd want to evaluate Scala at runtime.
You'll also want to look at the email thread here:
This contains the following sample code:
// We currently call the compiler directly
// To reduce coupling, we could instead use ant and the scalac ant task
import{Global, Settings}
// called in the event of a compilation error
def error(message: String): Nothing = ...
val settings = new Settings(error)
settings.outdir.value = classesDir.getPath
settings.deprecation.value = true // enable detailed deprecation warnings
settings.unchecked.value = true // enable detailed unchecked warnings
val reporter = new ConsoleReporter(settings)
val compiler = new Global(settings, reporter)
(new compiler.Run).compile(filenames)
if (reporter.hasErrors || reporter.WARNING.count > 0)
val mainMethod: Method = {
val urls = Array[URL]( classesDir.toURL )
val loader = new URLClassLoader(urls)
try {
val clazz: Class = loader.loadClass(...)
val method: Method = clazz.getMethod("main", Array[Class]( classOf[Array[String]] ))
if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers)) {
} else {
} catch {
case cnf: ClassNotFoundException => ...
case nsm: NoSuchMethodException => ...
mainMethod.invoke(null, Array[Object]( args ))