AWS - vpc: private subnet access from public subnet - amazon-vpc

I created the public subnet and private subnet ,Internet gateway associated the public subnet. Now the webserver was provisioned or installed in private subnet but how do we access any content from private subnet ,why was the server installed. in the lecture ? Also, say for example if I install mysql db in private , how do i access the db from outside? in other words how do i access the webserver/db running in private subnet from public or http?

If you want to access your private subnet from outside of the VPC you need to add a bastion host to the public subnet. The bastion host should have a security group which only allows connections from the IP of your personal machine (if this is where your accessing from). And the security group of the insurance in the private subnet should allow traffic from the bastion host's security group. (The private subnet NACL, allows all by default).
If your trying to access the private subnet from within the VPC. Then you don't need to configure anything by default. As the private subnet NACL by default allows all local traffic. (Security groups by default deny all traffic, so ensure the dB instance, if in a security group, allows traffic from the public subnet, ideally limiting to the specific protocol).

You can access to your private subnet in ssh or rdp by using a bastion host which you have to install to your public subnet. But you have to configure well your security groups and your NACL.
For internet access of your private subnet, you have to install a NAT Gateway in your public subnet (for example for your db)
For more information, this is an interesting link for you:
Hope it will help


Cannot ping PostgreSQL in private subnet from a VM in public subnet

I have a private subnet in VNet 1 with Network Security Group only allowing inbound traffic from a specific private IP CIDR. This subnet hosts Azure Database for PostgreSQL with a server name.
I also have a public subnet in a different VNet (VNet2) that hosts a standard VM.
I have done VNet peering to connect the two and they don't overlap the address spaces. I have also whitelisted the Private IP of the VM (in VNet2) in the NSG of Private subnet in VNet 1 but I cannot ping the PostgreSQL DB from my VM. It says:
ping: Name or service not known
Both VNets are in same subscription and same region
Things to be notice.
You can't ping directly with server name ping Because this domain/server name is not registered in any public or private DNS Zone. If you want to ping with Server name your domain should be registered in DNS record.
Another more imortant things is you need to open port default PostgreSQL port is 5432 at both the Vnet for inbound and outbound level.
you are able to ping when your deploying both the resource in one VNEt.So By default, there is no security boundary between subnets for a VNet, so VMs in each of these subnets can talk to one another.

Subnet routing to AWS VPC doen't appear to work

I'm trying to set up a Tailscale node as a relay to my AWS VPC. I've followed the instructions here to the letter, multiple times. Unfortunately, I just cannot seem to ssh to the second (non-Tailscale) instance. My process, briefly:
Set up an AWS VPC with the VPC wizard
create an instance tailscale-relay on the VPC, on the public subnet, with SSH enabled, and my private key. Assign it a new Security Group called sg-tailscale-relay
ssh to tailscale-relay, install tailscale
enable IP forwarding (per docs here)
sudo tailscale up --advertise-routes=, where is the range specified in the private subnet (and equivalently in the public subnet, see photo at bottom)
disable key expiry and authorize subnet routes for this node in the Tailscale console
close off ssh access to tailscale-relay in its Security Group, then verify that I can ssh to it with it's Tailscale IP (annoyingly, still requiring my .pem key)
create another instance, test-tailscale, assign it to the same VPC but to the private subnet. Do NOT give it a public IP. Allow all inbound traffic from the sg-tailscale-relay subnet, but not from anywhere else
Then, from my local machine, SSH to the private IP of test-tailscale times out.
I can ping test-tailscale from tailscale-relay (but not tailscale ping, obviously)
What gives? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
Bonus: Can I ssh without the private key?
private subnet route table
One possibility is in the non-AWS Tailscale node which you're using to send the ping, if it is a Linux system. Linux was the first client developed, and the one most often used as a subnet router itself.
All of the other clients accept subnet routes by default, but Linux by default does not and needs tailscale up --accept-routes=true to be specified.

AWS VPC connect to more than one Virtual Private Gateways

I am trying to create VPN tunnel from VPC to office location. I have created Virtual Private Gateways and when i try to attached to VPC it says
VPC vpc-xxxxxxxx is currently attached to the Virtual Private Gateway
VPC can only be attached to one Virtual Private Gateways ?
If I have to create multiple VPN tunnel to multiple office location then I have to reuse the already attached Virtual Private Gateways to VPC for VPN ?
that's correct. you will have to use the same VPG for the other VPN connections.
You can attach only one virtual private gateway to a VPC at a time.

Access Private RDS DB From Another VPC

I'm trying to access a private RDS Instance from a different VPC using a Peering Connection. I have two VPCs:
VPC-K8S ( with one public subnet
VPC-RDS ( with one public subnet ( and 3 private subnets (172.17.{1,2,3}.0/24)
VPC-RDS has 2 security groups (not actual names):
default, which accepts SSH from my IP
db, which accepts TCP over port 5432 from the default security group.
I deploy my DB instances in VPC-RDS after creating a DB Subnet Group in the private subnets, and configure it to not be publicly accessible. To access it from my workstation, I create a small instance in the public subnet of VPC-RDS with the default security group, and create an SSH tunnel:
ssh -L -i "KeyName.pem"
I can access the RDS from my workstation via localhost.
I want to be able to access my RDS instance from my Kubernetes cluster (VPC-K8S). I set up a peering connection between the two, and configure the route tables appropriately (in VPC-K8S: -> pcx-112233; VPC-RDS: -> pcx-112233)
I cannot connect to RDS from one of my K8S nodes, or any instance in the K8S VPC. I suspected that it had something to do with the db security group, but even when I opened port 5432 to all IPs ( it didn't help.
Any ideas how to do this, or is this only possible via a publicly accessible RDS instance or a Bastion host that is in VPC-RDS and the default SG?
Stupid oversight, but I'll leave this up if it helps anyone.
My private subnets in VPC-RDS use a different route table than the public subnet. This is done so that internet addresses (for the catch all rule point to the NAT gateway as opposed to the internet gateway in the public subnet.
I added a rule to the private subnets' route table for the peering connection ( -> pcx-112233), and then configured the db security group to accept TCP traffic on port 5432 from

Access public address of a DC/OS service

I deployed a service on DC/OS with the following config
when I access this address ( it says the site can't be reached, although all services are healthy on my dashboard.
How can I access the public IP of the service?
I don't know if it is related or not but when I look into the load balancing config of my public slaves, I get 0 of 2 instances in service
<vip-name><vip-port> is the internal named virtual IP, configured with the VIP_0 env var in your example.
VIPs are not externally exposed. They are made possible via layer 4 name and IP mapping performed by DC/OS components on each node.
In order to expose a public address you have a few options:
Deploy your app on a public node
Deploy Marathon_LB on a public node and configure your app to be exposed via a virtual host
Set up your own reverse proxy on a public node
Make all your private nodes publicly accessible and then use the host agent node IP and host port
If your app is a Mesos framework, it can register a webui_url for administrative access via the admin router.
in windows command prompt(administrator mode) type "nslookup domain of service".
In your case "nslookup". In your case it will provide all instance ip address.
if your service deployed properly it will give you all instance ip address.