Find Inactive Computer objects in Active Directory from multiple OU's - powershell

I'm struggling to make a PowerShell script and can't find a complete solution online.
Basically the script needs to have multiple functionality:
Needs to return inactive computer objects based on the LastLogon attribute for 30, 60, 90 days.
Needs to return results from multiple OU's, not just one.
Needs to exclude any OU with the word Laptop in it.
Needs to email the results in a .csv to an email address.
Please find my crappy start here which outputs 30,60,90 days but only from one OU. PowerShell Inactive Computers

Since you are getting the required result, only thing being you need to iterate.
To get all the list of all OU's from AD you can use below command.
$OUs=Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName
To exclude any OU with the word Laptop in it, you can use below snippet.
$OUsWithoutLaptop=$OUs | where {$_ -notlike '*Laptop* '}
Then you can use the iteration as in the following sample.
foreach ($item in $OUsWithoutLaptop)
$time = (Get-Date).Adddays(-60)
Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $item -Filter {LastLogon -lt $time -and enabled -eq $true} -Properties LastLogon, description| ? {$_.distinguishedname -notlike '*OU=SydLaptops,OU=SydComputers,OU=Sydney,DC=domain,DC=domain,DC=domain'} |
select-object Name,DistinguishedName, description, enabled,#{Name="Stamp"; Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}} | export-csv $logfile60 -notypeinformation


How to filter out which users are allowed to log in to a computer?

I am needing to parse through user information to find which computers a specific user has access to, and then filter that out to generate txt docs for each computer listing the allowed users for that machine. However, my script isn't returning expected results and is creating incomplete lists.
Get-Content c:\temp\computers.txt | ForEach-Object {
$computername = $_
Get-ADUser -Filter "LogonWorkstations -like '*$computername'" -Properties LogonWorkstations |
Format-Table SamAccountName, Enabled |
Out-File -FilePath c:\temp\Accounts\"$computername-$fileDate".txt
I am fairly certain the issue lies in my filtering, because some of the files are returning info, however only ones where the username matches the computer name in some regard. Rather than listing users whose "LogonWorkstation" includes said computer, which is what I am looking to do. (If I pull a user's "LogonWorkstation" separately, that information is correct.)
I believe the issue is that the logonworkstations property stores the list of computers as a string rather than a collection. Since the -Filter parameter has limited operators, you will need to use -like in order to introduce wildcards. Then you can use whatever method to build your computer name string to include surrounding asterisks.
Get-Content c:\temp\computers.txt |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ADUser -Filter "LogonWorkstations -like '*$_*'" -Properties LogonWorkstations |
Format-Table SamAccountName, Enabled |
Out-File -FilePath c:\temp\Accounts\"$_-$fileDate".txt

I have a .csv with thousands of emails, and I need to use Active Directory to find the state of a particular, custom variable, using powershell

I'm new and don't know enough about powershell.
I've got a .csv that is nothing but "EMAILS" for the header and some 6000 emails under it. (email1#company, email2#company, etc.)
I need to find the state of a particular, custom property for each one.
Individually, I know that I can run
Get-ADUser -Filter {mail -eq 'email#company'} -properties customproperty
in order to find one particular user's state.
I have been hitting my head against a wall trying to make it work with import-csv and export-csv, but I keep getting red all over my console.
Can someone point me an to example where import-csv and export-csv are used properly, with a command run against the contents?
Here's what I would do.
First, fetch all users that have email addresses in AD, and save them into a hashtable. This will make lookups absurdly faster and place less overall load on your domain controller. If you've got 100,000 user accounts it may not be the best option, but I expect that it will be in general.
$ADUsers = #{};
Get-ADUser -Filter "mail -like '*'" -Properties mail, customproperty | ForEach-Object {
$ADUsers.Add($_.mail, $_.customproperty);
Now you import the CSV and do lookup using a calculated property with Select-Object, and export it back out.
Import-Csv -Path $InputFile | Select-Object -Property emails, #{n='customproperty';e={$ADUsers[$_.emails]}} | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation;
So without seeing the code of what you posted, where I think you will run problems is with how interaction of two things.
The first will be that when you use the Import-CSV cmdlet. You will receive an array of objects with a property for each column and not an array of strings.
This is ties into the second part of the issue which is the sensitivity of the AD module filter. But the short answer is don't use {} inside the filter because it will break if you use {mail -eq $ImportedCSV.EMAILS}.
mklement0 has a wonderful answer that goes into the details. But a simple rule of thumb is "double quote outer, single quote" inner.
So you could expand the EMAILS property either with Select-Object -ExpandProperty EMAILS to have an array which works inside {} or you could use "mail -eq '$ImportedCSV.EMAILS'".
Here is an example with both the expansion and using the "property -eq '$variable'" style filter:
Import-CSV C:\Example\Path.csv |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty EMAILS |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ADUser -Filter "mail -eq '$_'" -Properties customproperty
} |
Select-Object mail,customproperty |
Export-CSV C:\Example\OutputPath.csv -NoTypeInformation
Please use below code
$csvInput = Import-CSV C:\Example\test.csv
Foreach ($line in $csvinput) {
Get-ADUser -Filter {mail -eq $line.mail} -Properties mail, customproperty |
Select-Object mail,customproperty |
Export-CSV C:\Example\OutputPath.csv -NoTypeInformation

List all OU with Users

I'm searching a way in PowerShell to list all OU with Users in it.
I tried something with Get-ADUser or Get-ADOrganizationalUnit but it doesn't really work.
One approach would be to get all of the OU's and check to see if they contain any users via -SearchBase. Filter them out with a Where-Object clause
Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * |
Where-Object {(Get-ADUser -SearchBase $_.DistinguishedName -Filter *).Count -gt 0} |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName
Simply pull the OU from each user object. Then find unique values.
Get-ADUser -Filter * |
ForEach-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -replace '(^.*?)(OU=.*)','$2'} |
Sort-Object -Unique
Note: this makes the assumption that you are not storing user objects in Containers rather than OUs

PowerShell Office 365 Script to get user and mailbox information together

I am brand new to PowerShell (started this morning). I have successfully connected to my Office 365 and have been able to get lists of users from Office 365 and mailbox fields from the Exchange portion. What I can't figure out is how to combine them.
What I am looking for is the ability to export certain fields from the mailbox object but only for those mailboxes that belong to a non-blocked, licensed Office 365 users. We have a lot of users whose mailboxes have not been removed but they may no longer be licensed or they may be blocked.
Here are the two exports I have running now. They are complete exports. I tried to filter to the Office 265 users by isLicensed but I never got any results so I just downloaded everything and post processed them with Excel. But I need to run this on a regular basis...
Here's the code:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object DisplayName,Name,PrimarySMTPAddress,CustomAttribute2 | Export-CSV C:\temp\o365\mailboxes.csv
Get-MsolUser -all | Select-Object SignInName, DisplayName, Office, Department, Title, IsLicensed | export-csv c:\temp\o365\Users.csv
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Okay, so as I understand what you're trying to do... You want to get a list of all O365 users for whom the IsLicensed property is $true and the BlockCredential property is $false. Of those users, you then want to pull some data from their mailbox objects; DisplayName, Name, PrimarySMTPAddress, and CustomAttribute2.
There are a couple of ways that we can do this. The first is easier to throw together in the shell but takes longer to actually run. The second requires some set up but completes quickly.
First method
Since we know what our criteria is for what we want from Get-MsolUser, we'll use the pipeline to pull out what we want and toss it straight into Get-Mailbox.
Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object {$_.IsLicensed -eq $true -and $_.BlockCredential -eq $false} |
Select-Object UserPrincipalName |
ForEach-Object {Get-Mailbox -Identity $_.UserPrincipalName | Select-Object DisplayName,Name,PrimarySMTPAddress,CustomAttribute2}
O365 PowerShell doesn't like giving us ways to filter our initial query, so we handle that in the second step, here...
Where-Object {$_.IsLicensed -eq $true -and $_.BlockCredential -eq $false}
This means, for each item passed in from Get-MsolUser -All, we only want those which have the properties Islicensed set to $true and BlockCredential set to $false.
Now, we only care about the results of Get-MsolUser in so far as determining what mailboxes to look up, so we'll grab a single property from each of the objects matching our prior filter.
Select-Object UserPrincipalName
If you only run everything up to this point, you'd get a list of UPNs in your shell for all of the accounts that we're now going to pipe into Get-Mailbox.
Moving on to our loop in this... If you haven't learned ForEach-Object yet, it's used to run a scriptblock (everything between the {}) against each item in the pipeline, one at a time.
Get-Mailbox -Identity $_.UserPrincipalName
Welcome to the pipeline operator ($_). Our previous Select-Object is feeding a collection of objects through the pipeline and this placeholder variable will hold each one as we work on them. Since these objects all have a UserPrincipalName property, we reference that for the value to pass to the Identity parameter of Get-Mailbox.
Here's a simple example of how this works..
PS> 1,2,3 | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_}
Each item is passed along the pipeline, where we write them out one at a time. This is very similar to your standard foreach loop. You can learn more about their differences in this Scripting Guy post.
Moving on...
Select-Object DisplayName,Name,PrimarySMTPAddress,CustomAttribute2
We wrap it up with one last Select-Object for the information that you want. You can then look at the results in the shell or pipe into Export-Csv for working with in Excel.
Now... Since the pipeline works sequentially, there's some overhead to it. We're running a command, collecting the results, and then passing those results into the next command one at a time. When we get to our Get-Mailbox, we're actually running Get-Mailbox once for every UPN that we've collected. This takes about 2.5 minutes in my organization and we have less than 500 mailboxes. If you're working with larger numbers, the time to run this can grow very quickly.
Second method
Since a large amount of the processing overhead in the first method is with using the pipeline, we can eliminate most of it by handling our data collection as early and thoroughly as possible.
$Users = Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object {$_.IsLicensed -eq $true -and $_.BlockCredential -eq $false} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UserPrincipalName
$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox | Select-Object UserPrincipalName,DisplayName,Name,PrimarySMTPAddress,CustomAttribute2
$Results = foreach ($User in $Users) {
$Mailboxes | Where-Object UserPrincipalName -eq $User
$Results | Export-Csv myFile.csv
The first 2 lines are pretty self-explanatory. We get all the user account info that we care about (just the UPNs) and then we grab all the mailbox properties that we care about.
foreach ($User in $Users)
Each entry in $Users will be stored in $User, where we'll then use it in the scriptblock that follows (in the {}).
$Mailboxes | Where-Object UserPrincipalName -eq $User
Each item in $Mailboxes is piped into Where-Object where we then check if the UserPrincipalName property is equal to the current value of $User. All of the matches are then stored in $Results, which can again be piped to Export-Csv for work in Excel.
While this method is harder to write out in the shell, and requires a little extra initial set up, it runs significantly faster; 22 seconds for my org, versus 2.5 minutes with the first method.
I should also point out that the use of UserPrincipalName with the mailbox dataset is simply to help ensure a solid match between those and the account dataset. If you don't want it in your final results, you can always pipe $Results into another Select-Object and specify only the properties that you care about.
Hope this helps!

How can I compare CSV to AD users and disable users not in CSV?

As a process to disable users, I have a CSV where users are identified by employeeID and not username. I need to loop through and compare the CSV to AD users, and any AD user not in the CSV needs to be disabled. This is what I have so far, but it's not working. I'll admit I'm still fairly new to powershell scripting, so any help would be much appreciated.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-Csv -Path c:\ADTerm.csv | foreach {Get-ADUser -filter * -SearchBase "ou=Test,ou=Logins,dc=domain,dc=com" -Identity $_.employeeID} | Where {$_ -ne $null} | Disable-ADAccount -Identity $_.employeeID
I cant really fit this all in a comment without it looking horrible so lets start with this.
You are combining -Filter and -Identity which most likely wont net the results you are looking for. Use Identity to get one specific user or filter to get one to many. Looking at TechNet for Get-AdUser you will see Identity only matches values to:
In that regard I see you have a column for EmployeeID. I'm guessing that those are not SamAccountName which is one of the values that -Identity supports. I feel that you could do with the following changes.
$IDs = Import-Csv -Path c:\ADTerm.csv | Select-object -ExpandProperty EmployeeID
Get-ADUser -filter * -SearchBase "ou=Test,ou=Logins,dc=domain,dc=com" -Properties EmployeeID |
Where-Object{$_.EmployeeID -and ($IDs -notcontains $_.EmployeeID)} | Disable-ADAccount
Update the get-aduser to get all users in that OU. Get-Aduser does not return the EmployeeID by default so we use -Properties to specify it. Filter all those users that have employeeID but not one in the list. Disable-ADAccount will take the output of Get-AdUser nicely so there is not need to specify the account again.
Depending you might be storing this value as EmployeeNumber in AD. This is also dependent on your having a csv file with a column for EmployeeNumber