How do I resize a group object once I have resized objects inside the group? - visio

When I create a group, for example attaching two shapes together, I want to later optimize the spacing and size of individual components inside the group. This leaves extra space that can be removed from the group boundary.
I was wondering if there is a way to resize the group bounds without ungrouping and regrouping. I'm picturing a similar method like cropping an image.

In code you can use the UpdateAlignmentBox method on Shape or, via the UI, the same command is available in the Shape Design group of the Developer tab:


Tableau packed bubbles - arrange the bubbles custom

I'm looking to create a packed bubble graph like the below (size of the bubble corresponds to population, and the color of the bubble corresponds to number of widgets sales). The graph is exactly the way I need it, except that I would like to arrange the countries so that they are grouped by continent. Is there a way to do this in Tableau?
I've tried to recreate a similar scenario even though it's not clear if the bubble color should (or not) be related to a specific field.
That being said, using the superstore dataset, I've "grouped" customers by region (color) so they are some how aligned through inner circles.
In order to do so, I just sorted the region pillow in the detail section.
See below.

Resizing image generated by PaintCode app

I have imported a vector image to PaintCode app and then export its Swift to code. I want to use this vector image in a small View (30x30) but since I want it to work on different devices, I need it to be size-independent.
The original size of the vector image is 512x512. When I add its class to a UIView, only a very small part of the vector image can be seen:
I need to somehow resize the image that can be fit in any size of a frame. I read somewhere, that I have to draw a frame in PaintCode app around the image, I did it but nothing changed.
Start by selecting the "Frame" option from the toolbar
Apply the frame to you canvas...
nb: If you mess up the frame DELETE IT and start again, modifying the frame can change the underlying vector, which is annoying
Apply the desired resize options. This can be confusing the first time.
I group all the elements into a single group. Select the group and on the "box" next to the coordinates of the group, change all the lines to "wiggly" lines. This allows paint code the greatest amount of flexibility when resizing the image...
Finally, change the export options. I tend to use both "Drawing" and "Image" as it provides me the greatest amount of flexibility during development
You should also look at Resizing Constraints, Resizing Drawing Methods and PaintCode Power User: Frames for more details

tableau adjust marks size using number

In Marks, click Size and there pops a slider where I can adjust the size of a shape. But how to accurately control the size, is there some property with numbers to accurately control it? I have two sheets to show something similar and I want to display exactly the same sized shapes.
If you want to ensure 'sizes' are the same across two worksheets, I'd suggest snapping the 'size' setting to the center on both, as this is the easiest option to select. You can then use a measure to set the size, if this is desirable, and then the difference in size will be relative on both worksheets.
There isn't a numerical value override for the size slider.
Ben is correct, there isn't yet a numerical value override for the slider. You can use parameters with Min/Max/Sum etc. and a variable to somewhat change the sizes but they have to have multiple entries per line. It is unfortunate that Tableau still doesn't get that people want both a 'relative' sizing system that uses numbers from the dataset and a 'static' sizing system that allows for shapes to be set to '11px' or something along those lines. Yes, you can control that kind of in the dashboard with a vertical and fill entire box etc; but that doesn't address the very real scenario where you want a user to be able to re-size on the fly. Just my two cents.
I ran into this today. Very annoying. Need to keep shapes the same size across all worksheets and therefore same on dashboard.

Visio shape drop size

I have custom stencils, and the shapes are all sized relative to each other. I want to know if there is a way to change the size that they drop onto the page? So if I set the multiplier to 1.5 then every shape will drop onto the page 1.5x larger than the master shape specifies. I don't want to have to resize later.
you could use the ondrop cell of the shapesheet.
setf(getref(width), width.thepage!prop.scale)+setf(getref(height), height.thepage!prop.scale)
I wonder however if you wouldn't go better by modifiying the scale of your page directly?

Is it possible to give different icons to a cluster group when it starts unclustering?

The red circles with numbers are clusters, but part of a bigger cluster when zoomed out.
Is it possible to change the marker/icon of the marker cluster in this present zoom depending on the markers that they have inside them? This without clicking them or anything, just change depending on the values of the markers that are hidden?
I have tried accessing the layer that is clustering all of them but I haven't been able to find the markers themselves, much less know how it would be possible to change the appearance of one without changing the other.
It looks like you already know how to customize your clusters appearance.
In the case your question refers only to the number of contained markers, you would just need to use a slightly modified version of the default iconCreateFunction to adjust the threshold values. When markers are removed/added from the MarkerClusterGroups and a cluster is de-/populated in consequence, its icon is re-drawn automatically. Customising the Clustered Markers
Now if you want this appearance to depend on some data from the contained markers, you would simply need to use cluster.getAllChildMarkers(); within your iconCreateFunction to get the array of markers contained within the cluster being styled. Then iterate through that array of markers, look for your data and create an icon accordingly.
Then, I understand that some data attached to your markers is changing, without any user action, and you want your clusters to update their appearance in consequence? In that case, please refer to this related question to upgrade your markercluster plugin with the new refreshClusters() method.
If your iconCreateFunction is properly designed, you do not have to worry about which clusters are changed. In fact, ALL clusters can be re-drawned, but if their markers data has not changed, they will get the same icon.