Loopback Operation hook receives options as empty - loopback

I'll try to explain this weird situation as simple as I can.
I've created an operation hook "before save" and make it in a mixin to add it to some models.
this mixin uses context.options to get current userId to do something.
this mixin is working perfectly if I call the operation directly (like POST /Accounts for example).
But if I call it inside a remote method, the context.options is empty, for example, if we have a method called POST /Accounts/Signup, and inside it, we call Account.create(...), the "before save" hook receives the options as empty object {}
A sandbox project has been hosted here
the mixin code snippet is as follows:
module.exports = function(Model, options) {
Model.observe("before save", async function(ctx) {
if (ctx.instance.id) return;
const userId = ctx.options && ctx.options.accessToken && ctx.options.accessToken.userId;
if (userId) {
//... do stuff
console.error("Failed to scope " + Model.name + " to user (null)");

After the investigation, I found this issue that talks about similar behaviour, however, the comments are very destractive. So I thoughlt to write the conclusion here for anyone who are facing the same issue.
Loopback require you to pass the options you declared from the remote method to the model method(s) if you want to receive it on operation hook, so I ended up doing so.
module.exports = function(Note) {
Note.makeNew = makeNew;
async function makeNew(options) {
await Note.create(obj, options);


How mongoose middleware works and what is next()?

userSchema.pre('save',async function(next){
//hash the password before saving user to database
Hey guys I'm trying to understand the concept of middleware in mongoose. Assuming that I have an userSchema that I run the pre hook on to hash the password before saving the user to the database. On the surface, as far as I understand, the above code that I have will hash the password (not the important part for this question) and then call next() to signal that the function is done. However, I am trying to understand how things work under the hood. I want to know what is next() ? Can you guys walk me through an example of how everything works together under the hood from start to end once the code get executed or somehow help me to have a better understanding of this concept? Thanks
Short : with the pre method you can register listeners for certain events of your Schemas. So pre('save', callback) will fire whenever you save a document of said Model. pre means it will execute before the event, so it can be used (for example) to hash a password before saving it to the document.
However, you have several options to define them, see below :
The combination of using an async callback function and providing the next parameter is not necessary, you can either :
use normal callback with next parameter
the next parameter is a function provided to you by mongoose to have a way out, or to tell mongoose you are done and to continue with the next step in the execution chain. Also it is possible to pass an Error to next it will stop the execution chain.
schema.pre('save', function(next) {
// do stuff
if (error) { return next(new Error("something went wrong"); }
return next(null);
use async callback
Here the execution chain will continue once your async callback has finished. If there is an error and you want to break/stop execution chain you just throw it
schema.pre('save', async function() {
// do stuff
await doStuff()
await doMoreStuff()
if (error) { throw new Error("something went wrong"); }
Straight from the docs : https://mongoosejs.com/docs/middleware.html#pre
const { Schema, model } = require('mongoose');
const SomeSchema = new Schema ({
name : { type : String }
SomeSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
console.log('pre save fired!');
return next();
const Some = model('Some', SomeSchema);
console.log('before create');
const doc = new Some({ name : 'test' });
doc.save((err) => {
console.log('after saved');
This will output
before create
pre save fired!
after saved

How to stop the user from entering the duplicate record on default save

I have a custom module where there is an email field. Now i want to stop the user if the email is already in the database.
I want to stop the user on save button and show the error. Like when a required field goes empty.
I tried to get some help but was not able to understand it.
Note: I realized after posting this that you are using suitecrm which this answer will not be applicable toward but I will leave it in case anyone using Sugar has this question.
There are a couple of ways to accomplish this so I'll do my best to walk through them in the order I would recommend. This would apply if you are using a version of Sugar post 7.0.0.
1) The first route is to manually create an email address relationship. This approach would use the out of box features which will ensure your system only keeps track of a single email address. If that would work for your needs, you can review this cookbook article and let me know if you have any questions:
2) The second approach, where you are using a custom field, is to use field validation. Documentation on field validation can be found here:
The code example I would focus on is:
For your example, I would imagine you would do something like this:
Create a language key for your error message:
$app_strings['ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS_MESSAGE'] = 'This email already exists.';
Create a custom controller for the record creation (you may also want to do this in your record.js):
extendsFrom: 'RecordView',
initialize: function (options) {
this._super('initialize', [options]);
//reference your language key here
app.error.errorName2Keys['email_exists'] = 'ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS_MESSAGE';
//add validation tasks
this.model.addValidationTask('check_email', _.bind(this._doValidateEmail, this));
_doValidateEmail: function(fields, errors, callback) {
var emailAddress = this.model.get('your_email_field');
//this may take some time so lets give the user an alert message
app.alert.show('email-check', {
level: 'process',
title: 'Checking for existing email address...'
//make an api call to a custom (or stock) endpoint of your choosing to see if the email exists
app.api.call('read', app.api.buildURL("your_custom_endpoint/"+emailAddress), {}, {
success: _.bind(function (response) {
//dismiss the alert
//analyze your response here
if (response == '<email exists>') {
errors['your_email_field'] = errors['your_email_field'] || {};
errors['your_email_field'].email_exists = true;
callback(null, fields, errors);
}, this),
error: _.bind(function (response) {
//dismiss the alert
//throw an error alert
app.alert.show('email-check-error', {
level: 'error',
messages: "There was an error!",
autoClose: false
callback(null, fields, errors);
Obviously, this isn't a fully working example but it should get you most of the way there. Hope this helps!

Data return from axios cant be written to variable

I want to get an data attribute from my axios post and write it to an local variable to reuse it.
If i console.log it inside the axios .then, tha data is set, if i write it to my variable and want to use it after, it is empty.
export default {
return {
projectId: '',
existingProjects: []
methods: {
//check if project exists else create
let uriProj = 'http://localhost:4000/projects/add';
this.axios.post(uriProj, {
projectName: this.post.project,
}).then(response => this.projectId = response.data.data);
console.log("project_id: "+this.projectId)
What am i doing wrong?
Another Question:
Is this the right way if i want to reuse the id in another method?
My Goal is to first create a project if it is not already in my db, then i want to reuse the id of the created or returned project model to create a new customer in my db, if the customer already has the project with the id of this project, it shouldnt be added, if it is a new one it should be added.
Has this to be done in multiple requests or is there a simple method for doing this?
I believe the issue you are seeing has to do with the asynchronous nature of network calls. When axios submits the post request it returns a Promise then the addPost function continues executing. So the projectId gets logged after it the initial value gets set, but before the network request completes. Everything inside the then() function executes once the network request has been completed so you can test by moving the console.log to be executed once the request is done. You could also output the value in the template so you can see it update {{ projectId }}
this.axios.post(uriProj, {
projectName: this.post.project,
}).then(response => {
this.projectId = response.data.data
console.log("project_id: "+this.projectId)
I would ideally recommend using the VueJS dev tools browser extension because it allows you to inspect the state of your Vue components without having to use console.log or add random echos to your template markup.
#jfadich is correct. I recommend using async/await instead of then, it's more intuitive to read.
async addPost(){
//check if project exists else create
let uriProj = 'http://localhost:4000/projects/add';
let resp = await this.axios.post(uriProj, {
projectName: this.post.project,
this.projectId = resp.data.data
console.log("project_id: "+this.projectId)

Meteor - no more callbacks for "findOne" function

i'm working on a Meteor project, and I must say that isn't easy at all, especially for one thing: callbacks !
Everything is async, so I wonder how do I must do to get results from my mongodb.
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({username: "john"});
return (user); // sometimes returns "undefined"
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({username: "john"});
if (user) // so ok, I check if it exists!
return (user); // Cool, I got my user!
return (); // Ok and what should I return here? I want my user!
I don't want to be dirty and put like setTimeout everywhere.
Anybody has a solution for this ?
I noticed in router.js with console.log that my data is returned 4 times. 2 times with an undefined value and 2 other times with the expected value. In the view, it's still undefined.
Why the router passes like 4 times in this route ? Does it display the first result of the return value in the router ?
What should I return if the find() doesn't find anything ?
EDIT 2: Here is some code to understand.
this.route('profilePage', {
path: 'profil/:_id?',
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('article', { prop: this.params._id}), // id can be id or username
Meteor.subscribe('article', { userId: this.params._id}), // id can be id or username
Meteor.subscribe('profil', (this.params._id ? this.params._id : Meteor.userId()))
data: function() {
if (this.params._id) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.params._id);
if (!user)
user = Meteor.users.findOne({username: this.params._id});
return user;
else if (Meteor.userId())
return Meteor.user();
I get this on the console:
(text version following)
Object_id: "o3mgLcechYTtHPELh"addresses: (....)
Object_id: "o3mgLcechYTtHPELh"addresses: (....)
findOne(yourId) is a sync method which is equivalent to find({ _id: yourId}, callback). The difference is that find() allows you to define a callback. If you don't pass a callback to find() this method will be sync.
check wrapAsync: http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/meteor_wrapasync
It allows you to code in a sync style with a async operations.
Free lesson on EventedMind: https://www.eventedmind.com/feed/meteor-meteor-wrapasync
My experience thus far is that the Meteor Mongodb package is that the functions do not generally provide callbacks (for some reason insert does...), the functions are atomic (thus sync).
There are meteor packages that can make Mongodb async if you want (I havn't tried any).
I guess this sync approach is in line with the simple maintenance goal of Mongodb. Thinking about it, one of my pet peeves using Node is working with async callback waterfalls/nests, they are a pain to create and maintain... and hopefully this will make my code easier to read and understand and change...
var future = new Future();
var _h = Hunts.findOne({huntId});
if(_h) {
} else {
return future.wait();
on server/startup.js you need:
Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');

Autopublish removed but why can I still retrieve data from db?

I have a simple Meteor/MongoDB project using the 'roles' package where I optain data from the db to the client. The roles package seems to work fine and the browser shows the right data depending on who is logged in, just like it should do. Then when running 'meteor remove autopublish' in the terminal inside my applications directory I get 'autopublish removed' just like it should. Still I can retrieve data from the server just as before(!?)
I have all of my db calls from the client/client.js.
The server/server.js does nothing (I do have publish/subscribe code but uncomment for now) and same goes for the common js file in main directory.
How can this be? Am I perhaps retrieving data from minimongo somehow? I have also removed insecure even if I don't think that matters in this case(?) Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Here's the code:
//when uncomment the subscribe's you should not get access to the server/db, but 'data' that holds all the inlogg info still shows. The 'movies' on the other hand doesn't, just like it shouldn't.
/*############# Get User Data ###############*/
Template.userLoggedIn.id = function () {
return Meteor.userId();
Template.userLoggedIn.email = function () {
var email = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: Meteor.userId()});
return email.emails[0].address;
Template.userLoggedIn.profile = function () {
var profile = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: Meteor.userId()});
return profile.profile.name;
Template.userLoggedIn.role = function () {
var role = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: Meteor.userId()});
return role.roles[0];
/*############# ###############*/
Template.movies.movies = function() {
var movies = Movies.find().fetch();
return movies;
Meteor.publish('data', function () {
return Meteor.users.find();
Meteor.publish('movies', function() {
return Movies.find();
Thanks for providing the code - I see how this could be confusing. The users section of the docs should be written to explicitly say this, but what's happening is the current user is always published. So even if you don't write a publish function for users (or your have your subscribe commented out), you should expect to see the current user on the client. Because your template code only looks for Meteor.userId(), I would expect it to still work.
Assuming you have other users in the database, you can quickly check that they are not being published by running: Meteor.users.find().count() in your browser console. If it returns 1 then you are only publishing the current user (or 0 if you are logged out).