Error (Steermouse manager 5.2.3) 130.0073 - mouse

I have the following error whenever I install steermouse and open the configuration panel:
Error (Steermouse manager 5.2.3) 130.0073
This happens with my G700s on Mac OS Mojave (10.14.2) macbook pro 2018. Any ideas?

The problem has to do with the accessibility access SteerMouse needs. For some reason, the popup did not show when I installed the software. Enable it as follows:
Go to
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility
and check the SteerMouse checkbox. That should resolve the issue.


Unable to launch MongoDB On MacOS Monterey | Error MongoDB Compass” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software

I am unable to use MongoDb Compass on MacOS Monterey With Following Error. I tried every possible solution to resolve it.
ERROR: “MongoDB Compass” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
reinstallation of application , Restart machine , Open Anyway Option, Control + click and open from FInder. still MAc is not allowing to launch it and says
“This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.”enter image description here
Tried following too.
enter image description here
Did try : “MongoDB Compass” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software
None of above worked.
Apple can’t check app for malicious software
Using an app that can’t be checked for malicious software might harm
your Mac or compromise your privacy. If you’re certain that the app
you want to use is from a trustworthy source, you can override your
Mac security settings to open it.
In the Finder on your Mac, locate the app you want to open.
Don’t use Launchpad to locate the app.
Control-click the app icon, then choose Open from the shortcut menu.
Click Open.
The app is saved as an exception to your security settings, and you can open it at any time by double-clicking it, just as you do with
any registered app.
Here's How I did it. Finally...
open New Terminal Window -> Run Following
sudo spctl --master-disable
then I got **
** option In system Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Open Anyway
Then Clicked on Open and it Launched.
Note: Run following command once you open your App to save your machine from malicious Software in future.
sudo spctl --master-enable
Refrence: How to Make Mac Allow Apps Downloaded from Anywhere 2022

Flutter: Building with plugins requires symlink support

I am getting the below error in log whenever I try to install any dependency in pubspec.yaml
Building with plugins requires symlink support.
Please enable Developer Mode in your system settings. Run
start ms-settings:developers
to open settings.
exit code 1
In lib folder, there is file named generated_plugin_registrant.dart which is also showing error, might be linked to above log error.
// Generated file. Do not edit.
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
import 'package:firebase_core_web/firebase_core_web.dart';
import 'package:printing/src/printing_web.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
void registerPlugins(Registrar registrar) {
This worked for me:
on Windows 11 go to settings:
Click on Privacy & Security and after, click on for developers option.
On for developers settings, activate the Developer mode option (Install apps from any source...).
Now try to run/build your flutter application with flutter run -d windows or flutter build windows command.
Hey I was having the same problem I just activate the development settings and run again it works for me use the command :
start ms-settings:developers
Installation of some plugins required special allowance.
This requires permission for windows which is available in For Developer.
It is much like Install from unknown source type permission.
How to allow permission:
Search Developer Settings in the start menu and open it. Under developer mode click on Install apps from any source, including loose file.
Run pub-get again and you are good to go.
I'm not sure, how relevant is my answer. I got the same error, but the problem is as follows.
I accidentally change the device to 'Windows machine' instead of my mobile in VS Code.
If you really want to run apps on Windows platform, you can choose other options.
Go to Windows settings. Select Update & Security. On that, select For Developers. In that window, there is an option called Install apps from any source, including loose files on the Developer Mode. Enable that option.
If you feel uncomfortable turning on Developer Mode to allow side loaded apps and you aren't targeting Windows OS, you can avoid doing flutter pub add package_name. Instead, clear out the old package with dart pub remove package_name manually edit your pubspec.yaml with the dependency and do a flutter pub get.
This happens when you are running on flutter 3.0 and above;
The error only occurs when your selected device is Windows OS.
If your are not developing a windows application, you can just change your selected device to your android emulator or your physical mobile phone.
If you are developing a windows application then you need to turn ON developers option on your windows device to allow debugging.
For Windows 10 Go to cmd add this command > start ms-settings:developers
it will appear Settings Window
allow developer mode Allow developer mode
directly go to search of window and search
developer settings
and you will see the
developer mode and make it yes.
First, run the command line interface with run administrator
and then run this command
start ms-settings:developers
pop will come with privacy setting just enable developer mode it.

NetBeans can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed

I was trying to install Netbeans on my Mac but it gives me this error:
NetBeans 8.0.1 with JDK 8 Update 20.mpkg" can’t be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.
Any idea on how to solve this problem?
You can override your OS security settings in your system preferences to open it.
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General
You will see a message:
"NetBeans 8.0.1.mpkg" was blocked from opening because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.
You have to click the lock icon at the bottom of your preferences window, in order to make changes.
Then select the "Anywhere" radio button for the "Allow apps downloaded from:" option.
Then you'll be able to open the NetBeans installer. Then, after installing, go back and change your preference back to the default.
This is currently an open bug.
To work around the bug, change your security settings to "Allow apps downloaded from anywhere", and run the installer. Once installation is complete, you can revert your security settings and run NBIDE normally.

MAC OS genymotion device not show in list deployt of eclipse?

I use Mac OS 10.10, with genymotion 2.2.2 and virtual box 4.3. When I create ADV in eclipse to run app. It show normally in list deploy, but genymotion. although I ran it already, config setting...
This is a bug in eclipse - OSX yosemite, what you need to do is in the Android Device Chooser Window, try to RESIZE THE SERIAL NUMBER TAB and you will see the genymotion emulator that is running
If you don't see it, or the Android Device Chooser Window doesn't appear, check three things before running again:
Developer Options is enabled from settings (by repeated touching 7 times the build number in about phone), even though developer options is available in the list of apps in genymotion emulator
In Settings>Security, make sure "Unknown Sources" is enabled
Go to Run Configuration (for Android app), select the Target Tab, Enable Always prompt to pick device and hit apply.
Additionally I downloaded the jar files from Genymotion Download Page manually and replaced it in the plugin folder of eclipse.
Source: Genymotion devices not working in Eclipse on OS X Yosemite [SOLVED]

Starting emulator for JavaME in NetBeans

I've just installed NetBeans IDE 7.1 full with J2ME SDK. When I started any project, the emulator can not start, and there is an error message:
Failed to connect to device 0!
Emulator 0 failed to register in time!
C:\Users\Comp1\Documents\NetBeansProjects\MobileApplication2\nbproject\build-impl.xml:782: Execution failed with error code 1.
By searching on Google, I tried the following ways but do not succeed:
Turn off Windows Firewall
Add runMidlet.exe to the system DEP
Turn off Anti-virus software (only Avira is installed on my machine)
Please help me. Thank you in advanced
Please try following steps,
Go To Tool Menu , Select Java Platforms
Click on "Add Platform" Button
Select Second Option "Java ME MIDP Platform Emulator, Click on Next Button
Select your SDK / Wireless Toolkit folder path.
Now try executing your project again.