I am trying to save data from local Kafka instance to local Postgres with Spark Streaming. I have configured all connections and parameters, and data actually gets to the database. However, it is there only for a couple of seconds. After that, the table simply becomes empty. If I stop the app as soon there is some data in Postgres, data persists, so I suppose I have missed some parameter for streaming in Spark or something in Kafka configuration files. The code is in Java, not Scala, so there is dataset instead of DataFrame.
I tried setting spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts to true, but this has nothing with context. When I run count on database with complete data set streaming in the background, there is always about 1700 records, which means there might be some parameter for batch size.
censusRecordJavaDStream.map(e -> {
Row row = RowFactory.create(e.getAllValues());
return row;
}).foreachRDD(rdd -> {
Dataset<Row> censusDataSet = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, CensusRecord.getStructType());
.jdbc("jdbc:postgresql:postgres", "census.census", connectionProperties);
My goal is to stream data from Kafka and save it to Postgre. Each record has unique ID, which is used as a key in Kafka, so there should be no conflicts regarding primary key or double entries. For current testing purposes, I am using small subset of about 100 records; complete dataset is over 300MB.
I have an architecture where I would like to query a ksqlDB Table from a Kafka stream A (created by ksqlDB). On startup, Service A will load in all the data from this table into a hashmap, and then afterward it will start consuming from Kafka Stream A and act off any events to update this hashmap. I want to avoid any race condition in which I would miss any events that were propagated to Kafka Stream A in the time between I queried the table, and when I started consuming off Kafka Stream A. Is there a way that I can retrieve the latest offset that my query to the table is populated by so that I can use that offset to start consuming from Kafka Stream A?
Another thing to mention is that we have hundreds of instances of our app going up and down so reading directly off the Kafka stream is not an option. Reading an entire stream worth of data every time our apps come up is not a scalable solution. Reading in the event streams data into a hashmap on the service is a hard requirement. This is why the ksqlDB table seems like a good option since we can get the latest state of data in the format needed and then just update based off of events from the stream. Kafka Stream A is essentially a CDC stream off of a MySQL table that has been enriched with other data.
You used "materialized view" but I'm going to pretend I
heard "table". I have often used materialized views
in a historical reporting context, but not with live updates.
I assume that yours will behave similar to a "table".
I assume that all events, and DB rows, have timestamps.
Hopefully they are "mostly monotonic", so applying a
small safety window lets us efficiently process just
the relevant recent ones.
The crux of the matter is racing updates.
We need to prohibit races.
Each time an instance of a writer, such as your app,
comes up, assign it a new name.
Rolling a guid is often the most convenient way to do that,
or perhaps prepend it with a timestamp if sort order matters.
Ensure that each DB row mentions that "owning" name.
want to avoid any race condition in which I would miss any events that were propagated to Kafka Stream A in the time between I queried the materialized view, and when I started consuming off Kafka Stream A.
We will need a guaranteed monotonic column with an integer ID
or a timestamp. Let's call it ts.
Query m = max(ts).
Do a big query of records < m, slowly filling your hashmap.
Start consuming Stream A.
Do a small query of records >= m, updating the hashmap.
Continue to loop through subsequently arriving Stream A records.
Now you're caught up, and can maintain the hashmap in sync with DB.
Your business logic probably requires that you
treat DB rows mentioning the "self" guid
in a different way from rows that existed
prior to startup.
Think of it as de-dup, or ignoring replayed rows.
You may find offsetsForTimes() useful.
There's also listOffsets().
I am looking a way to trigger my Databricks notebook once to process Kinesis Stream and using following pattern
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger
// Load your Streaming DataFrame
val sdf = spark.readStream.format("json").schema(my_schema).load("/in/path")
// Perform transformations and then write…
It looks like it's not possible with AWS Kinesis and that's what Databricks documentation suggest as well. My Question is what else can we do to Achieve that?
As you mentioned in the question the trigger once isn't supported for Kinesis.
But you can achieve what you need by adding into the picture the Kinesis Data Firehose that will write data from Kinesis into S3 bucket (you can select format that you need, like, Parquet, ORC, or just leave in JSON), and then you can point the streaming job to given bucket, and use Trigger.Once for it, as it's a normal streaming source (For efficiency it's better to use Auto Loader that is available on Databricks). Also, to have the costs under the control, you can setup retention policy for your S3 destination to remove or archive files after some period of time, like 1 week or month.
A workaround is to stop after X runs, without trigger. It'll guarantee a fix number of rows per run.
The only issue is that if you have millions of rows waiting in the queue you won't have the guarantee to process all of them
In scala you can add an event listener, in python count the number of batches.
from time import sleep
s = sdf.writeStream.format("delta").start("/out/path")
#by defaut keep spark.sql.streaming.numRecentProgressUpdates=100 in the list. Stop after 10 microbatch
#maxRecordsPerFetch is 10 000 by default, so we will consume a max value of 10x10 000= 100 000 messages per run
while len(s.recentProgress) < 10:
print("Batchs #:"+str(len(s.recentProgress)))
You can have a more advanced logic counting the number of message processed per batch and stopping when the queue is empty (the throughput should lower once it's all consumed as you'll only get the "real-time" flow, not the history)
TLDR Summary: Clickhouse Kafka engine, materialized view wont work with complex select statement.
Longer Version:
I am trying to send a large number of JSON data points to Clickhouse via its Kafka engine using JSONEachRow. But the materialized view wont consume the stream correctly.
I have a kafka producer written in go, which takes data from multiple tcp streams and asynchronously writes to the kafka queue.
Data flows thus:
TCP Sources -> Producer -> Kafka -> Clickhouse(Kafka Engine) -> Materialized View ->
Destination Table
All this works, so far so good.
I first hit a bottleneck when i ramped up the speed of input data (400,000 points/sec) my producer was not able to write to kafka fast enough and the connections piled up. So i hoped to try and batch the data, but it seems Clickhouse cannot take an array of json as input (https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/interfaces/formats/)
So i hit on the idea of batching the datapoints at their source and transforming the messages in the materialized view, so where before i had lots of individual messages:
{ "t": 1547457441651445401,"i": "device_2","c": 20001,"v": 56454654}" }
i now have a message which is multiples of the above and stringified,with newline delimiters between the points.
The intention here is to parse and transform the string to multiple values using visitParamExtract in the select statement of the materialized view.
Materialized View:
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ltdb_mat_view TO default.ltdb AS SELECT
visitParamExtractInt(x, 't') AS timestamp,
visitParamExtractString(x, 'i') AS device_id,
visitParamExtractInt(x, 'v') AS value FROM (
SELECT arrayJoin(*) AS x
SELECT splitByChar('\n', realtimes)
FROM kafka_stream_realtimes
) )
It seems to be doing something, since when it is running the kafka_stream_realtimes gets cleared and i cant query it manually getting an error "DB::Exception: Failed to claim consumer: ." but the data never hits the final table.
The data reaches clickhouse, it just dissapears and never seems to
arrive at the final table.
If i drop the materialized view, i can see data build up in
If i run the materialized view query as an INSERT INTO statement
followed by the select, it will take data from the stream to the
final table.
I realize i may just be pushing the bottleneck down into clickhouse
and this may never work, but i want to take this through for
For Completeness:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS kafka_stream_realtimes(realtimes String)
ENGINE = Kafka('kafka:9092', 'realtimes', 'groupTest', 'JSONEachRow');
CREATE TABLE default.ltdb (timestamp Int64,device_id String,value Int64) ENGINE = MergeTree()
PARTITION BY toYYYYMMDD(toDateTime(round(timestamp/1000000000)))
ORDER BY (device_id, value)
SETTINGS index_granularity=8192;
but it seems Clickhouse cannot take an array of json as input
It seems the motivation is to do batch commit on the producer side. Why not just group a bunch of JSON rows and commit them in one go? ClickHouse will receive those multi-rows messages and parse them for you. You may also need to provide kafka_row_delimiter settings to the Kafka Engine as most kafka producers don't append the row delimiter at the end of each message.
So one message becomes
{ "t": 1547457441651445401,"i": "device_2","c": 20001,"v": 56454654}
{ "t": 1547457441651445402,"i": "device_2","c": 20001,"v": 56454654}
{ "t": 1547457441651445403,"i": "device_2","c": 20001,"v": 56454654}
I'm starting to learn Spark and am having a difficult time understanding the rationality behind Structured Streaming in Spark. Structured streaming treats all the data arriving as an unbounded input table, wherein every new item in the data stream is treated as new row in the table. I have the following piece of code to read in incoming files to the csvFolder.
val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("SimpleApp").getOrCreate()
val csvSchema = new StructType().add("street", "string").add("city", "string")
.add("zip", "string").add("state", "string").add("beds", "string")
.add("baths", "string").add("sq__ft", "string").add("type", "string")
.add("sale_date", "string").add("price", "string").add("latitude", "string")
.add("longitude", "string")
val streamingDF = spark.readStream.schema(csvSchema).csv("./csvFolder/")
val query = streamingDF.writeStream
What happens if I dump a 1GB file to the folder. As per the specs, the streaming job is triggered every few milliseconds. If Spark encounters such a huge file in the next instant, won't it run out of memory while trying to load the file. Or does it automatically batch it? If yes, is this batching parameter configurable?
See the example
The key idea is to treat any data stream as an unbounded table: new records added to the stream are like rows being appended to the table.
This allows us to treat both batch and streaming data as tables. Since tables and DataFrames/Datasets are semantically synonymous, the same batch-like DataFrame/Dataset queries can be applied to both batch and streaming data.
In Structured Streaming Model, this is how the execution of this query is performed.
Question : If Spark encounters such a huge file in the next instant, won't it run out of memory while trying to load the file. Or does it automatically
batch it? If yes, is this batching parameter configurable?
Answer : There is no point of OOM since it is RDD(DF/DS)lazily initialized. of
course you need to re-partition before processing to ensure equal
number of partitions and data spread across executors uniformly...
I have written a program using spark streaming by using map with state function which detect repetitive records and avoid such records..the function is similar as bellow:
val trackStateFunc1 = (batchTime: Time,
key: String,
value: Option[(String,String)],
state: State[Long]) => {
if (state.isTimingOut()) {
else if (state.exists()) None
else {
val stateSpec1 = StateSpec.function(trackStateFunc1)
My numbers of records could be high and I kept the time-out for about one month. Therefore, number of records and keys could be high..I wanted to know if I can save these states on Disk in addition to the Memory..something like
I wanted to know if I can save these states on Disk in addition to the
Stateful streaming in Spark automatically get serialized to persistent storage, this is called checkpointing. When you run your stateful DStream, you must provide a checkpoint directory otherwise the graph won't be able to execute at runtime.
You can set the checkpointing interval via DStream.checkpoint. For example, if you want to set it to every 30 seconds:
Accourding to "MapWithState" sources you can try:
actual for spark 3.0.1