Swift after iterating list.count always 0 [duplicate] - swift

I have an array of struct called displayStruct
struct displayStruct{
let price : String!
let Description : String!
I am reading data from firebase and add it to my array of struct called myPost which is initialize below
var myPost:[displayStruct] = []
I made a function to add the data from the database to my array of struct like this
func addDataToPostArray(){
let databaseRef = Database.database().reference()
databaseRef.child("Post").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: {
snapshot in
let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let price = snapshotValue?["price"] as! String
let description = snapshotValue?["Description"] as! String
// print(description)
// print(price)
let postArr = displayStruct(price: price, Description: description)
//if i print self.myPost.count i get the correct length
within this closure if I print myPost.count i get the correct length but outside this function if i print the length i get zero even thou i declare the array globally(I think)
I called this method inside viewDidLoad method
override func viewDidLoad() {
// setup after loading the view.
print(myPeople.count) --> returns 0 for some reason
I want to use that length is my method below a fucntion of tableView
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return myPost.count --> returns 0
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You making a asynchronous network request inside closure and compiler doesn't wait for the response, so just Reload Table when get post data. replace the code with below it work works fine for you. All the best.
func addDataToPostArray(){
let databaseRef = Database.database().reference()
databaseRef.child("Post").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: {
snapshot in
let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let price = snapshotValue?["price"] as! String
let description = snapshotValue?["Description"] as! String
// print(description)
// print(price)
let postArr = displayStruct(price: price, Description: description)
//if i print self.myPost.count i get the correct length

Firebase observe call to the database is asynchronous which means when you are requesting for the value it might not be available as it might be in process of fetching it.
That's why your both of the queries to count returns 0 in viewDidLoad and DataSource delegeate method.
databaseRef.child("Post").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: { // inside closure }
Inside the closure, the code has been already executed and so you have the values.
What you need to do is you need to reload your Datasource in main thread inside the closure.
databaseRef.child("Post").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: {
// After adding to array
DispatchQueue.main.asyc {


Swift showing Firebase duplicating data (.observeChildAdded) not working

Each time I add a new post to the database, the amount of times the posts show is increased by one. For instance, when I add one new post, the number of times the posts are duplicated is once. When I add another post (the view is reloaded) I see all the posts three times. I assume that the problem is with the function fetchPosts(), as each time the view loads it collects all the data from the firebase and appends it to the array. I have already tried emptying the array in the view did load, but that only makes all the posts show even more times. Also, I have tried using observe(.childAdded) and that results in no posts showing at all.
var ref: DatabaseReference!
var postList = [Post]()
var refHandle : UInt!
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
checkForSignedIn ()
ref = Database.database().reference().child("posts")
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return postList.count
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! PostTableViewCell
//set cell content
let contentOfCellPost = postList[indexPath.row]
cell.label?.text = contentOfCellPost.post_words
cell.revealCount.text = contentOfCellPost.Reveals
return cell
public func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
let tableSize = tableView.bounds.height
return tableSize
func fetchPosts () {
let query = ref.queryOrdered(byChild: "timestamp").queryLimited(toFirst: 10)
query.observe(.value) { (snapshot) in
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot] {
if let value = child.value as? NSDictionary {
let post = Post()
let poster = value["poster"] as? String ?? "Name not found"
let post_content = value["post"] as? String ?? "Content not found"
let post_reveals = value["Reveals"] as? String ?? "Reveals not found"
post.post_words = post_content
post.poster = poster
post.Reveals = post_reveals
post.postID = child.key
print (post.post_words ?? "none")
DispatchQueue.main.async { self.tableView.reloadData() }
//make this for when child is added but so that it also shows psots already there something like query.observre event type of
The console log at first, for instance, will show the correct number of posts :
When I add a new post, it shows this:
You need to clear your model (self.postList) at the beginning of the .observe block like so:
query.observe(.value) { (snapshot) in
self.postList.removeAll() //or however you can clear it
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot] {
if let value = child.value as? NSDictionary {
let post = Post()
let poster = value["poster"] as? String ?? "Name not found"
let post_content = value["post"] as? String ?? "Content not found"
let post_reveals = value["Reveals"] as? String ?? "Reveals not found"
post.post_words = post_content
post.poster = poster
post.Reveals = post_reveals
post.postID = child.key
print (post.post_words ?? "none")
DispatchQueue.main.async { self.tableView.reloadData() }
//make this for when child is added but so that it also shows psots already there something like query.observre event type of
Currently, each time the database is updated with a post, you add all posts to your model once again. Therefore you must clear your model each time you fetch all posts.
The reason why this doesn't work in viewDidLoad is because viewDidLoad is called only once, in the beginning, and not everytime the view appears -- thus the data will not be cleared upon adding a post.
Alternatively, you can use .childAdded -- but then you need to change the way you parse it because each snapshot with .childAdded returns a single post, not all the posts together.

Getting data out of a firebase function in Swift [duplicate]

In my iOS app, I have two Firebase-related functions that I want to call within viewDidLoad(). The first picks a random child with .queryOrderedByKey() and outputs the child's key as a string. The second uses that key and observeEventType to retrieve child values and store it in a dict. When I trigger these functions with a button in my UI, they work as expected.
However, when I put both functions inside viewDidLoad(), I get this error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'InvalidPathValidation', reason: '(child:) Must be a non-empty string and not contain '.' '#' '$' '[' or ']''
The offending line of code is in my AppDelegate.swift, highlighted in red:
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UITextFieldDelegate
When I comment out the second function and leave the first inside viewDidLoad, the app loads fine, and subsequent calls of both functions (triggered by the button action) work as expected.
I added a line at the end of the first function to print out the URL string, and it doesn't have any offending characters: https://mydomain.firebaseio.com/myStuff/-KO_iaQNa-bIZpqe5xlg
I also added a line between the functions in viewDidLoad to hard-code the string, and I ran into the same InvalidPathException issue.
Here is my viewDidLoad() func:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let tap: UITapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(ViewController.dismissKeyboard))
Here is the first function:
func pickRandomChild () -> String {
var movieCount = 0
movieRef.queryOrderedByKey().observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
for movie in snapshot.children {
let movies = movie as! FIRDataSnapshot
movieCount = Int(movies.childrenCount)
repeat {
randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(movieCount)))
} while excludeIndex.contains(randomIndex)
movieToGuess = movieIDArray[randomIndex]
if excludeIndex.count == movieIDArray.count {
excludeIndex = [Int]()
let arrayLength = movieIDArray.count
return movieToGuess
Here is the second function:
func getChildValues() -> [String : AnyObject] {
let movieToGuessRef = movieRef.ref.child(movieToGuess)
movieToGuessRef.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
movieDict = snapshot.value as! [String : AnyObject]
var plot = movieDict["plot"] as! String
self.moviePlot.text = plot
movieValue = movieDict["points"] as! Int
return movieDict
And for good measure, here's the relevant portion of my AppDelegate.swift:
import UIKit
import Firebase
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, UITextFieldDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
return true
I'm guessing Swift is executing the code not in the order I expect. Does Swift not automatically wait for the first function to finish before running the second? If that's the case, why does this pairing work elsewhere in the app but not in viewDidLoad?
Edit: The issue is that closures are not called in order.
I'm not sure what your pickRandomChild() and getChildValues() methods are, so please post them as well, but the way I fixed this type issue was by sending the data through a closure that can be called in your ViewController.
For example when I wanted to grab data for a Full Name and Industry I used this. This method takes a Firebase User, and contains a closure that will be called upon completion. This was defined in a class specifically for pulling data.
func grabDataDict(fromUser user: FIRUser, completion: (data: [String: String]) -> ()) {
var myData = [String: String]()
let uid = user.uid
let ref = Constants.References.users.child(uid)
ref.observeEventType(.Value) { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
ErrorHandling.defaultErrorHandler(NSError.init(coder: NSCoder())!)
let fullName = snapshot.value!["fullName"] as! String
let industry = snapshot.value!["industry"] as! String
myData["fullName"] = fullName
myData["industry"] = industry
completion(data: myData)
Then I defined an empty array of strings in the Viewcontroller and called the method, setting the variable to my data inside the closure.
messages.grabRecentSenderIds(fromUser: currentUser!) { (userIds) in
self.userIds = userIds
If you post your methods, however I can help you with those specifically.
Edit: Fixed Methods
func pickRandomChild (completion: (movieToGuess: String) -> ()) {
var movieCount = 0
movieRef.queryOrderedByKey().observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
for movie in snapshot.children {
let movies = movie as! FIRDataSnapshot
movieCount = Int(movies.childrenCount)
repeat {
randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(movieCount)))
} while excludeIndex.contains(randomIndex)
movieToGuess = movieIDArray[randomIndex]
if excludeIndex.count == movieIDArray.count {
excludeIndex = [Int]()
let arrayLength = movieIDArray.count
// Put whatever you want to return here.
func getChildValues(completion: (movieDict: [String: AnyObject]) -> ()) {
let movieToGuessRef = movieRef.ref.child(movieToGuess)
movieToGuessRef.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
movieDict = snapshot.value as! [String : AnyObject]
var plot = movieDict["plot"] as! String
self.moviePlot.text = plot
movieValue = movieDict["points"] as! Int
// Put whatever you want to return here.
Define these methods in some model class, and when you call them in your viewcontroller, you should be able to set your View Controller variables to movieDict and movieToGuess inside each closure. I made these in playground, so let me know if you get any errors.
Your functions pickRandomChild() and getChildValues() are asynchronous, therefore they only get executed at a later stage, so if getChildValues() needs the result of pickRandomChild(), it should be called in pickRandomChild()'s completion handler / delegate callback instead, because when one of those are called it is guaranteed that the function has finished.
It works when you comment out the second function and only trigger it with a button press because there has been enough time between the app loading and you pushing the button for the asynchronous pickRandomChild() to perform it action entirely, allowing getChildValues() to use its returned value for its request.

Variable not actually set when retrieving from Firebase

I am trying to get the number of children in this section of my Firebase Database, however the variable that I am setting is only locally set. Interestingly, the first print statement, prints two (which is the number I want), however, the second print statement prints zero. How can I make the function return the correct value. Thank you for the help.
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int{
var forReturn = 0
let databaseRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
databaseRef.child("gameNumber").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
forReturn = Int(snapshot.childrenCount)
return forReturn
This prints repeating twos and zeros.
You need to declare forReturn in the class's scope and call the firebase method somewhere else. Then reload the table when you reach inside the firebase completion handler.
//In your viewDidLoad or wherever you think suitable
let databaseRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
databaseRef.child("gameNumber").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in
DisptachQueue.main.async {
forReturn = Int(snapshot.childrenCount)
self.tableView.reloadData() //take an outlet of tableView

Core Data - Change NSManagedObject array into array of Strings using valueForKey -OSX

So iv using an NSTokenField to allow data entry, the TokenField will suggest thing when the user starts typing. I want it to suggest things that are already inside core data.
To do this i have this function being called when the cell moves to superview (This is all happening inside a custom table view cell)
var subjectInformation = [NSManagedObject]()
let appDel = NSApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
let context = appDel.managedObjectContext
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "SubjectInformation")
do {
let results = try context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest)
subjectInformation = results as! [NSManagedObject]
} catch {
this returns an array of NSManagedObjects, now i want for every object in managed object get get the valueForKey("subjectName") as insert it into a array of string so that i can return that inside this token field Function
func tokenField(tokenField: NSTokenField, completionsForSubstring substring: String, indexOfToken tokenIndex: Int, indexOfSelectedItem selectedIndex: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> [AnyObject]? {
return subjectInformation //this is where is should return an array eg; ["English","Maths","Science"]
How would i do this? Thanks :)
If you properly subclassed your NSManagedObject you can use expressive Swift style filters and maps. You would cast your results array to [SubjectInformation] and
let subjectList = subjectInformation.map { $0.subjectName }
Try this:
(subjectInformation as! NSArray).valueForKeyPath("#unionOfObjects.subjectName")
This should return an array of the subjectNames of all the subjectInformation items.

load CoreData in Swift

I try to load all data from CoreData into my TableView. But why do I load every data value 5 times?
var value: [String] = []
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
let appDel: AppDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
let context: NSManagedObjectContext = appDel.managedObjectContext
let request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Contacts")
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
do {
let result: [AnyObject] = try context.executeFetchRequest(request)
for res in result {
value.append(res.valueForKey("name") as! String)
} catch {
fatalError("Failure to load context: \(error)")
return value.count
If I add the objects 'Test' and 'Test1' I get the following result:
Thank's for any suggestion!
The numberOfRowsInSection method can be called multiple times when the tableView is loaded (and thereafter). Each time it is called, you append the values to your array - hence the duplicate values.
Put the code that builds the array into viewDidLoad instead.
You're working far too hard. NSFetchedResultsController exists precisely for the task of putting Core Data into a tableview.