How to upload .m4a to firebase storage using flutter? - flutter

How do I ensure the content type in firebase storage is "audio/m4a"? It is currently being stored as application/json; charset=UTF-8

When you use putFile to upload the file, be sure to pass a StorageMetadata object as the second argument. Be sure set the contentType property of that object to whatever you need.

Expanding #Doug Stevenson Answer with code.
StorageUploadTask uploadTask = ref.putFile(
contentType: 'audio/m4a',
customMetadata: <String, String>{'file': 'audio'},
ref is StorageReference.

this worked for me:
Future<void> uploadGorsel(XFile filePath,String name) async {
try {
String referance =
final metadata = SettableMetadata(
contentType: 'audio/m4a',
customMetadata: {'picked-file-path': filePath.path});
.putData(await filePath.readAsBytes(), metadata)
.then((p0) async {
var url = await p0.ref.getDownloadURL();
} on FirebaseException catch (e) {


How to pass header to URL in Flutter

I have a question regarding how to view a PDF from URL.
I’m using flutter_pdfview library and I try to get a PDF from an URL and to view it in my Flutter app.
The problem is that my URL can be accessed ONLY with a token (session ID/header), but I don’t know how to pass it because is not working on the way I do it at the moment.
Here is an example of how the owner of the flutter_pdfview library is getting the PDF from an URL (without a Header):
And here is my code where I don’t know how else to pass the header than like this:
Future<File> createFileOfPdfUrl() async {
Completer<File> completer = Completer();
if (kDebugMode) {
print("Start download file from internet!");
try {
String url =
if (kDebugMode) {
print("url: $url");
final filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var client = HttpClient();
HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
"text/plain", {'APPAUTH': '${widget.authService.loginToken}'})); // this method doesn't seems to work for me. I'm getting an empty PDF.
var response = await request.close();
var bytes = await consolidateHttpClientResponseBytes(response);
var dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
if (kDebugMode) {
print("Download files");
File file = File("${dir.path}/$filename");
await file.writeAsBytes(bytes, flush: true);
} catch (e) {
throw Exception('Error parsing asset file!');
return completer.future;
DO NOT do this:
HttpHeaders.acceptHeader, // here is the problem
"text/plain", {'APPAUTH': '${widget.authService.loginToken}'}));
SOLUTION for me:
request.headers.add("APPAUTH", "12345abcde67890defgh");
For some reason if you provide a HeaderValue you also need to provide a string value before it, which can be HttpHeaders.acceptHeader or HttpHeaders.serverHeader etc. I tried a lot of them from that enum list and none worked for me so I used the above solution where you don't need to pass that HttpHeader value type.

Got invalid request body when try to upload data through S3 presigned url in flutter

I am trying to upload an image using resigned URL .But I got
Invalid argument(s): Invalid request body "[object File]".I tried with text also.
I think issue is due to content type.But I don't know what content type is give for "Object File".
Future<void> uploadfile(String url, File image, String type) async {
var urls = Uri.parse(url);
try {
var response = await http.put(
headers: {
print("respons is ${response.statusCode}");
print("catch error is $e");
} catch (e) {
throw ('Error uploading photo');
This is my function that i create it for update image, use this:
and Uint8List is my type of image_file
var request = http.MultipartRequest("put", uri);
var image = http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
filename: 'image.jpg',
request.fields.addAll(body as Map<String, String>);
response = await http.Response.fromStream(await request.send());

Flutter web - Uploading image to firebase storage

I am using the firebase_storage: ^8.0.6 package on flutter web. I want to upload image to firebase storage that I get using FilePicker package.
The problem is that the new package uses the putFile() method to upload files. But File from dart:io doesn't work on flutter web and it also doesn't accept the File object from dart:html.
I can upload image as Blob using the putBlob() method but then it doesn't upload it as image type but it's type is application/octet-stream. I don't want to upload the image file as a blob.
Future<String> uploadImage(PlatformFile file) async {
try {
TaskSnapshot upload = await FirebaseStorage.instance
String url = await upload.ref.getDownloadURL();
return url;
} catch (e) {
print('error in uploading image for : ${e.toString()}');
return ';
How to fix this issue?
You can use the putData() method to send the image and set it's metadata as a image.
Future<String> uploadImage(PlatformFile file) async {
try {
TaskSnapshot upload = await FirebaseStorage.instance
SettableMetadata(contentType: 'image/${file.extension}'),
String url = await upload.ref.getDownloadURL();
return url;
} catch (e) {
print('error in uploading image for : ${e.toString()}');
return '';
putData() method takes Uint8List by default.
Uploading images using TaskSnapshot is not working on my flutter web project.
I used firebase_storage: ^8.1.3 .
Following code is working for my web project.
String nameImage =;
Reference _reference = FirebaseStorage.instance
await _reference
await image.readAsBytes(),
SettableMetadata(contentType: 'image/jpeg'),
.whenComplete(() async {
await _reference.getDownloadURL().then((value) {
user.profilePictureURL = value;
.update({'profilePictureURL': user.profilePictureURL});
You can still use .putFile when you use the File.fromUri() constructor and get the Uri from the PlatformFile object using Uri.dataFromBytes and passing the bytes to it.
The code below contains changes that should remove the error:
TaskSnapshot upload = await FirebaseStorage.instance

Flutter AZURE BLOB IMAGE UPLOAD - How to upload image captured using mobile camera to azure blob storage

I have been working for few since yesterday to try upload an image to azure blob storage taken using mobile camera form iOS/Android device.
I am able to upload the files but for some reason they being corrupted not able to open the image uploaded.
Please check the image error while opening the uploaded image
I am using flutter package http with different approach all work in uploading image file to azure blob store but it gets corrupted somehow , I tried forcing the ContentType to image/jpeg but no help.
Here is code I am using an http API -
takePicture() async {
final pickedFile = await picker.getImage(source:;
setState(() {
if (pickedFile != null) {
_image = File(pickedFile.path);
String fileName = basename(pickedFile.path);
uploadFile(fileName, image);
} else {
print('No image selected.');
First approach -->
http.Response response = await http.put(
headers: {
"Content-Type": 'image/jpeg',
"X-MS-BLOB-TYPE": "BlockBlob",
body: image.path,
Using Approach second -->
final data = image.readAsBytesSync();
var dio = Dio();
dio.options.headers['x-ms-blob-type'] = 'BlockBlob';
dio.options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg';
try {
final response = await dio.put(
data: data,
onSendProgress: (int sent, int total) {
if (total != -1) {
print((sent / total * 100).toStringAsFixed(0) + "%");
} catch (e) {
Approach third -->
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("PUT", postUri);
request.headers['X-MS-BLOB-TYPE'] = 'BlockBlob';
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg';
new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
await image.readAsBytes(),
request.send().then((response) {
}, onError: (err) {
Help here is much appreciated.
If you want to upload the image to Azure Blob Storage in the flutter application, you can use the Dart Package azblob to implement it. Regarding how to use the package, please refer to here.
For example
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:azblob/azblob.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
//use image_picker to get image
Future uploadImageToAzure(BuildContext context) async {
String fileName = basename(_imageFile.path);
// read file as Uint8List
Uint8List content = await _imageFile.readAsBytes();
var storage = AzureStorage.parse('<storage account connection string>');
String container="image";
// get the mine type of the file
String contentType= lookupMimeType(fileName);
await storage.putBlob('/$container/$fileName',bodyBytes: content,contentType: contentType,type: BlobType.BlockBlob);
} on AzureStorageException catch(ex){
Unfortunately, the multipart form is causing break of image. I don't know how it works on azure side, because there is little or no information about multipart uploads, but it's clearly broken because of multipart form. I replicated the problem in .net core application and whenever i am using multipart form data to upload image - it is broken. When i am using simple ByteArrayContent - it works. I couldn't find flutter equivalent to ByteArrayContent, so i am lost now :( The package mentioned by #Jim is useless for me, because i want to give clients sas url, so they have permission to upload image on client side. I do not want to store azure storage account secrets in flutter app.
EDIT. I found the solution to send raw byte data with Dio package. You can do that also with http package.
final dio = new Dio();
final fileBytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
var streamData = Stream.fromIterable( => [e]));
await dio.put(uploadDestinationUrl,
data: streamData,
options: Options(headers: {
Headers.contentLengthHeader: fileBytes.length,
"x-ms-blob-type": "BlockBlob",
"content-type": "image/jpeg"

Upload image to Azure blob using Flutter (iOS/Android)

How can we upload images(.jpg, .png) to Azure blob storage. Not getting any insight to start with.
If you have used example would love to see and try if that is the way to do, any working example/url would help get started with
Here is i am trying to upload .jpg file and getting 400 error,
image.forEach((element) async {
ImageDetailsUpload result = ImageDetailsUpload.fromJson(element);
var postUri = Uri.parse('$url/${result.fileName}?$code'); //Azure blob url
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("PUT", postUri); //Put method
new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
await File.fromUri(Uri.parse(result.path)).readAsBytes(),
request.send().then((response) {
}, onError: (err) {
image is a LIST and holds the fileName and File path, this is what i get as bytes (see image below)
Solved the issue of upload but image is being corrupted now on server -
image.forEach((element) async {
ImageDetailsUpload result = ImageDetailsUpload.fromJson(element);
var postUri = Uri.parse('$url/${result.fileName}?$code');
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("PUT", postUri);
request.headers['X-MS-BLOB-TYPE'] = 'BlockBlob';
new http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
await File.fromUri(Uri.parse(result.path)).readAsBytes(),
request.send().then((response) {
}, onError: (err) {
this seems to haunting me.
There is more to the question, what i noticed is the file uploaded using postman to blob storage are store as actual image of type image/jpeg depending on what type of image i am uploading. But when uploading using application i am using as mutipart which is making th e stored file into of type multipart/form-data. Uploaded both types of image jpg/png both gives type as mentioned above.
[![enter image description here][3]][3]
check here if you are using HTTP
How to upload images and file to a server in Flutter?
check this code if you are using Dio
FormData formData = FormData.from({
"name": "wendux",
"age": 25,
"file": await MultipartFile.fromFile("./text.txt",filename: "upload.txt")
response = await"/info", data: formData);
and check Dio's documentation
Here is a working example from one of my codes
Future<UploadImageResultModel> uploadImage(File image, String memberToken,
{String type = "IMAGE"}) async {
var uri = Uri.parse('${Constants.baseUrl}member/UploadImage/$type');
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("POST", uri);
"Authentication": memberToken,
var stream = new http.ByteStream(DelegatingStream.typed(image.openRead()));
var length = await image.length();
var multipartFile = new http.MultipartFile('file', stream, length,
filename: image.path.split("/").last);
var streamedResponse = await request.send();
var response = await http.Response.fromStream(streamedResponse);
if (response.statusCode != 200)
return UploadImageResultModel.fromJson(json.decode("{}"));
return UploadImageResultModel.fromJson(json.decode(response.body));
First, convert the image File to Stream as data will be a push to the blob container in form of a stream.
Future uploadImage(File file) async {
String fileName = file.path.split('/').last;"File Path: " + fileName);
String imageToken = "Get your own token";
String containerName = "Blob container name";
final fileBytes = file.readAsBytesSync();
var streamData = Stream.fromIterable( => [e]));
String uploadDestinationUrl = RollaConstants.HOST_IMAGE +
"/$containerName" +
"/$fileName" +
final Dio _dio = Dio();
Response response;
try {
response = await _dio.put(uploadDestinationUrl,
data: streamData,
options: Options(headers: {
Headers.contentLengthHeader: fileBytes.length,
"x-ms-blob-type": "BlockBlob",
"content-type": "image/jpeg"
} catch (error, stacktrace) {
print("Exception occured: $error.response stackTrace: $stacktrace");
print("Blob response: " + response.statusCode.toString());