Show/Hide Passwords in Flutter's TextFormField - flutter

I'm working on a TextFormField to accept passwords. I have set the suffix icon to have IconButton child to detect on click events and to toggle the obscuretext attribute of the TextFormField. The callback function for the iconButton gets called but the TextFormField doesn't get repainted. Any ideas on how to solve this?
static Widget buildTextFormField(String id,
FormFieldValidator<String> validateField,
FormFieldSetter<String> saveField,
InputDecoration decoration,
EdgeInsetsGeometry paddingInfo,
EdgeInsetsGeometry marginInfo,
TextInputType keyboardType,
{bool obscureField:false, double width:328.0,
TextEditingController controller}
return Container(
padding: paddingInfo,
margin: marginInfo,
width: width,
child: TextFormField(
key: Key(id),
obscureText: obscureField,
validator: validateField,
onSaved: saveField,
keyboardType: keyboardType,
decoration: decoration,
controller: controller,
InputDecoration passwordDecoration = InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Password',
labelText: 'Enter your password',
icon: Icon(
_passwordVisible ? Icons.visibility : Icons.visibility_off,
semanticLabel: _passwordVisible ? 'hide password' : 'show password',
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
_passwordVisible ^= true;
//print("Icon button pressed! state: $_passwordVisible"); //Confirmed that the _passwordVisible is toggled each time the button is pressed.
labelStyle: TextStyle(
fontFamily: 'Roboto Medium',
fontSize: 12.0,
color: Color(0x99000000),
letterSpacing: 0.4,
final passwordPaddingInfo = const EdgeInsets.only(top: 15.0, bottom:15.0,
left: 22.0, right:25.0);
this._passwordField = AdministrationComponents.
buildTextFormField('passwordField', validatePassword,
(value) => _password = value, passwordDecoration, passwordPaddingInfo,
null, null, controller:_passwordController,
obscureField: !_passwordVisible);

Try to this
bool _showPassword = false;
void _togglevisibility() {
setState(() {
_showPassword = !_showPassword;
Textform field code
child: TextFormField(
controller: _passwordController,
obscureText: !_showPassword,
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: "Password",
border: InputBorder.none,
suffixIcon: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
child: Icon(
_showPassword ? Icons.visibility : Icons
.visibility_off, color:,),

Show/Hide Passwords in Flutter's TextFormField
Step 1:
bool _obscureText = true;
Step 2:
void _toggle() {
setState(() {
_obscureText = !_obscureText;
Step 3:
controller: password,
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0),
obscureText: _obscureText,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
border: InputBorder.none,
focusedBorder: InputBorder.none,
enabledBorder: InputBorder.none,
errorBorder: InputBorder.none,
disabledBorder: InputBorder.none,
hintText: "Password",
suffixIcon: InkWell(
onTap: _toggle,
child: Icon(
? FontAwesomeIcons.eye
: FontAwesomeIcons.eyeSlash,
size: 15.0,

Thanks #ShyjuM and # diegoveloper! I see what I was doing wrong - I was calling the buildTextFormField in the constructor of my State class and not in the build method. Moving the call to buildTextFormField inside the build method fixed it. Thanks again for all of your help!

You have some errors in your code.
Replace this :
_passwordVisible > Icons.visibility : Icons.visibility_off,
_passwordVisible ^= true;
By this:
_passwordVisible ? Icons.visibility : Icons.visibility_off,
_passwordVisible = !_passwordVisible;

This is the Password dart i use
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class LoginPass extends StatefulWidget {
final Function controllerUpass;
_LoginPassState createState() => _LoginPassState();
class _LoginPassState extends State<LoginPass> {
bool _isHidden = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 30, 0, 10),
child: Container(
height: 35,
child: Center(
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 20),
child: TextField(
obscureText: _isHidden,
onChanged: (value) {
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Password',
border: InputBorder.none,
focusedBorder: InputBorder.none,
enabledBorder: InputBorder.none,
errorBorder: InputBorder.none,
disabledBorder: InputBorder.none,
suffixIcon: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
setState(() {
_isHidden = !_isHidden;
child: _isHidden
? Icon(
: Icon(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
boxShadow: <BoxShadow>[
color: Colors.black26,
spreadRadius: 1,
blurRadius: 3,
offset: Offset(0, 3),
color: Colors.white,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(3)),
In Main call


Error when focussing on next Focus in Flutter

If I click away from a TextField and then back on it and want to focus on the next TextField (using FocusScope.of(context).nextFocus()) by hitting enter on the software keyboard I get this error:
Exception has occurred.
_AssertionError ('package:flutter/src/widgets/focus_manager.dart': Failed assertion: line 790 pos 7: 'context != null': Tried to get the bounds of a focus node that didn't have its context set yet.
The context needs to be set before trying to evaluate traversal policies. Setting the context is typically done with the attach method.)
This is my code:
import 'package:quizlet/api/convert_json.dart';
import 'package:quizlet/style.dart';
class CreateQuiz extends StatefulWidget {
const CreateQuiz({super.key});
State<CreateQuiz> createState() => _CreateQuizState();
class _CreateQuizState extends State<CreateQuiz> {
int wordCount = 3;
List errorDefinitions = [false, false, false];
List errorAnswers = [false, false, false];
bool errorTitle = false;
bool errorDescription = false;
final List definitions = [
final List answers = [
final title = TextEditingController();
final description = TextEditingController();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
double height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
final brightness = MediaQuery.of(context).platformBrightness;
bool darkMode = brightness == Brightness.dark;
final hintColor = darkMode ? Colors.white :;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text("Create Quiz"),
actions: [
style: TextButton.styleFrom(
foregroundColor: Colors.white,
onPressed: () {
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: height / 55),
body: GestureDetector(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque,
onTap: () {
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
child: ListView(
children: [
height: height / 40,
onSubmitted: (value) {
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
errorTitle = false;
onEditingComplete: () {},
keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
controller: title,
decoration: InputDecoration(
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
hintStyle: TextStyle(
color: errorTitle ? : hintColor,
hintText: errorTitle ? "Title can't be blank" : "Title",
border: const OutlineInputBorder(),
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: errorTitle ? : color1,
width: 2.0,
const SizedBox(
height: 5,
onSubmitted: (value) {
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
errorDescription = false;
textInputAction: TextInputAction.newline,
onEditingComplete: () {},
controller: description,
maxLines: null,
decoration: InputDecoration(
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
hintText: errorDescription
? "Description can't be blank"
: "Description",
hintStyle: TextStyle(
color: errorDescription ? : hintColor,
border: const OutlineInputBorder(),
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: errorDescription ? : color1,
width: 2.0,
height: height / 20,
shrinkWrap: true,
physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
itemCount: wordCount,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int i) {
return Column(
children: [
onSubmitted: (value) {
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
errorDefinitions[i] = false;
onEditingComplete: () {},
autocorrect: false,
controller: definitions[i],
decoration: InputDecoration(
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
hintStyle: TextStyle(
color: errorDefinitions[i] ? : hintColor,
hintText: errorDefinitions[i]
? "Definition can't be blank"
: "Definition",
border: const OutlineInputBorder(),
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: errorDefinitions[i] ? : color1,
width: 2.0,
const SizedBox(
height: 5,
onSubmitted: (value) {
setState(() {
if (definitions[i].text != "" &&
answers[i].text != "") {
if (i + 2 >= wordCount) {
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {
errorAnswers[i] = false;
onEditingComplete: () {},
autocorrect: false,
controller: answers[i],
decoration: InputDecoration(
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
hintStyle: TextStyle(
color: errorAnswers[i] ? : hintColor,
hintText: errorAnswers[i]
? "Answer can't be blank"
: "Answer",
border: const OutlineInputBorder(),
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: errorAnswers[i] ? : color1,
width: 2.0,
height: height / 50,

How can i make a suffixIcon in a TextField which hides if TextField is empty but shows when not and toggles a bool to hide and show password?

I have a TextField() for a Password Input. The sufficIcon, which is an eye, should only be shown, when TextField is not empty but it should also toogle a bool, so that user can hide and show password. It should show different suffixIcon, when password is shown or hidden.
This is my code for now:
bool isPasswordVisible = true;
icon: isPasswordVisible
? const Icon(Icons.visibility)
: const Icon(Icons.visibility_off),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
isPasswordVisible = !isPasswordVisible;
You can try this:
Declare a boolean variable:
bool isIconVisible = false;
bool hidePassword = true;
then in the TextField use the property onChanged:
onChanged: (value) {
? setState(() => isIconVisible = true)
: setState(() => isIconVisible = false);
obscureText: hidePassword,
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Password',
suffixIcon: isIconVisible ? IconButton(
onPressed: (){
setState(() => hidePassword = !hidePassword);
icon: Icon(
hidePassword ?
Icons.visibility_off : Icons.visibility,
) : null,
Try this :
bool hidePassword = true;
bool hidePasswordConfirm = true;
String? confirmPassword;
Now in the TextFormField widget :
autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction,
obscureText: hidePassword,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Password',
suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(
? Icons.visibility_off
: Icons.visibility,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
hidePassword = !hidePassword;
validator: (val) {
confirmPassword = val;
if (val != null) {
if (val.length <= 6)
return 'Password must be 6 characters.';
} else
return null;
Now for password confirmation :
autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
labelText: 'Confirm Password',
suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(
? Icons.visibility_off
: Icons.visibility,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
hidePasswordConfirm = !hidePasswordConfirm;
validator: (val) {
if (val!.isEmpty) {
return 'Enter the password first';
} else if (val != confirmPassword)
return 'Password must be same.';
return null;
obscureText: hidePasswordConfirm,
You can use the below code...
obscureText property in TextFormField used to show and hide the text inside textField.
In the Icon onPress we can change the bool value and UI using SetState to manage
bool _isObscure = true;
final _passwordTextController = TextEditingController();
final _focusPassword = FocusNode();
controller: _passwordTextController,
focusNode: _focusPassword,
obscureText: _isObscure,
decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: IconButton(
hoverColor: Colors.transparent,
splashColor: Colors.transparent,
iconSize: 23.0,
icon: Icon(
? Icons.visibility_sharp
: Icons.visibility_off_sharp,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
_isObscure = !_isObscure;
filled: true,
fillColor: const Color.fromRGBO(255,255,255,1),
hintText: 'password',
counterText: "",
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 25.0,
horizontal: 20.0),
enabledBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
color: Color.fromRGBO(210, 248, 248, 1)),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
color: Colors.lightBlueAccent, width: 2.0),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
errorBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
borderSide: const BorderSide(width: 3,
color: Color.fromRGBO(255, 0, 0,1)),),
focusedErrorBorder: const OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(30)),
borderSide: BorderSide(
width: 3,
color: Color.fromRGBO(255, 0, 0,1),
hintStyle: const TextStyle(
color: Color.fromRGBO(128,128,128,1),
fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
fontSize: 14.0),
when obscureText is true
when obscureText is false
To update your widget icon in your password text filed as the user types, try something like this.
Note, you will need another text controller with the initial user input password and you will need to declare a boolean called 'passwordMatch' in your widget build for this to work.
// confirm password textfield with Icon
controller: _confirmpasswordController,
obscureText: true,
decoration: InputDecoration(
border: InputBorder.none,
hintText: 'Password',
suffixIcon: passwordMatch
? Icon(Icons.check, color:
: Icon(Icons.check),
onChanged: (value) {
if (value == _passwordController.text.trim()) {
setState(() {
passwordMatch = true;
} else {
setState(() {
passwordMatch = false;

How to change the label text color when text filed is focused when more than one textfield used in flutter

My requirement is I have 2 textfield widgets, when I click on first text field widget I need to change the label text color matching to cursor & border color. Same way when I click on 2nd text field, same behavior expected. How to achieve this.
Below is my code what I have tried so far:
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 32.0, right: 32.0),
child: TextField(
cursorColor: Color(0xFFD9A506),
decoration: new InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Username',
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Color(0xFFD9A506), style: BorderStyle.solid)),
enabledBorder: const UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFF919191)),
labelStyle: new TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF919191)),
onChanged: (value) {
userName = value;
setState(() {
if (!userName.isEmpty && !password.isEmpty) {
isTextFiledFocus = true;
} else {
isTextFiledFocus = false;
const EdgeInsets.only(top: 38.0, left: 32.0, right: 32.0),
child: TextField(
cursorColor: Color(0xFFD9A506),
obscureText: isHidePassword,
enableSuggestions: false,
autocorrect: false,
decoration: new InputDecoration(
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Color(0xFFD9A506),
style: BorderStyle.solid)),
labelText: 'Password',
suffixIcon: IconButton(
//eye icon
color: Color(0xFF919191),
onPressed: () {
//for keyboard to hide
FocusScopeNode currentFocus = FocusScope.of(context);
if (!currentFocus.hasPrimaryFocus) {
//for keyboard to hide
setState(() {
isHidePassword = !isHidePassword;
icon: Icon(isHidePassword
? Icons.visibility
: Icons.visibility_off)), //eye icon
enabledBorder: const UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(color: Color(0xFF919191)),
labelStyle: new TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF919191)),
onChanged: (value) {
password = value;
setState(() {
if (!userName.isEmpty && !password.isEmpty) {
isTextFiledFocus = true;
} else {
isTextFiledFocus = false;
You can use FocusNode with listener to change the label color. We just need to update the UI when focus is changed. You can also change the label text the same way.
final FocusNode focusNode1 = FocusNode();
final FocusNode focusNode2 = FocusNode();
void initState() {
focusNode1.addListener(() {
setState(() {});
focusNode2.addListener(() {
setState(() {});
And assign focuse node on TextFiled
cursorColor: Color(0xFFD9A506),
focusNode: focusNode1,
decoration: InputDecoration(
labelStyle: TextStyle(
color: focusNode1.hasFocus
? Color(0xFFD9A506)
: Color(0xFF919191)),
labelText: "UserName",
Do the same for next TextFiled.

Flutter Textformfield should be responsive to typing and error

I've often seen where fields are responsive when users are typing, giving realtime feedback. An example is when I'm typing confirm password or email, if the confirm password or email hasn't matched the password while typing it returns error by marking turning the border of the field red until it matches the correct input. I have written this code, how do I improve the code to be responsive as described.
Widget _buildConfirmPasswordTF() {
return Column(crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <Widget>[
// Text('Password', style: kLabelStyle,),
SizedBox(height: 10.0),
Container(alignment: Alignment.centerLeft, decoration: kBoxDecorationStyle, height: 60.0, child: TextFormField(
validator: ( confirmPassword ){
if ( confirmPassword.trim() != _password.isValidPassword ) {
return null;
} else {
return 'Password doesn\'t match';
obscureText: true, style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontFamily: 'OpenSans',),
decoration: InputDecoration(border: InputBorder.none, contentPadding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 14.0),
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.lock, color: Colors.white,),
hintText: 'Enter Confirm Password',
hintStyle: kHintTextStyle,
errorBorder: OutlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide( color: ) ),
focusedErrorBorder: OutlineInputBorder( borderSide: BorderSide( color: ) )
This is where I set the hintText
final kHintTextStyle = TextStyle(
color: Colors.white54,
fontFamily: 'OpenSans',
This is where I set the labelStyle
final kLabelStyle = TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontFamily: 'OpenSans',
This is where I set the border decoration
final kBoxDecorationStyle = BoxDecoration(
color: Color(0xFF6CA8F1),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
boxShadow: [
color: Colors.black12,
blurRadius: 6.0,
offset: Offset(0, 2),
you need autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction, pass this in textformfield.
You can do that with a Form() providing it a key and a autoValidateMode to make sure the fields have value or that the value is something you except, you can add another field to confirm the passwork or email and compare the value of the field in the onChanged with the value of the other email field to make sure they match.
import 'package:email_validator/email_validator.dart';
final formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
final _emailController = TextEditingController();
final _passwordController = TextEditingController();
bool isValid = false;
() {
//With this, you can "listen" all the changes on your text while
//you are typing on input
//use setState to rebuild the widget
if (EmailValidator.validate(_emailController.text)) {
setState(() {
isValid = true;
} else {
setState(() {
isValid = false;
key: formKey,
autovalidateMode: AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction,
child: Column(
children: [
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
horizontal: size.width * 0.105),
child: TextFormField(
validator: (value) =>
? 'Enter a valid email'
: null,
keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
controller: _emailController,
decoration: kInputDecoration.copyWith(
hintText: 'Enter your email'),
height: 18,
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
horizontal: size.width * 0.105),
child: TextFormField(
obscureText: true,
validator: (value) =>
value.isEmpty ? 'Enter your password' : null,
keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
controller: _passwordController,
decoration: kInputDecoration.copyWith(
hintText: 'Enter your password'),

Flutter TextField with suffix

how to create a textfield with centered hint text and suffix icon?
i make centered hint with
the problem is that when i add an suffix icon hint does not stay in center and moves to left
Well, this is working fine for me.
If it doesn't work, maybe is something else affecting your UI.
Please try this snippet.
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: 'Center the text',
suffixIcon: IconButton(
icon: Icon(Icons.add),
onPressed: () {
debugPrint('click bait');
Try with a below code snippet that has prefix and sufixicon in a textformField
Create a Textfield widget like a below:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:row_nation/Utils/app_colors.dart';
import 'package:row_nation/Utils/app_font_size.dart';
import 'package:row_nation/Utils/app_font_weight.dart';
class PassWordTextFormFieldWidget extends StatelessWidget {
final TextEditingController controllerName;
final String hintTxt;
final TextInputType keyboardType;
final Color cursorColor;
final Function(String) onChange;
final Function(String) onSaved;
final String? Function(String?)? validatorData;
final IconData prefixIcon;
final IconData suffixIcon;
final Function() sufficIconTap;
required this.controllerName,
required this.hintTxt,
required this.prefixIcon,
required this.keyboardType,
required this.cursorColor,
required this.onChange,
required this.onSaved,
required this.validatorData,
required this.suffixIcon,
required this.sufficIconTap,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
double? height, width;
height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
return Container(
height: 50,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
color: AppColors.kEmptyDotColor.withOpacity(0.4),
child: TextFormField(
controller: controllerName,
cursorColor: cursorColor,
obscureText: true,
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
keyboardType: keyboardType,
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.caption?.copyWith(
color: AppColors.kWhiteColor,
letterSpacing: 0.2,
fontSize: AppFontSize.fourteenFontSize,
fontWeight: AppFontWeight.sixHundredFont,
validator: (value) {
// widget.validatorData!(value);
return validatorData!(value);
onChanged: (va) {
onSaved: (val) {
decoration: InputDecoration(
contentPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
horizontal: 15,
vertical: 15,
isDense: true,
hintText: hintTxt,
hintStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.caption?.copyWith(
color: AppColors.kIconColor,
fontSize: AppFontSize.twelveFontSize,
fontWeight: AppFontWeight.fourHundredFont,
// When user gets Error
errorBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: AppColors.kRedColor,
// When user getting error and focuses on a textformfield
focusedErrorBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: AppColors.kRedColor,
// When user Focuses on textformField widget
focusedBorder: OutlineInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(12),
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: AppColors.kSplashBackColor,
// Default TextformField Color
enabledBorder: InputBorder.none,
suffixIcon: GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
child: Icon(
size: 15,
color: AppColors.kIconColor,
prefixIcon: Icon(
size: 15,
color: AppColors.kIconColor,
// border: InputBorder.none,
and use it wherever like a below :
controllerName: passwordController,
prefixIcon: Icons.lock,
suffixIcon: Icons.visibility_off,
sufficIconTap: () {
print("Visibility Icon Tapped");
hintTxt: AppStrings.passwordTxt,
keyboardType: TextInputType.text,
cursorColor: AppColors.kSplashBackColor,
onChange: (p0) {},
onSaved: (p0) {},
validatorData: (p0) {},
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