Query with parameters - AWS Amplify - Android - aws-appsync

I am having trouble figuring out how to pass a parameter to a query. In this case, I want to get a user by name field. I know I can pass an id, but how do I pass another field? Do I need to create a secondary index?
private AWSAppSyncClient mAWSAppSyncClient;
query GetUser($id: ID!) {
getUser(id: $id) {

Use ListUsers (ListXXXX) to query with multiple parameters.
Example - query by name = "aaa":
ModelStringFilterInput modelStringFilterInput = ModelStringFilterInput.builder().eq("aaa").build();
ModelUserFilterInput modelUserFilterInput = ModelUserFilterInput.builder().name(modelStringFilterInput).build();
private GraphQLCall.Callback<ListUsersQuery.Data> userCallback = new GraphQLCall.Callback<ListUsersQuery.Data>() {
public void onResponse(#Nonnull Response<ListUsersQuery.Data> response) {
Log.d(TAG, response.data().listUsers().items().toString());
public void onFailure(#Nonnull ApolloException e) {
Log.d(TAG, e.toString());


Two concurrent request were able to lock the same row in Postgres sql

when two concurrent request were made for the below code, both of the requests were able to acquire lock simultaneously and hence were able to execute the block of code
Sample code running in production:
Sample Code for reference :
//Starting point for the request
public void receiveTransferItems(String argumet1, String refernceId, List<Item> items, long messageId)
throws Exception {
ParentDTO parent = DAO.lockByReferenceid(referenceId);
if (parent == null) {
throw new Exception(referenceId + "does not exist");
for (Item item : items) {
receiveItem(td, td.getWarehouseId(), item.getItemSKU(), item.getItemStatus(), item.getQtyReceived(), messageId);
private void updateData(ParentDTO td) throws DropShipException {
//perform some logical processing and then execute update
private void receiveItem(ParentDTO td, String warehouseId, String asin, String itemStatus, int quantity, long messageId)
throws Exception {
* perform some logical processing
//call is being made to another class to do the rest of the processing
service.receive(td, asin, quantity, condition, container, messageId);
public void receive(
ParentDTO parentDTO,
String asin,
int quantity,
Condition condition,
Container container,
long messageId,
DataAccessor accessor) throws Exception {
List<ChildDTO> childDTOs =
DAO.lockChildDTOItems(parentDTO.getReferenceId(), asin, condition,
List<ChildDTO> filterItems = DAO
.loadChildDTOItems(parentDTO.getReferenceId(), asin, condition.name());
long totalExpectedQuantity = getTotalExpectedQuantity(filterItems);
long totalReceivedQuantity = getTotalReceivedQuantity(filterItems);
int quantityNormalReceived = 0;
for (ChildDTO tdi : childDTOs) {
int quantityReceived = 0;
if (asinDropShipMsgAction != null) {
quantity -= asinDropShipMsgAction.getInitialQuantity();
quantityNormalReceived += asinDropShipMsgAction.getInitialQuantity();
} else {
quantityReceived = new DBOperationRunner<Integer>(accessor.getSessionManager()) {
protected Integer doWorkAndReturn() throws Exception {
return normalReceive(tdi, quantityLeft, container, MessageActionType.TS_IN, messageId);
private int normalReceive(final ChildDTO childDTO,
int quantity,
final Container container,
final MessageActionType type,
long messageId)
throws Exception {
* perform some business logic
* */
return someQuantity;
Implementation for lockByReferenceId function:
public ParentDTO lockByReferenceId(String referenceId) {
Criteria criteria = getCurrentSession().createCriteria(ParentDTO.class)
.add(Restrictions.eq("referenceId", referenceId)).setLockMode(LockMode.UPGRADE_NOWAIT);
return (ParentDTO) criteria.uniqueResult();
Implementation of DBOperationRunner class :
public T execute() throws Exception {
T t = null;
Session originalSession = (Session) ThreadLocalContext.get(ThreadLocalContext.CURRENT_SESSION);
try {
ThreadLocalContext.put(ThreadLocalContext.CURRENT_SESSION, sessionManager.getCurrentSession());
t = doWorkAndReturn();
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t1) {
logger.error("failed to rollback", t1);
throw e;
} finally {
ThreadLocalContext.put(ThreadLocalContext.CURRENT_SESSION, originalSession);
return t;
Recently i observed one issue in production code in which two or more simultaneous requests were able to acquire lock on the same data at same time.
I am using hibernate and criteria as a DB framework and c3p0 as a connection pooling framework and Postgres as DB.
Note : This issue is intermittent and only observed for some random concurrent requests which is making it hard to debug.
I am unable to understand how two concurrent request were able to lock the same rows simultaneously. Can you please help me in identifying what is going wrong in this case?
Thanks in advance!!!!

How can we conditionally route to a different URL in Spring Cloud Gateway? Is there a reference sample?

Trying to change the exchange target URL conditionally. Is there a way this can be achieved in Spring Cloud Gateway?
To elaborate, upon inspecting a particular cookie value in the incoming request, I would like to route it to a different URL.
We do something similar with request headers here. We have an abstract filter that handles setting the uri correctly, you just have to determine the uri from the ServerWebExchange.
public class CookieToRequestUriGatewayFilterFactory extends
AbstractChangeRequestUriGatewayFilterFactory<AbstractGatewayFilterFactory.NameConfig> {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory
public RequestHeaderToRequestUriGatewayFilterFactory() {
public List<String> shortcutFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList(NAME_KEY);
protected Optional<URI> determineRequestUri(ServerWebExchange exchange,
NameConfig config) {
String cookieValue = exchange.getRequest().getCookies().getFirst(config.getName());
String requestUrl = determineUrlFromCookie(cookieValue);
return Optional.ofNullable(requestUrl).map(url -> {
try {
return new URL(url).toURI();
catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) {
log.info("Request url is invalid : url={}, error={}", requestUrl,
return null;
It would be up to you to implement determineUrlFromCookie().

How to select shard for search query?

I'm recently implemented ShardIdentifierProvider. It is working fine. But how to ensure it is using only one shared for query?
public class SiteIdAsShardIdProvider extends ShardIdentifierProviderTemplate {
protected Set<String> loadInitialShardNames(Properties properties, BuildContext buildContext) {
ServiceManager serviceManager = buildContext.getServiceManager();
SessionFactory sessionFactory = serviceManager.requestService(HibernateSessionFactoryServiceProvider.class, buildContext);
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
try {
List<String> ids = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(id as CHAR(3)) from website").list();
return new HashSet<>(ids);
} finally {
public String getShardIdentifier(Class<?> entityType, Serializable id, String idAsString, Document document) {
return document.getFieldable("siteId").stringValue();
Creating your own custom filter and overriding getShardIdentifiersForQuery should do the trick. Here is something that does approximately the same as what's in the documentation, but with a ShardIdentifierProviderTemplate:
public Set<String> getShardIdentifiersForQuery(FullTextFilterImplementor[] filters) {
FullTextFilter filter = getFilterByName( filters, "customer" );
if ( filter == null ) {
return getAllShardIdentifiers();
else {
Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
result.add( filter.getParameter( "customerID" ) );
return result;
private FullTextFilter getFilterByName(FullTextFilterImplementor[] filters, String name) {
for ( FullTextFilterImplementor filter: filters ) {
if ( filter.getName().equals( name ) ) {
return filter;
return null;
I created a ticket to update the documentation: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HSEARCH-2513
The shard selection at query time is controlled by using a custom Filter.
See "5.3.1. Using filters in a sharded environment" for details and examples.

REST service for PUMA search users by createTimestamp

Is it possible to find users by createTimestamp attribute on REST service for PUMA? Search for other attributes works well, but if the type attribute is the dateTime I get different errors, such as http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM54864.
I need to find users who were created earlier some date.
I tried this:
and even equality is not working
I solved this problem through ldap.
public class LdapService {
private LdapTemplate ldapTemplate;
private SearchControls searchControls;
private void init() {
searchControls = new SearchControls();
private class MemberMapper implements ContextMapper {
public Member mapFromContext(Object ctx) {
Member member = new Member();
DirContextAdapter adapter = (DirContextAdapter) ctx;
Attribute valueMail = adapter.getAttributes().get("mail");
try {
member.setEmail(valueMail == null ? null : valueMail.get().toString().trim());
} catch (Exception ignore) {
Attribute valueCN = adapter.getAttributes().get("cn");
try {
member.setLogin(valueCN == null ? null : valueCN.get().toString().trim());
} catch (Exception ignore) {
return member;
public List<Member> getUsersByCreateTimestamp() {
AndFilter andFilter = new AndFilter();
andFilter.and(new GreaterThanOrEqualsFilter("createTimestamp" "20160803000000"));
andFilter.and(new LessThanOrEqualsFilter("createTimestamp", "20160804000000"));
List<Member> allMembers = new ArrayList<Member>();
List<Member> members = ldapTemplate.search("", andFilter.encode(), searchControls, new MemberMapper());
return allMembers;

Implemention Class proposal mechanism in SWT field

i know how to implement it,using field assist and search pattern, but the mechanism each time triggers a new search. I am not sure, how the mechanism is implemented in Open Type for example ( i think with indexes). How to use this cache to make in time classpath search
This almost my entire solution. Each time a call createProposalData
private TreeSet<String> data;
private SearchParticipant[] participants = new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine
.getDefaultSearchParticipant() };
private SearchPattern pattern;
private IJavaProject prj;
private JavaSearchScope scope;
private SearchEngine searchEngine = new SearchEngine();
private SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {
public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
String text = getText(match.getElement());
if (text != null) {
public String getText(Object element) {
public ProposalEngine(IJavaProject prj) {
this.prj = prj;
scope = new JavaSearchScope();
try {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
public Collection<String> createProposalData(final String patternText) {
data = new TreeSet<String>();
try {
pattern = getPatternForSeach(patternText);
searchEngine.search(pattern, participants, scope, requestor, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// skip
return data;
protected SearchPattern getPatternForSeach(String patternText) {
return SearchPattern.createPattern(patternText,
I believe that you are doing exactly what the Open Type dialog is doing. Indexing to speed up search happens underneath JDT API.