How to call multiple DB calls from different threads, under same transaction? - spring-data-jpa

I have a requirement to perform clean insert (delete + insert), a huge number of records (close to 100K) per requests. For sake testing purpose, I'm testing my code with 10K. With 10K also, the operation is running for 30 secs, which is not acceptable. I'm doing some level of batch inserts provided by spring-data-JPA. However, the results are not satisfactory.
My code looks like below
public void saveAll(HttpServletRequest httpRequest){
List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();
try(ServletInputStream sis = httpRequest.getInputStream()){
deletePersons(); //deletes all persons based on some criteria
while((Person p = nextPerson(sis)) != null){
if(persons.size() % 2000 == 0){
savePersons(persons); //uses Spring repository to perform saveAll() and flush()
savePersons(persons); //uses Spring repository to perform saveAll() and flush()
public void savePersons(List<Persons> persons){
System.out.println(new Date()+" Before save");
System.out.println(new Date()+" After save");
I have also set below properties
Looking at logs, I noticed that the insert operation is taking around 3 - 4 secs to save 2000 records, but not much on iteration. So I believe the time taken to read through the stream is not a bottleneck. But the inserts are. I also checked the logs and confirm that Spring is doing a batch of 40 inserts as per the property set.
I'm trying to see, if there is a way, I can improve the performance, by using multiple threads (say 2 threads) that would read from a blocking queue, and once accumulated say 2000 records, will call save. I hope, in theory, this may provide better results. But the problem is as I read, Spring manages Transactions at the thread level, and Transaction can not propagate across threads. But I need the whole operation (delete + insert) as atomic. I looked into few posts about Spring transaction management and could not get into the correct direction.
Is there a way I can achieve this kind of parallelism using Spring transactions? If Spring transactions is not the answer, are there any other techniques that can be used?

Unsure if this will be helpful to you - it is working well in a test app. Also, do not know if it will be in the "good graces" of senior Spring personnel but my hope is to learn so I am posting this suggestion.
In a Spring Boot test app, the following injects a JPA repository into the ApplicationRunner which then injects the same into Runnables managed by an ExecutorService. Each Runnable gets a BlockingQueue that is being continually filled by a separate KafkaConsumer (which is acting like a producer for the queue). The Runnables use queue.takes() to pop from the queue and this is followed by a (Can readily add batch insert to thread but haven't done so since application has not yet required it...)
The test app currently implements JPA for Postgres (or Timescale) DB and is running 10 threads with 10 queues being fed by 10 Consumers.
JPA repository is provide by
public interface DataRepository extends JpaRepository<DataRecord, Long> {
Spring Boot Main program is
#EntityScan(basePackages = "")
public class DataApplication {
private final String[] topics = { "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5","x6", "x7", "x8","x9" };
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(topics.length);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
ApplicationRunner init(DataRepository dataRepository) {
return args -> {
for (String topic : topics) {
BlockingQueue<DataRecord> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(1024);
JKafkaConsumer consumer = new JKafkaConsumer(topic, queue);
JMessageConsumer messageConsumer = new JMessageConsumer(dataRepository, queue);
And the Consumer Runnable has a constructor and run() method as follows:
public JMessageConsumer(DataRepository dataRepository, BlockingQueue<DataRecord> queue) {
this.queue = queue;
this.dataRepository = dataRepository;
public void run() {
while (running.get()) {
// remove record from FIFO blocking queue
DataRecord dataRecord;
try {
dataRecord = queue.take();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("queue exception: " + e.getMessage());
// write to database;
Into learning so any thoughts/concerns/feedback is appreciated...


Mutiny - Kafka writes happening sequentially

I am new to Quarkus. I am trying to write a REST endpoint using quarkus reactive that receives an input, does some validation, transforms the input to a list and then writes a message to kafka. My understanding was converting everything to Uni/Multi, would result in the execution happening on the I/O thread in async manner. In, the intelliJ logs, I could see that the code is getting executed in a sequential manner in the executor thread. The kafka write happens in its own network thread sequentially, which is increasing latency.
public Multi<OutputSample> send(InputSample inputSample) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
//deflateMessage() converts input to a list of inputSample
Multi<InputSample> keys = Multi.createFrom().item(inputSample)
.onItem().transformToMulti(array -> Multi.createFrom().iterable(deflateMessage.deflateMessage(array)))
return keys.onItem().transformToUniAndMerge(payload -> {
try {
return producer.writeToKafka(payload, mapper);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return null;
Emitter<String> emitter;
Uni<OutputSample> writeToKafka(InputSample kafkaPayload, ObjectMapper mapper) throws JsonProcessingException {
String inputSampleJson = mapper.writeValueAsString(kafkaPayload);
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(emitter.send(inputSampleJson))
.onItem().transform(ignored -> new OutputSample("id", 200, "OK"))
.onFailure().recoverWithItem(new OutputSample("id", 500, "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"));
I have been on it for a couple of days. Not sure if doing anything wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
mutiny as any other reactive library is designed mainly around data flow control.
That being said, at its heart, it will offer a set of capabilities (generally through some operators) to control flow execution and scheduling. This means that unless you instruct munity objects to go asynchronous, they will simply execute in a sequential (old) fashion.
Execution scheduling is controlled using two operators:
runSubscriptionOn: which will cause the code snippet generating the items (which is generally referred to upstream) to execute on a thread from the specified Executor
emitOn: which will cause subscribing code (which is generally referred to downstream) to execute on a thread from the specified Executor
You can then update your code as follows causing the deflation to go asynchronous:
Multi<InputSample> keys = Multi.createFrom()
.transformToMulti(array -> Multi.createFrom()
.runSubscriptionOn(Infrastructure.getDefaultExecutor()) // items will be transformed on a separate thread
EDIT: Downstream on a separate thread
In order to have the full downstream, transformation and writing to Kafka queue done on a separate thread, you can use the emitOn operator as follows:
public Multi<OutputSample> send(InputSample inputSample) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return Uni.createFrom()
.transformToMulti(array -> Multi.createFrom().iterable(deflateMessage.deflateMessage(array)))
.emitOn(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5)) // items will be emitted on a separate thread after transformation
.transformToUniAndConcatenate(payload -> {
try {
return producer.writeToKafka(payload, mapper);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
return Uni.createFrom().<OutputSample>nothing();
Multi is intended to be used when you have a source that emits items continuously until it emits a completion event, which is not your case.
From Mutiny docs:
A Multi represents a stream of data. A stream can emit 0, 1, n, or an
infinite number of items.
You will rarely create instances of Multi yourself but instead use a
reactive client that exposes a Mutiny API.
What you are looking for is a Uni<List<OutputSample>> because your API you return 1 and only 1 item with the complete result list.
So what you need is to send each message to Kafka without immediately waiting for their return but collecting the generated Unis and then collecting it to a single Uni.
public Uni<List<OutputSample>> send(InputSample inputSample) {
// This could be injected directly inside your producer
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Send each item to Kafka and collect resulting Unis
List<Uni<OutputSample>> uniList = deflateMessage(inputSample).stream()
.map(input -> producer.writeToKafka(input, mapper))
// Transform a list of Unis to a single Uni of a list
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Mutiny API fault...
Uni<List<OutputSample>> result = Uni.combine().all().unis(uniList)
.combinedWith(list -> (List<OutputSample>) list);
return result;

How to do the Auditing of records from CompositeItemWriter in Spring Batch?

In Spring Batch, I want to make an audit of the No. of records being read, process and write. I know that the same functionality is available in the Batch metadata tables. Per business need we need to make an audit into say DATA_AUDIT table.
In my batch jobs, I've implemented the CompositeItemWriter, based on the different fields (say Active Accounts, InActive Accounts, Active Flag etc), based on that I am segregating the data and write it into the multiple target tables.
Here say if 5000 records are coming, those 5000 records are getting grouped into data sets and single records can satisfy different business rules and go into different groups and this way data is getting incase upto say 20,000 in the chunk of 5000.
StepListeners is only capturing the no. of records of the first writer, its not capturning any other writers data written, how can I track the no. of data has been writen from other 3 writers ?
Is there any way to do it using Spring Batch API or how can we achieve this ? I went through link, but did not find anything here -
You can get the JobExecutionContext and update the count in the writer.
Example is below.
public ItemWriter<Integer> itemWriter() {
return new ItemWriter<Integer>() {
private StepExecution stepExecution;
public void write(List<? extends Integer> items) throws Exception {
for (Integer item : items) {
System.out.println("item = " + item);
long count=stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().get("count");
stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().put("count", count);
public void saveStepExecution(StepExecution stepExecution) {
this.stepExecution = stepExecution;

How to make a non-blocking item processor in spring batch (Not only asynchronous with a TaskExecuter)?

Spring batch has a facility called AsyncItemProcessor. It simply wraps an ItemProcessor and runs it with a TaskExecutor, so it can run asynchronously. I want to have a rest call in this ItemProcessor, the problem is that every thread inside this TaskExecutor which makes the rest call, will be blocked until the response is gotten. I want to make it non-blocking, something like a reactive paradigm.
I have an ItemProcessor that calls a Rest point and get its response:
public ItemProcessor<String, String> testItemProcessor() {
return item -> {
String url = "http://localhost:8787/test";
try {
// it's a long time process and take a lot of time
String response = URI(url), HttpMethod.GET, new RequestEntity(HttpMethod.GET, new URI(url)), String.class).getBody();
return response;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
Now I wrap it with AsyncItemProcessor:
public AsyncItemProcessor testAsyncItemProcessor() throws Exception {
AsyncItemProcessor asyncItemProcessor = new AsyncItemProcessor<>();
return asyncItemProcessor;
public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor testThreadPoolTaskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return threadPoolTaskExecutor;
I used a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor as the TaskExecuter.
This is the ItemWriter:
public ItemWriter<String> testItemWriter() {
return items -> {
// I write them to a file and a database, but for simplicity:
for (String item : items) {
public AsyncItemWriter asyncTestItemWriter() throws Exception {
AsyncItemWriter asyncItemWriter = new AsyncItemWriter<>();
return asyncItemWriter;
The step and job configuration:
public Step testStep() throws Exception {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("testStep")
.<String, String>chunk(1000)
public Job testJob() throws Exception {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("testJob")
The ItemReader is a simple ListItemReader:
public ItemReader<String> testItemReader() {
List<String> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) {
return new ListItemReader(integerList);
Now I have a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor with 50~100 threads. Each thread inside ItemProcessor makes a rest call and waits/blocks to receive the response from the server. Is there a way to make these calls/process non-blocking? If the answer is yes, how should I design the ItemWriter? Inside the ItemWriter I want to write the results from the ItemProcessor to a file and a database.
Each chunk has a size of 1000, I can wait until all of the records inside it get processed, but I don't want to block a thread per each rest call inside the chunk. Is there any way to accomplish that?
I know that the Spring rest template is the one which makes the process blocking and webclient should be used, but is there any equivalent component in spring batch (instead of AsyncItemProcessor/AsyncItemWriter) for web client?
No, there is no support for reactive programming in Spring Batch yet, there is an open feature request here:
Please note that going reactive means the entire the stack should be reactive, from batch artefacts (reader, processor, writer, listeners, etc) to infrastructure beans (job repository, transaction manager, etc), and not only your item processor and writer.
Moreover, the current chunk processing model is actually incompatible with reactive paradigm. The reason is that a ChunkOrientedTasklet uses basically two collaborators:
A ChunkProvider which provides chunks of items (delegating item reading to an ItemReader)
A ChunkProcessor which processes chunks (delegating processing and writing respectively to an ItemProcessor/ItemWriter)
Here is a simplified version of the code:
Chunk inputs = chunkProvider.provide();
As you can see, the step will wait for the chunkProcessor (processor + writer) to process the whole chunk before reading the next one. So in your case, even if you use non-blocking APIs in your processor + writer, your step will be waiting for the chunk to be completely processed before reading the next chunk (besides waiting for blocking interactions with the job repository and transaction manager).

Proper way to write a spring-batch ItemReader

I'm constructing a spring-batch job that modifies a given number of records. The list of record ID's are an input parameter of the job. For example, one job might be: Modify the record Id's {1,2,3,4} and set parameters X and Y on related tables.
Since I'm unable to pass a potentialy very long input list (tipical cases, 50K records) to my ItemReader I only pass a MyJobID which then the itemReader uses to load the target ID list.
Problem is, the resulting code appears "wrong" (altough it works) and not in the spirit of spring-batch. Here's the reader:
#Scope(value = "step", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
public class MyItemReader implements ItemReader<Integer> {
private JobService jobService;
private List<Integer> itemsList;
private Long jobId;
public MyItemReader(#Value("#{jobParameters['jobId']}") final Long jobId) {
this.jobId = jobId;
this.itemsList = null;
public Integer read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException, ParseException, NonTransientResourceException {
// First pass: Load the list.
if (itemsList == null) {
itemsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
MyJob myJob = (MyJob) jobService.loadById(jobId);
for (Integer i : myJob.getTargedIdList()) {
// Serve one at a time:
if (itemsList.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return itemsList.remove(0);
I tried to move the first part of the read() method to the constructor but the #Autowired reference is null at that point. Afterwards (on the read method) it's initialized.
Is there a better way to write the ItemReader? I would like to move the "load"Or is this the best solution for this scenario?
Thank you.
Generally, your approach is not "wrong", but probably not ideal.
Firstly, you could move the initialisation to a initMethod which is annotated with #PostConstruct. This method is called after all Autowired fields have been injected:
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
itemsList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
MyJob myJob = (MyJob) jobService.loadById(jobId);
for (Integer i : myJob.getTargedIdList()) {
But there is still the problem, that you load all the data at once. If you have a billion records to process, this could blow up the memory.
So what you should do is to load only a chunk of your data into memory, then return the items one by one in your read method. If all entries of a chunk have been returned, load the next chunk and return its items one by one again. If there is no other chunk to be loaded, then return null from the read method.
This ensures that you have a constant memory footprint regardless of how many records you have to process.
(If you have a look at FlatFileItemReader, you see that it uses a BufferedReader to read the data from the disk. While it has nothing to do with SpringBatch, it is the same principle: it reads a chunk of data from the disk, returns that and if more data is needed, it reads the next chunk of data).
Next problem is the restartability. What happens if the job crashes after doing 90% of the work? How can the job be restarted and only process the missing 10%?
This is actually a feature that springbatch provides, all you have to do is to implement the ItemStream interface and implement the methods open(), update(), close().
If you consider this two points - load data in chunks instead all at once and implement ItemStream interface - you'll end up having a reader that is in the spring spirit.

How to access memcached asynchronously in netty

I am writing a server in netty, in which I need to make a call to memcached. I am using spymemcached and can easily do the synchronous memcached call. I would like this memcached call to be async. Is that possible? The examples provided with netty do not seem to be helpful.
I tried using callbacks: created a ExecutorService pool in my Handler and submitted a callback worker to this pool. Like this:
public class MyHandler extends ChannelInboundMessageHandlerAdapter<MyPOJO> implements CallbackInterface{
private static ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MyPOJO pojo) {
CallingbackWorker worker = new CallingbackWorker(key, this);
public void myCallback() {
//get response
CallingbackWorker looks like:
public class CallingbackWorker implements Callable {
public CallingbackWorker(String key, CallbackInterface c) {
this.c = c;
this.key = key;
public Object call() {
//get value from key
However, when I do this, this.ctx.nextOutboundMessageBuf() in myCallback gets stuck.
So, overall, my question is: how to do async memcached calls in Netty?
There are two problems here: a small-ish issue with the way you're trying to code this, and a bigger one with many libraries that provide async service calls, but no good way to take full advantage of them in an async framework like Netty. That forces users into suboptimal hacks like this one, or a less-bad, but still not ideal approach I'll get to in a moment.
First the coding problem. The issue is that you're trying to call a ChannelHandlerContext method from a thread other than the one associated with your handler, which is not allowed. That's pretty easy to fix, as shown below. You could code it a few other ways, but this is probably the most straightforward:
private static ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20);
public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) {
final GetFuture<String> future = memcachedClient().getAsync("foo", stringTranscoder());
// first wait for the response on a pool thread
pool.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String value;
Exception err;
try {
value = future.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // or whatever timeout you want
err = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
err = e;
value = null;
// put results into final variables; compiler won't let us do it directly above
final fValue = value;
final fErr = err;
// now process the result on the ChannelHandler's thread
ctx.executor().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
handleResult(fValue, fErr);
// note that we drop through to here right after calling pool.execute() and
// return, freeing up the handler thread while we wait on the pool thread.
private void handleResult(String value, Exception err) {
// handle it
That will work, and might be sufficient for your application. But you've got a fixed-sized thread pool, so if you're ever going to handle much more than 20 concurrent connections, that will become a bottleneck. You could increase the pool size, or use an unbounded one, but at that point, you might as well be running under Tomcat, as memory consumption and context-switching overhead start to become issues, and you lose the scalabilty that was the attraction of Netty in the first place!
And the thing is, Spymemcached is NIO-based, event-driven, and uses just one thread for all its work, yet provides no way to fully take advantage of its event-driven nature. I expect they'll fix that before too long, just as Netty 4 and Cassandra have recently by providing callback (listener) methods on Future objects.
Meanwhile, being in the same boat as you, I researched the alternatives, and not being too happy with what I found, I wrote (yesterday) a Future tracker class that can poll up to thousands of Futures at a configurable rate, and call you back on the thread (Executor) of your choice when they complete. It uses just one thread to do this. I've put it up on GitHub if you'd like to try it out, but be warned that it's still wet, as they say. I've tested it a lot in the past day, and even with 10000 concurrent mock Future objects, polling once a millisecond, its CPU utilization is negligible, though it starts to go up beyond 10000. Using it, the example above looks like this:
// in some globally-accessible class:
public static final ForeignFutureTracker FFT = new ForeignFutureTracker(1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// in a handler class:
public void channelRead(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final Object msg) {
// ...
final GetFuture<String> future = memcachedClient().getAsync("foo", stringTranscoder());
// add a listener for the Future, with a timeout in 2 seconds, and pass
// the Executor for the current context so the callback will run
// on the same thread.
Global.FFT.addListener(future, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, ctx.executor(),
new ForeignFutureListener<String,GetFuture<String>>() {
public void operationSuccess(String value) {
// do something ...
public void operationTimeout(GetFuture<String> f) {
// do something ...
public void operationFailure(Exception e) {
// do something ...
You don't want more than one or two FFT instances active at any time, or they could become a drain on CPU. But a single instance can handle thousands of outstanding Futures; about the only reason to have a second one would be to handle higher-latency calls, like S3, at a slower polling rate, say 10-20 milliseconds.
One drawback of the polling approach is that it adds a small amount of latency. For example, polling once a millisecond, on average it will add 500 microseconds to the response time. That won't be an issue for most applications, and I think is more than offset by the memory and CPU savings over the thread pool approach.
I expect within a year or so this will be a non-issue, as more async clients provide callback mechanisms, letting you fully leverage NIO and the event-driven model.