MongoDB not running on the provided host and port - mongodb

I tried to connect to my local mongodb server through compass but It throws me an error "MongoDB not running on the provided host and port", I tried to change the config file many times. I tried setting
"bindIpAll: true" , bindIp: my hostname(IPv4 Address), comment the line. Everything is a failure. Anybody help me with this.
Thanks in Advance.

Just go to task manager then click on services and search for MongoDB, right click on it and start the service.
This works for me.

Have you try port number after IP address 27017 followed by ":".

I had this issue when attempting to connect with mongoDB Compass to a mongoDB on an AWS Ubuntu Linux instance (Lightsail Service to be exact).
After reading lots of similar questions here and elsewhere (and having checked my firewall rules to allow port 27017 connections) I went to check the /etc/mongodb.conf file.
By default the bind_ip (at row 11 in my system) comes configured as, and that is fine to connect from the same machine. In this config entry you should put all the IP's that are listening for connections.
I tried to add my instance public IP just after a comma
bind_ip =,35.xx.xx.xx (where 35.xx.xx.xx was my public IP)
At this point the service didn't start anymore. I started the service manually while following the log (look under /var/log/mongodb) to read this error message:
2019-03-19T15:51:59.338+0000 [initandlisten] ERROR: listen(): bind() failed errno:99 Cannot assign requested address for socket: 35.xx.xx.xx:27017
So I tried with as suggested on another site but it gave a similar error.
I solved this by putting my AWS instance private IP address in the config file:
bind_ip =,172.xx.xx.xx (where 172.xx.xx.xx is your PRIVATE IP)
Hope this helps!

I have stumbled with the same issue while using latest mongodb v:6.14.4, my solution is to open cmd and run 'mongo' this gives the path where the mongodb is running if already installed, copy the path from cmd and you can use as below in your node module:
const mongodb = "mongodb://";


Connecting mongo via remote from Google Compute Engine

I've installed the mongodb in one of my GCE machine. I'm having problem connecting to mongodb from remote machine(i.e. Home Computer).
With Google search I found, I have to bind the right ip address and need to add respective firewall rules, After doing so, Still not able to connect.
Is there any way to connect from my remote machine to access mongodb database ?
Attaching mongodb.conf and firewall rule
#mongodb.conf file
bind_ip =
port = 27017
Try changing "bind_ip" in mongodb.conf file to your mongo instance ip and try. (i assumed that correct firewall rules are added in the compute engine settings)
The problem is with in the target tag which was added when creating the firewall rule. Create the firewall rule for mongodb with Apply to all target tag fixed this issue.

Connect to EC2 via MongoDB Compass Community

I have an EC2 instance (Ubuntu 14). I've defined port 27017 in its security group to be accessed from anywhere.
I'm trying to connect from my PC (Windows 10) to the EC2 instance, but getting the following error:
MongoDB not running on the provided host and port
which is not true since I've made sure that MongoDB is running.
These were the settings I specified:
I've also tried to use SSH (which is also defined in the sercurity group and works well through terminal), but got the following error:
Error creating SSH Tunnel: (SSH) Channel open failure: Connection
These were the settings I specified:
See if there is a need to change the bind_ip variable at the /etc/mongodb.conf file.
By default, it is locked to localhost.
Try setting the value to or assign the IP that will be able to connect the DB to it.
Port is allowed in security group attached to EC2 (You mentioned its done)
Not using private IP to connect (I guess, you are using the right one as you connected through terminal)
Rare case, OS firewall
I guess point 1 should do the trick. Rest points for future reference
[Update 1]
Doc link for bindIp
I am putting this as an answer although it is meant as a comment to the answer by raevilman above but I do not have the necessary reputation to post comments yet.
If you set the bind_ip variable to as mentioned, MongoDB accepts connections from all IP addresses. This might be a security risk if you do not use access control.
On the other hand, if I am not wrong, the idea of a SSH tunnel is for that, in this case MongoDB, the entering connection comes from localhost so no change in the configuration should be necessary.
That said, I came here because I could not connect either. I got the error 'Error creating SSH Tunnel: Timed out while waiting for forwardOut'.
In my case the solution was to put 'localhost' in the hostname field at the top instead of the host IP.

Can't connect to MongoDB server on Google Compute Engine from second VM instance

I have MongoDb installed on two Ubuntu 16 VMs both hosted on the same network on Google Cloud's Compute Engine. The connecting instance has Internal IP, the database instance has
I've opened tcp 27017 for the instance I wish to connect to. I added this using the gcloud console commands.
I have also tried opening tcp:1-65535;udp:1-65535 for testing purposes, with no result.
Running mongo on either instance will properly connect to it's own mongodb service, so they're installed, running and working.
On the database instance, netstat -a | grep :27017 displays that it's listening correctly.
On the database instance, the config file at /etc/mongod.conf of the is edited so bind_ip also has the Internal IP of said instance.
I have also tried for testing purposes, with no result.
Running mongo from the connecting instance results in Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused.
Running nmap -p 27017 on the connecting instance shows port 27017 is closed.
I'm at an utter loss, please help me out? :<
Your mongodb servers are only listening on the localhost address (, rather than on INADDR_ANY (shows up as *:27017 in netstat).
Like this question, it looks like you need to set bind_ip = in your mongod.conf.
Thanks to E. Anderson's link I managed to solve this issue; suddenly turning this into a duplicate. However, neither this answer nor the answer in the link were "correct".
The solution to set bind_ip= in mongod.conf is rather dangerous, besides, it didn't work. However, killing the mongodb service, and then manually running mongod --bind_ip actually allowed my two instances to connect.
Which.. means that javadude's reply in the other thread saying "But I still dont get it. Why this did not work when I modified mongo.conf file to accept bind_ip"` also goes for me. I don't get it, but, it definitely worked to manually give it an ip-address to listen on.

MongoDB remote connection

I am trying to use MongoDB for remote connection. First I tried localhost and internal ip address to build the connection. Both of them succeeded. Then I tried external ip address to connect on my own computer of MAC as an experiment first. I have created an admin user for the database in MongoDB. The bind_ip option is also commented in mongodb.conf. The firewall should also have been turned down. But the connection cannot been built still. Does anyone know the reason?
Thank you very much!
To allow connecting remote clients (which is your case) to MongoDB Server.
Make sure to do set bind_ip to either of values, in your mongodb.conf file -
Following is with any IP
bind_ip =
Following for bind to specific IP
bind_ip = (or any specific IP)

Can't connect my mongoDB database from my local machine

I just start to deal with a new VPS and i am trying to connect its port 27017 (mongodb database) from localhost (using robomongo).
It's working on my localhost machine and with another remote server, but i can't connect mongodb on this VPS, what could cause this issue ?
I start it this way:
mongod --setParameter enableLocalhostAuthBypass=0 --config /etc/mongodb.conf --fork
with the auth = true uncommented in the /etc/mongodb.conf file (but it looks like the issue is not that i can't auth but mongodb is not responding at all).
When i start mongo admin -u root -p root by being connected with SSH, it works great (i can connect my database) and i can see that mongodb is well listenning on the port 27017.
But when i try to access it from my local machine, it can't establish the connection, and if i try to connect it with my browser, i am supposed to get a mongodb error message: You are trying to access MongoDB on the native driver port. For http diagnostic access, add 1000 to the port number but i don't, i just have a failure page with Chrome (and the port 28017 is not responding either).
How to solve this ? My VPS is brand new and i could need to install more packages but i really don't see what could be need for this, it also looks like a firewall issue, like something prevent mongodb and response before the request could reach it, i have juste installed apache2 and nginx and they are not running so i really don't see...
Ok, I have found the issue!
There is a line bind_ip in the /etc/mongod.conf file.
It provides access only to the specified IP address to mongodb.
You should create an array of IPs and edit the config file as:
bind_ip [, x.x.x.x, ...]
Where x.x.x.x is your IP.
i resolved this issue with file(/etc/mongod.conf)
commenting out as follows:
#bindIp: # Listen to local interface only, comment to listen on all interfaces.