Swift 4.2 - __shared attribute near type - swift

In updated version of class definition I found init method for Double with NSNumber near type the unknown keyword __shared. What does it mean?

The __shared parameter annotation means that a value type parameter can be passed by reference.
For value types, this enables us to elide a copy before we make the call and instead pass a reference pointing right at the memory we allocated. SIL calls this convention in_guaranteed for (indirect reference with guaranteed lifetime). It's currently the way we pass self in non-mutating functions.
It was introduced by the Ownership Manifesto.
Here is the difference between the ownership annotations:
inout: mutating pointer-like value
__shared: non-mutating pointer-like value
__owned: an explicit way of writing the default
Here is a summary of the manifesto: Swift Ownership Manifesto TL;DR.


How am I able to change this constant? [duplicate]

I'm really new to Swift and I just read that classes are passed by reference and arrays/strings etc. are copied.
Is the pass by reference the same way as in Objective-C or Java wherein you actually pass "a" reference or is it proper pass by reference?
Types of Things in Swift
The rule is:
Class instances are reference types (i.e. your reference to a class instance is effectively a pointer)
Functions are reference types
Everything else is a value type; "everything else" simply means instances of structs and instances of enums, because that's all there is in Swift. Arrays and strings are struct instances, for example. You can pass a reference to one of those things (as a function argument) by using inout and taking the address, as newacct has pointed out. But the type is itself a value type.
What Reference Types Mean For You
A reference type object is special in practice because:
Mere assignment or passing to function can yield multiple references to the same object
The object itself is mutable even if the reference to it is a constant (let, either explicit or implied).
A mutation to the object affects that object as seen by all references to it.
Those can be dangers, so keep an eye out. On the other hand, passing a reference type is clearly efficient because only a pointer is copied and passed, which is trivial.
What Value Types Mean For You
Clearly, passing a value type is "safer", and let means what it says: you can't mutate a struct instance or enum instance through a let reference. On the other hand, that safety is achieved by making a separate copy of the value, isn't it? Doesn't that make passing a value type potentially expensive?
Well, yes and no. It isn't as bad as you might think. As Nate Cook has said, passing a value type does not necessarily imply copying, because let (explicit or implied) guarantees immutability so there's no need to copy anything. And even passing into a var reference doesn't mean that things will be copied, only that they can be if necessary (because there's a mutation). The docs specifically advise you not to get your knickers in a twist.
Everything in Swift is passed by "copy" by default, so when you pass a value-type you get a copy of the value, and when you pass a reference type you get a copy of the reference, with all that that implies. (That is, the copy of the reference still points to the same instance as the original reference.)
I use scare quotes around the "copy" above because Swift does a lot of optimization; wherever possible, it doesn't copy until there's a mutation or the possibility of mutation. Since parameters are immutable by default, this means that most of the time no copy actually happens.
It is always pass-by-value when the parameter is not inout.
It is always pass-by-reference if the parameter is inout. However, this is somewhat complicated by the fact you need to explicitly use the & operator on the argument when passing to an inout parameter, so it may not fit the traditional definition of pass-by-reference, where you pass the variable directly.
Here is a small code sample for passing by reference.
Avoid doing this, unless you have a strong reason to.
func ComputeSomeValues(_ value1: inout String, _ value2: inout Int){
value1 = "my great computation 1";
value2 = 123456;
Call it like this
var val1: String = "";
var val2: Int = -1;
ComputeSomeValues(&val1, &val2);
The Apple Swift Developer blog has a post called Value and Reference Types that provides a clear and detailed discussion on this very topic.
To quote:
Types in Swift fall into one of two categories: first, “value types”,
where each instance keeps a unique copy of its data, usually defined
as a struct, enum, or tuple. The second, “reference types”, where
instances share a single copy of the data, and the type is usually
defined as a class.
The Swift blog post continues to explain the differences with examples and suggests when you would use one over the other.
When you use inout with an infix operator such as += then the &address symbol can be ignored. I guess the compiler assumes pass by reference?
extension Dictionary {
static func += (left: inout Dictionary, right: Dictionary) {
for (key, value) in right {
left[key] = value
origDictionary += newDictionaryToAdd
And nicely this dictionary 'add' only does one write to the original reference too, so great for locking!
Classes and structures
One of the most important differences between structures and classes is that structures are always copied when they are passed around in your code, but classes are passed by reference.
If you assign a closure to a property of a class instance, and the closure captures that instance by referring to the instance or its members, you will create a strong reference cycle between the closure and the instance. Swift uses capture lists to break these strong reference cycles
ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)
Reference counting applies only to instances of classes. Structures and enumerations are value types, not reference types, and are not stored and passed by reference.
Classes are passed by references and others are passed by value in default.
You can pass by reference by using the inout keyword.
Swift assign, pass and return a value by reference for reference type and by copy for Value Type
[Value vs Reference type]
If compare with Java you can find matches:
Java Reference type(all objects)
Java primitive type(int, bool...) - Swift extends it using struct
struct is a value type so it's always passed as a value. let create struct
struct Person{
var raw : String
var name: String
var age: Int
var profession: String
func personInformation(){
print("name : \(name)")
print("age : \(age)")
print("profession : \(profession)")
//allow equal values
B = A then call the function
it have the same result when we change the value of 'B' Only Changes Occured in B Because A Value of A is Copied, like
B.name = "Zainab"
a change occurs in B's name. it is Pass By Value
Pass By Reference
Classes Always Use Pass by reference in which only address of occupied memory is copied, when we change similarly as in struct change the value of B , Both A & B is changed because of reference is copied,.

Is conditional binding in swift pass by value or reference?

I've been having some issues with conditional binding returning an invalid (but non-nil) object from the watch accelerometer. I was thinking maybe making a copy of the object could help the problem, but I wasn't sure if that was already occurring. If I use code such as:
if let data = recorder.accelerometerData(from: startDate, to: endDate){...}
is this already creating a copy of the CMSensorDataList object or am I simply getting a reference to it?
It just depends upon whether the type wrapped by the optional was a value type or reference type. If reference type, it's obviously pass by reference. If value type, it's copied (unless CoW, copy-on-write, in which case it's copied if and when it's mutated).
In this case, CMSensorDataList is a class, so it's a reference to that instance, not a copy of it.

Learning about type methods/type properties

I'm reading through the Swift documentation about type methods and type properties, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why it says this particular thing (in bold):
Within the body of a type method, the implicit self property refers to
the type itself, rather than an instance of that type. For
structures and enumerations, this means that you can use self to
disambiguate between type properties and type method parameters, just
as you do for instance properties and instance method parameters.
More generally, any unqualified method and property names that you use
within the body of a type method will refer to other type-level
methods and properties. A type method can call another type method
with the other method’s name, without needing to prefix it with the
type name. Similarly, type methods on structures and enumerations
can access type properties by using the type property’s name without a
type name prefix.
So, why is this pointing out structures and enumerations being able to do these things when, as far as I know, you can do these things with any kind of type methods/parameters (i.e. classes as well)? It makes me think I'm missing something.
The page in the documentation I'm looking at is here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/Methods.html
Apparently I wasn't the only one with this question. I'm not sure how I didn't see this post before: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/276962/static-properties-and-implicit-self-property-in-structures-and-enumerations-vs

Is Swift Pass By Value or Pass By Reference

I'm really new to Swift and I just read that classes are passed by reference and arrays/strings etc. are copied.
Is the pass by reference the same way as in Objective-C or Java wherein you actually pass "a" reference or is it proper pass by reference?
Types of Things in Swift
The rule is:
Class instances are reference types (i.e. your reference to a class instance is effectively a pointer)
Functions are reference types
Everything else is a value type; "everything else" simply means instances of structs and instances of enums, because that's all there is in Swift. Arrays and strings are struct instances, for example. You can pass a reference to one of those things (as a function argument) by using inout and taking the address, as newacct has pointed out. But the type is itself a value type.
What Reference Types Mean For You
A reference type object is special in practice because:
Mere assignment or passing to function can yield multiple references to the same object
The object itself is mutable even if the reference to it is a constant (let, either explicit or implied).
A mutation to the object affects that object as seen by all references to it.
Those can be dangers, so keep an eye out. On the other hand, passing a reference type is clearly efficient because only a pointer is copied and passed, which is trivial.
What Value Types Mean For You
Clearly, passing a value type is "safer", and let means what it says: you can't mutate a struct instance or enum instance through a let reference. On the other hand, that safety is achieved by making a separate copy of the value, isn't it? Doesn't that make passing a value type potentially expensive?
Well, yes and no. It isn't as bad as you might think. As Nate Cook has said, passing a value type does not necessarily imply copying, because let (explicit or implied) guarantees immutability so there's no need to copy anything. And even passing into a var reference doesn't mean that things will be copied, only that they can be if necessary (because there's a mutation). The docs specifically advise you not to get your knickers in a twist.
Everything in Swift is passed by "copy" by default, so when you pass a value-type you get a copy of the value, and when you pass a reference type you get a copy of the reference, with all that that implies. (That is, the copy of the reference still points to the same instance as the original reference.)
I use scare quotes around the "copy" above because Swift does a lot of optimization; wherever possible, it doesn't copy until there's a mutation or the possibility of mutation. Since parameters are immutable by default, this means that most of the time no copy actually happens.
It is always pass-by-value when the parameter is not inout.
It is always pass-by-reference if the parameter is inout. However, this is somewhat complicated by the fact you need to explicitly use the & operator on the argument when passing to an inout parameter, so it may not fit the traditional definition of pass-by-reference, where you pass the variable directly.
Here is a small code sample for passing by reference.
Avoid doing this, unless you have a strong reason to.
func ComputeSomeValues(_ value1: inout String, _ value2: inout Int){
value1 = "my great computation 1";
value2 = 123456;
Call it like this
var val1: String = "";
var val2: Int = -1;
ComputeSomeValues(&val1, &val2);
The Apple Swift Developer blog has a post called Value and Reference Types that provides a clear and detailed discussion on this very topic.
To quote:
Types in Swift fall into one of two categories: first, “value types”,
where each instance keeps a unique copy of its data, usually defined
as a struct, enum, or tuple. The second, “reference types”, where
instances share a single copy of the data, and the type is usually
defined as a class.
The Swift blog post continues to explain the differences with examples and suggests when you would use one over the other.
When you use inout with an infix operator such as += then the &address symbol can be ignored. I guess the compiler assumes pass by reference?
extension Dictionary {
static func += (left: inout Dictionary, right: Dictionary) {
for (key, value) in right {
left[key] = value
origDictionary += newDictionaryToAdd
And nicely this dictionary 'add' only does one write to the original reference too, so great for locking!
Classes and structures
One of the most important differences between structures and classes is that structures are always copied when they are passed around in your code, but classes are passed by reference.
If you assign a closure to a property of a class instance, and the closure captures that instance by referring to the instance or its members, you will create a strong reference cycle between the closure and the instance. Swift uses capture lists to break these strong reference cycles
ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)
Reference counting applies only to instances of classes. Structures and enumerations are value types, not reference types, and are not stored and passed by reference.
Classes are passed by references and others are passed by value in default.
You can pass by reference by using the inout keyword.
Swift assign, pass and return a value by reference for reference type and by copy for Value Type
[Value vs Reference type]
If compare with Java you can find matches:
Java Reference type(all objects)
Java primitive type(int, bool...) - Swift extends it using struct
struct is a value type so it's always passed as a value. let create struct
struct Person{
var raw : String
var name: String
var age: Int
var profession: String
func personInformation(){
print("name : \(name)")
print("age : \(age)")
print("profession : \(profession)")
//allow equal values
B = A then call the function
it have the same result when we change the value of 'B' Only Changes Occured in B Because A Value of A is Copied, like
B.name = "Zainab"
a change occurs in B's name. it is Pass By Value
Pass By Reference
Classes Always Use Pass by reference in which only address of occupied memory is copied, when we change similarly as in struct change the value of B , Both A & B is changed because of reference is copied,.

In Swift, what does the ! symbol mean in a function signature?

In a Swift function signature, what does the ! after an argument imply? More specifically, does it mean the argument needs to be unwrapped before it is passed in or that it gets unwrapped (automatically) as it is passed in. Here is an example:
func annotationButtonTUI(sender: UIButton!) { }
In this case the function is a target for a UIButton so whatever happens with the ! is happening automatically.
My thought is it means you can expect an unwrapped sender object so you don't need to try an unwrap it.
This isn't quite a duplicate — there's some subtlety to implicitly unwrapped optionals in function signatures beyond their usage elsewhere.
You see implicitly unwrapped optionals in API imported from ObjC because that's the closest Swift approximation of an object that's expected to be there but which can be nil. It's a compromise for imported API — you can address these variables directly like in ObjC, and you can test them for nil using Swift optional syntax. (There's more about Apple's rationale for this in the Advanced Interoperability talk from WWDC14.) This pattern also applies to the IBAction declarations inserted by Interface Builder, since those methods are in effect getting called from ObjC code, too.
As you seem to have suspected, Swift wraps the possible nil in an optional when bridging from ObjC, but the ! in your function implementation's declaration unwraps the value so you can use it directly. (At your own risk.)
Since Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.2 in Spring 2015), ObjC APIs can be annotated with nonnull and nullable, in which case the Swift interface to those APIs uses either a non-optional type or a fully optional type. (And since Swift 2.0 / Xcode 7.0, nearly all of Apple's APIs are audited to use nullability annotations, so their Swift signatures don't use much ! anymore.)
What's less well-known about this is that you're free to change the optionality of parameters when you implement your own Swift functions that get called by ObjC. If you want the compiler to enforce that sender in your action method can never be nil, you can take the ! off the parameter type. If you want the compiler to make sure you always test the parameter, change the ! to a ?.
The exclamation point after type declaration in the Swift method signatures means the parameter is an Implicitly Unwrapped Optional. That means it is an Optional type (that would be normally denoted with ? after the type) that gets unwrapped every time you access it in the method body. Not as it is passed in. It is as if you used forced unwrapping — sender!.titleLabel — each time you use it, but you do not have to type the exclamation point every time — hence implicitly unwrapped optional.
From Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C, section Working with nil:
Because Objective-C does not make any guarantees that an object is non-nil, Swift makes all classes in argument types and return types optional in imported Objective-C APIs. Before you use an Objective-C object, you should check to ensure that it is not missing.
Implicitly unwrapped optional allows you to treat it in the Swift code like a normal value type with the caveat that accessing it when it is nil will interrupt your program with runtime error. You’d guard against that using if statements, optional binding
or optional chaining.
Implicitly unwrapped optionals are pragmatic compromise to make the work in hybrid environment that has to interoperate with existing Cocoa frameworks and their conventions more pleasant, while also allowing for stepwise migration into safer programing paradigm — without null pointers — enforced by the Swift compiler. You’ll meet them all over Cocoa APIs, but there are also some use cases for them in pure Swift as discussed in Why create "Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals"?