I have tried using the install instructions from https://docs.vapor.codes/3.0/install/macos/. But this doesn't seem to work properly.
It works on my PC though. Just not on my raspberry pi
I have a question regarding how to uninstall google assistant on the raspberry pi 3. The files are scattered over the place so deleting is not an option. Is there any command to uninstall google assistant on the raspberry pi? I am using the google assistant SDK.
You should be able to run pip uninstall google-assistant-sdk to remove the libraries downloaded. There may be a few config files as well located in ~/.config/google-assistant-* that you can remove.
i have been working on raspberry pi and i have been able to install and configure raspbian jessie on my raspbian pi zero but i am not able to find any raspbian jessie emulator to run on my pc. Can anybody help me out?
You can use QEMU that emulates ARM chipsets, such as that found in the Raspberry Pi.
Follow this guide for Windows!
Having installed Geany on a Raspberry Pi and added the Debugger plugin, I need the debugger to run the application as root as I am accessing the GPIO libraries and pins on the Raspberry Pi.
I usually run the program using sudo ./programName
I cannot find an option in the debug settings to prefix the debug target with sudo.
Try running geany with sudo geany.
I have a desktop application (built with NW.js and the node-webkit-builder) that runs smoothly on Windows and OS X, however, I can't seem to open the executable on the Raspberry Pi. The NW.js builder outputs the 32- and 64-bit Linux distributions, as well, that I assume should operate on Raspbian or Ubuntu MATE. However, I keep getting the error:
cannot open the application since there isn't a readable executable.
Even after chmod +x the application, it doesn't work.
raspberry pi use arm architecture, you may checkout this: https://github.com/toxygen/armhf-node-webkit
Rasp Pis are using ARM processors and not the x32 and x64 processors the NW.js binaries support.
You will need to download a prebuilt for the ARM or build it yourself.
Here is a link to a prebuilt for 0.12.0. You will package your app just like you would on a x32/x64 machine.
Unfortunately ARM is still not an officially supported platform and if you wish to have prebuilts you will have to depend on community members/contributors.
You need the binary port of NW.js (node-webkit) for Raspberry Pi.
I have just created a repository with the node-webkit binary port that runs on Raspbian, tested and working on Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi 3 so it is ARMv6 and ARMv7 compatible.
Here you can check it: https://github.com/jalbam/nwjs_rpi