How to Move from one page to another in ionic 4? - ionic-framework

I want to move from 1 page to another page and for that I have write below code in file.
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<ion-button (click)="goToLoginPage()" size="large">Continue</ion-button>
Below is file code.
export class HomePage {
constructor(public navController: NavController) {
this.navController.navigateForward(LoginVCPage) // Getting error at this line.
Below is error screenshot.
Any help will be appreciated

In Ionic 4 using NavController is deprecated. See this statement from the Migration Guide:
In V4, navigation received the most changes. Now, instead of using
Ionic's own NavController, we integrate with the official Angular
Angular manages it's routes in a separate file, in Ionic 4 this file is named app-routing.module.ts. Every time you create a new page using ionic g page pagename the CLI will automatically create a new entry in the routes array in app-routing.module.ts.
So assuming you have created a test page and now have following routes in app-routing.module.ts:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'home', loadChildren: './home/home.module#HomePageModule' },
{ path: 'test', loadChildren: './test/test.module#TestPageModule' },
You can move to another page by adding a href property to your button with the corresponding path (e.g. '/test') to the page you want to move to:
<ion-button href="/test">Move to test page</ion-button>
You could also use the routerLink directive as pointed out here:
<ion-button [routerLink]="['/test']">Move to test page</ion-button>
If you want/need to navigate programmatically you'll have to inject the router service into your page/component and call navigateByUrl like so:
constructor(private router: Router) { }
goToTestPage() {
Also see the Angular docs on routing and the Ionic v4 docs on this topic.

To add to #Phonolog 's answer you should also use routerDirection="forward" or whatever direction it may be.


Angular routerLink routes properly but route.navigate in component routes to default path

The Basic Sample is created
The Source Code is Uploaded Here
and Deployed Here
A route is set with path :"products"
In app.template.html using routerLink directive a route is set ->
when "Products" gets clicked --> The route "products" is opened as
expected, but activating the same route through code
(this.route.navigate(['/products']) in "app.component.ts" navigates
to this 'home'.
This is basic but weird, where have I gone wrong ?
It's getting redirected on your app.component.html on line 19:
<a class="nav-link" href="#" (click)="navigateBack()"> Products(navigated in Component)</a>
This tag has href="#" so the page is getting routed to your root because your app-routing.module.ts file is redirecting to home.
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: '**', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' }
So, remove href="#" with [routerLink]="[]" and it should resolve the issue.

Google Maps Ionic Native show blank page in android and ios

I am new with ionic, I'm trying to integrate a google map in my application with ionic-native-googlemaps. In my browser it works fine but when I build for android or ios I have a blank page, and if I look at the console of google chrome at url chrome://inspect/device I don't have an error.
This is my typescript file
import {AfterViewInit, Component, OnInit} from '#angular/core';
import {
Environment, LatLng, GoogleMapOptions
} from '#ionic-native/google-maps/ngx';
import { ActionSheetController, Platform, AlertController } from '#ionic/angular';
selector: 'app-favoris',
templateUrl: './favoris.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./favoris.component.scss'],
export class FavorisComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
map: GoogleMap;
public alertController: AlertController,
public actionCtrl: ActionSheetController,
private platform: Platform
) {
ngOnInit() {
// await this.platform.ready();
// await this.loadMap();
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.platform.ready().then( () => {
loadMap() {
const map = GoogleMaps.create('map'); GoogleMapsEvent.MAP_READY ).then( ( data: any ) => {
const coordinates: LatLng = new LatLng( 45.649864, -73.584213 );
const position = {
target: coordinates,
zoom: 14
map.animateCamera( position );
const markerOptions: MarkerOptions = {
position: coordinates,
// icon: "",
title: 'Hello California',
draggable: true
const marker = map.addMarker( markerOptions )
.then( ( markesr: Marker ) => {
And in my html file I have
<ion-header translucent>
<ion-toolbar class="new-background-color">
<ion-title class="text-center text-white">Favoris</ion-title>
<div id="map" style="height:100%;"></div>
I have searched for a solution everywhere but I have not found anything.
finaly i solve my problem, if someone have a same problem later,
just downgrade a version ionic-google maps and ionic core like this
"#ionic-native/core": "^5.24.0",
"#ionic-native/google-maps": "^5.0.0-beta.20",
After that look if your div with who contains google if is have a 500px height or more if it's ok, your map workly fine and you need to paid google map too.
you don't have to downgrade googleMap .
there is two way to solve this problem :
First you can put the tag DIV outside ion-content
<div id="map" style="height:100%;"></div>
OR you can add style css to put the content background transparant to overlaye the map screen.
In my case it was showing right on Android but no IOS. API key was ok. The map was there, under the html, but ion-content was not transparent.
Try adding this to your global scss or css file.
._gmap_cdv_ {
--background: transparent !important;
For iOS and Chrome, if your application has 'location' function. Apple is serious about location security aspect and Google Chrome is also somewhat serious about it. Hence:
Step 1. In your Mac enable 'Location Services' under 'Security and Privacy' :
Navigate to 'Settings'=>'Security & Privacy'=>Privacy Tab=>Select
Location Services ; click the padlock to make changes=>make sure
checkbox is checked for Google Chrome
Step 2. In Google Chrome go
to Settings=>privacy & Security=>make sure localhost:8100 is in the
'allowed' list=>click on it and on the next tab 'Reset permissions'
and select 'Allow' in the drop-down box for location property.
That should do it.

Ionic 4: ionic serve reloads app on every page

I'm new to Ionic 4 and I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong, or if Ionic 4 just acts differently in this area. I have a very simple app that just has a few Ionic pages, and in the app.component.ts file I trigger some init logic in the platform.ready() call. I noticed this init code was fired on every page load when testing via ionic serve. Some code is below. I assume ionic serve is supposed to only reload the app when the code changes (and not on every navigation to a new page)? Maybe my navigation approach is causing the app to reload?
private platform: Platform,
private splashScreen: SplashScreen,
private statusBar: StatusBar
) {
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(async () => {
let time = new Date().toLocaleString();
console.log(`${time}: Platform is ready...dude`);
Simple navigation that loads various empty pages (and seems to trigger an app reload on every nav).
<ion-content padding>
<h1>Home Page</h1>
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'home', loadChildren: './pages/home/home.module#HomePageModule' },
{ path: 'login', loadChildren: './pages/login/login.module#LoginPageModule' },
{ path: 'profile', loadChildren: './pages/profile/profile.module#ProfilePageModule' },
{ path: 'account-detail/:id', loadChildren: './pages/account-detail/account-detail.module#AccountDetailPageModule' },
{ path: 'account', loadChildren: './pages/account/account.module#AccountPageModule' },
{ path: 'settlement', loadChildren: './pages/settlement/settlement.module#SettlementPageModule' },
{ path: 'signup', loadChildren: './pages/signup/signup.module#SignupPageModule' },
{ path: 'admin', loadChildren: './pages/admin/admin.module#AdminPageModule' },
Rookie mistake. I'm posting an answer in case anyone else stumbles into this.
My issue was the anchor tags. Obviously I'm unfamiliar with the angular router. Looks like if you provide a routerLink it will do what we'd expect from a "normal" SPA link (as opposed to reloading the app).
Updated Home Page
<ion-content padding>
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/home']" routerDirection="root">HOME</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/login']" routerDirection="root">login</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/profile']" routerDirection="root">profile</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/signup']" routerDirection="root">signup</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/account']" routerDirection="forward">accounts</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/admin']" routerDirection="forward">admin</a></li>

Remove sidemenu for login page

I am currently working on an Ionic app and I understood that Ionic recently became Ionic 3. In the past, I worked with Ionic 2 and there was app.js.
When I created a new project and I wanted to remove sidemenu for my login page, I couldn't find the app.js.
Ionic 2 code
app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
.state('login', {
url: '/login',
controller: 'loginCtrl',
templateUrl: 'login.html'
app.controller('loginCtrl', function($scope, $state,$ionicSideMenuDelegate) {
May I know how does this work now in the new Ionic?
You can do it this way, In your login page:
import {MenuController} from 'ionic-angular';
export class LoginPage {
constructor(private menu : MenuController){}
// Disable the root left menu when entering this page;
// enable the root left menu when leaving this page;

Is Angular 2 Auxiliary router broken?

I'm trying to create an app with an auxiliary route for a chat window. The app fails right on the loading. It seems like a bug and I reported it on Angular GitHub, but I wonder if anyone knows a workaround? Here's the plunk of this simple app:
selector: 'basic-routing',
template: `
<a [router-link]="['/Home']">Home</a>
<a [router-link]="['/ProductDetail']">Product Details</a>
<router-outlet name="chat"></router-outlet>
<a [router-link]="['/', ['Chat']]">Chat</a>
directives: [ ROUTER_DIRECTIVES ]
{path: '/', component: HomeComponent, as: 'Home'},
{path: '/product', component: ProductDetailComponent, as: 'ProductDetail' },
{aux: '/chat', component: ChatComponent, as: 'Chat'}
class RootComponent { /* ... */ }
It's not clear how the router knows which named route outlet to use.
You have to wait until the issue will be solved.
Current implementation allows only
See the link