Ingest Streaming Data to Kafka via http - apache-kafka

I am very new with Kafka and Streaming Data in general. What I am trying to do is to ingest data which is to be sent via http to kafka. My research has brought me to the confluent REST proxy but I can't get it to work.
What I currently have is kafka running with a single node and single broker with kafkamanager in docker containers.
Unfortunately I can't run the full confluent platform with docker since I don't have enough memory available on my machine.
In essence my question is: How to setup a development environment where data is ingested by kafka through http?
Any help is highly appreciated!

You don't need the "full Confluent Platform" (KSQL, Control Center, included)
Zookeeper, Kafka, the REST proxy, and optionally the Schema Registry, should all only take up-to 4 GB of RAM total. If you don't even have that, then you'll need to go buy more RAM.
Note that Zookeeper and Kafka do not need to be running on the same machines as the Schema Registry or REST proxy, so if you have multiple machines, then you can save some resources that way as well.

To run one Kafka broker, zookeeper and schema registry, 1Gb is usually enough (in dev).
If you do not want for some reason to use Confluent REST proxy, you can write your own. It's quite straightforward: "on request, parse your incoming JSON, validate data, construct your message (in Avro?) and produce it to Kafka".
In this article, you'll find some configuration to press Kafka and ZK on heap memory:
Here you can read how to produce/consume messages with Python:
Hope these help!


Where to run Kafka stream processor?

I'm playing around with Apache Kafka a bit and have a functional multi-node cluster configured. I want to now introduce a Kafka Stream Processor. I'll just do something simple, but here's my question: Where do I run it? I know I can run it as a standalone jar on any machine, but is that the correct place to run it? Do I run it on a worker node? Can I run it via the distributed Kafka Connect worker API? I saw documentation that says multiple instances of the same processor will be aware of each Is that handled in the Java Kafka libraries behind the scenes?
Basically, how do I deploy a processor at scale? Presumably I wouldn't manually start 10 (or 100 or 1000) instances of the same processor.
Assume I am NOT using Kubernetes for this, please. Also assume I am using the community-only packages for the Confluent Platform.
Kafka Connect does not run Kafka Streams applications.
ksqlDB, on the other hand, offers an abstraction layer for Kafka Streams applications and offers an embedded Connect worker.
Otherwise, yes, you simply run the Kafka Streams JAR files, anywhere that has network access to your Kafka cluster. Ideally, not on the cluster itself as it'll be competing for RAM and disk space.
And none of the above require Confluent Platform.
how do I deploy a processor at scale? Presumably I wouldn't manually start 10 (or 100 or 1000) instances of the same processor.
Well, you can only have up-to the number of partitions for your processor's input topics active threads, which you control by and number of Streams processes.
If you're not deploying into Kubernetes, then you can still use other options like Puppet, Ansible, Supervisor, Hashicorp Nomad's Java Driver, etc.

Is there a sample example of opensource Kafka Cassandra connector configuration?

We are feeding events (logs) from Logstash to Apache Cassandra using the PerimeterX Cassandra Logstash out plugin. We have hit the max throughput of the plugin to be 8K as it opens only 2 connections to Cassandra whereas Cassandra has a much higher throughput (for consuming data) and we expecting a throughput on the actual system to be 30K or higher.
Here throughput is the capacity to consume the incoming events, which is x units/sec
Hence we planned to introduced Kafa in the middle which has a 45K throughput with Logstash output.
We are looking for help from this stack overflow post. We could configure the connector JAR as mentioned in the documentation. But there is no proper guide or current documentation is very confusing and goes in a loop with the configuration requirement. We don't see the plugin being called when Kafka is running with the target topic.
Some help on what is the correct configuration, or some documentation info on Cassandra keyspaces will be helpful.
After placing the JAR as mentioned in the documentation
We need to run Kafka connect which will show all the connectors configured.
To turn on Kafka connect run the below command (Kafka connect in distributed mode)
bin/ config/
Kafka connect has a REST API service available at http://localhost:8083
using this REST API you can configure your connectors.
To register the connector use the below API
POST /connectors – creates a new connector; the request body should be a JSON object containing a string name field and an object config field with the connector configuration parameters
The JSON sample to register the connector is present kafka-connect-cassandra-sink-1.4.0.tar.gz file.
The official-documentation provides a list with all endpoints.
More info available here

Kafka Connect instead of Flume Ingestion

I have been looking into the concepts and application of Kafka Connect, and I have even touched one project based on it in one of my intern. Now in my working scenario, now I am considering replacing the architecture of the our real time data ingestion platform which is currently based on flume -> Kafka with Kafka Connect and Kafka.
The reason why I am considering the switch can be concluded mainly into:
But if we use flume we need to install the agent on each remote machine which generates tons of workload for further devops, especially at the place where I am working where the authority of machines is managed in a rigid way that maintaining utilities on machines belonging to other departments.
Another reason for the consideration is that the machines' os environment varies, if we install flumes on a variety of machines , some machine with different os and jdks(I have met some with IBM jdk) just cannot make flume work well which in worst case can result in zero data ingestion.
It looks with Kafka Connect we can deploy it in a centralized way with our Kafka cluster so that the develops cost can go down. Beside, we can avoid installing flumes on machines belonging to others and avoid the risk of incompatible environment to ensure the stable ingestion of data from every remote machine.
Besides, the most ingestion scenario is only to ingest real-time-written log text file on remote machines(on linux and unix file system) into Kafka topics, that is it. So I won't need advanced connectors which is not supported in apache version of Kafka.
But I am not sure if I am understanding the usage or scenario of Kafka Connect the right way. Also I am wondering if Kafka Connect should be deployed on the same machine with the data source machines or if it is ok they resides on different machines. If they can be different then why flume requires the agent to be run on the same machine with the data source? So I wish someone more experienced can give me some lights on that.
Is Kafka Connect appropriate for ingesting data to Kafka? yes
Does Kafka Connect run local to the data source? only if it has to (e.g. reading a local file with Kafka Connect spooldir plug, FilePulse plugin, etc ).
Should you rip out something that works and replace it with Kafka Connect? not unless it's fixing a problem that you have
If you're not using either yet, should you use Kafka Connect instead of Flume? Quite possibly.
Learn more about Kafka Connect here:
For file ingest alone there's other tools too like Filebeat too

Alternative of Confluent REST Proxy

We have some applications which want to communicate with Kafka using REST API calls to both consume and produce messages. If we do not want to use Confluent REST Proxy, what are the options ?
One possible alternative is the Strimzi Kafka Bridge (
It's part of the broader Strimzi project about running Kafka on Kubernetes but work even running as standalone (when your Kafka cluster is on bare metal).
Of course it's open source and Apache 2.0 licensed.
the reason [not to use it] is monetary
You can use the Confluent REST Proxy with no software/licensing costs.
We are thinking of not buying any additional hardware for this new request and use existing configuration to meet the requirement.I am mostly interested to know if consumer/producer can be created to meet this requirement
You don't need extra hardware.
Pick an existing server with at least 2GB available of memory, and run kafka-rest-start and see how well it works
if we can create Rest-API calls which will be used by other applications to consume data from Kafka and push data to Kafka
That's the main purpose of REST Proxy, yes.

Kafka design questions - Kafka Connect vs. own consumer/producer

I need to understand when to use Kafka connect vs. own consumer/producer written by developer. We are getting Confluent Platform. Also to achieve fault tolerant design do we have to run the consumer/producer code ( jar file) from all the brokers ?
Kafka connect is typically used to connect external sources to Kafka i.e. to produce/consume to/from external sources from/to Kafka.
Anything that you can do with connector can be done through
Readily available Connectors only ease connecting external sources to Kafka without requiring the developer to write the low-level code.
Some points to remember..
If the source and sink are both the same Kafka cluster, Connector doesn't make sense
If you are doing changed-data-capture (CDC) from a database and push them to Kafka, you can use a Database source connector.
Resource constraints: Kafka connect is a separate process. So double check what you can trade-off between resources and ease of development.
If you are writing your own connector, it is well and good, unless someone has not already written it. If you are using third-party connectors, you need to check how well they are maintained and/or if support is available.
do we have to run the consumer/producer code ( jar file) from all the brokers ?
Don't run client code on the brokers. Let all memory and disk access be reserved for the broker process.
when to use Kafka connect vs. own consumer/produce
In my experience, these factors should be taken into consideration
You're planning on deploying and monitoring Kafka Connect anyway, and have the available resources to do so. Again, these don't run on the broker machines
You don't plan on changing the Connector code very often, because you must restart the whole connector JVM, which would be running other connectors that don't need restarted
You aren't able to integrate your own producer/consumer code into your existing applications or simply would rather have a simpler produce/consume loop
Having structured data not tied to the a particular binary format is preferred
Writing your own or using a community connector is well tested and configurable for your use cases
Connect has limited options for fault tolerance compared to the raw producer/consumer APIs, with the drawbacks of more code, depending on other libraries being used
Note: Confluent Platform is still the same Apache Kafka
Kafka Connect:
Kafka Connect is an open-source platform which basically contains two types: Sink and Source. The Kafka Connect is used to fetch/put data from/to a database to/from Kafka. The Kafka connect helps to use various other systems with Kafka. It also helps in tracking the changes (as mentioned in one of the answers Changed Data Capture (CDC) ) from DB's to Kafka. The system maintains the offset, in order to read/write data from that particular offset to Kafka or any other database.
For more details, you can refer to
The Producer/Consumer:
The Producer and Consumer are just an end system, which use the Kafka to produce and consume topics to/from Kafka. They are used where we want to broadcast the data to various consumers in a consumer group. This kind of system also maintains the lag and offsets of data for the consumer groups.
No, you don't need to run any producer/consumer while running Kafka connect. In case you want to check there is no data loss you can run the consumer while running Source Connectors. In case, of Sink Connectors, the already produced data can be verified in your database, by running their particular select queries.