Matlab: Replicate legend location's 'outside' scaling behavior - matlab

The preceding figure was produced by the following code:
hold on;
legend('foo', 'bar', 'location', 'eastoutside');
Re-scaling the width of the figure window causes the legend to maintain it's dimensions, while automatically scaling the plot's width to take up the extent of the remaining space:
When editing the position properties of the legend, the location property is changed to 'none', losing its unique scaling behavior.
Is there any way to reproduce the scaling behavior in such a way that I could resize/re-position the legend and/or use it for a non axis-legend relationship?

You can get the position of the axes and set the position of the legend relative to them. Here is an example:
x = -10:10;
fig = figure(1);
hL = legend('foo','bar');
% setting the position to the bottom right corner of the axes:
ax = gca;
hL.Position(1:2) = [sum(ax.Position([1 3]))-hL.Position(3) ax.Position(2)];
To keep the position updated upon resizing of the figure you can assign the position set to the SizeChangedFcn property of the figure:
fig.SizeChangedFcn = ...
'hL.Position(1:2) = [sum(ax.Position([1 3]))-hL.Position(3) ax.Position(2)];';
any resize of the figure will update the legend position.


How to have vertical x labels?

Soft Question: How to edit the x label in a bar graph to be vertical in Matlab?
Here is an example of the x-axis I would like to have
You have to get the handle of the axis first. Then you can edit the X axis Tick rotation property which is zero by default. By setting this parameter to 90, it will rotate your x-axis like your picture.
h = gca; % handle for current axis
h.XTickLabelRotation = 90; % rotate the tick label

Matlab plot marker label (NodeLabel) property

Is there any way to access and set plot marker property in Matlab?
In some case especially when user defined Marker is used (like the image below), it is necessary to set NodeLabel's position, font and color, to make it distinct in the figure.
g_obj = graph(sources, targets);
gp = plot(g_obj);
gp is a Matlab GraphPlot object and even though gp.NodeLabel is located in above layer, but has visual interference with user-defined markers' black lines and for example AL1, NAL1 and S6R2 are not readable.
Is there any way to set the Marker's font and position, using the gp itself?
I tried this solution which gives some flexibility, just copied the position and labels then used text instead of NodeLabel with more flexibility in color, font and etc.
gp = plot(graph_object,'Layout','layered');
labels = gp.NodeLabel;
gp.NodeLabel = [];
gp.LineStyle = 'none'; gp.Marker = 'none';
for i=1:length(labels)
text(gp.XData(i)+2, gp.YData(i)-5,labels(i),...
'fontsize', 8,'FontName', 'Arial', 'Color',[0 0.25 0],...
'FontWeight', 'bold');

Matlab second y-axis label does not have the same "padding" as the first

I made a plot and wanted to add a second y-axis with different units of measurement.
Here is what I did:
legend('0.5 atm','1 atm','2 atm','Location','best')
title('H_2S equilibrium partial pressure for different total pressures')
xlabel('Temperature (K)')
ylabel('Partial pressure (Pa)')
hold on
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1.Position,...
ax2.YLim = [0 0.25];
ax2.XTick = [];
ylabel(ax2,'Partial pressure (atm)') % label right y-axis
Here is the result:
How do I get the right label to have the same padding between itself and the edge of the figure as the left label and border?
(view the picture on a dark background to see what I mean)
I've just discovered export_fig.
It automatically crops extra space from plots and also adds nifty features, such as anti-aliasing!

How to have axes with different scales for an image in MatLab

I want to display an image with axes that has a different vertical and horizontal scale.
The following code gives me an image that is very long and thin. If I multiply the scale of the y-axis by 250 (commented line) I get the aspect ratio of the image I want but now the scale on the y-axis is wrong.
A = rand(100,400);
A_image = mat2gray(A);
A_image = imresize(A_image,2);
RI = imref2d(size(A_image),[0 800],[-1 1]);
%RI = imref2d(size(A_image),[0 800],250*[-1 1]);
xlabel('$t$ (s)');
ylabel('$z$ (m)');
Changing the world reference changes the axis labels to match that world reference, but you can always change the labels back.
xlabels=get(gca,'XTickLabels'); % //this will get your current labels;
nlabels=length(xlabels); % //Get how many we need
new_xlabels=linspace(-1,1,nlabels); % //Create a linear space at each label point
set(gca,'XTickLabels',new_xlabels); % //apply the new labels

How to shift position of colorbar in 3d plot

I'm displaying a 3D scatterplot, but label on the z-axis is getting overlapped by the color bar. How can I shift the color bar a desired number of pixels to the right or left?
You can use findobjto get an handle to the colorbar, query its current position via get and then modify according to your needs and change it using set:
h = findobj('tag', 'Colorbar');
pos = get(h, 'position')
% modify pos according to your needs
set(h, 'position', pos)