Images uploaded to S3 using MongoDB Stitch cannot be opened - mongodb

I'm using MongoDB Stitch to upload images using React Native, and I can successfully upload text and what appears to be an image, but I can't open the image from S3.
I'm using the following code from their example in a Stitch function (
exports = async function(key, body) {
const s3 ='MY_S3_SERVICE').s3("us-east-1");
try {
const result = await s3.PutObject({
"Bucket": "my_bucket_on_s3",
"Key": key,
"Body": body
return result;
} catch(error) {
From the client side I'm using react-native-image-picker to pick the image, and upload it like so:
handleSelectedImage = response => {
if (response.didCancel) {
console.log('User cancelled image picker')
} else if (response.error) {
console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error)
} else if (response.customButton) {
console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton)
} else {
const source = { uri: response.uri }
//const s = { uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + }
const imageId = generateUniqueId()
const fileType = '.jpg'
const key = imageId + fileType
uploadImage(key, source.uri).then(result => {
console.log('Did upload image!', result)
And the client side function that calls the Stitch function:
export const uploadImage = (key, body) => {
const client = Stitch.defaultAppClient
return client.callFunction('uploadImage', [key, body])
I can successfully upload what appears to be an image file to S3, but when i download the file, I can't open it:

You have to convert the base64 image to BSON.Binary:"MY_S3_SERVICE").s3("us-east-1").PutObject({
Bucket: "my_bucket_on_s3",
Key: "hello.jpg",
ContentType: "image/jpeg",
Body: BSON.Binary.fromBase64("iVBORw0KGgoAA... (rest of the base64 string)", 0),


How to fix "_filePath.includes is not a function. ( In '_filePath.includes('&'), '_filePath.includes' is undefined)" in React Native?

I am trying to upload an image to Firebase Storage, however, ref.putfile() leads to the error in the tittle
I didn't find any appropriate resource related to this error
This is where I get image from user:
openPicker = () => {
// More info on all the options is below in the API Reference... just some common use cases shown here
const options = {
title: 'Fotoğraf Seç',
storageOptions: {
skipBackup: true,
path: 'images',
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
console.log('Response = ', response);
if (response.didCancel) {
console.log('User cancelled image picker');
else if (response.error) {
console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error);
else if (response.customButton) {
console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
else {
const source = { uri: response.uri}
imageMessageSrc: source
Then I try to uploadImage to firebase
uploadImage = () => {
const filename = this.randIDGenerator// Generate unique name
.then(() => {
.catch((error) => {
When I delete putFile, error is gone, but obviously nothing happens to database.
Problem is related to the difference between filePath and fileUri. So, the solution is as below:
openPicker = () => {
const options = {
title: 'Fotoğraf Seç',
storageOptions: {
skipBackup: true,
path: 'images',
allowsEditing: true,
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
console.log('Response = ', response);
if (response.didCancel) {
console.log('User cancelled image picker');
else if (response.error) {
console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error);
else if (response.customButton) {
console.log('User tapped custom button: ',response.customButton);
else {
var path = '';
if (Platform.OS == 'ios')
path = response.uri.toString();
else {
path = response.path.toString();
const image= {
image: response.uri.toString(),
path: path
uploadImage = (image) => {;
I realized that Firebase Storage putFile function doesn't work with image uri, instead it should be supplied with filePath. I used uri of this image to directly show image on the screen even before upload.

How to upload multiple images into mongoDB?

I successfully coded to upload a image upload into the MongoDB. But now i want to upload multiple images into database. i used gridFS and multer. Can someone help me out to solve this problem
// Create Storage engine
var storage = new GridFsStorage({
url: Mongo,
file: (req, file) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
crypto.randomBytes(16, (err, buf) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
const filename = buf.toString('hex') + path.extname(file.originalname);
const fileInfo = {
filename: filename,
bucketName: 'uploads',
metadata: {'username': req.body.username}
const upload = multer({ storage });
// Check if Files
if(!files || files.length ===0)
} else{>{
if(file.contentType === 'image/jpeg' || file.contentType ===
file.isImage = true;
} else {
file.isImage = false;
// Display Image
app.get('/image/:filename', (req,res)=>{
gfs.files.findOne({filename: req.params.filename}, (req,file) =>{
// Check if File
if(!file || file.length ===0)
return res.status(404).json({
err: 'No files exist'
// Check if image
if(file.contentType === 'image/jpeg' || file.contentType === 'image/png')
// Read output tp browser
var readstream = gfs.createReadStream(file.filename);
err: 'Not an image'
i attached code section which is related to image upload. please check this code and give a good trick to upload multiple images to mongoDB

Angular 6 Downloading file from rest api

I have my REST API where I put my pdf file, now I want my angular app to download it on click via my web browser but I got HttpErrorResponse
"Unexpected token % in JSON at position 0"
"SyntaxError: Unexpected token % in JSON at position 0↵ at JSON.parse (
this is my endpoint
public ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource> getPdf2(){
Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("/pdf-sample.pdf");
long r = 0;
InputStream is=null;
try {
is = resource.getInputStream();
r = resource.contentLength();
} catch (IOException e) {
return ResponseEntity.ok().contentLength(r)
.body(new InputStreamResource(is));
this is my service
getPdf() {
this.authKey = localStorage.getItem('jwt_token');
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/pdf',
'Authorization' : this.authKey,
responseType : 'blob',
Accept : 'application/pdf',
observe : 'response'
return this.http
.get("http://localhost:9989/api/download/help/pdf2", httpOptions);
and invocation
.subscribe((resultBlob: Blob) => {
var downloadURL = URL.createObjectURL(resultBlob);;});
I resolved it as follows:
// header.component.ts
this.downloadService.getPdf().subscribe((data) => {
this.blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/pdf'});
var downloadURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = downloadURL; = "help.pdf";;
getPdf() {
const httpOptions = {
responseType: 'blob' as 'json')
return this.http.get(`${this.BASE_URL}/help/pdf`, httpOptions);
I solved the issue in this way (please note that I have merged multiple solutions found on stack overflow, but I cannot find the references. Feel free to add them in the comments).
In My service I have:
public getPDF(): Observable<Blob> {
//const options = { responseType: 'blob' }; there is no use of this
let uri = '/my/uri';
// this.http refers to HttpClient. Note here that you cannot use the generic get<Blob> as it does not compile: instead you "choose" the appropriate API in this way.
return this.http.get(uri, { responseType: 'blob' });
In the component, I have (this is the part merged from multiple answers):
public showPDF(fileName: string): void {
.subscribe(x => {
// It is necessary to create a new blob object with mime-type explicitly set
// otherwise only Chrome works like it should
var newBlob = new Blob([x], { type: "application/pdf" });
// IE doesn't allow using a blob object directly as link href
// instead it is necessary to use msSaveOrOpenBlob
if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(newBlob, fileName);
// For other browsers:
// Create a link pointing to the ObjectURL containing the blob.
const data = window.URL.createObjectURL(newBlob);
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = data; = fileName;
// this is necessary as does not work on the latest firefox
link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window }));
setTimeout(function () {
// For Firefox it is necessary to delay revoking the ObjectURL
}, 100);
The code above works in IE, Edge, Chrome and Firefox. However, I don't really like it, as my component is pulluted with browser specific stuff which will surely change over time.
For Angular 12+, I came up with something like this:
.subscribe((response) => {
const downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
downloadLink.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([response.body], { type: response.body.type }));
const contentDisposition = response.headers.get('content-disposition');
const fileName = contentDisposition.split(';')[1].split('filename')[1].split('=')[1].trim(); = fileName;;
The subscribe is on a simple get() with the Angular HttpClient.
// api-service.ts
getFileFromApi(url: string): Observable<HttpResponse<Blob>> {
return this.httpClient.get<Blob>(this.baseApiUrl + url, { observe: 'response', responseType: 'blob' as 'json'});
You can do it with angular directives:
selector: '[downloadInvoice]',
exportAs: 'downloadInvoice',
export class DownloadInvoiceDirective implements OnDestroy {
#Input() orderNumber: string;
private destroy$: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
_loading = false;
constructor(private ref: ElementRef, private api: Api) {}
onClick(): void {
this._loading = true;
map(response => new Blob([response], { type: 'application/pdf' })),
.subscribe((pdf: Blob) => {
this.ref.nativeElement.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(pdf);;
// your loading custom class
#HostBinding('class.btn-loading') get loading() {
return this._loading;
ngOnDestroy(): void {
In the template:
Show invoice
My answer is based on #Yennefer's, but I wanted to use the file name from the server since I didn't have it in my FE. I used the Content-Disposition header to transmit this, since that is what the browser uses for a direct download.
First, I needed access to the headers from the request (notice the get method options object):
public getFile(): Observable<HttpResponse<Blob>> {
let uri = '/my/uri';
return this.http.get(uri, { responseType: 'blob', observe: 'response' });
Next, I needed to extract the file name from the header.
public getFileName(res: HttpResponse<any>): string {
const disposition = res.headers.get('Content-Disposition');
if (!disposition) {
// either the disposition was not sent, or is not accessible
// (see CORS Access-Control-Expose-Headers)
return null;
const utf8FilenameRegex = /filename\*=UTF-8''([\w%\-\.]+)(?:; |$)/;
const asciiFilenameRegex = /filename=(["'])(.*?[^\\])\1(?:; |$)/;
let fileName: string = null;
if (utf8FilenameRegex.test(disposition)) {
fileName = decodeURIComponent(utf8FilenameRegex.exec(disposition)[1]);
} else {
const matches = asciiFilenameRegex.exec(disposition);
if (matches != null && matches[2]) {
fileName = matches[2];
return fileName;
This method checks for both ascii and utf-8 encoded file names, prefering utf-8.
Once I have the file name, I can update the download property of the link object (in #Yennifer's answer, that's the lines = 'FileName.ext' and window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(newBlob, 'FileName.ext');)
A couple of notes on this code:
Content-Disposition is not in the default CORS whitelist, so it may not be accessible from the response object based on the your server's configuration. If this is the case, in the response server, set the header Access-Control-Expose-Headers to include Content-Disposition.
Some browsers will further clean up file names. My version of chrome seems to replace : and " with underscores. I'm sure there are others but that's out of scope.
//Step: 1
//Base Service
this.getPDF() {
return this.http.get(environment.baseUrl + apiUrl, {
responseType: 'blob',
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Authorization': localStorage.getItem('AccessToken') || ''
//Step: 2
getReceipt() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
// {
const apiName = 'js/getReceipt/type/10/id/2';
this.getPDF(apiName).subscribe((data) => {
if (data !== null && data !== undefined) {
} else {
}, (error) => {
console.log('ERROR STATUS', error.status);
} catch (error) {
//Step 3:
getReceipt().subscribe((respect: any) => {
var downloadURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
var link = document.createElement(‘a’);
link.href = downloadURL; = “sample.pdf";;
This also works in IE and Chrome, almost the same answer only for other browsers the answer is a bit shorter.
getPdf(url: string): void {
this.invoiceService.getPdf(url).subscribe(response => {
// It is necessary to create a new blob object with mime-type explicitly set
// otherwise only Chrome works like it should
const newBlob = new Blob([(response)], { type: 'application/pdf' });
// IE doesn't allow using a blob object directly as link href
// instead it is necessary to use msSaveOrOpenBlob
if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
// For other browsers:
// Create a link pointing to the ObjectURL containing the blob.
const downloadURL = URL.createObjectURL(newBlob);;

How to translate superagent to axios?

I have some upload working for superagent. It involves posting to an api for cloudinary. My question is how do I do the same thing with axios. I'm not sure what superagent.attach and superagent.field relate to in axios.
Basically when I make the post request I need to attach all these fields to the request or else I get bad request and I want to do this in axios not superagent as I am switching over to axios.
Here are all the params:
const image = files[0];
const cloudName = 'tbaustin';
const url = `${cloudName}/image/upload`;
const timestamp =;
const uploadPreset = 'cnh7rzwp';
const paramsStr = `timestamp=${timestamp}&upload_preset=${uploadPreset}ORor-6scjYwQGpNBvMW2HGMkc8k`;
const signature = sha1(paramsStr);
const params = {
'api_key': '177287448318217',
'timestamp': timestamp,
'upload_preset': uploadPreset,
'signature': signature
Here is the superagent post request:
let uploadRequest =
uploadRequest.attach('file', image);
Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => {
uploadRequest.field(key, params[key]);
uploadRequest.end((err, res) => {
if(err) {
You would need to use FromData as follows:
var url = `${cloudName}/upload`;
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("upload_preset", unsignedUploadPreset);
fd.append("tags", "browser_upload"); // Optional - add tag for image admin in Cloudinary
fd.append("signature", signature);
fd.append("file", file);
const config = {
headers: { "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" },
onUploadProgress: function(progressEvent) {
// Do something with the native progress event
};, fd, config)
.then(function (res) {
// File uploaded successfully
.catch(function (err) {
console.error('err', err);
See full example here

Download zip file using Angular

It has been hours now, since I am trying to figure out how to download a zip file using Angular.
The file downloaded is smaller than the original file. I followed this link How do I download a file with Angular2.
I am not simply using the <a> tag for the download for authentication reason.
downloadfile(filePath: string){
return this.http
.get( URL_API_REST + 'downloadMaj?filePath='+ filePath)
.map(res => new Blob([res], {type: 'application/zip'}))
downloadfileComponent(filePath: string){
.subscribe(data => this.getZipFile(data)),
error => console.log("Error downloading the file."),
() => console.log('Completed file download.');
getZipFile(data: any){
var a: any = document.createElement("a");
document.body.appendChild(a); = "display: none";
var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'application/zip' });
var url= window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.href = url; = "";;
rest api
public void downloadMaj(#RequestParam(value = "filePath") String filePath, HttpServletResponse response) {
File fichierZip = new File(filePath);
try {
System.out.println("nom du fichier:" + fichierZip.getName());
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fichierZip);
response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+fichierZip.getName());
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");, response.getOutputStream());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Anyone could tell why all the file is not downloaded?
downloadfile(filePath: string) {
return this.http
.get( URL_API_REST + 'download?filePath=' + filePath, {responseType: ResponseContentType.ArrayBuffer})
.map(res => res)
private getZipFile(data: any) {
const blob = new Blob([data['_body']], { type: 'application/zip' });
const a: any = document.createElement('a');
document.body.appendChild(a); = 'display: none';
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.href = url; =;;
In responseType you need to assign a string, in this case, is arraybuffer (Angular 5+)
downloadFile(filename: string) {
return this.http.get(URL_API_REST + 'download?filename=' + filename, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
We can do a window to download directly our file using next code:
this.myService.downloadFile(filename).subscribe(data => {
const blob = new Blob([data], {
type: 'application/zip'
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);;
There are multiple plugins you'll need to get zip download working using angular:
This plugin will bundle Blob.js and FileSaver.js
follow all instructions now just add dependencies on your controller and module.
.module('fileSaverExample', ['ngFileSaver'])
.controller('ExampleCtrl', ['FileSaver', 'Blob', ExampleCtrl]);
add JSZip and JSZipUtils
Include files:jszip.js, jszip-utils.js, angular-file-saver.bundle.js
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
// when everything has been downloaded, we can trigger the dl
zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}).then(function (blob) { // 1) generate the zip file
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, ""); // 2) trigger the download
}, function (err) {
console.log('err: '+ err);
In Angular there is no need of jsZip-util ,you can simple make an service call with header options.
public zipAndDownload(url): Observable<any> {
const options:any = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({'Content-Type': 'file type of an particular document'}),
withCredentials: true,
return this.http.get<Content>(url,options);
I use FileSaver
to save files on my local machine. It accepts either blob or string data and saves the file with the given/default name. From the official document:
function FileSaver.saveAs(data: string | Blob, filename?: string, options?: FileSaver.FileSaverOptions): void
downloadFile() {
return this.http.get(url, { params, responseType: 'arraybuffer', observe: 'response' }).pipe(
map(res => res)
this.downloadService.downloadFile().subscribe((response: HttpResponse<any>) => {
if(response.body) {
let fileName = "";
const cDisposition: string = response.headers.get('content-disposition');
if (cDisposition && cDisposition.indexOf(';filename=') > -1) {
fileName = cDisposition.split(';filename=')[1];
const data = new Blob([new Uint8Array(response.body)], {
type: 'application/octet-stream'
FileSaver.saveAs(data, fileName);