Who have to screencast for Facebook approval? - facebook

I'm using Facebook api to post news on my page.
The process is as follow :
Edit the news on my website
Put the news on a pool, waiting to be published on my Facebook page
A cron is runing and take one news from the pool and post it on my Facebook page.
I'm not using any Facebook's button, everything is done in the background.
So do I have to make a screencast for Facebook approval ? (If yes I really don't know how to make it)
Someone can help please ?

So do i have to make a screencast for Facebook approval ?
In general, that depends - on whether you are able to grant all necessary permissions, when your app is in “live” mode.
You are going to need manage_pages and publish_pages permissions for this. For newer apps, Facebook does not allow to grant publish_pages any more, when the app is “live”, but the permission has not been approved yet in review - even for users with a role in the app.
So you will need to submit for review and get this approved, otherwise you won’t be able to grant this permission in live mode. (Your app needs to be in live mode; in dev mode all content created through it would only be visible to people with a role in the app, but hidden from normal users - not what you want.)
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/server-to-server-apps gives instructions on how to submit an app that does not have a normal, public facing login implementation.
Make sure to describe to them very clearly that this app is not for public use.


Explicit consent for Facebook autoposting

Recently, I have a project that users can play a mini-game on a website.
After playing the game, there is a form that required the users to fill-in with the button "submit and share to Facebook".
The logic behind the button is that, it will save the form data to database and check if the user grant the permission Publish Action, if so, it will do the posting action to the user's Facebook timeline.
The reason we did not use Feed or Share dialog is that our clients worry that the users will share some improper content, we will need to track the post ID and delete it if necessary.
Today the Facebook app is being restricted as it violated the Facebook Platform Policies.
I wonder the button "submit and share to Facebook" does not mean obtain their permission each time?? If so, how should I change the flow to fit the Facebook policy?
Thanks in advance
Your app appears to be posting without explicit consent and creating a
negative experience on Facebook. As a reminder, when a person grants
your app write permissions this is a technical grant enabling your app
to create custom share options. After people grant your app a write
permission, you must still obtain their permission each time your app
allows them to share to Facebook. In order for us to consider your
appeal, your app will need to stop autoposting. Below you'll find
information related to the app you want to appeal. Please describe
what your app does and how it distributes content via Facebook Social
Channels in the 'Appeal Message' section to help us evaluate your

Facebook API for educational purposes

I want to use the facebook Login for a school project.
Apart from his/her public profile, I also need to get his/her likes.
The only way facebook lets you do that, is by submitting a review form in which I have to enter information that I don't know. I can't even fill out the URL of my website since I only host it locally.
Is there a way that you can access those permissions without having to submit those review forms for educational purposes?
It's possible to use the extended permissions even without Login Review, but only if
People listed in the Roles section of your App Dashboard - including Admins, Developers and Testers - can grant any permission without review. If only people in these Roles will use your app, you don't need to submit it for Login Review.

Facebook app: How to test unapproved features

Hi I try to make the "publish_actions" feature of my web app approved but I cannot get it approved cause facebook approval system keeps asking me to include screenshot of working features.
However, I cannot provide such screenshot because the "publish_actions" feature is not approved yet.
How is it called? A catch 22 or an Chicken-Egg-dilema? Anyways...
Where should I start?
(I already tried with a test user and a developper account, both in live or developper mode)
Thanks to anyone that can help
You can create test users, or add users as "Testers" or above in your App's "Roles" tab in the developer area of Facebook.
If your app is interacting with a test user or any user with an assigned role in your app, it may request permissions that have not been granted yet by Facebook for public use. There's no trick or workaround; just simply request the permissions like you normally would for any other user.

Test Facebook permissions not yet granted

Is there a way for me to test permissions that are not yet granted to my app by Facebook like the "user_status" permission? I need to test "user_status" for a future app that is not yet in develop since I need to prove that what the client wants is possible.
As long as you are testing with an app admin/tester/developer, everything should work, even if the app didn't pass the facebook Review yet.
However, in order to help you craft your Facebook Login experience, your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
Note: People who are listed in your app's Roles tab will have access to extended permissions without going through review (e.g. publish_actions or manage_pages). For example, if you use the Facebook Plugin for Wordpress to publish your blog posts to your Facebook Page or Profile, you do not need to submit for review so long as all your publishers are listed in your app's Roles tab.
Also, if you're the developer of an app and are the only person using it, then your app doesn't need to go through review. Since you're the developer, all app capabilities should be available. You will still need to take your app out of developer mode, but you should be able to do that without going through review.

Controlling Facebook oauth login experience

I'm building a Facebbook application that uses the Facebook oauth login. I see some existing sites that have a single-page experience that combines application authorization with asking for permissions. But when I build my application, I'm seeing a two-page authorization dialog: application authorization and basic permissions come on the first screen, the second screen asks for additional permissions.
I'd like to get to a single-screen dialog, similar to the one shown on this page:
but that's not what I'm seeing, even though I use the URL from that page, and even though I use the same Oauth redirect URL that I see in another app that shows the dialog as I want it.
Anyone have any ideas on how to have the older app authentication dialog?
Short answer: that's the way it works now. Facebook changed things. Go figure.
Facebook has changed the way the auth dialog works. It seems like they are trying to discourage use of publish_stream and other permissions and make it easier for users to grant the open graph publish_actions permission.
From the recent blog post:
Added functionality to the publish_actions permission
When we turn on the new auth dialog, we will also add some of the most frequently requested permissions to publish_actions to make the permission more robust and improve conversion. publish_actions now includes the ability to post status updates on the authenticated user’s own timeline, tag photos, publish photos and videos. Other actions such as posting to a friend's timeline still require the use of publish_stream.
Adding these common permissions to publish_actions eliminates the need for extended permissions and the second screen of the auth dialog for the majority of timeline apps built with the Open Graph. This makes the auth process clearer to new users and should improve conversion rates. Additionally, approved Open Graph actions are no longer required for the publish_actions permission. Apps should only ask for the stream_publish permission if they absolutely need functionality not present in publish_actions.
See this blog post for full details and references: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/03/02/enhanced-auth-dialog-and-updates-to-permissions/
Subscribing to the Facebook devleoper blog and monitoring the platform roadmap at https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/ are good ways to see these changes coming.