Protractor .npm-global Error: more than one config file specified - protractor

Tried everything suggested online. But still getting the error.
protractor --version
Version 5.4.2
npm -version
protractor Testfiles/Conf.js —-suite cti
Error: Error: more than one config file specified
at /Users/m/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/protractor/built/cli.js:166:15
at /Users/m/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/optimist/index.js:307:21
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at parseArgs (/Users/m/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/optimist/index.js:305:16)


Vscode : Command 'CMake: Configure' resulted in an error (No usable generator found)

When I am configuring the CMake for vscode,I encounter a very puzzling problem.I follow the steps of Microsoft's vscode official documentation to configure CMake for vscode,and everything is good.I can finish the 'F5' debugging operation and running the project in the vscode.
However,later while configuring vscode for cmake with "cmake.generator": "Ninja" and using the CMake:Configure command, vscode generates an error——
Unable to determine what CMake generator to use. Please install or configure a preferred generator, or update settings. json, your Kit configuration or Path variable
The following output[1] of the CMake Tools Extension indicated that it tried to find the new CMake generator but not found.
Command 'CMAKE:Configure' result in an error (No usable generator found.)
[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Unhandled Promise rejection: configure Error: No usable generator found.
I read the CMake official doucument,searched the problem in google but I can't find out why.
[1] the detailed error prompts

Not able to compile swift on Ubuntu 18.04

I installed swift toolchain using instructions from While compiling helloworld code I am getting below error.
warning: 'helloworld': failed loading cached manifest for 'helloworld': disk I/O error
error: 'helloworld': Invalid manifest
<unknown>:0: error: unable to open output file '/usr2/xyz/.cache/clang/ModuleCache/IJ5GUC7XMAO5/SwiftShims-1TLN9ZL6HKTHR.pcm': 'No such file or directory'
<unknown>:0: error: could not build C module 'SwiftShims'
I tried removing '/usr2/xyz/.cache/clang/ModuleCache', but did not work. Please help in resolving this issue.

IONIC 5 ionic serve produces Error: NGCC failed

I created a new ionic 5 project by using
ionic start myApp blank
When I run the project in browser using ionic serve it has given the following error
Error: NGCC failed
I figured out the problem my self
The problem was when I was installing the latest npm packages
it was installing the typescript: 4.0.2 and thats why the NGCC error
run the following command and it will work,
npm i typescript#">=3.9.2 <4.0.0”
Or in future some one faces this error this is about the typescript version so just install the valid typescript and you will fix the ngcc error

protoc-gen-dart: Plugin failed with status code 127

I am trying to use protobuf for dart but I am consistently getting following error
--dart_out: protoc-gen-dart: Plugin failed with status code 127.
I tried ./pub global activate protoc_plugin but that didn't help.
echo $PATH
I am getting an error when I am running
protoc --dart_out=./lib/gen ./protos/test-event.proto
/Users/nk/.pub-cache/bin/protoc-gen-dart: line 8: dart: command not found
--dart_out: protoc-gen-dart: Plugin failed with status code 127.
protoc --version
libprotoc 3.13.0
I found the issue was with dart not set in environment variable.
Adding dart's path to ./zshrc or .profile will solve the issue
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/nk/projects/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin"

Protractor/webdriver-manager error: "Cannot get automation extension"

I am running protractor tests, and within the last couple days started getting this error:
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot get automation extension
from unknown error: page could not be found: chrome extension://aapnijgdinlhnhlmodcfapnahmbfebeb/_generated_background_page.html
After some research, I tried updating protractor but I was already on the latest version (5.1.1). I checked to see if my chromedriver and chrome version are compatible and it looks like they are. I also updated my webdriver-manage to 12.0.4 but I still have the same problem.
-My chrome version is: 57.0.2987.133 (Official Build) (64-bit)
-protractor is: 5.1.1
-webdriver-manager is: 12.0.4
-chromedriver version: 2.2.6
According to the comment from "JimmyKane" installing chromedriver v2.28 and removing the browser.manage().window().setSize() fixed it.