How to negate class selector in Cytoscape.js? - class

I want to select all elements that do not have the class "myclass". How can I do that in Cytoscape.js?
According to, "[^name] Matches elements if the specified data attribute is not defined", however a class is not a data attribute and ^.myclass does not work, neither does :not(.myclass).
The error is The selector :not(.myclass) is invalid.
Is there a way to negate classes?

If you want to get the negative class selector, you can do this:
// in more detail
var allElements = cy.elements(); // get all elements
var negators = cy.$('.yourClass'); // get all elements with the class to negate
var result = allElements.not(negators); // gets the difference between the two collections

If you really want to achieve this by using selectors only, then you might add a data field to each element which has myclass (this can be done while adding the class), and then use [^myclass]


How to write to an Element in a Set?

With arrays you can use a subscript to access Array Elements directly. You can read or write to them. With Sets I am not sure of a way to write its Elements.
For example, if I access a set element matching a condition I'm only able to read the element. It is passed by copy and I can't therefore write to the original.
For example:
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
)?.cells.append(value: addValue)
// ERROR: Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value
You can't just change things inside a set, because of how a (hash) set works. Changing them would possibly change their hash value, making the set into an invalid state.
Therefore, you would have to take the thing you want to change out of the set, change it, then put it back.
if var thing = columns.first(
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
}) {
thing.cells.append(value: addValue)
If the == operator on Column doesn't care about cells (i.e. adding cells to a column doesn't suddenly make two originally equal columns unequal and vice versa), then you could use update instead:
if var thing = columns.first(
where: {
$0.header.last == Character(String(i))
}) {
thing.cells.append(value: addValue)
As you can see, it's quite a lot of work, so maybe sets aren't a suitable data structure to use in this situation. Have you considered using an array instead? :)
private var _columns: [Column]
public var columns : [Column] {
get { _columns }
set { _columns = Array(Set(newValue)) }
// or any other way to remove duplicate as described here:
You are getting the error because columns might be a set of struct. So columns.first will give you an immutable value. If you were to use a class, you will get a mutable result from columns.first and your code will work as expected.
Otherwise, you will have to do as explained by #Sweeper in his answer.

How to initialize an array of classes in kotlin?

I get an error when I put the type and size of an array of classes
I have tried:
fun main(args :Array<String>) {
class modul() {
var nommodul: String? = null
var coeff: Int? = null
var note: Int? = null
var releve
class notes() {
var releve: array<modul>(10){""} here the erreur
First of all, your code has several errors. This might be an MCVE and/or copy-paste issue, but I need to address these before I get started on the arrays.
var releve before the notes class isn't allowed. You don't assign it, you don't declare a type, and the compiler will complain if you copy-paste the code from your question.
Second, the array var itself: Array is upper-case, and initialization is separate. This would be more valid (note that this still does not work - the solution for that comes later in this answer):
var releve: Array<modul> = Array(10) {...}
// or
var releve = Array<modul>(10) {...}
And the last thing before I start on the array itself: please read the language conventions, especially the naming ones. Your classes should all start with an upper-case letter.
Kotlin arrays are quite different from Java arrays in many ways, but the most notable one being that direct array initialization also requires an initializer.
The brackets are expected to create a new instance, which you don't. You create a String, which isn't, in your case, a modul.
There are several ways to fix this depending on how you want to do this.
If you have instances you want to add to the array, you can use arrayOf:
arrayOf(modulInstance, modulInstance2, ...)
If you want to create them directly, you can use your approach:
var releve = Array(10) { modul() }
A note about both of these: because of the initialization, you get automatic type inference and don't need to explicitly declare <modul>
If you want Java-style arrays, you need an array of nulls.
There's two ways to do this:
var releve = arrayOfNulls<modul>(10)
// or
var releve = Array<modul?>(10) { null }
I highly recommend the first one, because it's cleaner. I'm not sure if there's a difference performance-wise though.
Note that this does infer a nullable type to the array, but it lets you work with arrays in a similar way to Java. Initialization from this point is just like Java: releve[i] = modul(). This approach is mostly useful if you have arguments you want to add to each of the classes and you need to do so manually. Using the manual initializers also provides you with an index (see the documentation) which you can use while initializing.
Note that if you're using a for loop to initialize, you can use Array(10) { YourClass() } as well, and use the supplied index if you need any index-sensitive information, such as function arguments. There's of course nothing wrong with using a for loop, but it can be cleaner.
Further reading
here some example of kotlin array initialization:
array of Library Method
val strings = arrayOf("January", "February", "March")
Primitive Arrays
val numbers: IntArray = intArrayOf(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Late Initialization with Indices
val array = arrayOfNulls<Number>(5)
for (i in array.indices) {
array[i] = i * i
See Kotlin - Basic Types for details

How to sort a realm Results based on a boolean property

I have tried the sorting with custom pattern. But as it returns an array. It's not helpful.
As I need the return type to be Results.
Ex: Consider following:
class A:Object {
dynamic var name: String = "abc"
dynamic var isStrong: Bool = false
Now how can I sort the above which will produce Results
I did try
realm.objects(a.self).sorted({ (o1, o2) -> Bool in
return o1.isStrong && !o2.isStrong
This produces a sorted array. But I need a realmResults object.
Any kind of help is apreiciated.
Thank you. :)
You can use a bool property for sorting a Results instance, but you cannot implement a custom sort function that would return Results. Results only supports sorting based on instance properties of the class or based on several instance properties if you add them to a SortDescriptor.
Even though you cannot define custom sorting logic, it seems that your current logic only implements a descending sort based on a single bool property, so you can achieve the same results using Realm's built in sorted(byKeyPath:,ascending:) method.
realm.objects(A.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "isStrong",ascending: false)

Delete an element in a set by name

I have the following set:
class Element (var Name:String, var Description: String)
var MoreElement: Set[Element] = Set(E1, E2, E3, ...)
How do I delete an Element in a set MoreElement by name.
I found this solution:
MoreElement -= (MoreElement find (_.Name == "nameOfElementToRemove")).get
but I would not use the get, because if you does not find the item is thrown an exception, however I do not want no exception.
MoreElement = MoreElement filterNot (_.Name == "nameOfElementToRemove")
The direct answer to you question is to use filter, meaning something like:
moreElements = moreElements.filter( != "nameOfElementToRemove")
Note this will scan the set. If you want a set indexed by name, you should really use a Map.
However, some caveats:
A set is a collection of unique elements. In order to compare elements in the set, it uses the contained type's equality operator. In your case, the Element class needs to define the 'equals' method (and hashCode) so the set can effectively compare instances.
In addition, you need to keep in mind that Set is an immutable class in Scala, so in your example you're really creating a new set, despite using an operator that appears to modify the existing set.
If you want a mutable set, you need to import scala.collection.mutable.Set.

Is there a generic way of setting field values in mapper from list of values?

Is there a way of creating method for setting the value in the Model's fields without setting the values explicitly like -
ModelName.create.fieldName1("value").fieldName2("value2") and so on
Can we iterate through all available fields of that model and set their values form some list-of-values ?
something like ...
Model.allFields.foreach((fld)=> {
fld.set(valueList(indx)); indx+=1
Actually I want to set values into all models using some generic method that works for all models.
According to my comment:
val list = List(...)
val record = YourRecordClass.createRecord {case(field,value) => field.setFromAny(value)}