Is there a shortcut to close source tabs in the devtools debugger? - google-chrome-devtools

As pictured here, I'm wondering if there is a keyboard shortcut to close these tabs either one by one or in bulk

AltW or OptW (Mac) to close the active tab. See Sources panel keyboard shortcuts.
CtrlShiftP or ⌘ShiftP then type clo and it'll show you "Close All" command.
Right-click a tab name > select Close all.


How to edit/reassign Chrome Devtools keyboard shortcuts?

There's supposed to be an edit button for each shortcut in devtools. It was or still is an experimental flag to show the edit buttons. I am not seeing this option in the flags section. The information I found so far seems outdated or not applicable.
How does one edit the debugger shortcuts? In particular, I want to reassign the F8 button for resuming debugging to F5.
Enable "Enable keyboard shortcut editor" in the Experiments, using Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P > Show Experiments> Reload DevTools.
Press Cmd+Shift+P or Ctrl+Shift+P to launch the Command Menu > Type "Shortcuts" > Press Enter.
Click the "Edit" icon next to the shortcut. Apply the shortcut and Save.
More info:

Keyboard shortcut for Close all tabs except current working tab

When working with multiple tabs what is the keyboard shortcut to close all other tabs excpet the current tab. There is way to do this from right clicking tab and clicking "Close Others"
Close Others from clicking
As of 2023 there is no need for an additional macro.
Press: ctrl + k + ctrl + s to open Keyboard Shortcuts, search for Close Other View: Close Other Editors in Group -> bind it to whatever you want. I liked my RStudio shortcut of ctrl+shift+alt+w
PS: there are also other interesting options like close all saved other tabs

How to close the search toggle for vscode?

This is an extremely stupid question... but how do I close/toggle the search box in vscode?
I hit [ cmd + shift + f ] to do a global search, but then I need to reach for my mouse to actually close the box to allow for more screen space.
I've searched through their issues, and there seems to be another user in the past who also experienced something similar --> , but the solution provided of cmd - b only works for closing the sidebar.
My developer speed has drastically dropped since this issue, and I'm certain there's been a fix.
Please help. :(
**added in picture here -->
Press CTRL + SHIFT + E. It will switch to and focus the explorer.
Your search results are appearing in the panel, not the sidebar.
To toggle the panel:
pc/mac: ctrl + ` (backtick)
mac: ⌘ + J
However, if you want your search results to appear in the sidebar (which I think is the default behavior), then add this line to your settings:
"search.location": "sidebar"
Similar to what Vijey has mentioned, you can use the Toggle Panel keyboard shortcut which will do the job for me. On A mac the shortcut is
⌘ Command+J
I'm coming from sublime where the search results appear in a new tab - making it much easier to close the results (just like closing an other tab)
The best way to get rid of the search panel is by doing the following: -
On a windows computer, press and hold CTRL + Q
A window will then pop up, you can then release Q when the window pops up but you still have to hold down the CTRL key to keep the pop up open
3.Now use your mouse to click on the option called explorer and the search menu is now gone
There is no keyboard shortcut to close the search panel. However, you can create a shortcut yourself as shown in the attached image.
1) Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.
2) Search for the command 'Close Panel' and set it to your convenient keyboard shortcut.
In the image below, I set it to Ctrl+F8.
If the search box displays in the sidebar (see Amr Noman's answer on how to set that up if it isn't already), How do you close the search box and go back to your project folders? In this case, there is no tab you can close with a click of the mouse. One way is to set up a keymap shortcut, e.g.
"key": "cmd+'",
"command": "workbench.files.action.showActiveFileInExplorer"
You can figure this out by going to Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts and searching for sidebar. One of the hits is described as "File: Reveal Active File in Side Bar"
More generally, any action that hides your project folder view in the sidebar can be cancelled by this shortcut.

How do you close a tab in Dr Racket

I keep accidently hitting ctrl-t in Doctor Racket, and then when it opens a new tab, the only way I know how to get rid of the unwanted new tab is by closing everything and reopening the files I want to edit.
Is there a better way?
While the tab you want to close is active, you can either select "File -> Close" in the menu or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W to close it.
Yes. In the file menu you have the option called "Close" It will only close the active window so if there are more tabs only the active one will be closed.
You can do the shortcut instead, which is CTRL+w for a Windows or Linux system while its CMD+w on MacOS. If you see in the menu there are hints on these shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcut to cycle between opened editors in vscode

What is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+` actually meant to do?
According to, you can use Ctrl+` to "Cycle Between Opened Editors".
Viewing the vscode Explorer, I can see that there are several "working files", but pressing Ctrl+` does nothing.
I miss being able to use the "standard" keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F6.
(Note: I found that Ctrl+Tab does the job!)
Another problem with Ctrl+` is that the symbol is not easily accessible on, for example, a Norwegian keyboard layout. What am I missing here?
When you open multiple documents side by side (Ctrl+Click in file list), this shortcut lets you switch between them.