I realized there are many iterations of this questions. But I can't seem to understand the answer correctly.
We have secured our rabbitmq and rest endpoints with a oauth2 spring server similar to this post. But it doesn't have all of the features we need and want. So we would like to use Keycloak. I have been successful with securing the rest endpoint by just going to the new version of spring security 5.1 and specifing the security.oauth2.resource.jwk.key-set-uri and setting the necessary dependencies and configuration.
While trying to secure the RabbitMQ, I have been running into problems checking the bearer token from the message header because the keycloak jwks endpoint isn't returning the true RSA public key.
RabbitMQ uses the CustomMessageListenerContainer to get the token from the message header and uses the DefaultTokenServices to check the token.
From my understanding, the endpoint that responds with the key is https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect/certs
Doing a HttpGet on this endpoint, I get a response that looks like the following
"keys": [{
"kid": "7JUbcl_96GNk2zNh4MAORuEz3YBuprXilmTXjm0gmRE",
"kty": "RSA",
"alg": "RS256",
"use": "sig",
"n": "nE9gEtzZvV_XisnAY8Hung399hwBM_eykZ9J57euboEsKra8JvDmE6w7SSrk-aTVjdNpjdzOyrFd4V7tFqev1vVJu8MJGIyQlbPv07MTsgYE5EPM4DxdQ7H6_f3vQjq0hznkFvC-hyCqUhxPTXM5NgvH86OekL2C170xnd50RLWw8FbrprP2oRjgBnXMAif1Dd8kwbKKgf5m3Ou0yTVGfsCRG1_LSj6gIEFglxNHvGz0RejoQql0rGMxcW3MzCvc-inF3FCafQTrG5eWHqp5xXEeMHz0JosQ7BcT8MVp9lHT_utiazhQ1uKZEb4uoYOyy6mDDkx-wExpZkOx76bk_Yu-N25ljY18hNllnV_8gVMkX46_vcc-eN3DRZGNJ-Asd_sZrjbXbAvBbKwVxZeOTaXiUdvl8O0G5xX2xPnS_WA_1U4b_V1t28WtnX4bqGlOejW2kkjLvNrpfQ5fnvLjkl9I2B16Mbh9nS0LJD0RR-AkBsv3rKEnMyEkW9UsfgYKLFKuH32x_CXi9uyvNDas_q8WS3QvYwAGEMRO_4uICDAqupCVb1Jcs9dvd1w-tUfj5MQOXB-srnQYf5DbFENTNM1PK390dIjdLJh4k2efCJ21I1kYw2Qr9lHI4X2peTinViaoOykykJiol6LMujUcfqaZ1qPKDy_UnpAwGg9NyFU",
"e": "AQAB"
From my understanding, the field with key "n" is supposed to be an RSA256 key. Adding it to a RSAVerifier eventually gets an error of "Caused by: org.springframework.security.jwt.codec.InvalidBase64CharacterException: Bad Base64 input character decimal 95 in array position 2."
However, if I login to keycloak admin page and go into the realm settings-> keys and click the public key, a popup shows the public key minus the "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" headers and footers. Hard coding this enables everything to work.
Is the key encoded?
I've tried doing a Base64Utils.decodeFromUrlSafeString and a Base64Utils.decodeFromString. The first returning something smaller and doesn't lool like the key and the later creating an Illegal argument exception Illegal base64 character 5f.
The n being returned is the modulous and e is the public exponent of the public key. But how does one get the actual key string?
The keys are also directly on https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm, in a format directly exploitable with your code:
"realm": "my-realm",
"public_key": "MIIBI...",
"token-service": "https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect",
"account-service": "https://keycloak-server/auth/realms/my-realm/account",
"tokens-not-before": 0
I'll found it also on:
open admin console
choose realm
choose Realm Settings
open tab 'Keys'
open tab 'active'
in the column 'Public keys' press 'Public Key
a popup with the public key appears.
There is toIntegerBytes before base64 encode, so it is not just base64 decode. Try:
BigInteger modulus = new BigInteger(1, Base64.decodeBase64("n-value-here"));
BigInteger exponent = new BigInteger(1, Base64.decodeBase64("e-value-here"));
JWKS endpoints are designed to have their keys changed over time (in a process called key rotation), so retrieving the public key as per the accepted answer is not a good idea. What you should opt for instead is to use a JWKS client. I use node-jwks-rsa, but the same creators also have a java implementation (jwks-rsa-java).
I configured Hydra to return JWT in access_token (STRATEGIES_ACCESS_TOKEN=jwt). Pasting the resulting token[1] in jwt.io works—it's decoded successfully and the data looks right. Now I want to verify the signature.
So I open http://localhost:9000/.well-known/jwks.json and extract the public RSA keys[2][3], but none of them works—jwt.io gives me "Invalid Signature".
FYI the same error is also thrown by FusionAuth JWT library. My Scala code to get the keys:
private val hydraVerifiers = {
val keys = retrieveKeysFromJWKS("http://localhost:9000/.well-known/jwks.json")
(If you're not familiar with Scala/FusionAuth, the code above retrieves keys from a URL, parses them to java.security.PublicKey object, and creates JWT verifiers based on the public keys)
Any suggestions?
I have a problem with JWT. If someone decompiles my APK, they can see the secret code I used to create my token. Example code, the code is secret:
String originalInput = "secret";
String encodedString =Base64Utils.encode(originalInput.getBytes());
String jwt = Jwts.builder().claim("emailId","test123#gmail.com").claim("user", "123456")
.claim("phoneNo", "1111111111")
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, encodedString)
As there are a client (the APK) and a backend, you should use an asymmetric algorithm such as RS256, PS256 or ES256, not a symmetric one (HS256).
If the issuer of the token is your backend, you only need the public key on client side (your APK). This key can safely be shipped as it is public.
If the client is the issuer, key should not be shipped with your application but generated on the device and securely stored using the Keystore API (https://developer.android.com/training/articles/keystore). The associated public key should be sent to the backend. This means that each client has a uniquely generated private key.
I builded two microservices applications with jhipster (4.14.5), today i updated the both to 5.1.0. With jhister-registry last docker image (4.0.0)
All work as expected but the API Calls with jwt signature doesnt work anymore.
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
String secret= Jwts.builder()
.claim("auth", AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN)
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, properties.getSecurity().getAuthentication().getJwt().getSecret())
requestTemplate.header(JWTConfigurer.AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, "Bearer " + secret);
What is new in jhipster 5.1.0 with JWT? should i change the algorithm signature or how to fix this?
Yes we changed the way the secret key is handled, have a look at the source code here.
The difference is that now the JWT secret key is encoded in Base64 (that's why we create the encoder here).
This is originally my fault: the .signWith() method from JJWT accepts a String, so I was just giving the secret key (which is a String). But if you look at the documentation of the method, you'll notice that this String should be encoded in Base64. So now you have to use the encoded version of the secret key everywhere. It doesn't change anything in the end, in fact, but it's just to use the API correctly.
I'm trying to create OpenTok session by Rest services with JWT object as suggested. I tried to generate session with Fiddler.
Here is my fiddler request (JWT string has been changed with *** partially for security reasons)
POST https: //api.opentok.com/session/create HTTP/1.1
Host: api.opentok.com
X-OPENTOK-AUTH: json_web_token
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: 172
I got 403 {"code":-1,"message":"Invalid token format"} error probably means my JWT object is not correct. I tried creating it using http://jwt.io (as opentok suggests) and other sites and all seems correct and very similar to the one on tokbox (opentok) site.
I need an explanation to fix it and create a session.
May it be because I am using opentok trial?
JWT creation Parameters
I had the same problem. I resolved the error by setting the correct key-value pairs for the payload part.
Example of my payload is as follows in C#:
var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "iss", "45728332" },
{ "ist", "project" },
{ "iat", ToUnixTime(issued) },
{ "exp", ToUnixTime(expire) }
The value of the "ist" should be set to "project", not the actual name of your project.
Update: Looking at your screenshot, I can say you have not set the secret key (here, it's your ApiKeySecret from TokBox account > project) at the very bottom right.
OK I have found the answer at last,
Your Opentok API Secret key should not be used directly as Sign parameter. In java as shown below, it should be encoded first.
I haven't tried it on http://jwt.io and fiddler but it seems it will work on it too. Thanks. Full code is below;
payload = Jwts.builder()
.claim("ist", "project")
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS256, Base64.encodeToString("YOUR_OPENTOK_SECRET".getBytes(),0))
return payload;
I'm trying to get the key from Keycloak open-id connect certs endpoint that allow me to validate a JWT token. The api to fetch the keys seam to work :
GET http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/my-realm/protocol/openid-connect/certs
"keys": [
"kid": "MfFp7IWWRkFW3Yvhb1eVrtyQQNYqk6BG-6HZFpl_JxI",
"kty": "RSA",
"alg": "RS256",
"use": "sig",
"n": "qDWXUhNtfuHNh0lm3o-oTnP5S8ENpzsyi-dGrjSeewxV6GNiKTW5INJ4hDQ7ZWkUFfJJhfhQWJofqgN9rUBQgbRxXuUvEkrzXQiT9AT_8r-2XLMwRV3eV_t-WRIJhVWsm9CHS2gzbqbNP8HFoB_ZaEt2FYegQSoAFC1EXMioarQbFs7wFNEs1sn1di2xAjoy0rFrqf_UcYFNPlUhu7FiyhRrnoctAuQepV3B9_YQpFVoiUqa_p5THcDMaUIFXZmGXNftf1zlepbscaeoCqtiWTZLQHNuYKG4haFuJE4t19YhAZkPiqnatOUJv5ummc6i6CD69Mm9xAzYyMQUEvJuFw",
"e": "AQAB"
but where is the key and how to decode it ?
$.keys[0].n does not look like base64 and I cannot figure out what it is ?
...if someone can tell me how to get the public key from that payload it will be great !
Looking at https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/keycloak/jose/jwk/JWKParser.java it seams that returned key are pem encoded using :
Look at the mentionned java class to get a public key in java or https://github.com/tracker1/node-rsa-pem-from-mod-exp to get the public key in javascript.
Type of the key (or keys) is JSON Web Key (JWK). List of supported library is on OpenID web page. I am using jose.4.j for retrieve keys from Keycloak.