Does facebook analytics for apps allow me to track mobile app user insights, even without the facebook login? - facebook

I'm working on building an IOS/android app and I'm wondering how i can use Facebook Analytics for apps.
There is no social login for the app, but i would like to use in-app events to retarget users of the app as they browse facebook owned platforms, even though they have not used facebook to sign in etc on the IOS/Android app.
Can this be done by implementing the Facebook analytics SDK?
I appreciate that i'm not a developer, so this question may yet prove to be totally misinformed.

Facebook Analytics doesn't acquire Facebook login. See:
You can send app events with Facebook Analytics that you can use to view reports in Facebook Analytics as well as use for tracking conversions from Facebook ads and building remarketing audiences (custom audiences) in Facebook ads.
iOS App Events:
Android App Events:


How to integrate Facebook Pixel Sdk in flutter

I want to integrate the facebook pixel sdk in flutter. Can anyone help me that how i can integrate that in my flutter project
For native app development, Facebook SDK is required.
Flutter Facebook Login Package will provide you, not only the login but also the required SDK.
Next, Facebook_App_Events Package, which is going to help you in sending tracked data to FB, for eg. when a person clicks to watch a video on your app or makes a purchase etc.
An app event is an action that takes place in your app or on your web
page such as a person installing your app or completing a purchase.
Facebook App Events allows you to track these events to view
analytics, measure ad performance, and build audiences for ad

Using Facebook Audience Network SDK to serve ads in app

I want to serve ads in my game im making using the Facebook Audience Network in this page it says "we will not serve ads to users that have advertising opt-outs enabled in their iOS & Android devices" does this mean no facebook ads will show at all in my app or just not targeted ads ?
Edit: Previously I wrote that ads will show for non Facebook users but that is wrong. Ads will only show for users which has the native Facebook app installed on their devices. I'm sorry if I mislead you.

Share or not to share app id facebook to use facebook login in different apps

We've a website without facebook login and we've the correspondent mobile apps for these website (Android and iOS).
Now, we will build a new feature as a standalone app and for this new feature we would like to use social login (Facebook for now). In the future, this feature will also be available on the website (using either the facebook login or the login from the website).
Should we share the same app id from facebook between these three applications (Website, Mobile app, NewFeatureStandAloneApp)?

Invite user to install an iOS App using Facebook sdk without FBWebDialogs

I have an iOS Bussiness app, which used Facebook to login. Now I have access to the friends list. Is there a way to send a request to a Facebook friend (who is currently not using app) to install my App. My app is Bussiness app category not the game.
this site shows all the information that you want:

iOS app does not appear to have Facebook Login integration

I want to integrate facebook with my iOS app because I want to promote my app in facebook. I want to create an ad campaign on facebook to get more users for my iOS app. I have created my facebook app as it is said in the guide but facebook doesn't approve my app, if I disable Facebook login it says that "Mobile apps built for iOS and Android must use Facebook Login."
So I enable facebook login and facebook says that "Your iOS app does not appear to have Facebook Login integration. Please either implement Facebook Login or remove this integration as a listed platform in the developer app."
I don't know what to do and I'm very upset.