GCP Dataproc: Directly working with Spark over Yarn Cluster - google-cloud-dataproc

I'm trying to minimize changes in my code so I'm wondering if there is a way to submit a spark-streaming job from my personal PC/VM as follows:
spark-submit --class path.to.your.Class --master yarn --deploy-mode client \
[options] <app jar> [app options]
without using GCP SDK.
I also have to specify a directory with configuration files HADOOP_CONF_DIR which I was able to download from Ambari.
Is there a way to do the same?
Thank you

Setting up an external machine as a YARN client node is generally difficult to do and not a workflow that will work easily with Dataproc.
In a comment you mention that what you really want to do is
Submit a Spark job to the Dataproc cluster.
Run a local script on each "batchFinish" (StreamingListener.onBatchCompleted?).
The script has dependencies that mean it cannot run inside of the Dataproc master node.
Again, configuring a client node outside of the Dataproc cluster and getting it to work with spark-submit is not going to work directly. However, if you can configure your network such that the Spark driver (running within Dataproc) has access to the service/script you need to run, and then invoke that when desired.
If you run your service on a VM that has access to the network of the Dataproc cluster, then your Spark driver should be able to access the service.


Connect PySpark session to DataProc

I'm trying to connect a PySpark session running locally to a DataProc cluster. I want to be able to work with files on gcs without downloading them. My goal is to perform ad-hoc analyses using local Spark, then switch to a larger cluster when I'm ready to scale. I realize that DataProc runs Spark on Yarn, and I've copied over the yarn-site.xml locally. I've also opened up an ssh tunnel from my local machine to the DataProc master node and set up port forwarding for the ports identified in the yarn xml. It doesn't seem to be working though, when I try to create a session in a Jupyter notebook it hangs indefinitely. Nothing in stdout or DataProc logs that I can see. Has anyone had success with this?
For anyone interested, I eventually abandoned this approach. I'm instead running Jupyter Enterprise Gateway on the master node, setting up port forwarding, and then launching my notebooks locally to connect to kernel(s) running on the server. It works very nicely so far.

How I make Scala code runs on EMR cluster by using SDK?

I wrote code with Scala to run a Cluster in EMR. Also, I have a Spark application written in Scala. I want to run this Spark application on EMR Cluster. But is it possible for me to do this in the first script (that launch EMR Cluster)? I want to do all of them with the SDK, not through the console or CLI. It has to be a kind of automatization, not a single manual job (or minimize manual job).
Launch EMR Cluster -> Run Spark Job on EMR -> Terminate after job finished
How do I do it if possible?
HadoopJarStepConfig sparkStepConf = new HadoopJarStepConfig()
final StepConfig sparkStep = new StepConfig()
.withName("Spark Step")
AddJobFlowStepsRequest request = new AddJobFlowStepsRequest(clusterId)
.withSteps(new ArrayList<StepConfig>(){{add(sparkStep);}});
AddJobFlowStepsResult result = emr.addJobFlowSteps(request);
return result.getStepIds().get(0);
If you are looking just for automation you should read about Pipeline Orchestration-
EMR is the AWS service which allows you to run distributed applications
AWS DataPipeline is an Orchestration tool that allows you to run jobs (activities) on resources (EMR or even EC2)
If you'd just like to run a spark job consistently, I would suggest creating a data pipeline, and configuring your pipeline to have one step, which is to run the Scala spark jar on the master node using a "shellcommandactivity". Another benefit is that the jar you are running can be stored in AWS S3 (object storage service) and you'd just provide the s3 path to your DataPipeline and it will pick up that jar, log onto the EMR service it has brought up (with the configurations you've provided)- clone that jar on the master node, run the jar with the configuration provided in the "shellcommandactivity", and once the the job exits (successfully or with an error) it will kill the EMR cluster so you aren't paying for it and log the output
Please read more into it: https://aws.amazon.com/datapipeline/ & https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datapipeline/latest/DeveloperGuide/what-is-datapipeline.html
And if you'd like you can trigger this pipeline via the AWS SDK or even set the pipeline to run on a schedule

spark write parquet to HDFS very slow on multi node

i run well a spark submit with --master local[*],
but when i run the spark submit on my multinode cluster
--master ip of master:port --deploy-mode client :
my app run well until writing to HDFS into parquet, it doesn't stop, no error messages, nothing, still running..
i detected in the app the blocking part, it's :
i tried
but still the same...
Thank you in advance for the help
I am able to see you are trying to use master as local[*], which will run spark job in local mode and unable to use cluster resources.
If you are running spark job on cluster, you can look for spark submit options such as, master as yarn and deploy mode is cluster, here command mentioned below.
spark-submit --class **--master yarn --deploy-mode
cluster ** --conf = ... # other options
once you run spark job with yarn master and deploy mode as cluster it will try to utilize all cluster resources.

When executing spark-submit, path to jar needs to point to HDFS?

When executing spark-submit command, path to JAR needs to point to a HDFS location ?
Maybe you don't have rights to upload the package in HDFS but still want to execute a Spark job.
It depends on the deploy mode of the driver instance.
For example, if you are running spark-submit in client mode in a standalone cluster, you can specify a path in your local machine, since the Spark driver is deployed in the same machine where you execute the spark-submit command. Then, it will share the jar file with the workers.
However, if you are running spark-submit in cluster mode, you need to upload the jar in a path accessible from all the cluster nodes, such us HDFS, since in cluster mode the driver is instantiated in a arbitrary worker of the cluster.

Apache spark in cluster mode where to run the jobs. In Master or in worker node?

I have installed the spark in cluster mode. 1 master and 2 workers.And When I start spark shell in master node it is countinously running without getting the scala shell.
But when I run spark-shell on a worker node I am getting scala shell.And I am able to do the jobs.
val file=sc.textFile(“hdfs://”)
And for this I got the output.
So My doubt is actually where to run the spark jobs.
Is it in worker nodes?
Based on the documentation, you need to connect your spark-shell to the master node with the following command : spark-shell --master spark://IP:PORT. This url can be retrieved from the master's UI or log file.
You should be able to launch the spark-shell on the master node (machine), make sure to check out the UI to see if the spark-shell is effectively running and that the prompt is shown (you might need to press enter on your keyboard after issuing spark-shell).
Please note that when you are using spark-submit in cluster mode, the driver will be submitted directly from one of the worker nodes, contrary to client mode where it will run as a client process. Refer to the documentation for more details.