mRemoteNG - how to change the password - mremoteng

In mRemoteNG, how can you change the password of an already protected password file?
There is no option for it in 'Tools > Options' as one might expect, and there is no item for it in the 'Help' menu.

Short answer:
You need to disable password protection, and then enable it again
Full answer:
After you already open the password file, click on the 'Connections' section:
Then, in the config section, choose the option 'Password Protect', and choose 'No'.
Afterwards, choose 'Yes' at the same location, and you will be prompted for the new password:
Remember to save the connection file when you are done!


How do I use md5 authentication in Postgresql?

I am creating a role in postgresql. The documentation gives me the following example with clear-text password:
My task is to use MD5 instead of a clear-text password because it is not secure enough. However, the documentation merely mentioned the possibility to use md5 instead of a password, without giving any example code. I wonder how could I re-write the code above to implement MD5? Thank you in advance!
To change the authentication method:
Open a terminal window
Change into the postgres bin directory
Example: cd /usr/local/pgsql/bin
Note: Depending on your install environment the path to the bin directory may vary.
Type su – postgres and press Enter. This will change the logged in to the postgres user.
From the bin directory type ./psql
Type ALTER USER postgres password 'your shell account postgres password'; and press Enter. ALTER ROLE should be displayed.
Type \q and press Enter
Type vi /path to data directory/pg_hba.conf and press Enter
Modify the line at the bottom of the config file to resemble one of these examples.
Note: You will probably only have to change the word trust to md5. The line or lines should already exist.
host all postgres your.ip your.subnet md5
host all all your.ip your.subnet md5
Note: If you are using vi as the editor press i to insert text
Save the changes
Note: If you are using vi as the editor press i to insert then press :wq! to save the changes.
From the postgres bin directory type./pg_ctl restart -D /usr/local/pgsql/data and press Enter

What is a load PATH? how to verify?
I am taking a look at 3.1.2, where it says
Verify that it is correctly installed and in your load PATH
What does it mean to check that something installed is in my load PATH?
What is a load PATH, and how might I be able to read up on all these things?
New to things. I use windows. I have a unix in my computer as well.
Load Path is simply a path defined under your environment variables - ' Path ' variable.
click here to see an image example
It usually comes up in windows 10 -> when you type 'env' or 'environment' in the search bar. -> click on ' edit the system environment variables '
Then under Environment Variables ( this is important - do not go to system variables )
click on -> path
click -> edit
after you click edit for 'path
click -> new
just add the directory location for your sqlite3.exe ( just the folder is enough , you don't have to indicate the sqlite3.exe )
click -> ok
you're good to go :)
open a new command prompt and type sqlite3 to check.

Export and import table dump (.sql) using pgAdmin

I have pgAdmin version 1.16.1 installed on my machine.
For exporting a table dump, I do:
Right click on the table => Choose backup => Set Format to Plain => Save the file as some_name.sql
Then I remove the table.
Ok, now I need to import the backup I just created from some_name.sql into the database.
How am I supposed to do this? I can't find any clear instructions on how to import table's .sql dump into database using pgAdmin.
I'd appreciate some guidance.
In pgAdmin, select the required target schema in object tree (databases ->your_db_name -> schemas -> your_target_schema)
Click on Plugins/PSQL Console (in top-bar)
Write \i /path/to/yourfile.sql
Press enter
An another way, you can do it easily with CMD on Windows
Put your installed version (mine is 11).
cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\
and run simple query
psql -U <postgre_username> -d <db_name> < <C:\path\data_dump.sql>
enter password then wait the final console message.
Note: Make sure to remove <> from the above query except for the < between db_name & file path.
Example: psql -U postgres -d dumb_db < D:\db_dump.sql
Using PgAdmin
step 1:
select schema and right click and go to Backup..
step 2:
Give the file name and click the backup button.
step 3:
In detail message copy the backup file path.
step 4:
Go to other schema and right click and go to Restore. (see step 1)
step 5:
In popup menu paste aboved file path to filename category and click Restore button.
Follow the steps in pgadmin
host-DataBase-Schemas- public (click right) CREATE script- open file -(choose xxx.sql) , then click on the option execute query write result to file -export data file ok- then click in save.its all. it work to me.
note: error in version command script enter image description herede sql over pgadmin can be search, example:
Click "query tool" button in the list of "tool".
And then click the "open file" image button in the tool bar.
If you have Git bash installed, you can do something like this:
/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/psql -U <pg_role_name> -d <pg_database_name> < <path_to_your>.sql

How can I change my commit to correct user in github?

At the beginning, I used other's account to do my work on github. Then my account is added into the organization, so I changed my account by using:
git config --global ""
In the commit page or issue page of any branch, the author is right. But in my dashboard, the commits is not mine. How can I solve that? Thanks!
From the GitHub Help page "Set up Git":
First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label
the commits you make.
$ git config --global "Your Name Here"
# Sets the default name for git to use when you commit
You have only set your email, but first you should have set your name. That's probably why the author is not the right one in the dashboard.
Since you already set your username as I suggested, you need to modify GIT_COMMITTER_NAME or GIT_AUTHOR_NAME variables.
In order to do so open a shell in your repository (if you're on Windows set the PowerShell as the predefined shell first from tools->options, so you can copy/paste in it) and type the following:
git filter-branch --env-filter '
Then open any texteditor and copy/paste the following in it:
if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "" ]
cn="Your New Committer Name"
cm="Your New Committer Email"
if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = "" ]
an="Your New Author Name"
am="Your New Author Email"
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$an"
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$am"
Then modify the fields "cn", "cm", "an", "am" and the content of the two if statements accordingly, copy/paste this script into the shell and press enter twice.
This should solve your problem, but keep in mind that this is not a good practice when you share a repository with others, since it rewrites history.
See also the Troubleshooting information here and the GitHub Help page about changing author info.
On Mac, I had to change the credentials of the old user from the Keychain Access. Documented here

How can I create batch file to run a command?

I've writen this command line successfully:
c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config "Default Web Site" -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:157286400
I want to create a batch file to execute this line.
Any suggestions please?
Create a new text document
Rename it "mybatfile.bat"
Press yes when prompted "If you change a file name extension, the file might become unusable. Are you sure you want to change it?"
Right click on the bat file, "edit"
Put in your command:
c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config "Default Web Site" -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:157286400
Well at the command prompt you could type
copy con myfile.bat
c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd set config "Default Web Site" -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:157286400
"press F-6"
then enjoy your bat file.
Is this not a setting you could change in a config file somewhere so it is permanent though?