Auth0 won't sign out using swift - swift

I am using Auth0 library in my application but I have problems with sign out.
When i press the logout button the following code will be executed:
.clearSession(federated: true) { (Bool) in
A0SimpleKeychain.init(service: “Auth0”).clearAll()
This peace of code clears the session, keychain and credentials that are set and calls the backend. That url looks like this
When this is done I redirect back to login view where I can sign in again.
If i press the login button I want to see a view where i can re-enter my username and password, however they I am immediately signed in again.
When I open safari and go to then opening the app I am not signed in like it should. So I tried the same url in a web view and with a normal request inside the application but that does not seem to work.
The docs and community on the Auth0 website do not help me further at the moment.
Anyone here knows the correct implementation for sign out? Thanks. :)


How to redirect after login in iOS app

I am working on an app and would like to know how to automatically redirect someone to their profile page or a home page after they login into my app?
If relevant I am using the Parse UI to log in and sign up and coding in swift and using Xcode7
Any advice welcomed
PFLoginViewController has a delegate with calls that you can use to indicate when a user has successfully logged in. I believe it gets called when a user signs up as well, but I could be mistaken.
You can use those calls to signal a successful login/signup and then redirect to the appropriate view controller from there. If you want any more advice, you will need to be more specific with your question.
As far as I understand you want to redirect your user to specific view controller if user already logged in ? You can use below code in your app delegate file.
var currentUser = Parse.User.currentUser()
if currentUser != nil {
// Your redirect code

Azure mobile facebook authentication with iPhone HTML5 in app (full screen) mode

I have an HTML5 application that uses Azure mobile services authentication to login (straight from the example code...provided below). It works fine in all desktop browsers and iPhone 5 in Safari. But from app / full screen mode, it does nothing (doesn't ask for permission to show a popup window like it does in safari and no popup windows shows up) and I can wait forever and nothing happens. If I invoke it a second time, it gives an error saying "Error: Unexpected failure"...perhaps because the 1st attempt is still running? Any help/insight is appreciated.
client.login ("facebook").done(function (results) {
alert("You are now logged in as: " + results.userId);
}, function (err) {
alert("Error: " + err);
edited update with more info and 2 potential ideas*
I did some more research and found a site that uses an approach that overcomes this problem and also solves two other side effects with the current Azure mobile approach to authentication. I think the Azure mobile team might be looking to do something similar because there are some hints of other authentication options in the code (although difficult to read and be sure because the minimized code is obsfucated). It might be just a matter of activating these in the code...
The "solution":
Go to and click on the Facebook login. You'll see it works perfectly in iPhone Safari in "app mode" becuase instead of doing a popup, it simply stays in the current browser window.
This approach solves two other problems with the current Azure mobile approach. First, the popup gets interpreted by most browsers as a potential ad and is either blocked automatically (desktop Chrome) ... and the user doesn't know why it's not working...or gives a warning which the user has to approve (iPhone Safari in "browser mode") which is a hassle. And if the user has a popup blocker, it gets more difficult and even more potential for the user not getting it to work properly. The method doesn't have this problem.
Second, in iPhone Safari, when the popup window auto closes, the original page doesn't get focus if there are other browser windows open in Safari. Instead, it's in the smaller/slide mode so they can choose which one to show. If this happens, the user has to go through one more on the browser window to activate it and give it focus..again more of a pain and more potential for them to mess up and not do it correctly and need help. The doesn't have this problem.
Azure options:
Looking at the Azure mobile code it looks like may already have the solution. I can't read it easliy becuase it's minified/obsfucated, but it seems to have 4 options (including iFrame, etc.) for invoking the authentication, and only 1 (the "less ideal one" of a popup) is being used. An easy solution would be to set a property to allow one of the alternate authentications to work. But I can't read it well enough to figure it out. Another would be to hack the code (temporarily until a fix is put up by Microsoft).
Could I get some help there perhaps?
You can implement an authentication flow with Facebook that doesn't use a popup. The basic idea is to use the 'Web Flow' for doing the login, and once the window return from the login, use the access token to login the user in to Azure Mobile Services.
The Facebook documentation for doing this is here:
Some code samples to make it easier for you.
You would start by something like this:
(Remember to replace YOUR_APP_ID and YOUR_URL with something relevant to your site.
function logIn() {
This redirects the window to the Facebook page for the user to log in and authorize your app. When the user is done, Facebook will redirect the user back to YOUR_URL given above.
There you can handle the redirect and do the Mobile Services Login with something like this:
function handleLoginResponse() {
var frag = $.deparam.fragment();
if (frag.hasOwnProperty("access_token")) {
client.login("facebook", { access_token: frag.access_token }).then(function () {
// you're logged in
}, function (error) {
In here you parse the access token you get as a URL fragment and pass it as argument to the login call you make to Azure Mobile Services.
This code depends on the jquery BBQ plugin to handle the URL fragment easily.
Hope this solves your problem!

how to send and receive data between phonegap child browser to main application

I'm working on a Facebook login authentication in a Phonegap child browser. For that externally I have a page that can initiate authentication process and redirects back after authentication (let's say Now I have authentic user from Facebook, but how can I get that authentic user data from child browser to main application and close child browser. for security reason, I set "showLocationBar: false" , so there is no close button.
So, now let me know
how can I get Facebook authenticated user data (user email and access token for further transactions with Facebook) to main application and close child browser.
how to close child browser from child browser as I don't have close button on Child-browser.
is there any way to save data from Facebook to a JavaScript object in my main application
This is my first application with Phonegap, but im experienced with Facebook and JavaScript. So , please let me know if I'm wrong any where.
Thanks in advance,
Looking forward.
I am also using chilldbrowser for Facebook connect. Here is the link for complete source code for Facebook connect using childbrowser: You can get user's name using access_token using the code below:
var params='access_token='+accessToken;
You can close the childbrowser using:
#Venkat : Not sure if you already got the answer for closing child browser from within app. This code worked for me. Put a close button on your site and put the URL as "".From PG app you can write the code below
window.plugins.childBrowser.onLocationChange = function(locationLink){
if (locationLink.indexOf('') > 0) {

facebook login give me already authorized this app without automatic returning to the app

My app should implement login with facebook but I have noticed that every time I want to login the facebook tell me you are already authorize this app , the question if I already authorized the app the facebook should return automatically without pressing the okey button as I saw in other applications ?
see the attached image
I fixed my problem by doing the following steps :
1- login to your facebook as admin to your app.
2- go to
3- go to settings > basic > Native IOS app
4- set the Configured for iOS SSO: to enabled
In iOS/Android the FBAccessToken's expiration time is up to 60 days. When you do FBLogin in your app you get the access token. once you get the token you should not do login again(otherwise you will be prompted already authorized this app since your app has already been given an access token earlier which is not expired ). You should reuse the unexpired access token.
Like this :
if FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken() != nil {
//OR call the *FBGraphRequest*
Note: for in-App browser login (SVC: Safari View Controller)
see more:
You need to make sure that your app has the proper URL Prefix in your Build Settings. Also make sure that the URL Prefix matches your Facebook ID/URL Prefix in the Facebook developer app.
Edit: Your issue is probably that the access_token is expiring so it's have to re-ask for permissions.
This will happen if your application did not request offline_access permissions. In the newer SDK offline_access is deprecated and you now have to extend the access_token.
See this link:
As this Question is already answered , but i would like to add another helpful answer for Swift 3.0 :
While using FB Login in Swift , i having issue and i previously did this way:
let fbLoginManager : FBSDKLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
fbLoginManager.loginBehavior = .systemAccount
As this uses , System account to check user is authorized for login or not . Unless you logout and login through different user , application shows same "Already authorized" message in place of Fresh login . So i used this way and this trick does the work :
let fbLoginManager : FBSDKLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
fbLoginManager.loginBehavior = .web.
This show Login Screen after logout.
Hope this helps to solve this issue.
Feel free to comment . Thanks.
You should check if there is a current session before logging in with FBSDKLoginManager. Do not use [loginManager logout] before logging in.
if ([FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken])
NSLog(#"Token is available : %#",[[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]tokenString]);
// Now get details using graphpath.
} else {
// login with permissions using FBSDKLoginManager and get details using graphpath in completion
There is a open bug at
But the bug only appears at android, ios works fine.
(btw. same behavior in the foursquare and spotify android app - check it out)
Run your iOS FB application into device not simulator it works fine, and didn't shows the already authorized screen.
Thank you.

How to logout from facebook from the application in iphone?

Please help me with a solution!.I have a iPhone app which uses the new facebook sdk(FBConnect).The app is related to video sharing.I should embed a logout button to sign out the current user from my app.I implemented it by calling fn{currentAPICall = kAPILogout;[[facebookObject]logout:self]} from my wrapper class.....tis logout shd call the logout method in facebook.m.The code is executed as expected but it does not logout from my app,again on relaunching my app it is redirected to the previous account.
Any solutions!
In the DidLogout code, remove the NSDefaults that you stored for the session. Just set them to ""