Randomly pick a region and process it, a number of times - perl

I have a data like this
>sp|Q96A73|P33MX_HUMAN Putative monooxygenase p33MONOX OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=KIAA1191 PE=1 SV=1
>sp|P13674|P4HA1_HUMAN Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-1 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HA1 PE=1 SV=2
>sp|Q7Z4N8|P4HA3_HUMAN Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha-3 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=P4HA3 PE=1 SV=1
>sp|P04637|P53_HUMAN Cellular tumor antigen p53 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TP53 PE=1 SV=4
>sp|P10144|GRAB_HUMAN Granzyme B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=GZMB PE=1 SV=2
>sp|Q9UHX1|PUF60_HUMAN Poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=PUF60 PE=1 SV=1
>sp|Q06416|P5F1B_HUMAN Putative POU domain, class 5, transcription factor 1B OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=POU5F1B PE=5 SV=2
>sp|O14683|P5I11_HUMAN Tumor protein p53-inducible protein 11 OS=Homo sapiens OX=9606 GN=TP53I11 PE=1 SV=2
I want to randomly pick up a region with 10 letters from it then calculate the number of F, I want to do that for a certain number of times for example 1000 times or even more
as an example, I randomly pick
then again randomly go and pick up 10 letters consecutive
This continues until it meets the number of run asked. I want to store all randomly selected ones with their values, because then I want to calculate how many times F is seen
So I do the following
# first I remove the header
grep -v ">" data.txt > out.txt
then get randomly one region with 10 letters I tried to use shuf with no success,
shuf -n1000 data.txt
then I tried to use awk and was not successful either
awk 'BEGIN {srand()} !/^$/ { if (rand() == 10) print $0}'
then calculate the number of F and save it in the file
grep -i -e [F] |wc -l
Note, we should not pick up the same region twice

I've got to assume some things here, and leave some restrictions
Random regions to pick don't depend in any way on specific lines
Order doesn't matter; there need be N regions spread out through the file
File can be a Gigabyte in size, so can't read it whole (would be much easier!)
There are unhandled (edge or unlikely) cases, discussed after code
First build a sorted list of random numbers; these are positions in the file at which regions start. Then, as each line is read, compute its range of characters in the file, and check whether our numbers fall within it. If some do, they mark the start of each random region: pick substrings of desired length starting at those characters. Check whether substrings fit on the line.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Getopt::Long;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
my ($region_len, $num_regions) = (10, 10);
my $count_freq_for = 'F';
'num-regions|n=i' => \$num_regions,
'region-len|l=i' => \$region_len,
'char|c=s' => \$count_freq_for,
) or usage();
my $file = shift || usage();
# List of (up to) $num_regions random numbers, spanning the file size
# However, we skip all '>sp' lines so take more numbers (estimate)
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
$num_regions += int $num_regions * fraction_skipped($fh);
my #rand = uniq sort { $a <=> $b }
map { int(rand (-s $file)-$region_len) } 1..$num_regions;
say "Starting positions for regions: #rand";
my ($nchars_prev, $nchars, $chars_left) = (0, 0, 0);
my $region;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
# Total number of characters so far, up to this line and with this line
$nchars_prev = $nchars;
$nchars += length $line;
next if $line =~ /^\s*>sp/;
# Complete the region if there wasn't enough chars on the previous line
if ($chars_left > 0) {
$region .= substr $line, 0, $chars_left;
my $cnt = () = $region =~ /$count_freq_for/g;
say "$region $cnt";
$chars_left = -1;
# Random positions that happen to be on this line
my #pos = grep { $_ > $nchars_prev and $_ < $nchars } #rand;
# say "\tPositions on ($nchars_prev -- $nchars) line: #pos" if #pos;
for (#pos) {
my $pos_in_line = $_ - $nchars_prev;
$region = substr $line, $pos_in_line, $region_len;
# Don't print if there aren't enough chars left on this line
last if ( $chars_left =
($region_len - (length($line) - $pos_in_line)) ) > 0;
my $cnt = () = $region =~ /$count_freq_for/g;
say "$region $cnt";
sub fraction_skipped {
my ($fh) = #_;
my ($skip_len, $data_len);
my $curr_pos = tell $fh;
seek $fh, 0, 0 if $curr_pos != 0;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^\s*>sp/) { $skip_len += length }
else { $data_len += length }
seek $fh, $curr_pos, 0; # leave it as we found it
return $skip_len / ($skip_len+$data_len);
sub usage {
say STDERR "Usage: $0 [options] file", "\n\toptions: ...";
Uncomment the srand line so to have the same run always, for testing.
Notes follow.
Some corner cases
If the 10-long window doesn't fit on the line from its random position it is completed in the next line -- but any (possible) further random positions on this line are left out. So if our random list has 1120 and 1122 while a line ends at 1125 then the window starting at 1122 is skipped. Unlikely, possible, and of no consequence (other than having one region fewer).
When an incomplete region is filled up in the next line (the first if in the while loop), it is possible that that line is shorter than the remaining needed characters ($chars_left). This is very unlikely and needs an additional check there, which is left out.
Random numbers are pruned of dupes. This skews the sequence, but minutely what should not matter here; and we may stay with fewer numbers than asked for, but only by very little
Handling of issues regarding randomness
"Randomness" here is pretty basic, what seems suitable. We also need to consider the following.
Random numbers are drawn over the interval spanning the file size, int(rand -s $file) (minus the region size). But lines >sp are skipped and any of our numbers that may fall within those lines won't be used, and so we may end up with fewer regions than the drawn numbers. Those lines are shorter, thus with a lesser chance of having numbers on them and so not many numbers are lost, but in some runs I saw even 3 out of 10 numbers skipped, ending up with a random sample 70% size of desired.
If this is a bother, there are ways to approach it. To not skew the distribution even further they all should involve pre-processing the file.
The code above makes an initial run over the file, to compute the fraction of chars that will be skipped. That is then used to increase the number of random points drawn. This is of course an "average" measure, but which should still produce the number of regions close to desired for large enough files.
More detailed measures would need to see which random points of a (much larger) distribution are going to be lost to skipped lines and then re-sample to account for that. This may still mess with the distribution, what arguably isn't an issue here, but more to the point may simply be unneeded.
In all this you read the big file twice. The extra processing time should only be in the seconds but if this is unacceptable change the function fraction_skipped to read through only 10-20% of the file. With large files this should still provide a reasonable estimate.
Note on a particular test case
With srand(10) (commented-out line near the beginning) we get the random numbers such that on one line the region starts 8 characters before the end of the line! So that case does test the code to complete the region on the next line.
Here is a simple driver to run the above a given number of times, for statistics.
Doing it using builtin tools (system, qx) is altogether harder and libraries (modules) help. I use IPC::Run here. There are quite a few other options.†
Adjust and add code to process as needed for statistics; output is in files.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Run qw(run);
my $outdir = 'rr_output'; # pick a directory name
mkdir $outdir if not -d $outdir;
my $prog = 'random_regions.pl'; # your name for the program
my $input = 'data_file.txt'; # your name for input file
my $ch = 'F';
my ($runs, $regions, $len) = (10, 10, 10);
'runs|n=i' => \$runs,
'regions=i' => \$regions,
'length=i' => \$len,
'char=s' => \$ch,
'input=s' => \$input
) or usage();
my #cmd = ( $prog, $input,
'--num-regions', $regions,
'--region-len', $len,
'--char', $ch
say "Run: #cmd, $runs times.";
for my $n (1..$runs) {
my $outfile = "$outdir/regions_r$n.txt";
say "Run #$n, output in: $outdir/$outfile";
run \#cmd, '>', $outfile or die "Error with #cmd: $!";
sub usage {
say STDERR "Usage: $0 [options]", "\n\toptions: ...";
Please expand on the error checking. See for instance this post and links on details.
Simplest use: driver_random.pl -n 4, but you can give all of main program's parameters.
The called program (random_regions.pl above) must be executable.
†   Some, from simple to more capable: IPC::System::Simple, Capture::Tiny, IPC::Run3. (Then comes IPC::Run used here.) Also see String::ShellQuote, to prepare commands without quoting issues, shell injection bugs, and other problems. See links (examples) assembled in this post, for example.

awk to the rescue!
you didn't specify but there are two random actions going on. I treated them independently, may not be so. First picking a line and second picking a random 10 letter substring from that line.
This assumes the file (or actually half of it) can fit in memory. Otherwise, split the file into equal chunks and run this on chunks. Doing so will reduce some of the clustering but not sure how important in this case. (If you have one big file, it's possible that all samples may be drawn from the first half, with splitting you eliminate this probability). For certain cases this is a desired property. Don't know your case.
$ awk 'BEGIN {srand()}
!/^>/ {a[++n]=$0}
END {while(i++<1000)
print ss=substr(line,s,10), gsub(/F/,"",ss)}}' file

Here is one solution using Perl
It slurps the entire file to memory. Then the lines starting with > are removed.
Here I'm looping for 10 times $i<10, you can increase the count here.
Then rand function is called by passing length of the file and using the rand value, substr of 10 is computed. $s!~/\n/ guard is to make sure we don't choose the substring crossing newlines.
$ perl -0777 -ne '$_=~s/^>.+?\n//smg; while($i<10) { $x=rand(length($_)); $s=substr($_,$x,10); $f=()=$s=~/F/g; if($s!~/\n/) { print "$s $f\n" ;$i++} else { $i-- } } '
To know the random number generated
$ perl -0777 -ne '$_=~s/^>.+?\n//smg; while($i<10) { $x=rand(length($_)); $s=substr($_,$x,10); $f=()=$s=~/F/g; if($s!~/\n/) { print "$s $f $x\n" ;$i++} else { $i-- } }
' random10.txt
QLDGSLTMSS 0 1378.61409368207
DLIAKVDELT 0 1703.46689004765
SGGGANGTSF 1 900.269562152326
PEELTLSPKL 0 1368.55540468164
TCLSEGALSP 0 1016.50744004085
NRTWNSSAVP 0 23.7868578293154
VNFPENGFLS 2 363.527933104776
NSGLTWSGND 0 48.656607650744
MILSASRDKT 0 422.67705815168
RRGEDLFMCM 1 290.828530365
AGDGLLTPDA 0 1481.78080339531

Since your input file is huge I'd do it in these steps:
select random 10-char strings from each line of your input file
shuffle those to get the number of samples you want in random order
count the Fs
$ cat tst.sh
#!/bin/env bash
awk -v sampleSize="$sampleSize" '
BEGIN { srand() }
!/^>/ {
begPos = int((rand() * sampleSize) + 1)
endPos = length($0) - sampleSize
for (i=begPos; i<=endPos; i+=sampleSize) {
print substr($0,i,sampleSize)
' "$infile" |
shuf -n "$numSamples"
$ ./tst.sh file
$ ./tst.sh file | awk '{print $0, gsub(/F/,"")}'
Just change the numSamples from 15 to 1000 or whatever you like when run against your real data.
The above relies on shuf -n being able to handle however much input we throw at it, presumably much like sort does by using paging. If it fails in that regard then obviously you'd have to choose/implement a different tool for that part. FWIW I tried seq 100000000 | shuf -n 10000 (i.e. 10 times as many input lines as the OPs posted max file length of 10000000 to account for the awk part generating N lines of output per 1 line of input and 10 times as many output lines required than the OPs posted 1000) and it worked fine and only took a few secs to complete.


Shortest Perl solution for outputing 4 random words

I have this one-line Unix shell script
for i in 1 2 3 4; do sed "$(tr -dc '0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 5 |
awk '$0>=35&&$0<=65570' | head -1)q;d" "$0"; done | perl -p00e
's/\n(?!\Z)/ /g'
The script has 65K words in it, one per line, from line 35 to 65570. The code and the data are in the same file.
This script outputs 4 space-separated random words from this list with a newline at the end. For example
first fourth third second
How can I make this one-liner much shorter with Perl, keeping the
tr -dc '0-9' < /dev/urandom
Keeping it is important since it provides Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Numbers (CSPRNs) for all Unix OSs. Of course, if Perl can get numbers from /dev/urandom then the tr can be replaced with Perl too, but the numbers from urandom need to stay.
For convenience, I shared the base script with 65K words
Please use only core modules. It would be used for generating "human memorable passwords".
Later, the (hashing) iteration count, where we would use this to store the passwords would be extremely high, so brute-force would be very slow, even with many many GPUs/FPGAs.
You mention needing a CSPRN, which makes this a non trivial exercise - if you need cryptographic randomness, then using built in stuff (like rand) is not a good choice, as the implementation is highly variable across platforms.
But you've got Rand::Urandom which looks like it does the trick:
By default it uses the getentropy() (only available in > Linux 3.17) and falls back to /dev/arandom then /dev/urandom.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Rand::Urandom;
chomp ( my #words = <DATA> );
print $words[rand #words], " " for 1..4;
print "\n";
Failing that though - you can just read bytes from /dev/urandom directly:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my #number_of_words = 4;
chomp ( my #words = <DATA> );
open ( my $urandom, '<:raw', '/dev/urandom' ) or die $!;
my $bytes;
read ( $urandom, $bytes, 2 * $number_of_words ); #2 bytes 0 - 65535
#for testing
#unpack 'n' is n An unsigned short (16-bit)
# unpack 'n*' in a list context returns a list of these.
foreach my $value ( unpack ( "n*", $bytes ) ) {
print $value,"\n";
#actually print the words.
#note - this assumes that you have the right number in your list.
# you could add a % #words to the map, e.g. $words[$_ % #words]
#but that will mean wrapping occurs, and will alter the frequency distribution.
#a more robust solution would be to fetch additional bytes if the 'slot' is
print join " ", ( map { $words[$_] } unpack ( "n*", $bytes )),"\n";
Note - the above relies on the fact that your wordlist is the same size as two bytes (16 bits) - if this assumption isn't true, you'll need to deal with 'missed' words. A crude approach would be to take a modulo, but that would mean some wrapping and therefore not quite truly even distribution of word picks. Otherwise you can bit-mask and reroll, as indicated below:
On a related point though - have you considered not using a wordlist, and instead using consonant-vowel-consonant groupings?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
#uses /dev/urandom to fetch bytes.
#generates consonant-vowel-consonant groupings.
#each are 11.22 bits of entropy, meaning a 4-group is 45 bits.
#( 20 * 6 * 20 = 2400, which is 11.22 bits of entropy log2 2400
#log2(2400 ^ 4) = 44.91
#but because it's generated 'true random' it's a know entropy string.
my $num = 4;
my $format = "CVC";
my %letters = (
V => [qw ( a e i o u y )],
C => [ grep { not /[aeiouy]/ } "a" .. "z" ], );
my %bitmask_for;
foreach my $type ( keys %letters ) {
#find the next power of 2 for the number of 'letters' in the set.
#So - for the '20' letter group, that's 31. (0x1F)
#And for the 6 letter group that's 7. (0x07)
$bitmask_for{$type} = ( 2 << log ( #{$letters{$type}} ) / log 2 ) - 1 ;
open( my $urandom, '<:raw', '/dev/urandom' ) or die $!;
for ( 1 .. $num ) {
for my $type ( split //, $format ) {
my $value;
while ( not defined $value or $value >= #{ $letters{$type} } ) {
my $byte;
read( $urandom, $byte, 1 );
#byte is 0-255. Our key space is 20 or 6.
#So rather than modulo, which would lead to an uneven distribution,
#we just bitmask and discard and 'too high'.
$value = (unpack "C", $byte ) & $bitmask_for{$type};
print $letters{$type}[$value];
print " ";
print "\n";
This generates 3 character CVC symbols, with a known entropy level (11.22 per 'group') for making reasonably robust passwords. (45 bits as opposed to the 64 bits of your original, although obviously you can add extra 'groups' to gain 11.22 bits per time).
This answer is not cryptographically safe!
I would do this completely in Perl. No need for a one-liner. Just grab your word-list and put it into a Perl program.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #words = qw(
print join( q{ }, map { $words[int rand #words] } 1 .. 4 ), "\n";
This grabs four random words from the list and outputs them.
rand #words evaluates #words in scalar context, which gives the number of elements, and creates a random floating point value between 0 and smaller than that number. int cuts off the decimals. This is used as the index to grab an element out of #words. We repeat this four times with the map statement, where the 1 .. 4 is the same as passing a list of (1, 2, 3, 4) into map as an argument. This argument is ignored, but instead our random word is picked. map returns a list, which we join on one space. Finally we print the resulting string, and a newline.
The word list is created with the quoted words qw() operator, which returns a list of quoted words. It's shorthand so you don't need to type all the quotes ' and commas ,.
If you'd want to have the word list at the bottom you could either put the qw() in a sub and call it at the top, or use a __DATA__ section and read from it like a filehandle.
The particular method using tr and fold on /dev/urandom is a lot less efficient than it could be, so let's fix it up a little bit, while keeping the /dev/urandom part.
Assuming that available memory is enough to contain your script (including wordlist):
chomp(#words = <DATA>);
open urandom, "/dev/urandom" or die;
read urandom, $randbytes, 4 * 2 or die;
print join(" ", map $words[$_], unpack "S*", $randbytes), "\n";
This goes for brevity and simplicity without outright obfuscation — of course you could make it shorter by removing whitespace and such, but there's no reason to. It's self-contained and will work with several decades of perls (yes, those bareword filehandles are deliberate :-P)
It still expects exactly 65536 entries in the wordlist, because that way we don't have to worry about introducing bias to the random number choice using a modulus operator. A slightly more ambitious approach might be to read 48 bytes from urandom for each word, turning it into a floating-point value between 0 and 1 (portable to most systems) and multiplying it by the size of the word list, allowing for a word list of any reasonable size.
A lot of nonsense is talked about password strength, and I think you're overestimating the worth of several of your requirements here
I don't understand your preoccupation with making your code "much shorter with perl". (Why did you pick Perl?) Savings here can only really be useful to make the script quicker to read and compile, but they will be dwarfed by the half megabyte of data following the code which must also be read
In this context, the usefulness to a hacker of a poor random number generator depends on prior knowledge of the construction of the password together with the passwords that have been most recently generated. With a sample of only 65,000 words, even the worst random number generator will show insignificant correlation between successive passwords
In general, a password is more secure if it is longer, regardless of its contents. Forming a long password out of a sequence of English words is purely a way of making the sequence more memorable
"Of course later, the (hashing) iteration count ... would be extreme high, so brute-force [hacking?] would be very slow"
This doesn't follow at all. Cracking algorithms won't try to guess the four words you've chosen: they will see only a thirty-character (or so) string consisting only of lower-case letters and spaces, and whose origin is insignificant. It will be no more or less crackable than any other password of the same length with the same character set
I suggest that you should rethink your requirements and so make things easier for yourself. I don't find it hard to think of four English words, and don't need a program to do it for me. Hint: pilchard is a good one: they never guess that!
If you still insist, then I would write something like this in Perl. I've used only the first 18 lines of your data for
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use List::Util 'shuffle';
my #s = map /\S+/g, ( shuffle( <DATA> ) )[ 0 .. 3 ];
print "#s\n";
wind wise winter yarn
You could use Data::Random::rand_words()
perl -MData::Random -E 'say join $/, Data::Random::rand_words(size => 4)'

Count subsequences in hundreds of GB of data

I'm trying to process a very large file and tally the frequency of all sequences of a certain length in the file.
To illustrate what I'm doing, consider a small input file containing the sequence abcdefabcgbacbdebdbbcaebfebfebfeb
Below, the code reads the whole file in, and takes the first substring of length n (below I set this to 5, although I want to be able to change this) and counts its frequency:
abcde => 1
Next line, it moves one character to the right and does the same:
bcdef => 1
It then continues for the rest of the string and prints the 5 most frequent sequences:
open my $in, '<', 'in.txt' or die $!; # 'abcdefabcgbacbdebdbbcaebfebfebfeb'
my $seq = <$in>; # read whole file into string
my $len = length($seq);
my $seq_length = 5; # set k-mer length
my %data;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $len - $seq_length; $i++) {
my $kmer = substr($seq, $i, $seq_length);
# print the hash, showing only the 5 most frequent k-mers
my $count = 0;
foreach my $kmer (sort { $data{$b} <=> $data{$a} } keys %data ){
print "$kmer $data{$kmer}\n";
last if $count >= 5;
ebfeb 3
febfe 2
bfebf 2
bcaeb 1
abcgb 1
However, I would like to find a more efficient way of achieving this. If the input file was 10GB or 1000GB, then reading the whole thing into a string would be very memory expensive.
I thought about reading in blocks of characters, say 100 at a time and proceeding as above, but here, sequences that span 2 blocks would not be tallied correctly.
My idea then, is to only read in n number of characters from the string, and then move onto the next n number of characters and do the same, tallying their frequency in a hash as above.
Are there any suggestions about how I could do this? I've had a look a read using an offset, but can't get my head around how I could incorporate this here
Is substr the most memory efficient tool for this task?
From your own code it's looking like your data file has just a single line of data -- not broken up by newline characters -- so I've assumed that in my solution below. Even if it's possible that the line has one newline character at the end, the selection of the five most frequent subsequences at the end will throw this out as it happens only once
This program uses sysread to fetch an arbitrarily-sized chunk of data from the file and append it to the data we already have in memory
The body of the loop is mostly similar to your own code, but I have used the list version of for instead of the C-style one as it is much clearer
After processing each chunk, the in-memory data is truncated to the last SEQ_LENGTH-1 bytes before the next cycle of the loop pulls in more data from the file
I've also use constants for the K-mer size and the chunk size. They are constant after all!
The output data was produced with CHUNK_SIZE set to 7 so that there would be many instances of cross-boundary subsequences. It matches your own required output except for the last two entries with a count of 1. That is because of the inherent random order of Perl's hash keys, and if you require a specific order of sequences with equal counts then you must specify it so that I can change the sort
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use constant SEQ_LENGTH => 5; # K-mer length
use constant CHUNK_SIZE => 1024 * 1024; # Chunk size - say 1MB
my $in_file = shift // 'in.txt';
open my $in_fh, '<', $in_file or die qq{Unable to open "$in_file" for input: $!};
my %data;
my $chunk;
my $length = 0;
while ( my $size = sysread $in_fh, $chunk, CHUNK_SIZE, $length ) {
$length += $size;
for my $offset ( 0 .. $length - SEQ_LENGTH ) {
my $kmer = substr $chunk, $offset, SEQ_LENGTH;
$chunk = substr $chunk, -(SEQ_LENGTH-1);
$length = length $chunk;
my #kmers = sort { $data{$b} <=> $data{$a} } keys %data;
print "$_ $data{$_}\n" for #kmers[0..4];
ebfeb 3
febfe 2
bfebf 2
gbacb 1
acbde 1
Note the line: $chunk = substr $chunk, -(SEQ_LENGTH-1); which sets $chunk as we pass through the while loop. This ensures that strings spanning 2 chunks get counted correctly.
The $chunk = substr $chunk, -4 statement removes all but the last four characters from the current chunk so that the next read appends CHUNK_SIZE bytes from the file to those remaining characters. This way the search will continue, but starts with the last 4 of the previous chunk's characters in addition to the next chunk: data doesn't fall into a "crack" between the chunks.
Even if you don't read the entire file into memory before processing it, you could still run out of memory.
A 10 GiB file contains almost 11E9 sequences.
If your sequences are sequences of 5 characters chosen from a set of 5 characters, there are only 55 = 3,125 unique sequences, and this would easily fit in memory.
If your sequences are sequences of 20 characters chosen from a set of 5 characters, there are 520 = 95E12 unique sequences, so the all 11E9 sequences of a 10 GiB file could unique. That does not fit in memory.
In that case, I suggest doing the following:
Create a file that contains all the sequences of the original file.
The following reads the file in chunks rather than all at once. The tricky part is handling sequences that span two blocks. The following program uses sysread[1] to fetch an arbitrarily-sized chunk of data from the file and append it to the last few character of the previously read block. This last detail allows sequences that span blocks to be counted.
perl -e'
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
use constant SEQ_LENGTH => 20;
use constant CHUNK_SIZE => 1024 * 1024;
my $buf = "";
while (1) {
my $size = sysread(\*STDIN, $buf, CHUNK_SIZE, length($buf));
die($!) if !defined($size);
last if !$size;
for my $offset ( 0 .. length($buf) - SEQ_LENGTH ) {
print(substr($buf, $offset, SEQ_LENGTH), "\n");
substr($buf, 0, -(SEQ_LENGTH-1), "");
' <in.txt >sequences.txt
Sort the sequences.
sort sequences.txt >sorted_sequences.txt
Count the number of instances of each sequeunces, and store the count along with the sequences in another file.
perl -e'
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
my $last = "";
my $count;
while (<>) {
if ($_ eq $last) {
} else {
print("$count $last\n") if $count;
$last = $_;
$count = 1;
' sorted_sequences.txt >counted_sequences.txt
Sort the sequences by count.
sort -rns counted_sequences.txt >sorted_counted_sequences.txt
Extract the results.
perl -e'
use strict;
use warnings qw( all );
my $last_count;
while (<>) {
my ($count, $seq) = split;
last if $. > 5 && $count != $last_count;
print("$seq $count\n");
$last_count = $count;
' sorted_counted_sequences.txt
This also prints ties for 5th place.
This can be optimized by tweaking the parameters passed to sort[2], but it should offer decent performance.
sysread is faster than previously suggested read since the latter performs a series of 4 KiB or 8 KiB reads (depending on your version of Perl) internally.
Given the fixed-length nature of the sequence, you could also compress the sequences into ceil(log256(520)) = 6 bytes then base64-encode them into ceil(6 * 4/3) = 8 bytes. That means 12 fewer bytes would be needed per sequence, greatly reducing the amount to read and to write.
Portions of this answer was adapted from content by user:622310 licensed under cc by-sa 3.0.
Generally speaking Perl is really slow at character-by-character processing solutions like those posted above, it's much faster at something like regular expressions since essentially your overhead is mainly how many operators you're executing.
So if you can turn this into a regex-based solution that's much better.
Here's an attempt to do that:
$ perl -wE 'my $str = "abcdefabcgbacbdebdbbcaebfebfebfeb"; for my $pos (0..4) { $str =~ s/^.// if $pos; say for $str =~ m/(.{5})/g }'|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -n 5
3 ebfeb
2 febfe
2 bfebf
1 gbacb
1 fabcg
I.e. we have our string in $str, and then we pass over it 5 times generating sequences of 5 characters, after the first pass we start chopping off a character from the front of the string. In a lot of languages this would be really slow since you'd have to re-allocate the entire string, but perl cheats for this special case and just sets the index of the string to 1+ what it was before.
I haven't benchmarked this but I bet something like this is a much more viable way to do this than the algorithms above, you could also do the uniq counting in perl of course by incrementing a hash (with the /e regex option is probably the fastest way), but I'm just offloading that to |sort|uniq -c in this implementation, which is probably faster.
A slightly altered implementation that does this all in perl:
$ perl -wE 'my $str = "abcdefabcgbacbdebdbbcaebfebfebfeb"; my %occur; for my $pos (0..4) { substr($str, 0, 1) = "" if $pos; $occur{$_}++ for $str =~ m/(.{5})/gs }; for my $k (sort { $occur{$b} <=> $occur{$a} } keys %occur) { say "$occur{$k} $k" }'
3 ebfeb
2 bfebf
2 febfe
1 caebf
1 cgbac
1 bdbbc
1 acbde
1 efabc
1 aebfe
1 ebdbb
1 fabcg
1 bacbd
1 bcdef
1 cbdeb
1 defab
1 debdb
1 gbacb
1 bdebd
1 cdefa
1 bbcae
1 bcgba
1 bcaeb
1 abcgb
1 abcde
1 dbbca
Pretty formatting for the code behind that:
my $str = "abcdefabcgbacbdebdbbcaebfebfebfeb";
my %occur;
for my $pos (0..4) {
substr($str, 0, 1) = "" if $pos;
$occur{$_}++ for $str =~ m/(.{5})/gs;
for my $k (sort { $occur{$b} <=> $occur{$a} } keys %occur) {
say "$occur{$k} $k";
The most straightforward approach is to use the substr() function:
% time perl -e '$/ = \1048576;
while ($s = <>) { for $i (0..length $s) {
$hash{ substr($s, $i, 5) }++ } }
foreach my $k (sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash) {
print "$k $hash{$k}\n"; $it++; last if $it == 5;}' nucleotide.data
NNCTA 337530
GNGGA 337362
NCACT 337304
GANGN 337290
ACGGC 337210
269.79 real 268.92 user 0.66 sys
The Perl Monks node on iterating along a string was a useful resource, as were the responses and comments from #Jonathan Leffler, #ÆvarArnfjörðBjarmason, #Vorsprung, #ThisSuitIsBlackNotm #borodin and #ikegami here in this SO posting. As was pointed out, the issue with very large files is memory, which in turn requires that files be read in chunks. When reading from a file in chunks, if your code is iterating through the data it has to properly handle switching from one chunk/source to the next without dropping any bytes.
As a simplistic example, next unless length $kmer == 5; will get checked during each 1048576 byte/character iteration in the script above, meaning strings that exist at the end of one chunk and the beginning of another will be missed (cf. #ikegami's and #Borodin's solutions). This will alter the resulting count, though perhaps not in a statistically significant way[1]. Both #borodin and #ikegami address the issue of missing/overlapping strings between chunks by appending each chunk to the remaining characters of the previous chunk as they sysread in their while() loops. See Borodin's response and comments for an explanation of how it works.
Using Stream::Reader
Since perl has been around for quite a while and has collected a lot of useful code, another perfectly valid approach is to look for a CPAN module that achieves the same end. Stream::Reader can create a "stream" interface to a file handle that wraps the solution to the chunking issue behind a set of convenient functions for accessing the data.
use Stream::Reader;
use strict;
use warnings;
open( my $handler, "<", shift );
my $stream = Stream::Reader->new( $handler, { Mode => "UB" } );
my %hash;
my $string;
while ($stream->readto("\n", { Out => \$string }) ) {
foreach my $i (0..length $string) {
$hash{ substr($string, $i, 5) }++
my $it;
foreach my $k (sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash ) {
print "$k $hash{$k}\n";
$it++; last if $it == 5;
On a test data file nucleotide.data, both Borodin's script and the Stream::Reader approach shown above produced the same top five results. Note the small difference compared to the results from the shell command above. This illustrates the need to properly handle reading data in chunks.
NNCTA 337530
GNGGA 337362
NCACT 337305
GANGN 337290
ACGGC 337210
The Stream::Reader based script was significantly faster:
time perl sequence_search_stream-reader.pl nucleotide.data
time perl sequence_search_borodin.pl nucleotide.data
The file nucleotide.data was a 1Gb in size, consisting of single string of approximately 1 billion characters:
% wc nucleotide.data
0 0 1048576000 nucleotide.data
% echo `head -c 20 nucleotide.data`
I used this command to create the file:
perl -MString::Random=random_regex -e '
open (my $fh, ">>", "nucleotide.data");
for (0..999) { print $fh random_regex(q|[GCNTA]{1048576}|) ;}'
Lists and Strings
Since the application is supposed to read a chunk at a time and move this $seq_length sized window along the length of the data building a hash for tracking string frequency, I thought a "lazy list" approach might work here. But, to move a window through a collection of data (or slide as with List::Gen) reading elements natatime, one needs a list.
I was seeing the data as one very long string which would first have to be made into a list for this approach to work. I'm not sure how efficient this can be made. Nevertheless, here is my attempt at a "lazy list" approach to the question:
use List::Gen 'slide';
$/ = \1048575; # Read a million character/bytes at a time.
my %hash;
while (my $seq = <>) {
chomp $seq;
foreach my $kmer (slide { join("", #_) } 5 => split //, $seq) {
next unless length $kmer == 5;
foreach my $k (sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys %hash) {
print "$k $hash{$k}\n";
$it++; last if $it == 5;
I'm not sure this is "typical perl" (TIMTOWDI of course) and I suppose there are other techniques (cf. gather/take) and utilities suitable for this task. I like the response from #Borodin best since it seems to be the most common way to take on this task and is more efficient for the potentially large file sizes that were mentioned (100Gb).
Is there a fast/best way to turn a string into a list or object? Using an incremental read() or sysread() with substr wins on this point, but even with sysread a 1000Gb string would require a lot of memory just for the resulting hash. Perhaps a technique that serialized/cached the hash to disk as it grew beyond a certain size would work with very, very large strings that were liable to create very large hashes.
Postscript and Results
The List::Gen approach was consistently between 5 and 6 times slower than #Borodin's approach. The fastest script used the Stream::Reader module. Results were consistent and each script selected the same top five strings with the two smaller files:
1 million character nucleotide string
sequence_search_stream-reader.pl : 0.26s
sequence_search_borodin.pl : 0.39s
sequence_search_listgen.pl : 2.04s
83 million character nucleotide string
With the data in file xaa:
wc xaa
0 1 83886080 xaa
% time perl sequence_search_stream-reader.pl xaa
GGCNG 31510
TAGNN 31182
AACTA 30944
GTCAN 30792
ANTAT 30756
21.33 real 20.95 user 0.35 sys
% time perl sequence_search_borodin.pl xaa
GGCNG 31510
TAGNN 31182
AACTA 30944
GTCAN 30792
ANTAT 30756
28.13 real 28.08 user 0.03 sys
% time perl sequence_search_listgen.pl xaa
GGCNG 31510
TAGNN 31182
AACTA 30944
GTCAN 30792
ANTAT 30756
157.54 real 156.93 user 0.45 sys
1 billion character nucleotide string
In a larger file the differences were of similar magnitude but, because as written it does not correctly handle sequences spanning chunk boundaries, the List::Gen script had the same discrepancy as the shell command line at the beginning of this post. The larger file meant a number of chunk boundaries and a discrepancy in the count.
sequence_search_stream-reader.pl : 252.12s
sequence_search_borodin.pl : 350.57s
sequence_search_listgen.pl : 1928.34s
The chunk boundary issue can of course be resolved, but I'd be interested to know about other potential errors or bottlenecks that are introduced using a "lazy list" approach. If there were any benefit in terms of CPU usage from using slide to "lazily" move along the string, it seems to be rendered moot by the need to make a list out of the string before starting.
I'm not surprised that reading data across chunk boundaries is left as an implementation exercise (perhaps it cannot be handled "magically") but I wonder what other CPAN modules or well worn subroutine style solutions might exist.
1. Skipping four characters - and thus four 5 character string combinations - at the end of each megabyte read of a terabyte file would mean the results would not include 3/10000 of 1% from the final count.
echo "scale=10; 100 * (1024^4/1024^2 ) * 4 / 1024^4 " | bc

Parallelization of perl script

I have a perl script I wish to parrallelise.
It is composed of a while loop with over 11000 lines inside of another while loop of 3400 lines, which makes it extremely slow.
open (FILE1, "File1.txt") or die "Can't open File1";
open (OUT, ">Outfile.txt");
while (<FILE1>)
my #data=split (/ /, $_);
my $RS=1;
open (FILE2, "File2.txt") or die "Can't open File2";
while (<FILE2>)
my #value=split (/ /, $_);
if ($data[$RS] == 1) {print OUT $value[1];$RS++;}
elsif ($data[$RS] == 2) {print OUT $value[2];$RS++;}
elsif ($data[$RS] == 0) {print OUT $value[3];$RS++;}
close FILE2;
I'm looking for a way to do the equivalent of qsub with every line of File1 so I can send 3440 jobs. Any suggestions? I'd like to stay with perl if possible. I tried to insert this code inside of a bash script, but I don't really understand how to insert a language inside another one.
My File1 contains a list of ID with information in column. Each column is then related to a single line in File2. I'd like to be able to run the second loop for multiple ID simultaneously instead of one after another.
ID RS_10 RS_15 RS_30
23 1 0 1
34 2 2 0
45 1 1 0
23 0 0 2
10 2 1 1
RS_10 A B C
RS_15 D E F
RS_30 G H I
The first rule of optimization is not to do it too early (i.e. jumping to premature conclusions without profiling your code).
The second rule would probably refer to caching.
The File2 of yours isn't very large. I'd say we load it into memory. This has the following advantages:
We do our parsing once and only once.
The file isn't obscenly large, so space isn't much of an issue.
We can create a data structure that makes lookups very simple.
About that first point: You split each line over three thousand times. Those cycles could have been better spent.
About that third point: you seem to do an index conversion:
1 → 1, 2 → 2, 0 → 3
Instead of testing for all values with an if/elsif-switch (linear complexity), we could use an array that does this translation (constant time lookups):
my #conversion = (3, 1, 2);
print OUT $value[$conversion[$data[$RS++]]];
If this index conversion is constant, we could do it once and only once when parsing File2. This would look like
use strict; use warnings;
use autodie; # automatic error handling
my #file2;
open my $file2, "<", "File2.txt";
while (<$file2>) {
my (undef, #vals) = split;
# do the reordering. This is equivalent to #vals = #vals[2, 0, 1];
unshift #vals, pop #vals;
push #file2, \#vals;
Now we can move on to iterating through File1. Printing the corresponding entry from File2 now looks like
open my $file1, "<", "File1.txt";
<$file1>; # remove header
while (<$file1>) {
my ($id, #indices) = split;
print $id, map $file2[$_][$indices[$_]], 0 .. $#indices;
# but I guess you'd want some separator in between
# If so, set the $, variable
This algorithm is still quadratic (the map is just a for-loop in disguise), but this should have a better constant factor. The output of above code given your example input is
23 A F G
34 B E I
45 A D I
23 C F H
10 B D G
(with $, = " "; $\ = "\n").
Where to go from here
This last step (looping through File1) could be parallelized, but this is unlikely to help much: IO is slow, communication between threads is expensive (IPC even more so), and the output would be in random order. We could spawn a bunch of workers, and pass unparsed lines in a queue:
use threads; # should be 1st module to be loaded
use Thread::Queue;
use constant NUM_THREADS => 4; # number of cores
# parse the File2 data here
my $queue = Thread::Queue->new;
my #threads = map threads->new(\&worker), 1 .. NUM_THREADS;
# enqueue data
$queue->enqueue($_) while <$file1>;
# end the queue
$queue->enqueue((undef) x NUM_THREADS); # $queue->end in never versions
# wait for threads to complete
$_->join for #threads;
sub worker {
while(defined(my $_ = $queue->dequeue)) {
my ($id, #indices) = split;
print $id, map $file2[$_][$indices[$_]], 0 .. $#indices;
Note that this copies the #file2 into all threads. Fun fact: for the example data, this threaded solution takes roughly 4× as long. This is mostly the overhead of thread creation, so this will be less of an issue for your data.
In any case, profile your code to see where you can optimize most effectively. I recommend the excellent Devel::NYTProf. E.g. for my non-threaded test run with this very limited data, the overhead implied by autodie and friends used more time than doing the actual processing. For you, the most expensive line would probably be
print $id, map $file2[$_][$indices[$_]], 0 .. $#indices;
but there isn't much we can do here inside Perl.

Summing a column of numbers in a text file using Perl

Ok, so I'm very new to Perl. I have a text file and in the file there are 4 columns of data(date, time, size of files, files). I need to create a small script that can open the file and get the average size of the files. I've read so much online, but I still can't figure out how to do it. This is what I have so far, but I'm not sure if I'm even close to doing this correctly.
open FILE, "files.txt";
##array = File;
($date, $time, $numbers, $type) = split(/ /,<FILE>);
$total += $numbers;
print"the total is $total\n";
This is how the data looks in the file. These are just a few of them. I need to get the numbers in the third column.
12/02/2002 12:16 AM 86016 a2p.exe
10/10/2004 11:33 AM 393 avgfsznew.pl
11/01/2003 04:42 PM 38124 c2ph.bat
Your program is reasonably close to working. With these changes it will do exactly what you want
Always use use strict and use warnings at the start of your program, and declare all of your variables using my. That will help you by finding many simple errors that you may otherwise overlook
Use lexical file handles, the three-parameter form of open, and always check the return status of any open call
Declare the $total variable outside the loop. Declaring it inside the loop means it will be created and destroyed each time around the loop and it won't be able to accumulate a total
Declare a $count variable in the same way. You will need it to calculate the average
Using while (FILE) {...} just tests that FILE is true. You need to read from it instead, so you must use the readline operator like <FILE>
You want the default call to split (without any parameters) which will return all the non-space fields in $_ as a list
You need to add a variable in the assignment to allow for athe AM or PM field in each line
Here is a modification of your code that works fine
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, '<', "files.txt" or die $!;
my $total = 0;
my $count = 0;
while (<$fh>) {
my ($date, $time, $ampm, $numbers, $type) = split;
$total += $numbers;
$count += 1;
print "The total is $total\n";
print "The count is $count\n";
print "The average is ", $total / $count, "\n";
The total is 124533
The count is 3
The average is 41511
It's tempting to use Perl's awk-like auto-split option. There are 5 columns; three containing date and time information, then the size and then the name.
The first version of the script that I wrote is also the most verbose:
perl -n -a -e '$total += $F[3]; $num++; END { printf "%12.2f\n", $total / ($num + 0.0); }'
The -a (auto-split) option splits a line up on white space into the array #F. Combined with the -n option (which makes Perl run in a loop that reads the file name arguments in turn, or standard input, without printing each line), the code adds $F[3] (the fourth column, counting from 0) to $total, which is automagically initialized to zero on first use. It also counts the lines in $num. The END block is executed when all the input is read; it uses printf() to format the value. The + 0.0 ensures that the arithmetic is done in floating point, not integer arithmetic. This is very similar to the awk script:
awk '{ total += $4 } END { print total / NR }'
First drafts of programs are seldom optimal — or, at least, I'm not that good a programmer. Revisions help.
Perl was designed, in part, as an awk killer. There is still a program a2p distributed with Perl for converting awk scripts to Perl (and there's also s2p for converting sed scripts to Perl). And Perl does have an automatic (built-in) variable that keeps track of the number of lines read. It has several names. The tersest is $.; the mnemonic name $NR is available if you use English; in the script; so is $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER. So, using $num is not necessary. It also turns out that Perl does a floating point division anyway, so the + 0.0 part was unnecessary. This leads to the next versions:
perl -MEnglish -n -a -e '$total += $F[3]; END { printf "%12.2f\n", $total / $NR; }'
perl -n -a -e '$total += $F[3]; END { printf "%12.2f\n", $total / $.; }'
You can tune the print format to suit your whims and fancies. This is essentially the script I'd use in the long term; it is fairly clear without being long-winded in any way. The script could be split over multiple lines if you desired. It is a simple enough task that the legibility of the one-line is not a problem, IMNSHO. And the beauty of this is that you don't have to futz around with split and arrays and read loops on your own; Perl does most of that for you. (Granted, it does blow up on empty input; that fix is trivial; see below.)
Recommended version
perl -n -a -e '$total += $F[3]; END { printf "%12.2f\n", $total / $. if $.; }'
The if $. tests whether the number of lines read is zero or not; the printf and division are omitted if $. is zero so the script outputs nothing when given no input.
There is a noble (or ignoble) game called 'Code Golf' that was much played in the early days of Stack Overflow, but Code Golf questions are no longer considered good questions. The object of Code Golf is to write a program that does a particular task in as few characters as possible. You can play Code Golf with this and compress it still further if you're not too worried about the format of the output and you're using at least Perl 5.10:
perl -Mv5.10 -n -a -e '$total += $F[3]; END { say $total / $. if $.; }'
And, clearly, there are a lot of unnecessary spaces and letters in there:
perl -Mv5.10 -nae '$t+=$F[3];END{say$t/$.if$.}'
That is not, however, as clear as the recommended version.
use warnings;
use strict;
open my $file, "<", "files.txt";
my ($total, $cnt);
$total += (split(/\s+/, $_))[3];
close $file;
print "number of files: $cnt\n";
print "total size: $total\n";
printf "avg: %.2f\n", $total/$cnt;
Or you can use awk:
awk '{t+=$4} END{print t/NR}' files.txt
Try doing this :
#!/usr/bin/perl -l
use strict; use warnings;
open my $file, '<', "my_file" or die "open error [$!]";
my ($total, $count);
while (<$file>){
next if /^$/;
my ($date, $time, $x, $numbers, $type) = split;
$total += $numbers;
print "the average is " . $total/$count . " and the total is $total";
close $file;
It is as simple as this:
perl -F -lane '$a+=$F[3];END{print "The average size is ".$a/$.}' your_file
tested below:
> cat temp
12/02/2002 12:16 AM 86016 a2p.exe
10/10/2004 11:33 AM 393 avgfsznew.pl
11/01/2003 04:42 PM 38124 c2ph.bat
Now the execution:
> perl -F -lane '$a+=$F[3];END{print "The average size is ".$a/$.}' temp
The average size is 41511
-F -a says store the line in an array format.with the default separator as space or tab.
so nopw $F[3] has you size of the file.
sum up all the sizes in the 4th column untill all the lines are processed.
END will be executed after processing all the lines in the file.
so $. at the end will gives the number of lines.
so $a/$. will give the average.
This solution opens the file and loops through each line of the file. It then splits the file into the five variables in the line by splitting on 1 or more spaces.
open the file for reading, "<", and if it fails, raise an error or die "..."
my ($total, $cnt) are our column total and number of files added count
while(<FILE>) { ... } loops through each line of the file using the file handle and stores the line in $_
chomp removes the input record separator in $_. In unix, the default separator is a newline \n
split(/\s+/, $_) Splits the current line represented by$_, with the delimiter \s+. \s represents a space, the + afterward means "1 or more". So, we split the next line on 1 or more spaces.
Next we update $total and $cnt
open FILE, "<", "files.txt" or die "Error opening file: $!";
my ($total, $cnt);
my ($date, $time, $am_pm, $numbers, $type) = split(/\s+/, $_);
$total += $numbers;
close FILE;
print"the total is $total and count of $cnt\n";`

How to parse a file, create records and perform manipulations on records including frequency of terms and distance calculations

I'm a student in an intro Perl class, looking for suggestions and feedback on my approach to writing a small (but tricky) program that analyzes data about atoms. My professor encourages forums. I am not advanced with Perl subs or modules (including Bioperl) so please limit responses to an appropriate 'beginner level' so that I can understand and learn from your suggestions and/or code (also limit "Magic" please).
The requirements of the program are as follows:
Read a file (containing data about Atoms) from the command line & create an array of atom records (one record/atom per newline). For each record the program will need to store:
• The atom's serial number (cols 7 - 11)
• The three-letter name of the amino acid to which it belongs (cols 18 - 20)
• The atom's three coordinates (x,y,z) (cols 31 - 54 )
• The atom's one- or two-letter element name (e.g. C, O, N, Na) (cols 77-78 )
Prompt for one of three commands: freq, length, density d (d is some number):
• freq - how many of each type of atom is in the file (example Nitrogen, Sodium, etc would be displayed like this: N: 918 S: 23
• length - The distances among coordinates
• density d (where d is a number) - program will prompt for the name of a file to save computations to and will containing the distance between that atom and every other atom. If that distance is less than or equal to the number d, it increments the count of the number of atoms that are within that distance, unless that count is zero into the file. The output will look something like:
1: 5
2: 3
3: 6
... (very big file) and will close when it finishes.
I'm looking for feedback on what I have written (and need to write) in the code below. I especially appreciate any feedback in how to approach writing my subs. I've included sample input data at the bottom.
The program structure and function descriptions as I see it:
$^W = 1; # turn on warnings
use strict; # behave!
my #fields;
my #recs;
while ( <DATA> ) {
#fields = split(/\s+/);
push #recs, makeRecord(#fields);
for (my $i = 0; $i < #recs; $i++) {
printRec( $recs[$i] );
my %command_table = (
freq => \&freq,
length => \&length,
density => \&density,
help => \&help,
quit => \&quit
print "Enter a command: ";
while ( <STDIN> ) {
my #line = split( /\s+/);
my $command = shift #line;
if ($command !~ /^freq$|^density$|length|^help$|^quit$/ ) {
print "Command must be: freq, length, density or quit\n";
else {
print "Enter a command: ";
sub makeRecord
# Read the entire line and make records from the lines that contain the
# word ATOM or HETATM in the first column. Not sure how to do this:
my %record =
serialnumber => shift,
aminoacid => shift,
coordinates => shift,
element => [ #_ ]
sub freq
# take an array of atom records, return a hash whose keys are
# distinct atom names and whose values are the frequences of
# these atoms in the array.
sub length
# take an array of atom records and return the max distance
# between all pairs of atoms in that array. My instructor
# advised this would be constructed as a for loop inside a for loop.
sub density
# take an array of atom records and a number d and will return a
# hash whose keys are atom serial numbers and whose values are
# the number of atoms within that distance from the atom with that
# serial number.
sub help
print "To use this program, type either\n",
"density followed by a number, d,\n",
sub quit
exit 0;
# truncating for testing purposes. Actual data is aprox. 100 columns
# and starts with ATOM or HETATM.
ATOM 4743 CG GLN A 704 19.896 32.017 54.717 1.00 66.44 C
ATOM 4744 CD GLN A 704 19.589 30.757 55.525 1.00 73.28 C
ATOM 4745 OE1 GLN A 704 18.801 29.892 55.098 1.00 75.91 O
It looks like your Perl skills are advancing nicely -- using references and complex data structures. Here are a few tips and pieces of general advice.
Enable warnings with use warnings rather than $^W = 1. The former is self-documenting and has the advantage being local to the enclosing block rather than being a global setting.
Use well-named variables, which will help document the program's behavior, rather than relying on Perl's special $_. For example:
while (my $input_record = <DATA>){
In user-input scenarios, an endless loop provides a way to avoid repeated instructions like "Enter a command". See below.
Your regex can be simplified to avoid the need for repeated anchors. See below.
As a general rule, affirmative tests are easier to understand than negative tests. See the modified if-else structure below.
Enclose each part of program within its own subroutine. This is a good general practice for a bunch of reasons, so I would just start the habit.
A related good practice is to minimize the use of global variables. As an exercise, you could try to write the program so that it uses no global variables at all. Instead, any needed information would be passed around between the subroutines. With small programs one does not necessarily need to be rigid about the avoidance of globals, but it's not a bad idea to keep the ideal in mind.
Give your length subroutine a different name. That name is already used by the built-in length function.
Regarding your question about makeRecord, one approach is to ignore the filtering issue inside makeRecord. Instead, makeRecord could include an additional hash field, and the filtering logic would reside elsewhere. For example:
my $record = makeRecord(#fields);
push #recs, $record if $record->{type} =~ /^(ATOM|HETATM)$/;
An illustration of some of the points above:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub run {
my $atom_data = load_atom_data();
sub interact_with_user {
my $atom_data = shift;
my %command_table = (...);
while (1){
print "Enter a command: ";
chomp(my $reply = <STDIN>);
my ($command, #line) = split /\s+/, $reply;
if ( $command =~ /^(freq|density|length|help|quit)$/ ) {
# Run the command.
else {
# Print usage message for user.
FM's answer is pretty good. I'll just mention a couple of additional things:
You already have a hash with the valid commands (which is a good idea). There's no need to duplicate that list in a regex. I'd do something like this:
if (my $routine = $command_table{$command}) {
} else {
print "Command must be: freq, length, density or quit\n";
Notice I'm also passing #line to the subroutine, because you'll need that for the density command. Subroutines that don't take arguments can just ignore them.
You could also generate the list of valid commands for the error message by using keys %command_table, but I'll leave that as an exercise for you.
Another thing is that the description of the input file mentions column numbers, which suggests that it's a fixed-width format. That's better parsed with substr or unpack. If a field is ever blank or contains a space, then your split will not parse it correctly. (If you use substr, be aware that it numbers columns starting at 0, when people often label the first column 1.)