Docker REST API : Create Image issue : Need help for parameter fromSrc: - rest

Hi Guys need your help.
I am creating an Image via docker REST API.
The link mentioned for parameter fromSrc following is the description :
fromSrc: Source to import. The value may be a URL from which the image can be retrieved or - to read the image from the request body. This parameter may only be used when importing an image.
if anyone can suggest the meaning of to read the image from the request body part and how we can test this

to read the image from the request body
means that you have to put your image as Json into the body of your request.
The URL, in this case, will look like this '.../images/create?fromSrc=-'
To test this, you can use Restlet client or Postman, which are chrome extensions that let you build a request with a body.


Replicatiing post request from website form using postman returns 500 internal server error

I'm trying to replicate a post request done normally by a website form via postman but the server returns 500 error.
the form website URL that I'm dealing with is here.
what I have done so far is investigate the network request using chrome or safari dev tools, copy the request as cURL, import the cURL in postman and do the request.
what can be the possible reasons for the failure and what are the alternative ways to achieve the same result?
Postman Headers:
Most probably you must have used invalid request body. The browser shows parsed json body and you might have copied incomple request body.
To get full body click view source and copy the full content.

Cloudinary Error: "Missing required parameter - file" via REST API

I'm just getting started with Cloudinary, and I'm attempting to Uploading with a direct call to the API. Using the DHC REST Client (chrome extension), I put my request together per the instructions found here at Creating API authentication signatures. Here's a screenshot of that request and response.
I also tried...
adding quotes around all values except timestamp as shown in the example
making the request a multi-part request and attaching the image to the body as a "file"
deleting timestamp, api_key, and signature and instead replacing them with upload_preset to try and upload an unsigned image (yes, I created the preset)
And finally, I did try adding public_id even though it says it would assign one if not provided.
In all cases, I get the same error response... Missing required parameter - file
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?
Ok, figured it out. These name/value pairs need to be added to the body of the request rather than the header. Here's what that would look like in the DHC client. Note that the upload_preset will not work for you... I only created it to test with. Also note that doing a signed request is accomplished the same way but with different parameters.

Get non file body from multipart/form-data using AWS API Gateway and Lambda

I am trying to get the form data from a multipart/form-data POST to my ASW Lambda web service via API Gateway.
The HTTP POST has Content-Type "multipart/form-data" and body that is URL encoded. File data is also sent in this post (hence the multipart, I guess).
The web service needs to integrate with a thirdparty service, so changing the format of the POST isn't really an option.
I have seen this thread talking about converting the URL encoded data to JSON object for use in Lambda, but this doesn't do the trick.
I have also tried setting the Integration Request -> Mapping Templates for content type multipart/form-data to Input passthrough. This didn't help either.
I did come across another question about uploading a file using multipart/form-data, but since I'm not interested in the file, just the body, that answer didn't help.
Below find screenshot (sorry) of the captured post via runscope.
If the goal is to use Lambda, you'll need to pass valid JSON to the function. Currently there isn't a way to JSON-ify data inside Api Gateway that comes in as non-JSON data.
Our short term fix (on our backlog) is to provide a variable in the mapping templates to grab the raw input of the request. That way you could do a simple JSON conversion using a template like:
"body" : "$input.body"
or something like that.
Check out the mapping template reference for more info:
Edit 4/7 - feature has been released as $input.body

Url parameter is required while making a call using Twilio API

I am trying to make calls using REST API and the Language I am using isn Apex.However,it is throwing me error saying 'Url parameter is required. For more information, see '
I am using Endpoint URL as follows :-
If you see I am adding the Url param to the endpoint,still it is throwing me an error.
I am able to send SMS through Rest API,the issue is only when I am making calls.
Please suggest.
Url must be POSTed to the API, you are now sending it as a GET parameter.
Change your code so that it does a POST instead of a GET and sent the Url parameter as a POST variable.
Also you left out the {AccountSid} in your URL, that's required as well. Of course you may have left it out because you don't want it publicly visible on SO, but I can't from here that that's your reason ;)

upload small thumbnail images from iPhone app to Amazon S3

I noticed couple thread on this already and they even provided sample code.
But what baffled me is that - there was no response to get handled? is it because that s3 doesn't return any response? I am expecting to receive at least an URL to the image on S3, how could I get that?
If you look at the S3 REST object PUT documentation you will see the response that is returned from S3.
When you post to S3 you know the bucket name you are putting the image into plus you know the filename. These two pieces of information should be all you need to get a url to the image.
The documentation states that in addition to the PUT response header(s) you can see some of the common headers too.
This implementation of the operation
can include the following response
headers in addition to the response
headers common to all responses. For
more information, see Common Response
If you look at the ASIHTTPRequest Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) support you will see how to get a response from the ASIS3ObjectRequest object.
If you wish to just get your S3 image url, you don't need the response information considering you already know the image name and the bucket (if there was no error).
Anyway, you can get the response from a sync request by using [request responseString|responseData].
But the right thing to do is an async call using operation queues and delegates to get the response success or error. My blog post just provided a minimal sample. I will look into that and improve the post itself.
In addition to the answers already provided, you might also want to look at Amazon's recently released AWS SDK for iOS, which includes sample code for uploading images, etc. to S3.