Can't copy connectors when creating component instances in EA - enterprise-architect

I tried to create component instances with the connectors in the deployment diagram in Enterprise Architect as below:
select all components for which I need to create the instances and connectors in the component diagram
drag & drop them to the deployment diagram
mark "Copy connectors"
But the connectors are not displayed.
EA version: 13.5.1351.
Component diagram
Deployment diagram
Thank you


UML metamodel not found in createing Acceleo project

I am new in Acceleo. I use eclipse Mars. I want to getting start and learn with this link. when I want to create a new project and click add in the field of Metamodel URIs I didn't find UML Metamodel. what can I do?
The UML metamodel is only accessible by Acceleo if it is registered in the global EMF ERegistry. It means that it must be either loaded as an EMF plugin in your Eclipse environment or manually added to the global registry of your running Eclipse instance.
For UML, it is quite simple, you need to install the UML2 plugin. It provides the UML metamodel java code and .ecore as well as many tools around UML.
Also, if you want more details about Acceleo syntax, you can use these links:
Language Reference
Text production rules
And a small tutorial I wrote (only part 1 at the moment):

(IBM Worklight) Shared Templates Vs (Import) Existing Project into Workspace

In worklight V6.1.0 and i see a new Project template as Shared Temlplates and i cant differentiate the use of the this provided by IBM and the normal import Existing Project into Workspace which is provided my the eclipse.
The final result is same and only the vendor and internal process are different
In eclipse we export it as the Generel->archive file and here we are just making it a template by (IBM Worklight->Worklight Project Template).
In eclipse we are importing it as General->Existing Project into Workspace and here we are just using Worklight Project->etc steps.
if there is any other difference please let me know?
IBM Worklight Project Template (Shared Template) enable you to accelerate the development of applications by not having to start from scratch. You can use Worklight project templates to provide value added services and you can add elements that are consistent with the look and feel of your brand.
And When we talk about exporting existing project into workspace then we don't have a choice of customization for e.g. certain elements like Company logo, company name etc. but in shared templates we have these capabilities, its totally customizable feature introduced in worklight 6.1
for more information please visit below link
Application Component:
Application components are reusable libraries that you can add to the applications you develop. An application component can be a client-side library or a server runtime block. Typical libraries might handle basic functions such as login or payments. They can also contain various elements such as non-visual runtime objects, visual components, integration adapters, and user interface screen packages.
For more information please visit below two links

How to deploy only the presentation layer in JBOSS?

Just want to ask if how to deploy only the presentation layer? Im still new in using JBoss, so at the moment I am deploying all the layers, and I realize that only for some time I change on the presentation layer, so I dont want to deploy other layers.
You can use the JBoss Tools plugin for eclipse to keep your source folders and the deployment in sync, so you will not have to deploy at all.
If this is not an option for you, you will have to separate the layers into projects which you can then deploy separately. A single project for the backend and a project for the frontend is a simple and common separation pattern.

UML - Is an installer an artifact?

I'm making a deployment diagram in UML for a windows application software. I wanted to know if an installer is an artifact and how should I draw the diagram exactly?
Do I only put the installer inside the node that represents a client machine, or I put not only the installer, but the components that it installs in association with installer?
Artifacts physically represent your components. A component is a logically consistent part of your application.
So you have an artifact for your installer only if it is a part of your project. I mean if you designed your own installer, then it is an artifact because it is a part of the "result" of your software project. Yet even in this case it may not be very useful to have it appear in a deployment diagram, because you typically do not deploy an installer...
Otherwise it will not be an artifact. You will have artifacts for your installed components, not the installer itself.
In UML terms your installer file is an artifact. Now whether you should or not show it in a diagram, it depends. A basic tenet of architecture documentation is that you should only produce architecture diagrams if there's anyone who'll benefit from it.
If the stakeholder of that diagram is someone who will install the software, then it may make sense to have the installer in the diagram.
If the stakeholder of the diagram is someone who will simply try to configure or fix issues on the installed application, then you'd probably better show the installed artifacts.
In any case, the proper way to show that an artifact is deployed to a node is using the <<deploy>>stereotyped dependency. Example (from UML 2.5 specs, Fig. 19.3):

Automate eap to xmi export in Enterprise Architect

Is there a way to automate the export (conversion) from *.eap to *.xmi in Enterprise Architect? Ideally something like
ea -eap file.eap -xmi file.xmi
We want to use automated Continuous Integration and clicking through GUI dialogs is not an option. For complex reasons we do not want to check in the xmi in our VCS after the eap file was modified.
The FAQ for XMI export at sadly does not describe an automated way.
See How to automate the generation of HTML output in Enterprise Architect