Spark-shell : The number of columns doesn't match - scala

I have csv format file and is separated by delimiter pipe "|". And the dataset has 2 column, like below .
But sometimes we receive only one column value and other is missing like below
So any row having mismatched column no is a garbage value for us for the above example it will be rows having column value as 3, 4, and 6 and we want to discard these rows. Is there any direct way I can discard those rows, without having a exception while reading the data from spark-shell like below.
val readFile ="delimiter", "|").csv("File.csv").toDF(Seq("Column1", "Column2"): _*)
When we are trying to read the file we are getting the below exception.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: The number of columns doesn't match.
Old column names (1): _c0
New column names (2): Column1, Column2
at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:224)
at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.toDF(Dataset.scala:435)
... 49 elided

You can specify schema of your data file and allow some columns to be nullable. In scala it may look like:
val schm = StructType(
StructField("Column1", StringType, nullable = true) ::
StructField("Column3", StringType, nullable = true) :: Nil)
val readFile =
option("delimiter", "|")
Than you can filter your dataset by column is not null.

Just add DROPMALFORMED mode to the option as below, while reading. Setting this makes Spark to drop the corrupted records.
val readFile =
.option("delimiter", "|")
.option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED") // Option to drop invalid rows.
.toDF(Seq("Column1", "Column2"): _*)
This is documented here.


Handling schema mismatches in Spark

I am reading a csv file using Spark in Scala.
The schema is predefined and i am using it for reading.
This is the esample code:
// create the schema
val schema= StructType(Array(
StructField("col1", IntegerType,false),
StructField("col2", StringType,false),
StructField("col3", StringType,true)))
// Initialize Spark session
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder
.appName("Parquet Converter")
// Create a data frame from a csv file
val dataFrame: DataFrame ="csv").schema(schema).option("header", false).load(inputCsvPath)
From what i read when reading cav with Spark using a schema there are 3 options:
Set mode to DROPMALFORMED --> this will drop the lines that don't match the schema
Set mode to PERMISSIVE --> this will set the whole line to null values
Set mode to FAILFAST --> this will throw an exception when a mismatch is discovered
What is the best way to combine the options? The behaviour I want is to get the mismatches in the schema, print them as errors and ignoring the lines in my data frame.
Basically, I want a combination of FAILFAST and DROPMALFORMED.
Thanks in advance
This is what I eventually did:
I added to the schema the "_corrupt_record" column, for example:
val schema= StructType(Array(
StructField("col1", IntegerType,true),
StructField("col2", StringType,false),
StructField("col3", StringType,true),
StructField("_corrupt_record", StringType, true)))
Then I read the CSV using PERMISSIVE mode (it is Spark default):
val dataFrame: DataFrame ="csv")
.option("header", false)
.option("mode", "PERMISSIVE")
Now my data frame holds an additional column that holds the rows with schema mismatches.
I filtered the rows that have mismatched data and printed it:
val badRows = dataFrame.filter("_corrupt_record is not null")
Just use DROPMALFORMED and follow the log. If malformed records are present there are dumped to the log, up to the limit set by maxMalformedLogPerPartition option."csv")
.option("header", false)
.option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED")
.option("maxMalformedLogPerPartition", 128)

How to fix org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException while changing the order of columns in a dataframe?

I am trying to load data from an RDBMS table on Postgres to Hive table on HDFS.
val yearDF ="jdbc").option("url", connectionUrl)
.option("dbtable", s"(${query}) as year2017")
.option("user", devUserName).option("password", devPassword)
The Hive table is dynamically partitioned based on two columns: source_system_name,period_year
I have these column names present in a metadata table: metatables
val spColsDF ="jdbc").option("url",hiveMetaConURL)
.option("dbtable", "(select partition_columns from metainfo.metatables where tablename='finance.xx_gl_forecast') as colsPrecision")
.option("user", metaUserName)
.option("password", metaPassword)
I am trying to move the partition columns: source_system_name, period_year to the end of the dataFrame: yearDF because the columns that are used in Hive dynamic partitioning should be at the end.
To do that, I came up with the following logic:
val partition_columns ="partition_columns").collect().map(_.getString(0)).toSeq
val allColsOrdered = yearDF.columns.diff(partition_columns) ++ partition_columns
val allCols = => org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col(coln))
val resultDF =*)
When I execute the code, I get the exception:org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException as below:
Exception in thread "main" 18/08/28 18:09:30 WARN Utils: Truncated the string representation of a plan since it was too large. This behavior can be adjusted by setting 'spark.debug.maxToStringFields' in SparkEnv.conf.
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`source_system_name,period_year`' given input columns: [cost_center, period_num, period_name, currencies, cc_channel, scenario, xx_pk_id, period_year, cc_region, reference_code, source_system_name, source_record_type, xx_last_update_tms, xx_last_update_log_id, book_type, cc_function, product_line, ptd_balance_text, project, ledger_id, currency_code, xx_data_hash_id, qtd_balance_text, pl_market, version, qtd_balance, period, ptd_balance, ytd_balance_text, xx_hvr_last_upd_tms, geography, year, del_flag, trading_partner, ytd_balance, xx_data_hash_code, xx_creation_tms, forecast_id, drm_org, account, business_unit, gl_source_name, gl_source_system_name];;
'Project [forecast_id#26L, period_year#27, period_num#28, period_name#29, drm_org#30, ledger_id#31L, currency_code#32, source_system_name#33, source_record_type#34, gl_source_name#35, gl_source_system_name#36, year#37, period#38, scenario#39, version#40, currencies#41, business_unit#42, account#43, trading_partner#44, cost_center#45, geography#46, project#47, reference_code#48, product_line#49, ... 20 more fields]
+- Relation[forecast_id#26L,period_year#27,period_num#28,period_name#29,drm_org#30,ledger_id#31L,currency_code#32,source_system_name#33,source_record_type#34,gl_source_name#35,gl_source_system_name#36,year#37,period#38,scenario#39,version#40,currencies#41,business_unit#42,account#43,trading_partner#44,cost_center#45,geography#46,project#47,reference_code#48,product_line#49,... 19 more fields] JDBCRelation((select forecast_id,period_year,period_num,period_name,drm_org,ledger_id,currency_code,source_system_name,source_record_type,gl_source_name,gl_source_system_name,year,period,scenario,version,currencies,business_unit,account,trading_partner,cost_center,geography,project,reference_code,product_line,book_type,cc_region,cc_channel,cc_function,pl_market,ptd_balance,qtd_balance,ytd_balance,xx_hvr_last_upd_tms,xx_creation_tms,xx_last_update_tms,xx_last_update_log_id,xx_data_hash_code,xx_data_hash_id,xx_pk_id,null::integer as del_flag,ptd_balance::character varying as ptd_balance_text,qtd_balance::character varying as qtd_balance_text,ytd_balance::character varying as ytd_balance_text from analytics.xx_gl_forecast where period_year='2017') as year2017) [numPartitions=1]
But if I pass the same column names in another way as following, the code works fine:
val lastCols = Seq("source_system_name","period_year")
val allColsOrdered = yearDF.columns.diff(lastCols) ++ lastCols
val allCols = => org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col(coln))
val resultDF =*)
Could anyone tell me what is the mistake I am doing here ?
If you look at the error:
cannot resolve '`source_system_name,period_year`
It means that, the following line:"partition_columns").collect().map(_.getString(0)).toSeq
is returning something like:
that means that both the column names are concatenated and form the first element of the array instead of seperate elements like you want.
To get the desired result, you need to split it on ,. For eg, the following should work."partition_columns").collect.flatMap(_.getAs[String](0).split(","))

How to drop malformed rows while reading csv with schema Spark?

While I am using Spark DataSet to load a csv file. I prefer designating schema clearly. But I find there are a few rows not compliant with my schema. A column should be double, but some rows are non-numeric values. Is it possible to filter all rows that are not compliant with my schema from DataSet easily?
val schema = StructType(StructField("col", DataTypes.DoubleType) :: Nil)
val ds ="csv").option("delimiter", "\t").schema(schema).load("f.csv")
I prefer "a" can be filtered from my DataSet easily. Thanks!
If you are reading a CSV file and want to drop the rows that do not match the schema. You can do this by adding the option mode as DROPMALFORMED
Input data
val schema = StructType(Seq(
StructField("key", StringType, false),
StructField("value", DoubleType, false)
Reading a csv file with schema and option as
val df =
.option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED")
.csv("/path to csv file ")
|key |value|
|hello|1.0 |
|hi |2.2 |
|how |3.1 |
|you |4.5 |
You can get more details on spark-csv here
Hope this helps!
.option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED") should do the work.
mode (default PERMISSIVE): allows a mode for dealing with corrupt records during parsing.
PERMISSIVE : sets other fields to null when it meets a corrupted record, and puts the malformed string into a new field configured by columnNameOfCorruptRecord. When
a schema is set by user, it sets null for extra fields.
DROPMALFORMED : ignores the whole corrupted records.
FAILFAST : throws an exception when it meets corrupted records.

Condense several columns read with Spark CSV

I have data like the following in a CSV file:
I want to read it with
I would like to read this into a DataFrame and condense all the columns except the first one into a Seq.
So I would like to obtain something like this from it:
MyCaseClass("YYY", Seq(242,34234,232,322,432))
MyCaseClass("ZZZ", Seq(16,435,363,3453,3434))
I'm not sure how to obtain that.
I tried reading like this, where url is the location of the file:
val rawData =
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
Then, I am mapping it into the values that I want.
The problem is that I get the error:
The header contains a duplicate entry: '1'
So how can I condense all the fields except the first into a Seq using spark-csv?
I can not change the format of the input.
you can do by mapping over row . And also as Pawel's comment duplicate column name is not allowed. So, you can do like :
val dataFrame = yourCSV_DataFrame{row =>
Row(row(0), Seq(row(1), row(2), row(3) ...))

Spark Scala - java.util.NoSuchElementException & Data Cleaning

I have had a similar problem before, but I am looking for a generalizable answer. I am using spark-corenlp to get Sentiment scores on e-mails. Sometimes, sentiment() crashes on some input (maybe it's too long, maybe it had an unexpected character). It does not tell me it crashes on some instances, and just returns the Column sentiment('email). Thus, when I try to show() beyond a certain point or save() my data frame, I get a java.util.NoSuchElementException because sentiment() must have returned nothing at that row.
My initial code is loading the data, and applying sentiment() as shown in spark-corenlp API.
val customSchema = StructType(Array(
StructField("contactId", StringType, true),
StructField("email", StringType, true))
// Load dataframe
val df =
.option("delimiter","\t") // Delimiter is tab
.option("parserLib", "UNIVOCITY") // Parser, which deals better with the email formatting
.schema(customSchema) // Schema of the table
.load("emails") // Input file
val sent ='contactId, sentiment('email).as('sentiment)) // Add sentiment analysis output to dataframe
I tried to filter for null and NaN values:
val sentFiltered = sent.filter('sentiment.isNotNull)
I even tried to do it via SQL query:
val test = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM sent WHERE sentiment IS NOT NULL")
I don't know what input is making the spark-corenlp crash. How can I find out? Else, how can I filter these non existing values from col("sentiment")? Or else, should I try catching the Exception and ignore the row? Is this even possible?